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and wise, that no man get an advantage of us. your lordship would either come, or send Mr. I doubt not but you know the peril to be both Alexander to me; and thereafter, I would life, lands and honour, in case the matter be meet your lordship in Leith, or quietly at Resnot wisely used. And, for my own part, I talrig; where we should have prepared ane shall have a special respect to my promise that fine hatted kit, with sugar, and comfits, and I have made to his lordship, and Mr. Alexan- wine; and thereafter confer on matters; and der his lordship's brother, although the scaffold the sooner we brought our purpose to pass, it were set up. If I cannot come to Falkland were the better, before harvest. Let not Mr. the first night, I shall be timely in St. Johnston | W. R. your old pedagogue, ken of your comon the morn. Indeed, I lippened for my lording: but rather would I, if I durst be so bold himself, or else Mr. Alexander his lordship's to intreat your lordship, once to come and see brother, at my house of Fastcastle, as I wrote my own house, where I have kept my lord to them both. Always I repose on your adver- Bothwell in his greatest extremities; say the tisement of the precise day, with credit to the king and his council what they would: and in bearer; for howbeit he be but ane sillie glyed case God grant us happy success in this errand, old carle, I will answer for him, that he shall I hope both to have your lordship, and his lordbe very true. I pray you, sir, read, and either ship, with many others of your lovers and his, burn or send again with the bearer; for I dare at a good dinner before I die. Always I hope, hazard my life, and all I have else in the that the king's buck-hunting at Falkland this world, on his message, I have such proof of his year, shall prepare some dainty chear for us, constant truth. So commits you to Christ's against that dinner, the next year, jocose hoc to holy protection. (Sic subscribitur,) Yours to animate your lordship, at this time: but afterall power, with humble service ready, wards we will have better occasion to make merry. I protest, my lord, before God, I wish nothing with a better heart, nor to atchieve to that which your lordship would fain attain unto; and my continual prayer shall tend to that effect; and with the large spending of my lands, goods, yea, the hazarding of my life, shall not afray me from that, although the scaf


"From the Cannongate, the 27th day of July, 1600. P. S. I use not to write on the back .of any of my letters, concerning this errand."

"My lord, my most humble duty with service, in most hearty manner remembered: at the receipt of your lordship's Letter, I am so comforted, especially as your lordship's pur-fold were already set up, before I should falsify pose communicated to me therein, that I can my promise to your lordship, and persuade utter my joy, nor find myself able how to en- your lordship thereof: I trow, your lordship counter your lordship with due thanks. In- has ane proof of my constancy already or now: deed, my lord, at my being last in the town, but, my lord, whereas your lordship desires, in Mr. Alexander, your lordships brother, impart your letter, that I crave my lord, my brother's ed somewhat of your lordship's intention, mind anent this matter, I utterly disassent anent that matter, unto me. And, if I had from that, that he ever should be ane counselnot been busied about some turns of my own, lor thereto; for in good faith, he will never I thought to have come over to St. Johnston, help his friend, nor hurt his foe. Your lordand spoken with your lordship. Yet always, ship may confide more in this old man, the my lord, I beseech your lordship, both for the bearer hereof, my man, laird Bour, than in my safety of your honour, credit, and more than brother, for I lippen my life, and all that I that, that your life, my life, and the lives of bave else, in his hands: and I trow he would many others, who may, perhaps, innocently not spare to ride to hell's-gate to pleasure me; smart for that turn afterwards, in case it be re- and he is not beguiled of my part to him. Alvealed by any, and likewise the utter wraking ways, my lord, when your lordship has read my of our lands and houses, and extirpating of our letter, deliver it to the bearer again, that I may name; look that we be all as sure as your see it burnt with my own eyes: as I have sent lordship, and I myself shall be, for my own your lordship's letter to your lordship again; part. And then, I doubt not, but with God's for so, it is the fashion I grant: and I pray grace, we shall bring our matter to ane fine, your lordship to rest fully persuaded of me, which shall bring the contentment to us all, and all that I have promised; for I am resolvthat ever wished for the revenge of Machiave-ed, howbeit it were to die in the morn. I lian massacring of our dearest friends. I doubt not, but Mr. Alexander, your lordship's brother, has informed your lordship what course I laid down, to bring all your co-associ-, ates to my house of Fast-castle by sea; where I should have all materials in readiness, for their safe receiving on land and into my house; making, as it were, but a manner of passing time in ane boat on the sea, in this fair summer-tide; and no other strangers to haunt my house, while we had concluded on the laying our plot; which is already devised by Mr. Alexander and me. And I would wish, that

