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81 Woodward Avenue, Detroit.

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Orders will receive prompt and efficient attention.



Manufacturing Pharmacists.

Please mention The Physician and Surgeon when writing to our Advertisers.

FARRAND, WILLIAMS & CO.'S Medicinal Fluid Extracts.


The physician and dispenser will invariably find our Extracts UNIFORM, and of FULL STANDARD STRENGTH, viz.: Each cubic centimeter of Fluid Extract representing the soluble const tuents of one gram of drug, of the best quality obtainable. This standard is invariably adhered to by us, unless otherwise specified by proper authority. We exercise the MOST SCRUPULOUS CARE in every detail of manut facture, and in the SELECTION OF THE MATERIALS USED, purchasing only fresh drugs, of proper collection. and preservation, and grinding same ourselves; so that it is impossible for any drug of an inferior qualiy to be used in their manufacture.


OUR PROCESS.-The crude drug is placed in our SPECIALLY DEVISED percolators, seen in the draw ing above, from which, by means of a powerful STEAM AIR PUMP, seen at the left hand of above drawing, the air is almost entirely exhausted; facilitating to a remarkable degree the action of the menstrua. which is now syphoned into the apparatus. Maceration IN VACUO now commences. and is allowed to continue the length of time that experiene has demonstrated as necessary to secure the best results from the drug being acted upon. As the cellular tissue of the drug is almost entirely exhausted of air, it will be apparent to any one, that the active principles which are mostly contain d therein can be reached by, and dissolved to the very best advantage by the menstrua; which is always carefully adapted to the nature of each par ticular drug.

After proper maceration, percolation commences; which is assisted by powerful air pressure, until the requis te amount of percolate is produced; using more menstrua of the IDENTICAL ORIGINAL STRENGTH, to attain this result.

It will be seen from this description of our process, that our Extracts are manufactured ENTIRELY WITHOUT THE AID OF HEAT, AND IN VACUO; the result being in the finished pro uct an article which per fectly represents the FULL MEDICINAL ACTIVITY, ODOR. TASTE AND COLOR OF THE PRIME DRUG USED.

We manufacture a full line of Medicinal Elixirs, Wines, Syrups. Emulsions and Pharmaceutical Products of all kinds in the manufacture of which none but the choicest materials are used, and as they are compounded with the utmost care and skill, we obtain in the finished product, an article unsurpassed in ELEGANCE OF APPEARANCE, STRENGTH AND PURITY We make it a rule. however, never to sacri fice full therapeutic value for elegance in appearance or fine flavor, and our preparations will invariably contain all they purport on the label. Send for 100 page price-list of our preparations.


Manufacturers of Frangulaxine and Doverinæ, Wholesale Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists. DETROIT, MICHIGAN.

Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON when writing to our Advertisers.

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WE ask the attention of Physicians to the annexed list of recent additions of Compressed Tablets, as we think all of them are well deserving the careful attention of practitioners. We would be pleased to send to any physician, circular matter, compiled with great care and accuracy, giving therapeutic value and results in a concise form, that we are confident will be of interest, and possibly, of advantage to medical men who have not yet had access to the foreign and home authorities, from which we have culled the information we give:

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7-7 Hydrarg, Chlor. Corros., 7-3 Ammonium Chloride.

More than six months since, we sent a circular to the drug trade, stating that we had discontinued the manufacture of the Antiseptic Tablets, introduced by us several years since at the suggestion of Dr. Charles Meigs Wilson, of this city. We have, however, received so many letters from physicians urging us to resume the manufacture, insisting that the Tablets prepared by us dissolved more readily and were more satisfactory than any substitute they had been able to procure, that we feel we could not ignore such persistent demands from our medical friends, who bave found our Tablets an absolutely necessity. We have, therefore, concluded to again prepared them, in a building entirely separate from our main establishment with appliances and admirably devised protection by means of improved respirators that will completety overcome any harmful effects to those engaged in their manufacture.

Druggists and physicians will be glad to learn that the Tablets as now prepared are perfectly white and free from the coloring matter that we formerly added. This was done to lessen the danger of their being taken, or used in mistake; to guard against any such possibility, each Tablet as now made, has the word "POISON " stamped upon it.




Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON when writing to our Advertisers.


is a skillfully prepared combination of Meat-converting, Fat- converting and Starch-converting Materials, acidified with the omall proportion

of Acids always present in the healthy stomach. It is a most valuable digesting agent, and SUPERIOR TO PEPSIN ALONE."-Prof. ATTFIELD, Ph. D., F.R.S., &c., Prof. of Practical Chemistry to Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain.

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The most important Remedial Agent ever presented to the Profession FOR DYSPEPSIA, VOMITING IN PREGNANCY,

Cholera Infantum, Constipation,



We desire to direct special attention to the great value of LACTOPEPTINE in Cholera Infantum, and other intestinal troubles incident to the heated term. Send address for our Medical Almanac, containing valuable information.

P. O. Box 1574.

New York.

Please mention THE PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON when writing to our Advertisers.

of all those ailments, in which

deficient digestion is the direct or indirect cause of pathological conditions.

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