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Doctor, Subscribe for


Weekly Medical Review



Weekly Medical Review

FIRST: It is pre-eminently a practical journal for practitioners.

SECOND: It is the live Weekly Medical Journal of the West.

THIRD: It gives in brief the medical news from all parts of the world.

FOURTH: It contains more editorial matter than any other medical journal.
FIFTH: It is a fearless advocate of the proper representation of the profession in the


SIXTH: It will permit no personal articles to appear, believing a medical journal should be produced for the benefit of the medical profession at large, and not for that of individuals.

SEVENTH: It is the cheapest Weekly Medical Journal published.

EIGHTH: It is a general medical journal, as will be seen from the list of editors, each having a special department.



It is published in the interest solely for medicine and for the upholding of the elevated position occupied by the profession in the United States, especially in the West.

It contains in every issue a "Report on Progress," presenting a complete review of the progress made in some one of the branches of medicine The great advantages of these reports to the practitioner are obvious.

Our present large list of subscribers which is rapidly increasing, also our list of contributors from all parts of the world, as well as the character of our advertisements, all testify as to the high order of this journal.

NOTICE-Commendations on other side of the leaf; also blank, which please sign and


Very truly,


914 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo.


Press Notices of the Review.

for the influence wielded by it, it is doubtful if the late meeting of the American Medical Association would have been so successful as it was.-New England Medical Monthly.

ONE OF THE BEST MEDICAL JOURNALS IN AMERICA.—to-day it stands a power in the West. If it had not been The enterprise of the WEEKLY MEDICAL REVIEW cannot be too highly admired or commended. The gentlemen who compose its editorial staff have evidently determined to place it in the foremost rank of American medical journalism, and to make it indispensable to every practitioner of medicine in the Southern and Western states.Medical Bulletin.

MOST PRACTICAL-It is the most practical journal which I have ever read.-Dr. John V. Shoemaker, Editor Medical Register.

The WEEKLY MEDICAL REVIEW is the spriteliest, wittiest, most vigorous journal published.-F. E. Daniel Daniel's Medical Journal.

FIRST PLACE-If the WEEKLY MEDICAL REVIEW continues to improve as it has done during the past few months, it will justly be entitled to the first place among the weekly medical journals, New York publications not excepted.―The People's Health Journal

One of the brightest and most interesting medical journals I have ever seen.-Walter Wyman, M.D., U. S. Marine Hospital Service.

A POWER IN THE WEST.-Under the management of the Medical Press Association the MEDICAL REVIEW has made rapid strides of improvement. The terse, brilliant and spicy editorials have done so much to improve it that


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J. H. Chambers & Co.,

914 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo.

Please enter my name as a subscriber to the WEEKLY MEDICAL REVIEW for one year (and until ordered discontinued), for which I will pay $3.50 per year within 3 months from date.

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Bone-Calcium Phospnates Ca, 2P. O., Sodium Phosphate Na, H. P. O., Ferrous Phosphate Fe, 2 P. 0.4 Trihy drogen Phosphate, H. P. O.4.

Wheeler's Compound Elixir of Phosphate and Calisaya. A Nerve Food and Nutritive Tonic, for the Treatment of Consumption, Bronchitis, Scrofula and all forms of Nervous Debility. The Lactophosphates prepared from the formula of Prof. Dusart, of the University of Paris, combines with a su perior Permatin Sherry Wine and Aromatics in an agreeable cordial easily assimilable and acceptable to the most irritable stomachs.

Medium medicinal doses of Phosphorus, the oxidizing element of the Nerve centers for the Generation of Nerve Force. Lime Phosphate, an agent of cell Development and Nutrition; Soda Phosphate, an excitant of functional activity of Liver and Pancreas, and Corrective of Acid Fermentation in the Alimentary canal; Iron, the Oxidizing con stituent, of the blood for the generation of Heat and Motion; Phosphoric Acid, Tonic in Sexual Debility; Alkaloide of Calisaya, Anti-malari and Febrifuge; Extract of Wild Cherry, uniting with tonic power the property of calming irritation and diminishing Nervous Excitement.

The Superiority of the Elixir consists in uniting with the Phosphates the special properties of the cinchona and prunus, of subduing fever and allaying irritation of the mucous membrane of the alimentary canal, which adapts it to the successful treatment of stomach derangements and all diseases of faulty nutrition, the outcome of indigestion, malassimilation of food, and failure of supply of these essential elements of nerve force and tissue repair.

The special indication of this combination of Phosphates in spinal affections, caries, necrosis, ununited fractures marasmus, poorly developed children, retarded dentition, alcohol, opium and tobacco habits, gestation and lactation to promote development, etc., and as a physiological restorative in sexual debility and all used-up conditions of the nervous system should receive the careful attention of good therapeutists.

