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stance of being high tides, and the tiers being swinging "but," he remarks, "I have generally availed myself of the opportunity of spiritual inquiries and conversation. The meetings this month have not been so well attended as in past months; as, in several instances, they have been at the wharfs, where the men have been busily engaged until a very late hour. The attention of the men who were present has been very marked, many of them manifesting a deep concern about the things proposed to them, and expressing themselves deeply indebted to the friends who care so much about their eternal welfare. Although I have met many interested in the meetings, yet I have found but few who could confess themselves decidedly praying men: this should give us a more enlarged solicitude to insist upon decision in matters of religion, desiring the Lord to succeed all our labours with his blessing."

Rev. J. T. Rowland reports three very interesting and numerous meetings during the past month on this station, all of which were conducted on deck, under an awning, attended by eighty seamen. Once no meeting could be held, owing to the work that was going on at the time the meeting was to have commenced.

Mr. Waldon writes, "On entering upon the duties assigned me on this station, I could not help reflecting on the piety, zeal, and perseverance of our brother Barclay, who laboured so assiduously and successfully among the sailors in this part of the river. Their salvation formed the foundation of his earnest and importunate solicitude at the throne of grace. May the Lord reward him in his foreign labours for his work of faith and labour of love.

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"The first meeting on this station, in which I took a part, was a union one: it was held on board the E- it was commenced by singing and reading, and brother Welch prayed: he was followed by two masters, Captain Prynn and Mr. Welch gave addresses, and I concluded this delightful and cheering exercise by prayer.

"The next meeting was to have been on board the S- -: thi sI was informed by the mate, was the first time for the flag on board this vessel, but not the first Bethel meeting he or the master had attended. But I found it could not be made convenient to hold the meeting in her, so I went over the ships to invite the men, and to see if I could be better suited. I saw the hold of the vessel alongside was nearly clear, so I applied to the master for permission to hold the service in her: he appeared rather reluctant at



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first, but at last complied, so I had two new ships. I had a good meeting as to numbers, but as to piety, I am sorry to say there was but little. After it was closed I thanked the captain for his kindness, asking him, at the same time, if he would hoist the flag at any time that it was convenient, on application; he said we should be welcome, adding, 'I suppose you find great difference in the sailors now from what they were twenty-five years ago.' 'O yes,' I replied, when he said, there is indeed much difference."" Third Thames Station.· -Rev. J. T. Rowland reported, "that by the assistance of the Rev. Mr. Jones, from Cardigan, he was enabled to hold seven meetings upon the Welch station during the month. The Welch seamen were so anxious to hear the word of salvation preached unto them, in their own ancient language, on the Thames, that this agent was obliged to hold three extra meetings during the past month. The attendance of anxious hearers on this station amounted to two hundred and forty-nine, making a total on both stations of three hundred and twenty-nine seamen.


Fourth Thames Station. Mr. Abbott states, meetings generally have not been so well attended during the past month, as on some former occasions; but still we have had a few good meetings, where we have had several captains present as well as men, who have listened with deep attention to the word of life, and expressed their gratitude for our attention towards them and their men. one occasion seven seamen poured out their hearts in prayer


at a throne of grace. We have had three new ships, and two disappointments."

Mr. Edwards writes, "Our meetings on this station have not been so well attended as in some months past, we having been mostly in those tiers where there are generally several foreign vessels lying, and the English ships in foreign employ, so that their crews are discharged as soon as they come home. Once there was no service, there being only two boys on board, and no others could be prevailed on to attend. Another time no ship was obtained, and a third time we were in the second station.

"But while there is reason to mourn, on account of the above, I have the pleasure to state that four vessels have exhibited the Bethel flag for the first time, and the few that have assembled have expressed much thankfulness for the means of grace thus afforded them. One mate said he had not had an opportunity of being at a place of worship

before for nine months: he was with us twice, and lamented that business prevented him from being present at a third. May the Lord have made the means of his grace a blessing, not only to that mate, but to all that attended them, so that his name might be thereby glorified, and sinners saved with a present and everlasting salvation."

Fifth Thames Station.—Mr. Maddox reports, “I have much pleasure in reporting two months' labour (the report of last month not being delivered). Most of the meetings have been encouraging, and well attended. I have had one disappointment during each month: the first arose from a regatta. It was with considerable difficulty I reached the ship, the pious mate of which said, 'Ah! Sir, Satan, the god of this world, has been here before you; he will have many more than we shall get this evening.' My friend was correct in his observation, for none attended. I was therefore reluctantly obliged to strike the flag. The other disappointment arose through all hands being at work, the master having received orders to clear out the ship that night.

"Several of the meetings held have been unusually interesting, six or seven sailors having poured out their hearts before the Lord. Upon one occasion, a seaman, who apparently had been but recently awakened, said a few words in prayer, and then pronounced the benediction; this was about the middle of the service. I suppose he thought he was correct, and perfectly in order by so doing.

