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iudicia, omnia absolutoria, iv. 12. 2:
omnia hodie extraordinaria, iii. 12.
pr.: iv. 15. 8.

iudicia publica, contrasted with civil
suits, iv. 18. pr.: meaning of the
term 'public,' ib. 1: some of them
are capital, ib. 2.
iuris praecepta, i. I. 3.
iurisprudentia, defined, i. 1. I.
ius, divided into publicum and priva-
tum, i. 1. 4: publicum defined, ib.:
privatum defined, ib. is tripertitum,
ib.: naturale, defined, i. 2. pr.: civile,
distinguished from ius gentium, i. 2.
1: its two species, ib. 10: subject to
change, ib. II: gentium, proceeds
from naturalis ratio, i. 2. 1: is com-
mon to all men, ib. 2, and unchange-
able, ib. II: identified with ius natu-
rale, ii. I. 11: older than ius civile,
ib.: scriptum and non scriptum, i. 2.
3 six sources of the former, ib.:
honorarium, i. 2. 7: Romanum, its
three main heads, personarum, rerum
and actionum, i. 3. pr.

ius adcrescendi, a civil mode of ac-
quisition, ii. 7. 4: the law relating
to, altered by Justinian, ib.: under a
will, in consequence of praeteritio of
suus heres, ii. 13. pr.: among legitimi
heredes on intestacy, iii. 4. 4.
iusiurandum taken by litigants, iv.
16. 1: de calumnia, ib.
iusta causa manumissionis, i. 6. 4-6:
adquisitionis, ii. 1. 35 ii. 6. pr.:
possessionis, ii. 6. pr. and 10.
Iustinus, ii. 7. 3: ii. 12. 4.
iustitia, defined, i. 1. pr.

Labeo, ii. 25. pr.


Latini Iuniani, i. 5. 3: succession to,
iii. 7. 4 modified by the SC. Largi-
anum and an edict of Trajan, ib.:
Latinitas abolished by Justinian, ib.
legacy, wrongly placed in the Insti-
tutes, ii. 20. pr.: defined, ib. 1: the
four old forms of, ib. 2: all assimi-
lated, and made recoverable by iden-
tical remedies, ib.: placed by Justin-
ian on the same footing with fidei-
commissa, ib. 3: iii. 27. 7: what
things may be bequeathed, ii. 20. 4:
burden of proof on legatee, ib.: le-
gacy of thing in pledge, and heir's
obligation to redeem, ib. 5: of res
aliena, when legatee becomes its owner
vivo testatore, ib. 6: legacy of same
thing to same person in two different
wills, ib. of non-existent thing, ib.
7: of the same thing to two persons

coniunctim and disiunctim, ib. 8; of
fundus alienus, in which legatee al-
ready has usufruct by causa lucrativa,
ib. 9 of res legatarii, void, ib. 10:
of res sua quasi aliena, ib. 11: ali-
enation or mortgage in whole or part
by testator of thing previously be-
queathed, ib. 12: legacy of release
from a debt, or of extension of time
for payment, ib. 13: of money already
owed, whether puré, in diem, or sub
condicione, ib. 14: of dos from hus-
band to wife, ib. 15: destruction or
deterioration of res legata, without
fault of the heir, ib. 16: manumission
by heir of slave bequeathed by testa-
tor, ib. legacy of ancilla with chil-
dren, of slave with peculium, of farm
with stock, of ordinarius servus with
vicarii, ib. 17: of flock of sheep, ib.
18: of house with fixtures, ib. 19: of
a peculium, ib. 20: of res incorpor-
ales, e. g. a nomen, ib. 21: election in
legacies, ib. 22: legatum optionis, ib.
23: the law changed by Justinian,
ib. legacies void from want of tes-
tamentifactio in legatee, ib. 24: so
too formerly if legatee were an in-
certa persona, ib. 25, or a postumus
alienus, ib. 26: Justinian's change in
the law, ib. 27: mistake in name of
heir or legatee, ib. 29: falsa demon-
stratio in legacy, ib. 30: falsa causa,
ib. 31: legacy to slave of the heir, ib.
32: to master of instituted slave, ib.
33: legalisation by Justinian of legacy
before institution of the heir, ib. 34:
legacy to be paid after death of heir
or legatee, not lawful before Justin-
ian, ib. 35: legacy given or transfer-
red poenae nomine, ib. 36: impossible
condition in legacy, taken pro non
scripto, ii. 14. 10: ademptio of lega-
cies, ii. 21. pr.: translatio, ib. 1: li-
mitation of legacies by leges Furia,
Voconia, and Falcidia, ii. 22. pr.: in
singulis heredibus ratio legis Falci-
diae ponenda est, ib. 1: time of esti-
mating the Falcidian fourth, ib. 2:
funeral expenses, etc. first deducted
from the estate, ib. 3: legacy per
damnationem, iii. 27. 7.