must intreat your lordship to expede Bour, and give him strait directions upon pain of his life, that he take never a wink of sleep, until he see me again; or else he will utterly undo us. I have already sent another letter to the gentleman your lordship knows, as the bearer will shew your lordship, of his answer, and forwardness with your lordship; and I shall shew your lordship farther at meeting, when and where your lordship shall think it meetest. Till which time, and ever, I commit your lordship to the protection of Almighty God. Your lordship's own sworn and bunden man, to obey

and serve with effold and ever ready service, to his utter power, to his life's end. (Sic subscribitur) RESTALRIG."

"From Gunn's Green, the 29th day of July, 1600. P. S. Prays your lordship hold me excused for my unseemly letter, which is not so well written, as mister were; for I durst not let any writers ken of it; but took two sundry idle days, to do it myself. I will never forget the good sport that Mr. Alexander, your lordship's brother, told me of a nobleman of Padua. It comes so oft to my memory; and indeed, it is Aparastur to this purpose we have in hand."

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The DEPOSITIONS of the Witnesses produced, are as follow:

"Mr. Alexander Watson, minister at Coldingham, of the age of 50 years, married, depones, The five missive Letters subscribed by the laird Restalrig, and produced in process by the Lord Advocate, for proving of the reasons of Treason pursued against Robert Logan, son and apparent heir to Robert Logan of Restalrig, being shown to this deponent; and he having at length sighted and considered the same, depones, That he takes upon his conscience, that he verily believes, that the said five missive Letters, and every one of them, are verily and truly written by the said unquhile Robert Logan of Restalrig, with his own hand: and proves this of some of his knowledge, that not only he thinks, that the character of every letter resembles perfectly the said unquhile Robert's hand-writ every way; but also agrees with his fashion of spelling, which he has particularly remembred in every one of the said missive Letters, in thir points following: First, That he never used to write ane z in the beginning of any word, such as zou, zor's, zeld, zea, and sick-like; but ever writ y, instead of the said z. That he writ all words beginning with w, with single v; and when that letter w fell to be in the midst or end, he put ane double w. That when he writ quhan, quhair, qlk, or any such words, whilk uses to be written and spelled by others, with which he wrote only gh, quhen, quhair, and sick-like. Whenever a word began with con, he never wrote con at length, but wrote with an 17. Whenever t fell to be in the end of a word, he wrote it without a stroke through t, and did the like whenever it fell in any part of ane word. And for farther confirmation of the premisses,

Right honourable; my hearty duty remembred, ye know, I told you, at our last meeting, in the Cannongate, that Mr. Alexander my lord of Gowrie's brother, had spoken with me anent the matter of our conclusion; and for my own part, I shall not be hindmost. And sinsyne, I got a letter from his lordship's self, for that same purpose.. And upon the receipt thereof, understanding his lordship's frankness and forwardness in it; God knows, if my heart was not lifted ten stages. I posted this same bearer to his lordship, to whom you may concredit all your heart in that, as well as I: For, and it were my very soul, I durst inake him messenger thereof, I have such experience of his truth, in many other things. He is a silly old glyed carle, but wonder honest; and as he has reported to me his lordship's own answer, I think all matters shall be concluded at my house of Fastcastle; for I, and Mr. Alexander Ruthven, concluded, That ye should come with him and his lordship, and only another man with you, being but only four in company, intil one of the great fishing-boats be sea to my house, where ye shall land als safely, as on Leith-shore; and the house against your lord-he produced three Letters written every word, ship's coming to be quiet; and when you are about half a mile from shore, as it were passing by the house, to gar set forth a waff. But for God's sake, let neither any knowledge come to my lord, my brother's ears, nor yet to Mr. W. R. my lord's old pedagogue; for my brother is kittle to shoe behind, and dare not enterprize for fear, and the other will dissuade us from our purpose with reasons of religion, which I can never abide. I think there is none of a noble "Mr. Alexander Smith, minister of Chirneheart, or carries a stomach worth a penny, but side, of the age of 30 years, or thereby, married, they would be content and glad, to see ane depones, That he was well acquainted with the contented revenge of Greysteil's death; and umquhile laird of Restalrig, by reason he was the sooner the better his lordship be quick; pedagogue to his bairns, and has seen very and bid Mr. Alexander remember on the sport many of his hand-writs; and having seen, read, he told me of Padua: for I think with myself, and at length considered the five missive Letters that the cogitation on that should stimulate produced by the Advocate; and inquired, if he your lordship. And, for God's cause, use all knew the same to be the laird of Restalrig's your courses cum discretione. Fail not, sir, to proper hand-writ? Declared, upon his great send back again this letter: for Mr. Alexander oath, That he certainly believes the saids five learned me that fashion, that I may see it de- letters, and every word thereof, to be the laird stroyed myself. So, till your coming, ever of Restalrig's proper hand writ; because he commits you heartily to Christ's holy protec-finds the character thereof to agree every way tion. From Gun's Green, the last day of July,


