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PARK THEATRE.-The second month of the new season is passing away at this house, with encouraging proofs of the revival of its usual flourishing carcer. After that bird y'clept of paradise the exquisite, the never-to-be-sufficiently-admired, and seldom-sufficiently-paid — FANNY, had shaken her wings, displayed her plumage, and indefinitely twinkled her toes, at which Aglaia, Thalia, and Euphrosyne, gazed with a rapture they never knew in Helicon, she flew away for a time. Then came BUCKSTONE, of whom a word or two hereafter, and then POWER! Power! - the prince of the Powers of Pat-Land! Now what shall be said of him, which has not been written over and again? 'Lives there a man with soul so dead,' in these days of stupefaction, who has not felt the titillating effects of his jocose genius? Is there a hypochrondriac yet cursing the sun, moon, and seven stars, to say nothing of that insignificant planet which mortals call the earth, now wandering upon this sphere? There is! Then, ecce homo! he is the man whose visual and auricular organs have not yet had cognizance of that cacchinnatory, anti-blue-devilish influence, which lurks in every toue of voice, every twinkle of the eye, and each single and individual gesture of the body, of the inimitable TYRONE! Many new pieces have been added to the budget of fun presented during his engagement, all of them possessing the genuine spirit which mortal grins are made of.

The additions which have been made to the stock' of the Park, are not by any means equal to the subtractions. PETER RICHINGS, the handsome Peter; the smiling, amiable, gentlemanly Peter; the exquisite fop, the picturesque bandit, the dignified noble, the slouching ruffian-Peter the Great, in more senses than one, is lost to us for the present. CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN, also, has been won away; and the promise whichthe Park audiences had nourished, in the hope of seeing it grow to full perfection before them, has been transplanted to bloom, for a brief season, doubtless, in another soil. Mrs. WHEATLEY and Mrs. VERNON, each a host, it is true, are still left to us; but for fear that they too should be deluded away, we hereby issue this our solemu protest, by way of proclamation: 'To each and every Manager, Conductor, Director, or Proprietor of any one Theatre or Theatres in these Republican States of North America, KNOW YE, that by these presents we forbid you, on pain of our high displeasure, openly, as by bribes of imaginary gold, or promised fame, or covertly, as by abductions, conjurations, or secret magic, to draw away from us, the liege friends of the Park Theatre, these our two before-mentioned most especial favorites! A vermillion edict ! Tremble fearfully hereat! Decidedly these are the orders!

By the time that this paper is before its readers, Mrs. Woon will, it is hoped, have made her third courtesy before an American audience. Her friends are more anxious than ever to see and welcome her back to these shores, which, since her departure, have felt no influence like that which she has exercised. Yes! we shall again have the pleasure of hearing, in undisturbed delight, the tones of that voice, which enthrals the hearts of all who listen to it; and opera, English opera, without the fopperies and affectations of the Italian school, will again bear rule, with its own refined and intellectual influence.


THE CHATHAM has won gradually, but surely, upon the favor of the town, and has at last become extremely popular. Among the later engagements, was that of Yankee HILL,' which crowded the establishment nightly. Speaking of Mr. HILL, reminds us to say, that he is about opening the old Franklin Theatre' for vaudevilles and other entertaining light pieces. The house, which is to be called 'HILL'S THEATRE,' has been thoroughly renovated, re-embellished, and several important improvements adopted.

THE BOWERY. - Mr. FORREST, at the Bowery, has been the most prominent attraction of the month. To say that he sustained his personations with his accustomed excellence and ability, is saying all that it is necessary to repeat to our readers in his praise. As a man, a gentleman, and a dramatic artist, Mr. FORREST is too well known, to require our poor tribute of praise, bow cordially soever we may tender it.

THE OLYMPIC has opened with its old corps of performers, including many new ones, and three capital comedians, MITCHELL, BROWNE, and WILLIAMS. The first two would make the fortune of any cheap minor theatre, where people go to laugh and make merry.

