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Wee met at Merchants-Taylors-hall, at dinner,
In Thred-needle street. Rut. Which was a figne Squire


Should have the thredding of his thred. Int. 'Tis true;
I shall love Parrots better, while I know him.

90 Rut. I'd have her statue cut, now in white marble.
Int. And have it painted in most orient colours.
Rut. That's right! all Citie statues must be painted:
Else, they be worth nought i' their subtile Judgements.

Act V. Scene VIII.

Intereft. Bias. Rut. Palate.

Int. My truest friend in Court, deare Mr. Bias;

You heare o' the recovery of our Neice

In fame, and credit? Bia. Yes, I have beene with her, And gratulated to her; but I am fory

5 To find the Author o' the fowle aspersion

Here i' your company, this infolent Doctor.

Int. You doe mistake him: He is cleare got off on't.

A Goflips Jealousie first gave the hint.

He drives another way, now, as I would have him.

10 Hee's a rare man, the Doctor, in his way.


H' has done the noblest cure here, i' the house.

On a poore Squire, my fifters Taylor, Needle

That talk'd in's sleepe; would walke to Saint John's wood,

And Waltham Forreft, fcape by all the ponds,

And pits i' the way; run over two-inch bridges;

With his eyes fast, and i' the dead of night!

Ile ha' you better acquainted with him. Doctor,
Here is my deare, dearest friend in Court,

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Wife, powerfull Mr. Bias; pray you falute
Each other, not as ftrangers, but true friends.

Rut. This is the Gentleman you brought to day,
A Suitor to your Neice? Int. Yes. Rut. You were
Agreed, I heard; the writings drawne betweene you?
Int. And feald. Rut. What broke you off?

This rumour of her?

Was it not Mr. Bias? Bia. Which I find
Now false, and therefore come to make amends


I' the first place. I stand to the old conditions.
Rut. Faith give 'hem him, Sir Moath, what ere they


You have a brave occafion now, to crosse
The flanting Mr. Compa/le, who pretends
Right to the portion, by th' other Intaile.
Int. And claimes it. You doe heare he's married ?
Bia. We heare his wife is run away from him,
Within She is not to be found i' the house,
With all the Hue, and Cry is made for her,

Through every roome; the Larders ha' beene fearch'd,
The Bak-houses, and Boulting-tub. the Ovens,
Wash-house, and Brew-house, nay the very Fornace,
And yet she is not heard of. Int. Be she nere heard of,

The safety of Great Brittaine lyes not on't.

You are content with the ten thousand pound,
Defalking the foure hundred garnish money?

That's the condition here, afore the Doctor,






And your demand, friend Bias. Bia. It is Sir Moath. Enter Palate. Rut. Here comes the Parfon then, shall make all fure. 45

Int. Goe you with my friend Bias, Parfon Palate,

Vnto my Neice; affure them wee are agreed.

Pal. And Mrs. Compasse too, is found within.

44 Enter Palate. G

Int. Where was she hid ? Pal. In an old Botle-house, 50 Where they scrap'd trenchers; there her mother had

thrust her.

Rut. You shall have time, Sir, to triumph on him, When this fine feate is done, and his Rud-Ironfide.

Act V. Scene IX.

Compalle. Pleafance. Lady. Ironfide. Practife.
Polish. Chaire. Keepe. &c.

Com. Was ever any Gentlewoman us'd
So barbarously by a malitious Gossip,
Pretending to be Mother to her too?

Pol. Pretending! Sir, I am her Mother, and chal


5 A right, and power for what I have done. Com. Out,


Thou that hast put all nature off, and woman :
For fordid gaine, betray'd the trust committed

Vnto thee by the dead, as from the living:

Chang'd the poore innocent Infants in their Cradles : 10 Defrauded them o' their parents, chang'd their names, Calling Placentia, Pleafance; Pleafance, Placentia.

Pol. How knowes he this? Com. Abus'd the neighbour-hood;

But most this Lady. Did'ft enforce an oath,

To this poore woman, on a pious booke,

15 To keepe close thy impiety. Pol. Ha' you told this? Kee. I told it? no, he knowes it, and much more, As he's a cunning man. Pol. A cunning foole,

52 [Exeunt. G

and Keep. G

Act... &c.] Scene VI. Another Room in

the Same. Enter Compass, lady Loadstone, Practice, Polish, Chair,

12 this? [Aside. G 15 [Aside to the Nurse. G

If that be all. Com. But now to your true daughter,
That had the Child, and is the proper Pleasance,
Wee must have an account of that too, Goffip;

Pol. This's like all the rest of Mr. Compa/le.

[blocks in formation]



Enter to them running, Rut.

Helpe, helpe for Charity; Sir Moath Interest
Is falne into the Well. Lad. Where? where? Rut.

I' the Garden.

A rope to fave his life. Com. How came he there?

Rut. He thought to take possession of a fortune,
There newly drop't him, and the old Chaine broke,
And downe fell hee i' the Bucket. Com. Is it deepe?
Rut. We cannot tell. A rope: helpe with a rope.
Sil. He is got out againe. The Knight is fav'd.
Iro. A little fows'd i' the water: Needle fav'd him.
Ite. The water fav'd him, 'twas a faire escape.
Nee. Ha' you no hurt? Int. A little wet. Nee.

That's nothing.

Rut. I wifh'd you stay Sir till to morrow: And told


It was no lucky houre: fince fixe a Clock

All starres were retrograde. Lad. I' the name
Of fate, or folly how came you i' the Bucket?
Int. That is a Quere of another time, sister,
The Doctor will refolve you-who hath done
The admirable'ft cure upon your Needle!

Gi' me thy hand good Needle: thou cam'st timely.

7 Enter sir Diapha

Act... Rut.] Enter Rut running. G nous Silkworm, Ironside, Item, and Needle, leading in sir Moth Interest. G

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Bias. Placentia.


20 Take off my hood and coat. And let me shake
My felfe a little. I have a world of busines.
Where is my Nephew Bias? and his wife?

Who bids God gi'hem joy? Here they both stand
As fure affianced, as the Parfon, or words

25 Can tie 'hem. Rut. Wee all wish 'hem joy, and happi-


I saw the Contract, and can witnesse it.

Int. He shall receive ten thousand pounds to morrow.
You look'd for't, Compa/le, or a greater summe,
But 'tis difpo'sd of, this, another way.

3o I have but one Neice, verely Compasse.


Com. Ile find another. Varlet, doe your office.
Var. I doe arrest your body, Sir Moath Interest,
In the Kings name: At suite of Mr. Compa/je,
And Dame Placentia his wife.

The Action's entred,

35 Five hundred thousand pound. Int. Heare you this,


And hath your house the eares, to heare it too?

And to refound the affront? Lad. I cannot stop

The Lawes, or hinder Juftice. I can be

Your Baile, if't may be taken. Com. With the Cap


40 I aske no better. Rut. Here are better men,

Will give their Baile. Com. But yours will not be taken,
Worshipfull Doctor; you are good security

For a fuit of clothes, to th' Taylor, that dares trust you :
But not for such a summe, as is this Action.

45 Varlet, You know my mind. Var. You must to prison,


Vnlesse you can find Baile the Creditor likes.

Int. I would faine find it, if you'd shew me where.

22 Enter Bias and Placentia. G

30 verely Compajle.

verily [master] Compass. G 30 Enter a Serjeant. G

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