The superscription is torn away from the last letter.

and subscribed by the said umquhile Robert Logan of Restalrig, and comparing them to the five other Missives produced by the Advocate, show evidently the direct conformity of the samen, as well in the character and true resemblance of the hand-writ, as in the spelling and writing of divers writs, syllables and letter, according to the particulars above-specified. (Sic subscribitur,)


with the shape of his ordinary writing; and remarked very particularly the manner of Restalrig's spelling of many words, otherwise nor other men commonly uses to write and spell, accord

"John Horne, Notary in Aymouth, of the age of 42 years, or thereby, solutus, depones, The foresaids five missive bills, being at length

ing to the hail particulars remarked of before, in all things, reddens eandem causam scientiæ. by Mr. Alexander Watson, the witness imme-(Sic subsc.) WM. HOME." diately preceding; and, in these points, and in all others, conform to the said Mr. Alexander Watson's deposition in all things; reddens causam scientia, because he was perfectly acquaint-sighted and considered by this deponent, deed with the laird of Restalrig's hand-writ in his lifetime; and was pedagogue to his bairns many years, and in his company. (Sic subscribitur,) Mr. ALEXANDER SMITH."

"Sir John Arnott, Provost of Edinburgh, of the age of threescore ten years, or thereby, married, depones, That he was well acquainted with Robert Logan of Restalrig, and with his hand-writ, because he had received divers of his letters himself, and seen many other letters written by him. And the five missive Letters produced by the Advocate being shown to him; and he having seen and considered the same, remembered that he had seen, read, and perfectly considered the Laird of Restalrig's handwrit, as the letters written by the deponent at any time, or his own band-writ. And so takes on his conscience, That the foresaids five missive Bills, produced by the Advocate, are the proper hand-writ and subscription of the said umquhile laird of Restalrig, be his judgment. And, for verification thereof, has produced four writs, all written be the said umquhile laird of Restalrig, and sent to this deponent, to Archibald Johnstoun, agreeing perfectly in spelling and character, with the saids missives. (Sic subscribitur,) Sir JOHN ARNOTT."



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pones and declares, upon conscience, to his knowledge, all the saids five Missives are the laird of Restalrig's proper hand-writ and subscription, for the reasons above-written in the deposition of Wm. Home, reddens eandem causam scientia. (Sic subsc.) JOHN HORNE.” Mr. Win. Hogg, minister at Aytoun, of the age of 30 years, or thereby, married, depones, That he knew well the laird of Restalrig, and has seen of his writs, and produced ane letter, written by Restalrig to the laird of Aytoun, as written with Restalrig's own handwrit. And having considered the five writs produced by the Advocate; declares, That he thinks them likely to be his writs; and that the same appears to be very like his writ, by the conformity of letters and spelling. (Sic subsc.) WM. HOGG."

