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F. King Some one has said that "Iron and Manganese are like man and wife in physiological chemistry." Both Iron and Manganese are essential and constantly associated constituents of the blood.

Both are oxygen and hæmoglobin carriers.

When combined in an organic, neutral and immediately absorbable form as in

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To assure proper filling of prescriptions, order Pepto-Mangan
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100 WARREN ST., (Tarrant Building,) NEW YORK.

Colden's LIQUID



of the Medical Profession is directed to this remarkable Curative Preparation, as it has been endorsed by THOUSANDS OF THE LEADING PHYSICIANS OF THE UNITED STATES, who are using it in their daily practice.

COLDEN'S LIQUID BEEF TONIC is invaluable in all forms of Wasting Diseases and in cases of convalescence from severe illness. It can also be depended upon with positive certainty of success for the cure of Nervous Weakness, Malarial Fever, Incipient Consumption, General Debility, etc.


Is a reliable Food Medicine; rapidly finds its way into the circulation; arrests Decomposition of the Vital Tissues, and is agreeable to the most delicate stomach. To the physician, it is of incalculable value, as it gives the patient assurance of return to perfect health. Sold by Druggists generally.

The CHARLES N. CRITTENTON CO., General Agents, Nos. 115 and 117 Fulton Street, NEW YORK.

vol. preserved) HO

HYDROZONE (30, solution



(C. P. Glycerine combined with Ozone.}


Send for free 300-page book "Rational Treatment of Diseases caused by Germs," containing reprints of 140 scientific articles by leading contributors to medical literature. Physicians remitting 50 cents will receive one complimentary sample of each, “Hydrozone” and "Glycozone."

Hydrozone is put up only in extra small, small, medium and large size bottles bearing s red label, white letters, gold and blue border with my signature.

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Charles Marchand

Chemist and Graduate of the Ecole Centrale des
Arts et Manufactures de Paris" (France)

57-59 Prince St., New York.

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Publisber's Department

THE USE OF HYDROZONE AND GLYCOZONE IN GASTRIC AND INTESTINAL DISTURBANCES-By W. H. Vail, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Medical Examiner for Fraternal Mystic College, Philadelphia, Pa. Assistant Editor St. Louis Hospital Bulletin. Visiting Surgeon to Mayfield Sanitarium. House Physician for Wm. Barr Dry Goods Co.

I have, for a long time, been rather enthusiastic over the value of Hydrozone and Glycozone in treating diseases, and can attribute much valuable assistance and extraordinary results from their use in the last few years. The medical profession, in fact, has never gained such remarkable results from the employment of any production as it has from the use of these preparations, and my recent effects have almost, in a measure, surpassed them all. I will give a brief report of one remarkable case. I could mention several others, but a physician's time is valuable, and often he has not the moment to spend in perusing a legion of cases, so I select this one, it being the severest of all, to demonstrate the potency of Hydrozone and Glycozone:

I was called to treat a young man, suffering from a severe gastroenteritis. I found him in a most serious condition, having been delirious for three days. His temperature was sub-normal, 97.6, pulse 60, respiration 16. He was greatly emaciated, atonic, had inappetence, a severe agonizing pain in the stomach and intestines, at times so severe that he would sit on the edge of the bed and groan, oftentimes, yell. These attacks were always of a similar nature and occurred regularly. He was unable to take either solid or liquid food, even in small quantities without causing a return of the pain, a teaspoonful of milk being sufficient to produce it. His condition was pitiable. His cheeks were hollow, eyes congested, skin pale and sallow and his whole appearance showed the presence of intense pain.