“At several of the meetings we have had two and even three addresses, the pious captains having been induced to speak a few words to their brethren upon the importance of personal religion. On the whole, I trust the work of the Lord is advancing among the seamen.

"I have held fourteen meetings, at most of which I have met with pious seamen; and I have been admitted on board several new ships during the past two months."

Mr. Waldon writes, "The meetings I have held in the past month have not been without interest to my own soul, and I would hope to many others also.



Many captains, with whom I have met, have said to me, 'Sir, our minds are pained to see in what an awful state our sailors are;' they have added, that the port of London is one of the worst, if not the worst in England, the young sailor can come to; it invites him to the worst of vices; and as to Sabbath-breaking, it is truly alarming, the river is in one continued motion.'

"I was holding a meeting on board a ship, whose captain

is 's a very pious man, but in consequence of business he could not be with us at the commencement, yet he arrived time enough to take a part in the exercise, after which he said, 'I am glad, sir, to meet you once more on board this little peaceful vessel, I am only sorry I could not be with you before, but since I have been present my heart has been enlivened in feeling the spirit of prayer. O! how blessed it is to have a place of calm retreat like this, and instead of having one's ears tingling with the sound of blasphemy, to be listening with delight to the voice of prayer, and the high praises of God; and instead of having one's heart affected at the awful scenes of vice practised by the sinners in London, to have it warmed, cheered, and animated with the Gospel of Jesus.'

"I could but shudder, yea tremble at the scenes which some gin palaces presented as we were coming down to the water side. I could not forbear saying to a friend, ‘Is it not wonderful that God does not visit with some awful judgment.' This good man has pledged himself to aid the Society in every possible way.

"At another meeting I fell in with a very interesting young man, the mate of the brig in which the service was to be held; not remembering ever being in her before, I asked him if this was the first time for the flag on board, his reply was, 'Yes.' I said, 'I hope you and the master take an interest in the meetings for prayer: he said, “I hope I do, but the captain does not, rather the opposite.' 'But how was it then that he gave his consent to hoist the flag?' 'He did not, but I was determined it should, and here it is, and I am thankful to God for it.'

"A young man standing by said, 'that was right, for never was her mast-head so honoured before.'

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Mr. Edwards writes, "Here the meetings have been attended much as usual, six of which I have been at in this station, one in the first, one in the fourth, and two at the Sailors' Chapel during this month, instead of being in this station wholly.

"Nothing particular has occurred. There have been three more vessels added to the list of my Bethel ships in the above station this month. Many tracts have been distributed among them, which were most gratefully received."

Thames Missionaries' Reports.-Captain Prynn writes, "What a mercy that God continues to smile on the efforts and bless the labours of His servants: this is manifested

in the good that is doing amongst our dear brother sailors from month to month. I have had abundant reason to rejoice in the review of my labours amongst these men during the past month. I have held ten meetings on board of ships, which were well attended; many were present who were in earnest for the salvation of their souls; two sailors especially, after the close of one meeting, came to me weeping, and said, 'Oh Sir, of a truth the Lord has been with us to night we have been engaged, before you came, in prayer that the Lord would bless us to-night, and thanks be to God, our prayers have been answered: when will you be in this tier again?' I told them I should give the address at the Sailors' Chapel the following evening, if they would attend. I encouraged them earnestly to seek the Lord, pointing out the benefits arising from a union to Christ. I have seen those two men often since, and have enjoyed much pleasing converation with them. On another occasion, a sailor came to me and said, 'I am happy to see you. I shall never forget the last meeting you held on board this ship, then it was the Lord convinced me of being a sinner, and since that time, I thank God, I have been brought to a knowledge of the truth as it is in Christ. There was a time when I was ashamed to see you, thank God that is not now the case, I now thank God I ever saw you.' We united in prayer, and tears were shed by each of us. I think this man bids fair for the kingdom. In these and many other instances of a similar nature, is the Lord, whose we are and whom we serve, abundantly owning and honouring his work amongst sailors: this is the cause of much encouragement amid the difficulty of the way. Thirteen pious captains have during this past month engaged themselves to renewed exertions, in co-operation with the efforts of the British and Foreign Sailors' Society; they have commenced their labours, and already has it appeared that these labours of love, for the good of immortal souls, are not in vain. I am, whilst writing this report, called on by one of those pious captains, who has informed me, that last night a meeting was held on board his vessel : he says that it was intended to be held in the cabin, but that was soon found to be too strait; they therefore adjourned upon deck. He states there were six pious captains present, and about fifty sailors, and that such a power of the Divine influence he never before experienced ; and to use his own words, he says, 'It was truly a revival amongst the sailors.' By those means, in connection with

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