There is no strychnia in this preparation, but when indicated, the liqour strychniae of the U.S. Dispensatory may be added, each fluid drachm of the solution to a pound of the Elixir making the 64th of a grain to a half fluid ounce, an ordinary dose, a combination of a wide range of usefulness.

DOSE-For an adult- one tablespoonful three times a day, after eating: from seven to twelve years of age, one dessertspoonful; from two to seven, one teaspoonful; for infants, from five to twenty drops, according to age.

Prepared at the Chemical Laboratory of T. B. WHEELER, M.D., Montreal, D.C
Put up in pound bottles and sold by all Druggists, at One Dollar.





No Instrument has ever been placed be-
fore the Medical Profession which
has given such Universal

Every indication of Uterine Displacements is met by this combination; Prolapsus, Anteversion and Retroversion are evercome by this instrument, when others fail. Union of External and Internal Support-The abdomen is held up by the broad morocco leather belt with concave front and elastic straps to buckle around the hips. The Uterine Support is a cup and stem made of highly polished hard rubber, very light and durable, shaped to fit the neck of the womb, with openings for the secretions to pass out, as shown by the cuts.

Adaptability to Varying Positions of the Body.-The cup and stem are suspended from the belt by two soft elastic Rubber Tubes, which are fastened to the front of the belt by simple loops, pass down and through the stem of the cup and up to the back of the belt.

Belf Adjusting-The Physician after applying it need have no fear that he will be called in haste to remove or readjust it (as is often the case with rings and various pessaries held in position by pressure against the vaginal wall), as the patient can remove it at will, and replace it without assistance.

It can be worn at all times, will not interfere with Nature's necessities, will not corrode, and is lighter than metal It will answer for all cases of Anteversion, Retroversion, or any Flexion of the womb, and is used by the leading Physi clans with unfailing success, even in the most difficult cases.

OUR REDUCED PRICES ARE, TO PHYSICIANS, $5.00. Instruments sent by mail at our risk; on receipt of price; or we can send by express, C. O. D. CAUTION.

Worthless imitations are often substituted for our instruments, to the detriment of the patient and the disappelas ment of the physician. To protect our patrons from imposture, we stamp each pad of the Abdominal belt in gilt ler bars, "Dr. McIntosh N. U. Supporter, Chicago, Ill.;" the base of each cup is stamped "Dr. McIntosh N. U.S. Co., Chicago, Ill., U. S. A."

The box in which the instrument is put up contains directions for the application of the instrument pasted inside the cover, having the fac simile signature of Dr. L. D. McIntosh. For further information in regard to the instrument, address



Our valuable pamphlet, "Some Practical Facts about Displacements of the Womb, "will be sent free on application.
See advertisement of the McIntosh Galvanic and Faradic Battery Co. in this space next week.
In writing please mention this Journal


Jno. B. Johnson, M.D., Professor of the Principles nd Practice of Medicine, St. Louis Medical College.

ST. LOUIS, June 20, 1888.

I very cheerfully give my testimony to the irtues of a combination of vegetable reme. ies prepared by a well-known and able pharaceutist of this city and known as "Dioviurnia," the component parts of which are well known to any and all physician who deire to know the same, and therefore have no elation to proprietary or quack remedies. I ave employed this medicine in cases of dysenorhea, suppression of the catamania, and n excessive leucorrhea, and have been much leased with its use. I do not think its claims as set forth in the circular accompanying it) be at all excessive. I recommend its trail o all who are willing to trust to its efficacy, elieving it will give satisfaction.

[merged small][ocr errors]

L. Ch. Boislinère, M.D., Professor Obstetrics, St.Louis Medical College.

ST. LOUIS, June 18, 1888.

I have given the "Dioviburnia” a fair trial and found it useful as an uterine tonic and antispasmodic, relieving the pains of dysmenorrhea and regulator of the uterine functions. I feel authorized to give this recommendation of Dioviburnia as it is neither a patented or a secret medicine, the formula of which hav ing been communicated freely to the medical profession.

L Ch. Boisliniere MD.

H. Tuholske, M.D., Professor Clinical Surgery and Surgical Pathology, Missouri Medical College. ST. LOUIS, June 23, 1888.

I have used "Dioviburnia" quite a number self of its merits. It is of unquestionable of times; sufficiently frequently to satisfy my. benefit in painful dysmenorrhea, it possesses antispasmodic properties which seem to espe cially be exerted on the uterus.

Wh. H. Tucholske ん

For full particulars and formula, see advertising page 3, DIOS CHEMICAL CO.,


St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A.

Standard Preparations.

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