I was called at the end of the third week of his illness. The former physician had employed opiates in large doses with most worthless results, also many other drugs with not a sign of improvement, he growing seriously worse. I determined that Hydrozone and Glycozone were the remedies indicated, and were the only ones that would be of value here, therefore, I gave him, at once, one-half glass of a mixture of one-half ounce of Hydrozone with a little honey to one quart of water. He was somewhat disturbed for a while after the portion, but was soon relieved. The distress, I presume was due to the advanced stage of the inflammation. I continued to administer this for some time, with only a slight improvement, but after several doses had been taken, the relief was very decided. After this nourishment, I gave one teaspoonful of Glycozone in a wine glass of water. After a few doses of this, he was much easier and, at midnight, fell asleep and slept all night not awakening until morning, the first sleep that he had had in five days. I had previously discarded all other remedies, of which there was a large number, as one after another was given with no benefit. All of the acute symptoms disappeared in a few days, at which time, he felt very much better, and he continued to improve without having a recurrence of any of his old severe symptoms. Before this, I had increased both the nature and the quantity of his food which he relished greatly. I continued the Hydrozone and Glycozone for a month after, to entirely reduce the inflamed condition of the mucous membrane of the gastro-intestinal tract. These two remedies have afforded me most excellent issues many times in the treatment of gastric intestinal disorders.

All gastric and intestinal disturbances are caused by the lining of the


stomach becoming inflamed, and in order to allay this inflammation, it must first be treated with antiseptics then with medicaments that both heal and stimulate the mucous membrane that has become diseased. The most common cause for this state of inflammation is a greatly diminished quantity of gastric juices necessary for digestion, consequently, the food partaken of, instead of being assimilated, ferments, in other words, the peptic glands whose function it is to secret the gastric juice, do not perform their function properly. These must be restored to their normal state at once, which is accomplished by remedies that exert a stimulating effect upon them, and at the same time, are non-toxic, else the trouble will only be aggravated. Hydrozone and Glycozone are the two remedies par excellence for these two purposes, and the success that I have obtained from the employment of them during the past few years will lead me to always use them in these disorders.

Hydrozone causes destruction to microbes, has no deleterious action upon animal cells, possesses no toxic qualities, exerts no corrosive effect upon healthy mucous membranes when used in diseases caused by germs, is a pus destroyer and a stimulant to granulating tissues. Hydrozone is destructive itself to the skin or mucous membrane that has become diseased, and leaves the subcutaneous tissues in a perfectly healthy state.

Glycozone while not so rapid in its action as Hydrozone is, nevertheless, just as sure a stimulant, and in all gastric and intestinal disorders, exerts a potent and uninjurious effect upon the diseased mucous membrane of the stomach, healing it to a nicety. It is an effective oxidizing agent, has an agreeable, sweet and, at the same time, slightly acid taste resembling lemonade. Its use produces no deleterious action on the heart, liver or kidneys.

The beneficial results which Hydrozone and Glycozone have afforded me in the treatment of this class of disorders have caused me to discard all the other methods of treatment by drugs that exert an ephemeral influence but do not jugulate the offending condition. What is needed in these diseases is an antiseptic that will destroy all pathogenic germs, and at the same time stimulate the walls of the stomach. Hydrozone kills the bacteria, dissolves the mucous and prepares the stomach to better digest the food, in short it deterges the stomach, hence in it we have an efficient antiseptic; Glycozone removes the mucus from the walls of the stomach, stimulates and heals. I have discovered these two preparations to be ideal ones in treating this very common and distressing disorder.-Medical Mirror for December, 1899. St. Louis, Mo.

FIRE AND EXPLOSION.-On Monday, October 29th, the house of Messrs. M. J. Breitenbach Co., sole agents of the United States and Canada, for the well-known therapeutic agent, GUDE'S PEPTO-MANGAN, suffered severely from an explosion and fire. As a sample of their enterprise we print the following letter just received:

"NEW YORK, November 2, 1900. GENTLEMEN:-Our building was totally destroyed by fire last Monday afternoon, and we are at a loss to know if our contract has or is about expired. Continue along our advertisement. With true American spirit we will be on our feet in about ten days. The market is supplied with GUDE'S PEPTO-MANGAN. In that respect there will be no interference with business. Respectfully yours, M. J. BREITENBACH Co."

MARTIN H. SMITH Co., 68 Murray St., New York.

Dear Sir:-Permit me to thank you deeply for the courtesy shown to me. The Ergoapiol (Smith) worked like a charm, and I am more than pleased with it. There was not the slightest pain accompanying the last menstrual



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