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tumultuous action of the heart, intermittent pulse, weakness, loss of appetitę and vomiting, in some cases salivation and soreness of the mouth.

The physiological effects produced by Iodide of Potassium are analogous to those produced by Iodine; in a full dose it causes nausea, vomiting, pain and heat in the stomach, and purging, sometimes diuresis, but does not act so energetically as free Iodine. It sometimes causes salivation and increased secretion from the nasal and conjunctival membranes, headache and wakefulness. It is soon eliminated from the system even when given in large doses; hence the dose often requires to be repeated to produce the physiological effects.



Both the effects produced by this agent in the healthy body. and in various diseases, indicate that its action is primarily on the blood, hence on the fluids of the body. It acts in virtue of its chemical properties, abstracting hydrogen and uniting with bases, appearing in the urine and other secretions, as hydriodic acid, iodine and iodate; also upon the glands, and the mucous and serous membranes in the process of elimination.


As this salt is very soluble, it is soon absorbed into the blood, and therefore acts less on the stomach, &c. It diffuses readily and is soon eliminated by the urine. On account of its physical properties, it will cause endosmose of the serum of the blood, or vice versa, according to the degree of concentration of the solution given. It is, however, probably soon decomposed after introduction into the stomach.


The vapour of Iodine is useful in coryza, catarrh, chronic bronchitis, bronchorrhoea, diphtheria, laryngitis, spasmodic asthma, and in salivation.


Indicated in scaly diseases of the skin, as lepra, psoriasis. In VOL. XXXII, NO. CXXVIII.—APRIL, 1874.

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chronic enlargement of the liver, in the diarrhoea, vomiting, and hectic of phthisis; in chronic cutaneous eruptions, especially in scrofulous children, chronic rheumatism; in inflammation of bones or periosteum, the consequence of syphilis; in chronic rheumatic arthritis.


In tabes mesenterica, in mammary, ovarian, and uterine tumours, and bronchocele.



Indicated in articular rheumatism, dropsies, hydrocele, periosteal nodes due to syphilis, in secondary or tertiary syphilis, in lead poisoning, and coryza.


Indicated in scrofula, chronic diseases connected with induration and enlargement of various organs, also to promote the absorption of effusions.


In chronic rheumatism, gout, pleurisy, synovitis, bronchocele, lupus, myalgia, indurated glands, erysipelas, and as an injection in hydrocele, white swelling, ovarian tumours (after being tapped), large abscesses, &c.

Boericke and Tafel's Quarterly Bulletin of Medical Literature. No. 11, February, 1874. New York and Philadelphia.

THIS useful account of homeopathic literature is in the present quarter of no ordinary interest. It has several times given intimations of a forthcoming complete collection of existing provings, under the auspices of Dr. Allen, of New York. The number now before us contains the prospectus and plan of publication of this work, with a specimen medicine.

It will be of interest to our readers

that we give them an account of the former, and of importance to the cause of homœopathy that we critically examine the latter.

1. Messrs. Boericke and Tafel propose to publish an Encyclopædia of Homeopathic Materia Medica. It is to be all that Jahr's Symptomen-Codex (long out of print) was in its time, brought down to the present day by the incorporation of all new provings, and on an improved plan. The terms, &c., of issue are stated by the publishers thus :—


We intend to issue the work in volumes of 640 pages each, size of page and type to be like sample, at the price of $6.00, and will issue no less than two volumes per year, most likely three, as we would like to see the whole work completed in 1876.


Physicians subscribing in advance for the whole work will receive the volume at $5.00, substantially bound in cloth.

"It is impossible to state in advance, with certainty, how many such volumes will comprise the whole work, but to judge from the present state of the MSS., we should think that five or six volumes will complete the whole.

“It will readily be perceived that this is a great enterprise, entailing much labour and a large outlay of money. In justice to ourselves, and in justice to subscribers, who will have a claim to an assurance that the work will be carried through to its completion, we desire to have it understood that we cannot commence publication until we have a subscription list containing the names of not less than FIVE HUNDRED SUBSCRIBERS. While this number of subscriptions will fall very far short of the actual cost and outlay, it will suffice to assure us that the profession appreciates our efforts; it will suffice, too, to place the publication upon a satisfactory financial basis.

