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Fluid - Hydrastis.

The most perfect representative of the drug in the fluid form that has ever been presented. Each fluid pint epresents the alkaloidal strength of one pound Golden Seal Root; the alkaloids are three in number and upon them depends the medicinal value of the drug-BERBERINA of a bright yellow color, the salts of which are known in commerce as Sulphate, Muriate and Phosphate Berberina, (Hydrastia.)

Hydrastia, crystallizing in white prismatic forms and insoluble in water.

Xanthopuccina, or the unknown third alkaloid, of a dark yellow color, but which has never been carefully isolated, and is unknown in commerce.

FLUID HYDRASTIS is an accurate and definite solution of these medicinal constituents, but in its preparation the offensive and irritating Resins are rejected.

The use of FLUID HYDRASTIS is suggested in ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE MUCOUS SURFACES; correcting abnormal conditions characterized by profuse discharge of tenacious mucus, subcute inflammation, erosions, and superficial In Leucorrhea,


with thick albuminous discharge. like the white of an egg, use locally by injection, 1 to 4 drs. to one pint of water, 3 or 4 times per day. In Ulceration of the Cervix-Uteri and Vagina,

with tenacious discharge, place in contact with the inflamed surfaces COTTON saturated with Fl. Hydrastis, 2 to 4 drs. to Gylcerine 4 oz.

In Stomatitis,

Pseudo-membranous, ulcerative, or gangrenous, when the inflammation is sub-acute or characterized by profuse secretions of ropy mucus, use as a gargle or wash in proportion of 1 to 2 drs, to water 4 oz. When the breath is offensive, Pot. Cholorate or Baptisia assists its action.

In Gonorrhea,

as an injection, and in BALANITIS, as a wash.

In Nephritis,

acute and chronic, when mucus is found in the urine, use internally, 1 in 4 drs. to water 4 ounces. Teaspoonful 3
times per day, as adjunct to other treatment.

In Cystitis,

acute and chronic, when the urine is pale or greenish, and viscid from abundance of mucus, use internally 1 to

or 4

4 drs.

in water 4 ounces. In the severer cases of chronic Cystitis with phosphatic urine, rinsing out the bladder with tepid water, and following with Fluid Hydrastis, 1 to 2 drs. to water 4 ounces: one ounce to be used as an injection into the bladder.

In Dyspepsia,

with undue activity of the mucous glands and deficient action of the gastric follicles, of which the symptoms are a heavily loaded tongue, especially at the base, and in the morning dull aching pains in the stomach, with sinking sensations, nausea, and occasional vomiting of vitiated mucus, use half to one ounce Fluid Hydrastis to a pint of sherry or native wine. Dessert spoonful 3 or 4 times a day.

In Constipation,

either simple or of Hepatic origin, in doses for an adult of gtt. 10, gtt. 40, three times a day. In Infantile constipation 1 to 2 drops twice daily.

In Broncorrhoea and Cough,

with expectoration of yellow tenacious mucous.

In Opthalmi Tarsi, Conjunctivitis,

and other diseases of the eye, in which occur a mucous or muco-purulent discharges, locally gtt. to gtt. 15 in distilled

or soft water 4 ounces.

In Intermittents,

especially of the type characterized by disease of the Gastro-intestinal mucous membrane, with nausea, heavily coated
tongue, broad and flabby and pale, or coated with yellow, dirty mucus; bowels constipated, or when moved, clay
colored or streaked with mucus; use 1 to 4 drs. to water 4 ounces. Teaspoonful every 3 or 4

In Catarrh of the Intestines,

and superficial ulceration of same; in Fistula-in-Ano, and hemorrhage from the Rectum. Internally, and locally by injection, 1 to 4 drs. to water 4 ounces.

As a local Injection.

to prevent decomposition, applied to the surface of cancerous growths and unhealthy ulcers and sores; as an injection into the bowels in diar rhoea and dysentery, and to correct the offensive character of many mucus discharges.

The Wm. S. Merrell Chemical Co.

