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By the same Author,

Second Edition, greatly enlarged, price 3s. 6d.,



Designed for the use of Schools.


"A little book, comprising a very large quantity of information, arranged to advantage, and imparted with precision. A more decided advance upon the ordinary character of even excellent elementary works, has not recently occurred to us. This advance is indicated, not only by the really scientific nature of the instruction given by Mr. Hughes, but by the equally scientific mode in which it is afforded. The instructor is not learning, bit by bit, like a pupil, but having acquired a mastery of the complete subject-at least for every ordinary purpose is enabled to display it in its proportions as well as in its minuteness. The book is, in little (but not on that account in indistinctness), a concentration of a score of the invaluable volumes upon Physical Geography which have of late years been enriching our better libraries, but to which the average class of readers can with difficulty attain. The neatly drawn and carefully coloured Maps, by Mr. William Hughes, are exceedingly meritorious. It would be injustice to speak of this work as a mere schoolbook, modest as are its pretensions. It is a capital little hand-book."-Morning Chronicle.

"This is a work we can cordially recommend. It draws from us the best praise in our power to bestow; namely, that it answers the design of the author. It cannot fail to work well in school use. Simple and comprehensive in arrangement, written in a style neither difficult nor easy, full of information, at once fascinating and useful, enlivened here and there with judicious and beautiful reflections that speak to the heart, we are persuaded that it will become a great favourite among school boys; whose good fortune we almost envy, in possessing books ao much superior to those used in our school-days."-Educational Times.

"Decidedly the best book for schools on the subject of Physical Geography, is, in our opinion, that by Mr. Edward Hughes. The interesting and useful informa tion which it contains, the just and well-expressed sentiments with which it is interspersed, and the judicious arrangement of the whole subject, entitle his Outlines of Physical Geography to far more extensive patronage than that of the scholastic profession. As a teacher of Geography, Mr. Hughes is acknowledged to be most successful; and his Outlines, in the hands of any judicious instructor, will, we apprehend, contribute greatly to the attainment of similar success. The Maps compiled by Mr. William Hughes are what the reputation of that eminent geographer would argue, and form a valuable feature of the book."-English Journal of Education.

"This little work which, though small in compass, comprises the evident result of much pains-taking and really erudite labour, may be described without exaggeration, as a thoroughly useful class-book for schools. Mr. Hughes's turn of mind, and the direction of his studies, are of the kind which, combined with excellent judgment in condensation and classification, qualify him to be of eminent service in bringing this about. We recommend the book before us to intelligent heads of schools, and to the many thousands who, after years of unprofitable drudgery, have still to make acquaintance with the very rudiments of geography proper."-Weekly


"We do not hesitate to pronounce at once this book to be the most useful school geography we have."-Atlas.

"We make an exception to our usual very necessary rule of not noticing schoolbooks in favour of this little Manual, inasmuch as it is the first attempt we have seen to bring the results of the recently developed science of Physical Geography within the reach and capacities of the young. Such books as this is destined at no distant date to supersede the old class-books of geography with their dry dull lists of proper names, unrelieved by any iota of information of a higher or better kind than such catalogues of hard words supply. This praiseworthy endeavour to raise the science of Geography out of the region of a dull technicality in which it has so long languished, will gain valuable assistance in such little books as this now before us; and a generation instructed in Geography by such books and on such enlightened principles, will grow up not only with a fuller and a higher knowledge of the physical economy and external characteristics of the globe, but with elevated ideas of the wisdom and power of its great Creator.

"Mr. Hughes's little book is a carefully compiled, well arranged, and comprehensive introduction to the science of which it treats. Its statements are made in clear and simple language, and the neat and distinct little maps that illustrate it are valuable assistants to the accurate and complete comprehension of its contents. By the aid of this little hand-book children of a larger growth,' whose knowledge has not kept pace with the advances of the time, may profitably and readily acquire a vast deal of interesting and useful information."-Scotsman.

"All its information is truly knowledge,' and the individual who masters and remembers the contents of this single volume, will have a very general acquaintance with the great features of the globe we inhabit."-Literary Gazette, February 16.

"The Outlines' before us is designed for the use of schools, and is a clear, wellarranged description of the inorganic matter of the globe, and the distribution of organized beings-a systematic account of the physical condition of the earth."Morning Post.

"This is the first attempt to provide instruction in Physical Geography, for the use of schools, and it is a successful one. It is, in fact, a description of the earth in its relationship to the animal and vegetable life upon it. It traces the connexion between the locality and the inhabitants, and shows how soils and climates modify the forms of animal and vegetable life, and traces the laws which determine the phenomena of geography. The volume before us teaches geography in this rational and really useful manner. We may with confidence recommend this work to every school as a new and valuable assistant in the teaching of science, as it is only useful, in its application to nature."-Critic.

"We have not hitherto seen any school-hook devoted solely to the subject of l'hysical Geography; and intelligent teachers have been left very much to their own reading to supply the deficiency. Mr. Hughes's Outlines' will be found to deserve the attention of teachers, as embracing in a compact and distinctly arranged manner the kind of information which they would desire to accompany the usual topographical descriptions of their geography classes. Both teachers and scholars will find it advantageous to have a book like this in their hands."-The Scottish Guardian.

"The publication of works of this class affords conclusive evidence of the great advance that is being made in the character of education. Considering the vast amount of information embodied in these Outlines,' and the able and judicious manner in which it is presented, we regard the volume as one of the most important contributions to the educational literature of the day."-Eastern Counties Herald.

"A better volume for the use of schools or the private seminary we could not desire; it abounds with information of a valuable and by no means of a common character."-Reading Mercury, and Oxford Gazette.