legatees, can witness the will under
which they take, ii. 10. 11: partiary,
ii. 25. 5.

legitima pars: see quarta e lege Fal-

legitimation, modes of, i. 10. 13:
effect of, in making children sui he-
redes, iii. 1. 2.
Lentulus, ii. 25. pr.

Leo, iii. 15. 1: iii. 19. 14.

lex, defined, i. 2. 4.

Aelia Sentia, i. 5. 3: i. 6. pr.: i. 4
and 7: Anastasiana, iii. 5. 1: Aquilia,
iii. 27. 7: iv. 3 (see damnum iniuria
datum): Atilia, i. 20. pr. and 3:
Atinia, ii. 6. 2: Cornelia, de falsis,
ii. 12. 5: iv. 18. 7: de iniuria, iv. 4.
8: de sicariis, iv. 18. 5 and 6: duode-
cim Tabularum, see Twelve Tables:
Fabia de plagiariis, iv. 18. 10: Fal-
cidia, ii. 17. 3: ii. 22: ii. 23. 5: iv.
6. 33: Furia testamentaria, ii. 22.
pr.: Fufia Caninia, i. 7. pr.: Hor-
tensia, i. 2. 4: Hostilia, iv. 10. pr.:
Iulia, de ambitu, iv. 18. 11: de adul-
teriis, ib. 4: de annona, ib. 11: de
praedio dotali, ii. 8. pr.: de residuis,
iv. 18. 11: de vi publica aut privata,
iv. 15. 6: iv. 18. 8: maiestatis, iv.
18. 3: peculatus, iv. 18. 9: repetun-
darum, ib. 11: Iulia et Plautia, ii. 6.
2: Iulia et Titia, i. 20. pr. and 3:
Junia Norbana, i. 5. 3: iii. 7. 4:
Iunia Velleia, ii. 13. 2: Papia Pop-
paea, iii. 7. 2 and 3: Pompeia, de
parricidiis, iv. 18. 6: regia, i. 2. 6:
Voconia, ii. 22. pr.: Zenoniana, iii.
24. 3: iv. 6. 33.

libellus conventionis, iv. 6. 24.
liberatio legata, ii. 20. 13.
libertas, defined, i. 3. 1: legacy of, to
incerta persona, once void, ii. 20. 25:
given poenae nomine, by will, ib. 36:
given per fideicommissum, ii. 24. 2.
libertini, defined, i. 5. pr.: formerly of
three kinds, ib. 3: liberti cives, ib.:
intestate succession to, under the XII
Tables, iii. 7. pr.: as amended by
the praetor, ib. 1, and by the lex
Papia, ib. 2: as finally settled by
Justinian, ib. 3: adsignatio of, see

lis crescens, cases of, iii. 27. 7: iv. 6.
26: iv. 16. I.

locatio conductio, analogy of its rules

to those of sale: contract concluded
as soon as merces is agreed upon, iii.
24. pr.: same rule as in sale if merces
is left to be fixed by a third person,
iii. 23. 1: iii. 24. 1: cases resembling
locatio conductio, but really innomi-
nate contract, ib. 1 and 2: cases
doubtful whether belonging to sale
or locatio conductio, ib. 3 and 4:
duties of conductor, ib. 5: they de-
scend to his heirs, ib. 6.
lucrativae causae, concurrence of, ii.


mancipium, i. 3. 3.

mandatum, a gratuitous contract, iii.

