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St Marys the great church at Lynn and St Nicholas church at Yarmouth as he is Dean. It is thought by degrees most will come to conformitie. There are great preparitions against tomorrow the Coronation day, the County hors came hither to joyn the Regiment of foot of this Citty, a feast at the new hall, generall contributions for a feast for the poor, which they say will be in the market place, long and solemn service at Christ Church beginning at 8 a Clock and with a sermon ending at twelve. Masts of ships and long stageing poles already set up for becon bonfires, speeches and a little play by the strollers in the market place an other by young Cityzens at Timber Hill on a stage, Cromwell hangd and burnt every where, whose head is now upon Westminster hall, together with Ireton and Bradshows. Have the love and fear of God ever before thine eyes; God confirm your faith in Christ and that you may live accordingly, Je vous recommende a Dieu. If you meet with any pretty insects of an[y] kind keep them in a box, if you can send les Antiquites de Bourdeaux by any ship, it may come safe.

(No Signature.)


Dr. Browne to his son Thomas.

Norwich June the 24, [1661.]

I received yours dated in May, God continue thy health, no ships yet goeing for Rochell or Boardeaux, I cannot send an other box, I hope you have received the last, be as good an husband as possible; when the next ship goeith you shall have such things from your mother as are desired. Practise to write french and turn latin into french, be bold and adventrous now to speak; and direct yourself by grammar especially for the moods and tenses, now you have leisure observe the manner of the french courts, their pleading if there be any court in Xaintes. We wanted you at the Guild (where neither was Ned); Mr Osborn Mayor: and we were engaged in hanging our house, which was dun to purpose. Ned is at Cam

bridge, Nancy we expect in July about the assises. By this time the ships are gon to convey hither Donna Cathara infanta of Portugall the kings sister who is to be our Queen; the English are unwilling to part with Dunkirk and Jamaica and have about 6000 Souldiers in Dunkirk, so that we doubt how the Spaniards will take it; you may find such news in the french Gazzets if they come to your town. A parliment is now setting and a convocation of the Clergie made up of all the Bishops, Deans, Archdeacons, and a minister chosen out of every County by the Clergie thereof; the Bishops are voted to set again in the house of Peers or Lords, the house of Comons received the Sacrament by the book of Common Prayers or liturgie in Westminster church. In Norwich the Court of Aldermen and Common Councell have made a law to resort to the Cathedrall every Sunday, and to be not only at sermon but at prayers, which they observe; these small things I write that you might not be totally ignorant how affairs goe at home. Thy writeing is much mended, but you still forget to make points. I have paid the bill drawn by Mr Dade upon Charles. Pray present my true respects to him. Remember what is never to be forgot, to serve and honour God. I should be very glad you would get a handsome garb and gate. Your mother and all send their good wishes. I rest your ever loveing father, THO. BROWNE.

My respects to Mr Bendish.

Dr. Browne to his son Thomas.

July the 26, [1661.]


Yours dated in March I received yesterday by Mr Gooch, and your other of July the 13th. this day, sent in Mr Johnsons letter of Yarmouth. Now bear up thy spirits and be

8 The King had recently, in his opening Speech to the Parliament, May 8, 1661, adverted to his treaty of Marriage with the Infanta of Portugal, and intimated his intention of sending his Fleet to bring her over. He also spoke of the cession of Dunkirk and Jamaica—as objects likely to be contended for by Spain, in the event of the marriage taking place.