"To contribute your share then towards expediting the consummation of this most important work, send in your signature AT ONCE; don't put it off; there may be too many who, although favourable to the enterprise, neglect sending in their names, thinking that a work so much needed will certainly receive the required number of subscribers without them, and thus the whole may be retarded.

“If there are more than one physician in one place, it will be

of advantage if they order their volumes sent in one package, as it will diminish cost of transportation, and books sent per express arrive in better condition than when ordered to be sent by mail.

"A full list of subscribers will be appended to the first volume of the work, after the publication of which the subscription list will be closed, and no more subscriptions of $5.00 per volume will be received, but the regular retail price of $6.00 will be charged.

"Subscriptions should be addressed to BOERICKE & TAFEL, 145, Grand Street, N. Y., 635, Arch Street, Philadelphia, or their agents, HENRY TURNER & Co., 77, Fleet Street, London."

Now it is quite certain that, whatever be the execution of this work, it is of indispensable value to every medical man practising homeopathically; and we hope that it may receive the support it deserves. It will be no credit to this country if a large proportion of the five hundred subscribers required do not come therefrom.

2. But though the work have this necessary value, even if it were no better done than was Jahr's; yet it is of the highest importance for the repute and spread of our system, and for the benefit of the patients for whose aid the pathogeneses are designed, that they shall be presented in the best conceivable form. For this cause we turn with the utmost interest to the specimen medicine furnished us, which is Aconite.

Dr. Allen's "Introduction" had best speak for itself.

"The following symptomatology of Aconite has been compiled from the résumés of Hahnemann and the Austrian Society, both of which have been carefully retranslated and compared with Dr. Dudgeon's compilation in the Hahnemann Materia Medica, Part I; to these have been added all other provings that we have been able to discover, and also many valuable symptoms from cases of poisoning. It has been the aim of the editor to make it complete and accurate; symptoms have been carefully preserved as given by the provers and have been divided as little as possible. All of the symptoms given by Hahnemann are retained, though a few have been corrected as indicated by Dr. Hughes in the Month. Hom. Rev. Some of Hahnemann's symptoms, derived from clinical cases or poisonings, have by some been

considered unreliable-as for example most of Greding's symptoms (Aconite No. 12); but though symptoms so obtained are often treacherous, Hahnemann seemed to possess the keen perception of the master mind, for it is found that these symptoms are remarkably corroborated by those obtained from provings on the healthy: a few are, however, put in brackets, but none are omitted. It will be noticed that the small numbers after the symptoms refer to the authorities; such reference will, it is believed, enhance the value of the work without adding materially to its bulk. The symptoms are numbered by tens in order to facilitate reference. Four grades of symptoms are noted; the italics denote repeatedly observed, or in any way important, symptoms; the stars denote verifications; the heavy, full-faced type denotes repeated verifications (symptoms of the highest importance). A very few clinical symptoms are reluctantly admitted, and these only because they have been repeatedly verified. We must remember that no accurate system of therapeutics can ever rest on a clinical basis; the elements of uncertainty are too numerous, and the experience of centuries has clearly demonstrated the futility of the attempt. Pathological names and clinical hints are omitted and referred to repertories, clinical guides, works on practice, or commentaries on the Materia Medica.

"Arrangement. The usefulness of the work depends very materially upon a convenient and uniform arrangement of the symptoms under the several rubrics. In doing this, two principal aims have been kept in view; first, objective and subjective symptoms; and second, excitement and depression of function or sensation. The mental symptoms have all been grouped in a way to give first excitement, and lastly stupor, and not variations of any special mental function by itself, since the effect of the drug (in this case at least) is general and not special. The head symptoms comprise general head symptoms, as vertigo, dull sensations, sharp sensations; then localized sensations in forehead and temples, vertex and parietals, and occiput; then external head. In the eyes, first, objective (the general appearance, movements, &c.); then sensations from the external to the internal ; and lastly function.

"Under general symptoms we find, first, objective appearances, spasms, twitches, &c. ; then paralysis; then cold and heat; then sensations, dull (aching, drawing, burning, bursting, constrictive,

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