26. 13: its five modes, ib. pr.: man-
datum for sole benefit of mandator,
ib. I for joint benefit of mandator
and agent, ib. 2: for sole benefit of
third person, ib. 3: for joint benefit
of mandator and third person, ib. 4:
for joint benefit of agent and third
person (mandatum qualificatum), ib.
5: for benefit of agent alone, con-
silium rather than mandatum, ib. 6:
mandatum contra bonos mores, not
obligatory, ib. 7: agent must not
exceed the terms of his commission,
ib. 8: revocation of mandatum before
execution, ib. 9: death of either party
terminates the commission, except
where subsequently executed through
ignorance, ib. 10: mandatum need
not be undertaken, but if accepted
must be executed, ib. 11: mandatum
in diem and sub condicione, ib. 12.
manumissio, defined, i. 5. pr.: its
modes, ib. I time of, ib. 2: in fraud
of creditors, avoided by lex Aelia Sen-
tia, i. 6. pr.: implies animus fraud-
andi, ib. 3: change in law of manu-
mission by minors, ib. 7: by will,
limited by lex Fufia Caninia, i. 7.
pr. not a capitis deminutio, i. 16.
4: of slave jointly owned, ii. 7. 4:
impossible condition in testamentary
manumission, taken pro non scripto,
ii. 14. 10: who cannot manumit, i. 6.
pr. and 4.

Marcellus, i. 4. pr.: ii. 5. 5.
matrimonium, defined, i. 9. 1: pro-
hibited degrees, i. 10. 1 sqq.

merx peculiaris, iv. 7. 3.
method of the Institutes, i. I. 2.
military testament, does not require
the usual number of witnesses, ii. II.
pr., or other ordinary forms, ib.: may
be made only while on actual service,
ib. and 3: if oral, a witness necessary,
ib. 1 may be made by a deaf or
dumb man, ib. 2: remains in force
only a year after discharge, except in
case of unfulfilled condition, ib. 3:
confirmation on actual service of a
non-military will irregularly made, ib.
4: effect of capitis deminutio on, ib.
5 not invalidated by absence of ex-
heredatio, ii. 13. 6: legacy in, to
incerta persona, once void, ii. 20. 25:
legacy poenae nomine in, ib. 36.
minor, as tutor, i. 14. 2.
minus petitio, iv. 6. 34.

mistake, in wills, ii. 20. 29: in con-
tracts, iii. 19. 23: in statement of
claim in an action, iv. 6. 35.
mutuum, defined, iii. 14. pr.: by pupil
without tutor's auctoritas, ii. 8. 2.


necessarius heres, i. 6. 1: institution
of slave as, equivalent to manumis-
sion, ib. 2: see heres.
negotiorum gestio, iii. 27. I.
Nero, ii. 23. 4.

Nerva, ii. 12. pr.

nomen, in literal contract, iii. 21.
novatio, iii. 29. 3.

noxae datio, iv. 8. pr.: justified in
principle, ib. 2: ownership of surren-
dered slave passes to surrenderee, but
slave may demand manumission if he
can get the damages paid, ib. 3:
some actions noxal legibus, others
edicto praetoris, ib. 4: actio noxalis
caput sequitur, ib. 5: effect of noxia
committed by slave against his own
master, ib. 6: noxae datio as applied
to children in power obsolete under
Justinian, ib. 7: its application in
cases of pauperies, iv. 9.

nuptiae, defined, i. 9. 1: iustae, con-
ditions of, i. 10. pr.: see matrimo-



obligatio, defined, iii. 13. pr.: divided
into civil and praetorian, ib. I into
contractual, quasi-contractual, delic-
tual, and quasi-delictual, ib. 2:
contracta, iii. 14: verbis contracta,
iii. 15 (see stipulatio): litteris con-
tracta, iii. 21: consensu contracta, iii.
22. pr. naturalis and civilis, iii. 20.
I: quasi ex contractu, iii. 27: ex
maleficio or delicto, four species, iv.
1. pr.: quasi ex maleficio or delicto,
iv. 5 obligations, how extinguished,
iii. 29: solutio, ib. pr.: acceptilatio,
ib. 1: novatio, ib. 3: contraria volun-
tas, in consensual contracts, ib..
occupatio of wild animals, ii. 1. 12:
when complete, ib. 13, cf. iv. 9. pr.:
of bees, ii. 1. 14: of pigeons, ib. 15:
of enemies and their property, ib. 17:
of gems and stones found on the sea-
shore, ib. 18: of island rising in the
sea, ib. 22 of treasure trove, ib. 39:
of res derelicta, ib. 47.
optio, legacy of, ii. 20. 23.
orcinus, ii. 24. 2.


ordinaria and extraordinaria iudicia,
iii. 12. pr.: iv. 15. 8.