THE NEW NATIONAL is soon to open. Opera and Ballet are to be the reigning features. The house is said to be admirably arranged and embellished; and reports are rife of new operas, eminent engagements, etc. Nous verrons !

THE 'NEW-YORK MIRROR.' We cannot often find space, although we do not lack the will, to notice contemporary journals, which come frequently before the public; but in these days of new literary enterprises, some good, and many indifferent, we must not forget that 'old-established periodical,' the 'NEW-YORK MIRROR,' whose weekly goingsforth extend back to the time of the 'oldest inhabitant' - that indefinite personage, who never saw any thing remarkable. We need say no more of its literary attractions, than that it retains its old, and has gained many new, contributors. Its typographical execution is what it always has been, beautiful; and the admirable portrait of Miss VANDENHOFF, as the Countess, in KNOWLES' play of 'Love,' in a late number, engraved by SADD, from a painting by INGHAM-the best engraving we have ever seen in this journalevinces that there is to be no flagging in the pictorial department. Apropos of the 'Mirror' we are glad to introduce here certain 'Early Associations' of the editor, written after Mr. SIMPSON'S benefit, a fragment which has been sometime in type, and which struck us, on a first perusal, as a felicitous retrospect, half-pathetic, half-joyous, which would find an echo in the hearts of many an old Park theatre-goer.

"The performance of Mr. Simpson, on the night of his benefit, vividly brought to mind the pleasant scenes of long time ago,' when he was the brilliant Ranger of the stage, and we were a little black-eyed, curly-headed lad in the pit. He played Mr. Belmour then, something after the manner he did it the other evening; but, of course, with more of the dash and sparkle of youth; for Simpson and I, as Halleck says of the Recorder and himself, are alike in one thing-growing old.' He played it then before many whose familiar faces graced the occasion of his last benefit; but, by our Jady, they were somewhat changed also; though not for the worse, for we begin to have a reve rence for gray hairs. Our own are not so glossy as they were. But this, by way of parenthesis, might as well be erased yet, since it is upon the paper, we let it pass. The Park was then what we hope to see it soon again, the resort of the elegant, the refined, and the beautiful; and, besides, of all the wits of the town. Talk of the wit of the present time! There is no such thing now. Coarseness and vulgarity have usurped its place. There are no good things either said or done now-a-days. The race of true wags passed away with Fairley, Morton, Drake, Jarvis, and the rest. It is true, we have much still to be thankful for in Irving, Paulding, Halleck, Major Noah, and several other kindred spirits; but, as far as the theatre is concerned, they are non est inventus, and, 'the places that knew them onee, know them now no more.' During the brief period that the manager was before us the other evening, we were a boy again; and, when he approached the footlights, and, in his own peculiar, well-remembered manner addressed the audience, there were many moist eyes in the boxes at the recollectious of the light of other days,' which it is nonsense to say, as the song does, the heart alone knows no renewing. We have seen many actors in Simpson's characters we say Simpson's, for they were his, when we first saw them represented-but we have never seen any with the same relish. So much for first impressions, which are always the most enduring, if not the most authentic. We wish the manager would engage the actor — a-laWallack for a few nights--that old associations, which we like better than old wine, might be rekindled before the stars of memory have set for ever. It would, to us, at least, be a treat to see Simpson and Barnes in old and young Rapid once again. Should such a thing take place, for heaven's sake let Richings sing Ye sons of freedom, awake to Glory! Divine Peter! He used to be maguificent iu that song.'