The DEPOSITION and DECLARATION of George Sprott, as emitted by him, both before the Jury, judicially; and also upon the scaffold, at the time of his Execution, on the 12th of Aug. 1608. Which Deposition and Declaration was made before the Council, on the 10th Aug. 1608, written by the Clerk of Council, James Primrose; and subscribed by Sprott's own hand, in the presence of the earl of Dunbar, the earl of Lothian, the bishop of Ross, the lord Holy-roodHouse, the lord Scoon, the lord Blantyre, sir William Hart, Lord Justice, Mr. John Hall, Mr. Patrick Galloway, Mr. Peter Hewart, all three Ministers of the Kirks of Edinburgh.

"Alexander Cuik, Sheriff-Clerk of Berwick of the age of 50 years, or thereby, married, depones, That he was well acquainted with the umqubile laird of Restalrig, and has seen many and sundry of his writs, and received divers of his letters directed to himself; and being desired to see and consider the five Letters produced by the Advocate, and to declare whether he knew and esteemed to be all written by un George Sprott, notary in Aymouth, being quhile the laird of Restalrig; depones, upon brought to the scaffold and place of execution, his conscience, That he believes and esteems he, in public audience of the hail people, at the saids hail letters to be all written by the the four nooks of the scaffold, ratified his laird of Restalrig; reddens causam scientiæ, be- | former Deposition, anent his knowledge, and cause, not only the character agrees every way concealing of Restalrig's guiltiness of Gowrie's with the shape of Restalrig's hand-writ; but Treason: for the which, he craved God and his also the spelling in many particulars, wherein majesty humble forgiveness; being most sorry Restalrig differed from other men's form of and grieved that he had offended God, and the writing. And in the particulars thereof, de-king's majesty, in concealing such a vile, depones conform to the two first Witnesses, the ministers of Coldingham and Chirneside; reddens eandem causam scientia. (Sic subscribitur,) ALEXANDER CUIK."

testable, and unnatural Treason, enterprized by the earl of Gowrie and laird of Restalrig, against his natural king, so good and so godly a prince, who has ever been so gracious to his "William Home in Aytoun-mill, of the age subjects, and to this bail island: protesting, of 33 years, or thereby, married, depones, That That if he had a thousand lives to render, and all the five Missives above-written, being shown were able to suffer ten thousand deaths, it is to this deponent, and having at length consi- not sufficient satisfaction and recompence for dered every one of them, takes upon his con- his so foul and horrible offence; and that God science, That to his knowledge, that the saids had preserved him from many great perils, five missive letters are all written and sub- when his life was in extreme danger, to bring scribed by the umquhile laird of Restalrig; him to this public declaration of that detestfor the special reasons contained in the Depo-able and horrible fact, in testifying of the sitions made by Mr. Alex. Watson, and Mr. Alex. Smith, ministers; and Alex. Cuik, Sheriff-Clerk of Berwick; to whom he is conform

truth; as he said publickly, in presence of all the people, in these words following: To my ( own shame, the shame of the devil, and the

This Sprott, after diuers Examinations, being moved with remorse of conscience, for the long concealing of the foreknowledge of this treasonable Conspiracy; confesseth, declareth, and deponeth, with the peril of his own life:

"That he knew perfectly, that Robert Logan*, late of Restalrig, was privy, and upon the foreknowledge of Gowrie's treasonable Conspiracy. And for the greater assurance of his knowledge, deponeth, that he knew that there were divers Letters interchanged betwixt them, beginning of the month of July, 1600. Which letters, James Boer, called laird Bour, servitor to Restalrig, (who was employed mediator betwixt them, and privy to all that errand) had in keping, and shewed the same to Sprott in the place of Fastcastle. And producing the earl of Gowrie's letter to Restalrig; Which Letter, written every word with Restalrig's own hand, was subscribed by him after his accustomed manner, (Restalrig;) and was sent to the earl of Gowrie, by the said James Bour. After whose return within five days, with a new letter from Gowrie, he staid all night with Re