Papinian, i. 25. 2: i. 26. 7: ii. 1. 8:
ii. 6. 9: ii. 20. 14: ii. 25. 1: iii.
23. 7.

parentes, as tutores legitimi, i. 18.
partitio, ii. 23. 5.

patriciatus, i. 12. 4.

patroni, as tutores legitimi, i. 17.
Paulus, ii. 14. pr.
pauperies, iv. 9.
peculium, Justinian's changes in the
law of, ii. 9. 1: iii. 10. 2: iii. 28. pr.:
legacy of, ii. 20. 20: castrense, ii. 9.
1: ii. 12. pr.: quasi-castrense, ii. 11. 6.
perceptio fructuum, see fructus per-

performance of contract, impossi-
bility of, iii. 19. 2.

permutatio, a contract distinct from
emptio venditio, iii. 23. 2.

personarum ius, all men free or slaves,
i. 3. pr. sui or alieni iuris, i. 8. pr. :
those alieni iuris in either dominica
or patria potestas, ib.: those sui iuris
sometimes in tutela or cura, i. 13. pr.
Pertinax, ii. 17. 7.

pignoris capio, i. 24. 3.

pignorum distractio, ii. 8. 1.
pignus, ii. 8. 1: iii. 14. 4: iii. 19. 20:
iv. 1. 14: iv. 6. 7: iv. 15. 3.
Pius Antoninus, i. 8. 2: i. 25. 8 and
18: i. 26. 3. 4 and 9: ii. 6. 9: ii. 15.
2: ii. 20. 4.

plebiscitum, defined, i. 2. 4.
plebs, distinguished from populus, i.

[blocks in formation]

Pomponius, ii. 10. 5.

possessio, meaning of the term, iv. 15.
5 acquisition of, through slaves and
children in power, ii. 9. 3: through
usufructuary slaves, alieni servi bona
fide possessed, and free man bona
fide serviens, ib. 4: through extraneae
personae, ib. 5: possession bona and
mala fide, ii. 6. 3 and 7: pro herede,
iv. 15. 3 pro possessore, ib.: pos-
sessio or praescriptio longi temporis,
ii. 6. pr. ii. 9. 5.

postliminium, i. 12. 5: i. 20. 2: ii. 1.
17: ii. 12. 5.

postumus, exheredatio of, ii. 13. 1:
persons postumorum loco, ib. 2: in
substitutions, ii. 16. 4: alienus, de-
fined, ii. 20. 26: when a suus heres,
iii. 1. 2.

potestas dominica, is iuris gentium,
i. 8. I limited by Pius Antoninus,
ib. 2.

patria, i. 9: peculiar to Rome, ib.

3 over whom it extends, ib.: modes
in which it is extinguished: death of
paterfamilias, i. 12. pr.: deportatio
of parent or child, ib. 1: parent's be-
coming poenae servus, ib. 3: child's
being elevated to patriciate, ib. 4:
capture of parent or child and death
in captivity, ib. 5: emancipation, ib.
6: adoptio plena, ib. 8: case of grand-
child conceived before, but born after,
son's emancipation, i. 12. 9.
praeteritio of sui heredes, etc., ii. 13.


praetor, heredem facere non potest, iii.
9. 2: fideicommissarius, ii. 23. 3:
praetor's edict, i. 2. 7: i. 12. 6: con-
trasted with lex, iii. 9. 2.
principum placita, have the force of
law, i. 2. 6: their species, ib.
procurator, acquisition through, ii. 9.
5: mode of appointing, iv. 10. 1:
satisdatio by, iv. 11. pr.

prodigus, cui bonorum suorum admi-
nistratio interdicta est, under a cura-
tor, i. 23. 3 cannot make a will, ii.