DISCOVERIES IN STEAM. - Though we do not regard it as our especial province to record the advances in the arts, sciences, and inventions of this ingenious and enterprising age, yet we cannot withhold allusion to a high'y important improvement in the generation of steam, which has created no small sensation within the last few weeks in this city. The improvement is chiefly in the boiler, which is so constructed as to economize fuel, in a wonderful degree; making, indeed, a saving of at least four-fifths. The boiler, and an engine adapted to it, have been put into a beautiful boat, called the EUREKA, from the Greek word Evpéka, used, it will be remembered, by Archimedes, in his exclamation of joy on solving a problem, and signifying, 'I have found it!' This boat is now performing trips to Albany with four and a half cords of wood, in the usual time. Considering that this is the first boiler ever constructed on this new principle, its success is unparalleled in the history of inventions, and can scarcely fail, with such improvements as experience and skill will naturally suggest, to revolutionize the application of the great physical agent of modern times. The inventor is PHINEAS BENNETT, a name destined to be hereafter associated with that of FULTON, among the benefactors of mankind.



HAVELL'S PANORAMA OF NEW-YORK.-There have been several 'Views of NewYork' given to the public, but none that can compare, in faithfulness and finish, with the colored panoramic view' of the city, bay, and environs, recently published by Mr. HAVELL, Fulton-street. There is the dense mass of human habitations, beyond the line of the river front; the entire metropolis, with its steeples and turrets, its domes and cupolas, rising through the smokes of ten thousand chimneys; the broad bay, with the tall ships setting in from the sea; the steamers and water-craft of every description, hurrying to and from either shore, moving up the lordly Hudson, or departing for another land; and all basking in the light of a cloudless summer morning. The 'View' is drawn and painted with evident care, neatly engraved, and naturally colored. We commend it, unhesitatingly, to strangers and citizens, as one of the best representations of New-York and its immediate environs that has yet been issued.

THE SUNDAY MERCURY, published weekly in this city by Messrs. PAIGE AND NICHOLS, deserves a word of commendation at our hands. In its externals, it is neat, modest, and tasteful; and in its internal attractions, second to none of its contemporaries. Independence, good sense, and abundant variety, are its prominent characteristics; and it is conducted with a proper regard to the proprieties of society. There is, agreeably interspersed with graver matters, a great amount of light, humorous reading. In this arrangement, the editors, we think, have well judged. Seriousness and merriment are near neighbors, and always live together like friends, if sullen, moody spirits do n't set them at variance. In our poor judgment, a hearty laugh is worth a hundred groans, in any state of the market. With the talents of Mr. NICHOLS, the junior editor of the 'Mercury,' we may add, our readers are not unacquainted. We observe that his 'Waterloo Album,' written for the KNICKERBOCKER, has been transferred to the London 'Court Magazine,' and is now travelling the rounds of the American press, credited to that journal. As usual!

ILLUSTRATIONS OF BRYANT AND DRAKE. — In awarding our meed of praise, in the last number, to the paintings of 'The Phrenologist' and 'The Idle Servant,' by a young and clever artist, Mr. CLOVER, Jr., we were not aware that he was skilled in the use of the graver as well as the pencil; but a friend has shown us two small engravings, executed for a very handsome literary and pictorial work, soon to be published by Messrs. LINNEN AND FENNELL, which will certainly not derogate from our artist's growing reputation. The one is a soft and quiet landscape, and is intended to illustrate BRYANT's 'Lines to a Waterfowl,' and the other is a soft scene, likewise, being the representation of a most audacious attempt at love-making, in broad day-light, under a venerable oak, as described by DRAKE. Both pictures, but especially the first, are well executed.

'BACCHUS.'This is the rather singular title of a large and well-printed volume, from the press of the Messrs. LANGLEY, in Chatham-street, containing an Essay on the Nature, Causes, Effects, and Cure of Intemperance, by RALPH Barnes Grindrod ;. cdited from the third London edition, by CHARLES A. LEE, M. D. We may say with a contemporary, that it is the most comprehensive treatise that we have ever seen. Among the aids which the author brings to his argument, are curious extracts from parish registers, and from early accounts of the usages of intoxicating liquors. He seems to have exerted himself to bring into one view the principal argument in favor of temperance, and against the use of intoxicating drinks; and he neglects none of those means which the skilful advocate usually presses into his service. Keen satire, grave argument, warm expostulation, and withering ridicule, give force to facts, and are cal. culated to insure the object of the writer.