"The Outlines of Physical Geography took us by surprise; we did not expect to see so much truly valuable matter compressed in so small a compass. The world, its land and waters, are before us; the features of the earth, the division and movement of the waters of the globe; the principal phenomena of meteorology; the geographical limits of the cultivation and growth of plants; the limits and range of the animal kingdom; the distribution of man according to races; the industry, produce, commerce, and navigation of nations are here explained and rendered familiar. Truly this is a valuable book, and it must form a new and important feature in the science of teaching."-Nautical Standard.

"This of its class is a work of the highest order, and may be considered a great addition to the best description of school-books. From the first page to the last it bears the stamp of competent hands, and cannot fail to give satisfaction wherever it is introduced. Its presents its manifold and captivating subjects in new combinations of scientific knowledge. To say this is to say much-everything. The idea is magnificent, worthy of the clear and powerful mind in which it arose. To make such a statement is, in the highest terms possible to recommend the volume. The Maps are a great addition to its sterling value."-Christian Witness.

"The work is drawn up in such a way as to make it suitable as a reading-book, as well as useful as a system of Geography, and we trust that ere long it will find a place in many of our schools."-Aberdeen Journal.

"The information which this volume conveys is at once rational, copious, intelligibly arranged, and attractive to the learner; all of which merits, but in an especial degree the last-named, recommend it to teachers as in every way superior to any class-book of its kind at present in use. The real geography of the various countries is here presented in such points of view as must indelibly fix upon the mind the entire character-physical, social, and political-of each. The work is illustrated by a series of admirably coloured maps, which add greatly to its value." -Belfast Journal.

Also, by the same Author,




"The standard of educational works is now so high, and masterly hand-books have so completely extinguished schoolmasterly ones, that there is usually but one test which is necessary to apply to a book intended for the student deprived of oral teaching. Is it philosophical? Does the book do a teacher's work? Does it require anything of the student but what it has previously prepared him to accomplish? Does it take for granted that he is acquainted with the precise meaning of technicalities, or does it insist on his understanding the exact value of a term which he is to use in a new process? If it be proved that these questions are satisfactorily answered, it is gratifying to us to recommend the book. We have never found them more satisfactorily answered than upon examination of Mr, Hughes's little work."-Morning Chronicle.

"A well-planned and digested elementary work on Arithmetic, calculated to convey to youthful minds a proper knowledge of the principles and practice of that science."-Morning Herald.

"Mr. Hughes has written a clever little book, with more incentive to thought than most works of the kind, very clear, and in a convenient size. His 'Exercises' show much judgment."- Atlas.

"The author states, that the plan of the work was 'adopted from a persuasion that arithmetic, when taught by rules, fails to awaken and bring into play, the reasoning powers of children.' He starts well with notation, and clears up the mystery of unit and cipher in a manner that will be welcome to children, and refreshing to most teachers. The book proceeds as promisingly as it opens, and conducts the pupil through Proportion. A second part is to follow, which we trust will be as creditable to the zeal and ingenuity of the writer as the part before us."-Educational Times.

"This useful and excellent little work supplies the clearest explanation of every step in arithmetic as the learner proceeds, together with well-arranged practical examples, framed upon the usual occurrences of life, of the workings of the general rules."-Morning Post.

"There is nothing more difficult than to explain arithmetic by words. Even when the rule is learned, and young persons can cipher well, it rarely happens that they know the reason why the process produces the result. These Mr. Hughes has endeavoured to teach, and more successfully than any former attempt we have ever seen. He further improves upon the old methods of teaching, by giving practical examples, and such as are likely to occur in life, and thus to make the sums interesting in themselves. We have been very much pleased with this new school-book."-Critic.

"Mr. Hughes tells us, that his intention in composing this treatise, is to furnish children with elements of arithmetic; the questions being framed upon the ordinary wants and requirements of daily life,' as better calculated to exercise the ingenuity and intelligence of children, than calculations based solely upon mercantile transactions.' The idea is a good one. Clearness and simplicity in exemplification, are of signal importance where very young people are in question; and the examples here given are as simple as could be wished. Mr. Hughes also intermingles examples deduced from dealings that may take place in the general course of trade. There is a juste milieu in this matter of adapting books of instruction for the young, and we are glad that Mr. Hughes does not lose sight of it."-Weekly Chronicle.

"There are two good features in this little book: the sums set are on questions with which children are familiar, and the principles of the different formulæ are explained in the simplest way, Mr. Hughes professes to discard rules: and so he does literally, but the pupil teaches himself the spirit of the rule."-Spectator.

"The book on Arithmetic is constructed on a simple method, suited for beginners, and is manifestly the production of one who appreciates the difficulties which the youthful mind experiences at the outset of the study, and is anxious as far as possible to diminish them. His plan is to teach by examples, without, in the first instance, laying down abstract rules. The rationale of each process is explained in a simple manner, and the examples are not only well contrived for illustration, but for awakening and interesting the mind. They relate to familiar subjects, many of them are ingenious and striking. We have not often met with such a sensible school-book."-The Scottish Guardian.

"The 'Explanatory Arithmetic,' besides exhibiting the methods employed in conveying to young persons a knowledge of the first principles of arithmetic, contains numerous carefully constructed examples for the use of elementary and other schools."-Bristol Mirror.

"Mr. Hughes, the able teacher, of Greenwich Hospital, gives us a Manual of Explanatory Arithmetic, which is as simple aud clear as elementary instruction could desire."-Literary Gazette.

"An elaborate help for elementary instruction in arithmetic."—John Bull.

"This is indeed Arithmetic made easy.' The explanations are clear and simple; the examples copious, well arranged, and framed upon objects and occurrences in which children are likely to feel an interest."-Eastern Counties Herald.

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