[blocks in formation]

relegatio, in insulam, i. 12. 2.
replicatio, iv. 14. pr.
repraesentatio, ii. 20. 14.
rerum ius, ii. 1. pr.

res, in patrimonio or extra patrimo-
nium, ii. 1. pr.: communes, ib. 1:
publicae, ib. 2: universitatis, ib. 6:
res of which the use is public, ib. 4:
res nullius, ib. 7, 12 sq. 17, 18, 22:
res sacrae, ib. 8: religiosae, ib. 9:
sanctae, ib. 10: res singulorum, be-
come so either iure gentium or iure
civili, ib. 11: res corporales, ii. 2. 1:
incorporales, ib. 2 and 3: legacy of,

ii. 20. 21: res mobiles and immo-
biles, different treatment of, ii. 6. pr.,
3 and 7: iv. 15. 4: res fungibiles, iii.
14. pr.

responsa prudentium, i. 1. 8.
restitutio in integrum, iv. 6. 33.
restitutio of inheritance under a fidei-
commissum, ii. 23. 2.


Sabinians and Proculians, ii. 1. 25:
iii. 23. 2: iii. 26. 8.

sanctio, meaning of the term, ii. 1. 10.
satisdatio, the old law of, in real

actions, iv. 11. pr.: in personal ac-
tions, ib. I the law in Justinian's
time, when the parties appear in per-
son, ib. 2: where there is a procura-
tor, ib. 3, or a defensor, ib. 5: satis-
datio iudicatum solvi, ib. pr., 1, 4
and 5 ratam rem dominum habitu-
rum, ib. pr. and 2.
Scaevola, i. 25. 16.

seashore, common property, ii. 1. 1:
its use public, ib. 5: defined, ib. 3.
semestria, i. 25. 1.
senatusconsultum, defined, i. 2. 5:
Afinianum, iii. 1. 14: Claudianum, iii.
12. 1: Largianum, iii. 7. 4: Mace-
donianum, iv. 7. 7: Orfitianum, iii.
4: Pegasianum, iii. 23. 4 and 7:
Rufi et Scapulae, iii. 8. pr. and 3:
Tertullianum, iii. 3: Trebellianum,
iii. 23. 4 and 6.
servitudes, are res incorporales, ii. 2.
3: rustic, ii. 3. pr. and 2: urban, ib.
1: meaning of 'praedial' servitudes,
ib. 3: modes of creating servitudes,
ib. 4.

Servius, i. 13. 1.

servus, nullum habet caput, i. 16. 4:
as heir or legatee, ii. 9. 3: adultery
of, with free woman, ii. 14. pr.: iii.
II: ordinarius and vicarius, ii. 20.
17: iv. 7. 4 stipulations of, iii. 17.
Severus, i. 25. 18: i. 26. 3. 4 and 9:
ii. 6. 9 and 13: ii. 9. 5 ii. 10. 7:
ii. 14. pr. ii. 17. 3 and 8: ii. 20. 5,
12, 15 and 20: ii. 25. I.
slavery, originates in ius gentium, but
contrary to ius naturale, i. 2. 2: i. 3.
2: modes in which persons become
slaves, ib. 4: slaves all of one con-
dition, ib. 5: see servus.
societas, either tutorum bonorum or

unius alicuius negotiationis, iii. 25.
pr.: shares of profit and loss, how
ascertained, ib. 1-3: modes in which
societas terminates: renunciation, ib.
4: death of socius, ib. 5: completion
of the business for which the partner.

ship was formed, ib. 6: publicatio of
the property of a partner, ib. 7, or
his insolvency, ib. 8: obligations of
partners inter se, ib. 9: beneficium
competentiae, iv. 6. 38.
solidary obligation, iii. 20. 4.
solum Italicum, ii. 6. pr.: ii. 8. pr.
solutio, iii. 29. pr.: per errorem, a case
of real, iii. 14. 1, or rather quasi-con-
tractual obligation, iii. 27. 6: solutio
per errorem of legacies, ii. 20. 25.
specificatio, ii. 1. 25.
sportulae, iv. 6. 24.

spurii, i. 10. 2: have cognates, but not
agnates, iii. 5. 4.