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A Gossip with Readers and Correspondents. -We shall find space, in our next number, for the paper upon the history of wine-making, the cultivation of the grape, etc., from the earliest period down to the present time, from the pen of Mr. Davis, to which we have before alluded. Prince Gilbert is a thorough master of his subject; and brings forward precedents and facts, that the author of Bacchus,' a work elsewhere noticed, seems not to have thought of. Mr. Davis does not defend the use of bad wines; for he has no experience in the article:" but he believes with the eminent Dr. Sigmond, that ' good wine is a cordial, a good cordial, a fine stomachic; and taken at its proper season, invigorates mind and body.' Bot he shall speak for himself anon. . . The letter of the author of Parties in this Country,' in relation to our passing

remark upon his communication, is unworthy of him; and we doubt not be himself thinks so at this moment. His 'additional argument' is but a reiteration. He has forgotten the press, in his estimate of danger to the republic. Let him 'try and reflect,' as High Commissioner Lin would say, that there are such things as newspapers in the land. Give them,' said Sheridan, speaking of his opponents in the British Parliament, a' corrupt House of Lords; give them a tyrannical Prince; give them a truckling court; and let me have but an unfettered press, and I will defy them to encroach one hair's breadth upon the liberties of the English people.' And what Sheridan said of his country, we say of ours.... We would gladly accept the pleasant hunting story of Tim Reckless,' but for the contingeney - a wood-cut, in illustration; this would be inconvenient, and with so many figures, expensive. The crayon drawing is a very clever one. The sketch itself reminds us of an anecdote of a Russian courtier, which we have som where seen, who, to please the empress, was to pass an evening at his country residence, by way of surprise, collected skins of all the ferocious beasts of the forest, and by placing either men or children inside, according to their size, gave them the appearance of life, and they were frisking about his grounds to the astonishment of the empress, when she arrived. By way of farther surprise, and honor to his sovereign mistress, he caused an extraordinary display of fire-works and rockets to be let off, when she came in front of the house. Unfortunately, however, not having apprize 1 the supposed animals of the terrible explosion which was to take place, they were most dreadfully alarmed; and, instead of continping to play their parts as quadrupeds, they attempted to seek flight as bipeds, by which they rendered the scene ridiculous enough! . . . • One who has been Dead,' a singu lar correspondent, if literally understood, writes us in confirmation of Rev. Mr. Dewey's views of the physical sensations attending dissolution. He affirms, from his own experience,' that the approach of natural death produces a sensation similar to that of falling asleep, and that the only wish is a longing for absolute rest. He says, that on one occasion, after a long illness, his physician roused him from a syncope into which he had relapsed, as into the sweetest slumber. 'You were nearly gone!' said the doctor; to which I replied, with a feeling, I am sure, of the deepest regret,' Oh why did you wake me!' He closes his communication with the admirable passage quoted by Dr. Johnson from a contemporary author, and commended for its truth and beauty, in his most vigorous and earnest manner : Death the last and most dreadful of all evils, is so far from being one, that it is the infallible core for all others:

To die, is landing on some silent shore,
Where billows never heat, nor tempests roar,
Ere well we feel the friendly stroke, 't is o'er.