glory of God; for satisfying the consciences of all these (if any be), that has, or can make any doubt of the truth of this so clear a matter.' And he acknowledges, that his haunting with Restalrig, who was a man without religion, and subject to many other vices; and his thoughts of himself in thir matters, after the first sight of Restalrig's Letter written to Gowrie, and his continual bearing of company with Restalrig and laird Bour, who was irreligious, and without fear of God, brought him from one sin to another, and consequently to this griev-anent the treasonable purpose aforesaid, in the ous crime, for the which, most justly, worthily and willingly, he is now to render his life. And he desired all the people to beware of ill company; and namely, of the company of those who are void of religion. And he desired, that this his Declaration might be inserted in his Process as also, he desired the ministers of God's Word to publish this Declaration to their folks, from their palpits; and took every one of them who were present by the hand, with their promise to do the same: saying unto them, That this was the most glorious day that ever his eyes did see; and with these words he prostrates himself, and falls upon his knees, instalrig in Gun's Green (a house of Restalrig's) : presence of the hail people, and made a very pithy Prayer. (See p. 706). And so he continued a good space, in a most fervent prayer, to the great admiration and rejoicing of all the people; and in a better form and manner nor any of the beholders and hearers can be able to set down in writ, the same not being written in the present time, because there was no place of writing upon the scaffold, in respect of the prease and multitude of people. And going up the ladder, he desired liberty to sing the 6th Psalm, and requested the people to accompany him in singing thereof; which being granted, and he being at the ladder-head, he same was tane up and sung by himself, with a very loud and mighty voice, and was assisted with above the number of 500 persons, who with tears accompanied him in singing of that song. After the ending thereof, he repeated and ratified his former Deposition: and with that, recommending his soul to God, he was thrown over, and so ended his mortal life. In witness whereof, we under-subscribers, who, for the most part, were all of us upon the scaffold with him, and remained with him unto the time of his death; and others of us in so convenient places near to the scaffold with him, that we did hear all that was spoken by him, have subscribed thir presents with our hands. (Sic subsc.) Glasgow, B. Galloway, M. B. Brechin, Balfour of Burley, Holy-rood-house, John Preston, Thomas Regra, Peter Sharp, Balcanquhal, Mr. Hewat, Mr. George Blyth, Mr. Patrick Galloway, John Hall, Walter Charles Lumsden, Richard Tobie, Baillie of Edinburgh, William Speir, Baillie, James Ainsly, Baillie of Edinburgh, &c.

and Restalrig rode to Lothian, the morn thereafter, where he staid five or six days. Then after his returning passed to Fastcastle, where he remained a certain short space. And further deponeth, That he saw and heard Restalrig read the last letter, which Bour brought back to him from Gowrie, and their conference thereanent. And heard Bour say, sir, if you think to make any commodity by this dealing, lay your hand to your heart. And Restalrig answered, that he would do as he thought best. And further said to Bour, howbeit he should sell all his own land that he had in the world, he would pass through with the earl of Gowrie'; for that matter would give him greater content

Great part of this Evidence is in the Trial of George Sprot, No. 86, though not so full. For the earl of Cromerty, in his Account of the Conspiracies of the earl of Gowrie, (from whence this is taken) says, p. 126, Mr. Crawford did bring a pamblet printed at London, anno 1609, published by Dr. George Abbot, then archbishop of Canterbury, who being providentially in Scotland in the year 1608, the doctor's curiosity brought him in amongst the multitude of hearers of that Trial, of G. Sprott, whereby he was so convinced of the truth of Gowrie's Treasons, and of the malice of the king's calumniators, as moved the good doctor to intreat for an extract and account of the whole process, attested by sir William Hart, Lord Justice of Scotland, at that time (which the doctor brought with him to England, and caused it to be printed, with a long Preface, from which the Trial of G. Sprott, is taken.) But that Paper, printed at London, being drawn out as What is contained in this speech being cona Memorial for Dr. Abbot's own use, and not sonant to his Deposition made before the Privy as a full Abstract of what is recorded, which I Council, as also before the Inquest; here is now publish from the original Depositions, Letadded the Deposition, as emitted by him.ters, and other Writs, lying in record.

mined in the presence of a number of the Council and ministers aforesaid; and it being declared to him, That the time of his death now very near approached, and that therefore they desired him to clear his conscience with an upright declaration of the truth; and that he would not abuse the holy name of God, to make him, as it were, a witness to untruths; And specially being desired, that he would not take upon him the innocent blood of any person dead or quick, by making or forging lies and untruths against them:

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Deponeth, That he acknowledgeth his grievous offences to God, (who hath made him a reasonable creature) in abusing his holy name with many untruths sen the beginning of this Process; but now being resolved to die, and attending the hour and time when it shall please God to call him, he deponeth with many attes tations, and as he wisheth to be participant of the kingdom of heaven, where he may be countable and answerable upon the salvation and condemnation of his soul, for all his do

he hath deponed sen the fifth day of July last, in all his severall depositions, were true in every point and circumstance of the same; and that there is no untruth in any point thereof."


ment, nor if had the whole kingdom: and rather or he should falsify his promise, and recall his vow that he had vowed to the earl of Gowrie, he should spend all that he had in the world, and hazard his life with his lordship. To whom Bour answered, You may do as you please, sir; but it is not my counsel that ye should be so sudden in that other matter. But for the condition of Dirltoun, I would like very well of it. To whom Restalrig answered, content yourself, I am at my wit's end.-And farther Sprott deponeth, That he entered himself thereafter in conference with Bour, and demanded what was done betwixt the laird and the earl of Gowrie? And Bour answered, That he believed that the laird should get Dirltoun without either gold or silver, but feared that it | should be as dear unto him. And Sprott enquiring how that could be: Bour said, they had another pye in hand nor the selling of any land; but prayed Sprott, for God's sake, that he would let be, and not trouble himself with the laird's business; for he feared, within few days, the laird would either be landless or life-ings and speeches in this earth, that all that less.”—And the said George Sprott being demanded, If this his Deposition was true, as he would answer upon the salvation and condemnation of his soul; and if he would go to death with it, seeing he knoweth the time and hour of his death to approach very near? deponeth for answer, "That he hath not a desire to live, and that he knows the time to be short, having care of no earthly thing, but only for clearing of his conscience in the truth of all these things to his own shame, before the world, and to the honour of God, and safety of his own soul: That all the former points and circumstances contained in this his deposition, with the deposition made by him the 5th of July last, and the whole remanten depositions made by him sen that day, are true; which he will take on his conscience, and as he hopeth to be saved of God, and that he would seal the same with his blood.”—And farther, being demanded, where this above-written Letter, written by Restalrig to the earl of Gowrie, which was returned again by James Bour, is now? deponeth, "That he abstracted it quietly from Bour, in looking over and reading Bour's letters which he had in keeping of Restalrig's; and that he left the above-written letter in his chest among his writings, when he was taken and brought away, and that it is closed and folded within a piece of paper." This foresaid Deposition was made by him the 10th August, 1608, written by James Primrose, Clerk of his majesty's Privy-Council; and subscribed with the said George Sprott's own hand; in the presence of the earl of Dunbar, the earl of Lothian, the bishop of Ross, the lord Scoon, the lord Holy-rood-house, the lord Blantyre, sir W. Hart, his majesty's justice, Mr. John Hall, Mr. Patrick Galloway, Mr. Peter Hewart, minis ters of the kirks of Edinburgh. (Subscribed with all their hands.)

And having desired Mr. Patric Galloway to make a prayer, whereby he might be comforted now in his trouble; which was done. said deponer, with many tears after the prayer, affirmed this his deposition to be true; and for the confirination thereof, declared, that he would seal the same with his blood."

I had almost forgotten that, which in this action of his death was strange, and in a manner marvellous. For being urged by the minister and other of good rank upon the scaffold, that now at this end he should declare nothing but the truth (touching the matter for which he suffered) on the peril of his own salvation and condemnation of his soul; he for the greater assurance of that his constant and true Deposisition, promised (by the assistance of God) to give them an open and evident token before the yielding of his spirit. Which he accomplished thereafter: for before his last breath, when he had hung a pretty space; he lift up his hands a good height, and clapped them together aloud three several times, to the great wonder and admiration of all the beholders. And very soon thereafter he yielded his spirit.

As in the Account of Gowrie's and his brother's Process, I did not insert the Libel and Summons, nor Executions, verbatim: as being very tedious and useless to readers; on the sanie motives I do so here, but I insert the Doom and Sentence verbatim: the Libel, Summons and Autographons of these and others being at full, in the public Records, and patent to all enquirers.

June 1609. To whilk Summons, with the Executions and Indorsations thereof respective And also the 11th day of the foresaid month foresaids, being this instant day read in preand year, the said George Sprott being exa-sence of his majesty's Commissioner and Estates

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