status, see capitis deminutio: status
controversia, i. 25. 12.
stipendiaria praedia, ii. I. 40.
stipulatio, defined, iii. 15. pr.: form
of, under the older law, ib. 1: greater
freedom introduced by Leo, ib., cf. iii.
19. 5 and 7: puré, in diem, and sub
condicione, iii. 15. 2: stipulation for
periodical payment, theoretically pura,
ib. 3: conditional, defined, ib. 4 and
6: for factio, as distinguished from
datio, best secured by a penalty, ib.
7: correi stipulandi and promittendi,
iii. 16: stipulation of slave, iii. 17.
pr.: personal to slave, if for a 'fac-
tum,' ib. 2: stipulation of slave jointly
owned, ib. 3: iii. 28. 3: stipulationes
iudiciales, iii. 18. 1: praetoriae and
aediliciae, ib. 2: conventionales, ib.
3: communes, ib. 4: what may be
stipulated for, iii. 19. pr.: stipula-
tions, why void: on account of non-
existence of their subject, ib. 1, or
- performance being otherwise impos-
sible in nature or law, ib. 2: because
performance is promised from a per-
son not a party to the contract, ib. 3,
or to a person not a party to the
contract, nor having promisee in his
potestas, ib. 4: on account of want
of correspondence between question
and answer, ib. 5. cf. 18: because
made between master and slave, or
pater and filiusfamilias, ib. 6: be-
cause a party is deaf or dumb, ib. 7,
or insane, ib. 8, or impubes in potes-
tas, ib. 10: because of impossible
condition, ib. 11: because inter ab-
sentes, ib. 12: on account of mis-
understanding between the parties, ib.
23: because immoral, ib. 24: stipu-
lation for performance to stipulator
or a third person, or to stipulator
and a third person, ib. 4: for per-
formance after death of promisor
or promisee, made valid by Justinian,
ib. 13: for performance after death

of third person, ib. 16: at death of
promisor or promisee, ib. 15: prae-
postera, ib. 14: on behalf of third
person, void unless secured by a
penalty, ib. 9, or unless promisee has
an interest in performance, ib. 20:
promise on behalf of third person,
not binding unless secured by a
penalty, ib. 21: for delivery of pro-
perty on its becoming promisee's
own, ib. 22: death of promisor before
fulfilment of condition, ib. 25: sti-
pulatio Aquiliana, iii. 29. 2.
substitutio pupillaris, ii. 16. pr.: an
institution of customary law, ib.:
unum testamentum duarum heredi-
tatum, ib. 2: precautions to be taken
in. ib. 3 allowable even when the
child is disinherited, ib. 4: not al-
lowed, unless testator makes a will
for himself, ib. 5: flexibility of, ib.
6: form of, ib. 7: avoided by child's
reaching puberty, ib. 8: effects of,
how far producible where an extra-
neus or pubes filius is instituted,
ib. 9.

substitutio quasi-pupillaris, ii. 16. 1.
substitutio vulgaris, its nature, ii. 15.
pr.: flexibility, ib. 1. 2 and 3: to
servus alienus believed to be sui iuris,
ib. 4.

suspecti crimen, i. 26. pr.: see tutor.


telum, defined, iv. 18. 5.
testamentifactio, ii. 10. 6: ii. 14. 2:
ii. 19. 4: ii. 20. 24.
testamentum, derived, ii. 10. pr.:
comitiis calatis and in procinctu, ib.
I per aes et libram, ib.: praetorian
will, attested by seals of seven wit-
nesses, ib. 2: testamentum triperti-
tum. ib. 3 further requirement of
Justinian, ib. 4: any seal sufficient,
ib. 5 material on which will may be
written, ib. 12: duplicate copies, ib.
13: nuncupative will, ib. 14: will of
quasi-castrense peculium, ii. 11. 6:
who cannot make a will: filiifamilias,
except of castrense or quasi-castrense
peculium, ii. 12. pr.: impuberes and
furiosi, ib. 1: prodigi, ib. 2: deaf,
dumb, and blind persons, except
under prescribed special forms, ib.
3 and 4: captivi, while in captivity,
ib. 5: how a testament becomes rup-
tum: by quasi-adgnatio of suus heres,
ii. 17. 1: by execution of a later will,
ib. 2, even if the heir of the latter be
instituted only ex certis rebus, ib. 3:
will becomes irritum by capitis de-

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