For, abstracted from the sickness and sufferings usually attending it, it is no more than the expiration of that term of life God was pleased to bestow on us, without any claim or merit on our part. But was it an evil ever so great, it could not be remedied but by one much greater, which is by living for ever; by which means our wickedness, unrestrained by the pros pect of a future state, would grow so insupportable, our sufferings so intolerable by perseverance, and our pleasures so tiresome by repetition, that no being in the universe could be so completely miserable as a species of immortal men. We have no reason, therefore, to look upon death as an evil, or to fear it as a punishment, even without any supposition of a future life; but if we consider it as a passage to a more perfect state, or a remove only in an eternal succession of still-improving states, (for which we have the strongest reasons) it will then appear a new favor from the divine munificence; and a man must be as absurd to repine at dying, as a traveller would be, who proposed to himself a delightful tour through various unknown countries, to lament that he cannot take up his residence at the first dirty inn which he baits at on the read. The instability of human life, or of the changes of its successive periods, of which we so frequently complain, are no more than the necessary progress of it to this necessary conclusion; and are so far from being evils deserving these complaints, that they are the source of our greatest pleasures, as they are the source of all novelty, from which our greatest pleasures are ever derived. The continual succession of seasons in the human life, by daily presenting to us new scenes, render it agreeable, and like those of the year, afford us delights by their change, which the choicest of them could not give us by their continuance. In the spring of life, the gilding of the sun-shine, the verdure of the fields, and the variegated paintings of the sky, are so exquisite in the eyes of infants at their first looking abroad into a new world, as nothing perhaps afterward can equal. The heat and vigor of the succeeding summer of youth ripens for us new pleasures, the blooming maid, the nightly revel, and the jovial chase: the serene autumn of complete manhood feasts us with the golden harvests of our worldly pursuits: nor is the hoary winter of old age destitute of its peculiar conforts and enjoyments, of which the recollection and relation of those past are perhaps none of the least; and at last death opens to us a new prospect, from whence we shall probably look back upon the diversions and occupations of this world with the same contempt we do now on our tops and hobby-horses, and with the same surprise that they could ever so much entertain or engage us.'... Democritus,' we are sure, would not be taken at his word, his well-written Complaint' to the contrary notwithstanding. An inch of mirth is worth an ell of moan.' Our lugubrious correspondent reminds us of the cynic who begged his friends on his death-bed that they would bury him with his face downward; and when asked his reasons for so singular a request, replied, that he wanted to turn his back on this contemptible world!' We have always found this mundane sphere a very good sort of a work, and its people, in the main, rather respectable than otherwise. The following new communications await the consideration which we have not as yet found leisure to award them: How much may Hang upon a Hat ;' Translations from Anacreon;' A Letter from Laurie Todd ;' The Talesman Down East ;' Daguerreotype Views of the Lakes, Prairies, and Rivers of the West;' The Loves of the Driver,' by the author of Guy Rivers,' the Yemassee,' etc.; The Student's First Party;'Eginhard and Imma,' by Miss M. E. Lee; Loves of the Lakes;' Lines on the Death of an Infant;''Spirit of the Hun;''Recollections of the Battle of Lundy's Lane;' Carlyle and his Germanisms; Mr.and Mrs. Wood, and their Re-appearance,' etc.

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IN going from Harlem to Leyden by the canal, which, although it passes of course through a similar country, does not precisely follow the post-road, the company in the roef of the treks chuyt consisted of persons of more than ordinary intelligence, who, although they belonged to different nations, yet held intercourse by means of the French language, the common medium of communication among educated men in all parts of Europe. Lively conversation, united with the beauty of the country, made the four hours passed in the boat to glide away pleasantly and rapidly, notwithstanding a violent thunder shower, which came on before we reached Leyden. Among the passengers was a well-informed Swede, whose views and opinions in regard to the United States were such as a candid foreigner might well entertain, who read our newspapers without possessing any local knowledge of men and things in this country. Nothing is more painful to an American abroad, and yet nothing is more continually necessary, than to correct the most absurd falsehoods every where current against our public men. The multitude of persons, who from interest, accident, or principle, are opposed to a republican form of government, find ample grounds for their hostility from the exaggeration of party spirit, which fills our public journals with abandoned misrepresentations of every conspicuous individual. Europeans think, or choose to think, when one president is charged with procuring and seeking to retain his office by corruption, bribery, and bargain; and another with being an ambitious military leader, animated with a deliberate purpose to overturn the constitution for objects of self-aggrandizement; when gross incompetency, public profligacy, and private vices of the basest kind, are freely imputed on one side or the other, to all of either party who possess a distinguished name; they think, or choose to think, that when every person concerned in the administration of the government is so corrupt, the system of government itself must also be corrupt, which places such men in power. The only way to escape from the charge, is to 49


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