Manufacturing Chemists, Cincinnati, and 96 Maiden Lane, New York City. [23]

Combining Absolute Accuracy of Dose,

Convenience in Administration, Speedy Disintegration, and
Consequent Rapid Absorption,

Thereby Insuring



E feel confident that few physicians will prescribe any of the more powerful remedies, such as Aconite, Morphine, Digitalis, Arsenic, etc., either in powders or in solutions, when fully aware of the advantages presented by our TRITURATES, their accuracy and convenience in administration, coupled with the absolute freedom from danger in prescribing, always attending to a greater or less extent the dispensing of dangerous drugs in the form of powders, drops, or large doses in solutions.

The TRITURATES are absolutely exact, and will keep indefinitely; they can be readily swallowed with a mouthful of water, or, if smaller doses be required for infants, the tablet can be reduced to a fine powder by simply crushing with a knife, or the thumb-nail.

Our circular (which it will give us pleasure to forward) gives in detail all the claims we make for this series of preparations, together with a list of all the combinations. It embraces almost every drug in popular demand, and the doses are so graduated as to meet almost every indication. The following are a few of the active agents in every-day use.

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We shall be glad to send samples of these Triturates to any physician who may desire to try them in his practice.

Complete lists, with prices, etc., of all our preparations will be sent by mail on application.

Specify Wyeth's when ordering.

John Wyeth and Brother,





The Seventh annual session will begin about the middle of September and continue 26 week FACULTY:

H. F. Hereford, M. D.,

Prof. of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women.

J. M. Allen, M. D., Liberty, Mo.,
John R. Snell, M. D., Dean,

Profs. of Principles and practice of Medicine
and Clinical Medicine.

Jno. W. Jackson, M. D., President, Prof. of Principles and Practice of Surgery.

J. B. Jones, M. D..

Prof. of Materia Medica, and Therapeuties
Eugene R. Lewis, A. M. M. D.,

Prof. of Gen'l. Descriptive and Surg. Anatomy.
Jno. H. Duncan, A. M. M. D.,
Prof. of Dermatology.

R. R. Hunter, M. D., Prof. of Chemestry.
Hor. Henry P. White,

Prof. of Medical Jurisprudence.

Emory Lanphear. M. D.,

Prof. of Nervous and Mental Diseases.
James P. Jackson, M. D.,

Prof. of Clinical and Operative Surgery.
C. W. Adams, A. M., M. D.,
Prof. of Gynæcology.
Flavel B. Tiffany, M. D.,

Prof. of the Diseases of the Eye and Ear, and

Joshua Miller, M. D.,

Prof of Orthopedic Surgery.

Albert P. Campbell, A. M., M. D.,

Prof. of Diseases of the Chest, Throat and Nose.
George W. Davis, M, D., Curator,
Prof of Genito-Urinary Diseases.
John T. Eggers, M. D.

Adjunct Prof, of Anatomy and Demonstrator.
J. E. Logan, M. D., Secretary,
Prof. of Physiology.

Fees for the Annual Winter Session : Matriculation, $5.00; General Tickets, $50.00; Admission to dissection room (material plenty and FREE) $10.00; Examination for degree $20.00; Hospital Tickets Free. Instruction in this Institution is given by lectures both clinical and didactic, practical courses in the dissecting room and laboratory, and by repeated examinations, Clinics are made a prominent feature, and the various hospitals of the city to which the members of the faculty have access and the college dispensary furnish ample material for such instruction, For further information apply to John R. Snell, M. D., DEAN, No. 6 E. 8th. St.

or J. E. Logan, M. D., SECRETARY.



S. S. Todd, M. D.,


F. M. Johnson, M. D.,

Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Prof. of Prof. of Obstetrics and Diseases of Children.

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The regular term, extending over a period of SIX MONTHS, begins Thursday, September 16, 1887.

A DENTAL DEPARTMENT is connected with the college, in which a full practical course in dentistry is given, with the usual degree accompanying graduation. For catalogue or further particulars apply to



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