not malencholy sad or dejected, for the hot whether will be soon at an end, and haveing made good entrance into the languadge I would have you remove out of those parts and to aproach neerer England: to goe to Coniack will afford thee noe great content except it be for a time, and therefore I would have you to goe to some more emenent place, from whence you might come by help of the messenger, who may take care of and for you in the journey, untill you come to Paris, where you may remain a fortnight or month or more, and so come to Rouen and to Diep and so for England, and by this means you may see a notable part of France: now the more handsomly to contrive this, you may I think best goe a while to Rochell, for there you may contrive your journey by Poitiers, Orleans and other places to Paris, and both the messenger or post of Bourdeaux and Rochell meet at Poitiers, for if you goe by Rochell you may be advised and directed by friends in such kind of travailing they use to agree with the Messenger for the whole journey, and if they desire may stay at some town in the way till the post in his second journey calls them to goe on again; in your travail thus by land you must carry nothing but a portmanteau or valise which may contain your linnen and some other things and may upon occasion be carried in coach or hors, and to leave your trunk at Rochell or Bourdeaux, and take order for the safe conveyance of it unto Yarmouth to Charles or to London to some known friend, and before you set out for Paris, to dispose of your trunk in safe hands; probably Mr Bendish will afford you that courtesie, and oblige me so far in it. There were nothing more to be wished then good civill company, and you may begin your journey when you find the opertunety of such, and an honest Messenger, and if you can, to have some Protestant in your company, altho you may boldly acknowledge yourself a Protestant in any part of France. You must not carry much lugadge about for that is chargeable and apt to be stollen. Nancy and my cosen Barker are at present with me, your Mother and all relations send their good wishes; you may carry small books or papers to set down remarkables or take draughts.

Your affectionate father,


Be carefull you eat very few grapes and fruits, for they cause diseases in strangers, be carefull to fashion yourself well in your gate and behaviour. Serve God.

Dr. Browne to his son Thomas.

Aug. 3, [1661.]


I was very glad to receive your letters dated July the 13th. but I hope by this time thou art not so mallencholy as you seem to be, hold out a litle, diffuse thy spirits, and trust in God's protection, and aply thy heart unto him. I have writ one letter already which Charles sent last week to Mr. Dade. I repeat the main thereof in this least it should miscarry. I would now have thee take leave of Xaintes, Cogniac, or any other lesser towns and come to Rochell, or some good place where you may take advantage of the messenger, and if possible good company, wherein some Protestant goeith along, and so to agree for a sum with the messenger to bring you to Paris, and to have the directions of some friends to live about a month in Paris and so to come to Rouen and Diep for England; for 5 or 6 pound the Messenger will bring you from Paris to London; you may go from Orleance to Paris by coach, and from Paris to Rouen by coach; you must intrust your trunk with Mr Bendish at Rochell or with Mr Dade at Bourdeaux to be sent by the Vintage Ships to Yarmouth, and must travail only with a portmanteau or valise and one sute of cloths, for it will be hard to carry more, be directed herein by some English friend, have a care of your draughts and observations, remember to make comas, as(,) and full points at the end of a sentence thus(.) My respects to Mr Bendish and Mr Dade unto whom we are much obliged. Begin your Journey as soon as you will: eat few or noe grapes or fruit but bread with all things. Affairs goe quietly on with us both in Religious and Civill concernments. Be firm to thy Religion. God of his mercy preserve thee. Your Loveing father,


Advantage yourself as much as possible in the languadge and mind the grammar for that will help you.


Dr. Browne to his son Thomas.

Sept. the 21, Norwich, [1661.]

I understood lately that you are come to Rochell and intend to continue there for some months: doe therein as you shall find it advantageous unto your intentions. We are all exceeding obliged to Mr Bendish, to whom I pray commend my respects, I shall be studious to find out some way of studious return unto him. Study the french languadge and help yourself by the grammar, forget not limning and perspective and dayly practise arithmetick. Endeavor an handsome garb and laudable boldness, be courteus unto all, and betime practise patience. You may see the Isle of Rhe before winter and the Salt works, observe the manner of the makeing of wine, both white and Claret, and also of makeing oyle, enquire whether it be useal to go up the Loir against the stream, for so you may goe from Nantes or there abouts to Orleans and so by coach to Paris, or over land with the Messenger, when you shall be advised by friends to remove. I hope this box will come safe unto you. Serve God with all fidelitie and God protect you. I rest your ever loveing father,

T. B.

Dr. Browne to his son Thomas.

Norwich, November the 1, [1661.]


I hope by this time you have received the box and books sent by the french ship which came to Yarmouth and returned to Rochell. I should be glad to hear of your health for I know the country where you are is very sickly, as ours is heer. God of his mercy preserve you and return you

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