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CONTAINS THE ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS of the Animal Organization, Potash and Lime; THE OXIDIZING AGENTS-Iron and Manganese;

THE TONICS-Quinine and Strichnine;

AND THE VITALIZING CONSTITUENT-Phorshorus; the whole combined in the form of a Syrup, with a SLIGHTLY ALKALINE REACTION.

IT DIFFERS IN ITS EFFECTS FROM ALL ANALOGOUS PREPARATIONS; and it possesses the important properties of being pleasant to the taste, easily borne by the stomach, and harmless under prolonged use.

IT HAS GAINED A WIDE REPUTATION, particularly in the treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Chronic Bronchitis, and other affections of the respiratory organs. It has also been employed with much success in various nervous and debilititating diseases.

ITS CURATIVE POWER is largely attributable to its stimulant, tonic and nutritive properties, by means of which the energy of the system is recruited. ITS ACTION IS PROMPT; it stimulates the appetite and the digestion, it promotes assimilation, and it enters directly into the circulation with the food products. The prescribed dose produces a feeling of buoyancy, and removes depression and melancholy; hence the preparation is of great value in the treatment of mental and nervous affections. From the fact, also, that it exerts a double tonic influence, and induces a healthy flow of the secretions, its use is indicated in a wide range of diseases.


The success of Fellows' Syrup of Hypophosphites has tempted certain persons to offer imitations of it for sale Mr. Fellows, who has examined samples of several of these, finds that no two of them are identical, and that all of them differ from the original in composition, in freedom from acid reaction, in susceptibility to the effects of oxygen when exposed to light or heat, in the property of retaining the strychnine in solution, and in the medicinal effects.

As these cheap and inefficient substitutes are frequently dispensed instead of the genuine preparation, physicians are earnestly requested, when prescribing the Syrup, to write "Syr. Hhpophos. Fellows."

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As a further precaution, it is advisible that the Syrup should be ordered in the original bottles; the distingishing marks which the bottles (and the wrappers surrounding them) bear, can then be examined, and the genuineness-or otherwise of the contents thereby proved.

Medical Letters may be addressed to

MR. FELLOWS, 48 Vesey Street, New York.


of Himaboloids therapy is the supplying of nature's iron and phosphorus to Nature's vital fluid in the form prescribed by Nature's laws. Himaboloids

contains the natural food-iron as it exists in organic combination with the nucleo-albumins of the vegetable food-stuffs, and is, there fore, a rational blood enricher, Saniples upon request. The Palisade Mify Co., You'lers Wy.

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