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HAVING gone through the description of those quadrupeds that, by resembling each other in some strik

ing particular, admit of being grouped together and considered under one point of view, we now come to those insulated sorts that bear no similitude with the rest, and that to be distinctly described must be separately considered.*

The foremost of these, and in every respect the noblest quadruped in nature, is the elephant, not less remarkable for its size than its docility and understanding. All historians concur in giving


(The Elephant.)

it the character of the most sagacious animal next to man; and yet, were we to

THE GENUS ELEPHAS.-All the accurate knowledge which we at present possess relative to the mode of propagation, the growth, the disposition, and faculties of the elephant, is founded on observations made upon the Asiatic species: and it may be doubted how far we are warranted in referring the attributes of this to the less commonly known elephant, which ranges uncontrolled in the wilds of Africa. Buffon, indeed, and most writers previous to Cuvier, have applied the remarks of observers to both species indiscriminately, for it was not until they had been subjected to the penetrating scrutiny of the latter celebrated naturalist that their real specific difference was distinctly pointed out.

In this country it naturally happens, from our relations with the East Indies, that the elephant which is most commonly exhibited in menageries is of the Asiatic species. The two young individuals, which have been seen to such advantage during the past summer in the gardens of the Zoological Society, are of this kind. In the menagerie at the Jardin des Plantes, however, there is at present a fine young African elephant (Elephas Africanus, Cuv.), as well as a noble Asiatic one (Elephas Indicus, Cuv.). Hence the most ample opportunities have been afforded to the eminent naturalists who have the charge of that truly national establishment to determine accurately the sum and nature of their specific differ

ences, and to furnish the world with figures of unquestionable fidelity, and executed under all the advantages of the present condition of the arts.

The head of the elephant of Africa is smaller, more elongated, and less irregular in its contour than that of the Asiatic species. The summit is rounded instead of being divided by a central longitudinal depression. But the most striking feature in the African elephant is the enormous size of his ears, which extend over his shoulders, and when agitated to and fro, beat the air with a vio lence and noise equal to that produced by the flapping of the wings of the condor or other huge bird. On the thick integument which invests the disproportionately small foot of the elephant five hoofs may be observed on the fore foot in both species, whilst on the hind foot four hoofs are observable in the Asiatic elephant, and three only in the African. We should be mistaken, however, in supposing that the number of toes strictly corresponded to these outward indications; for in both species, when the skin and flesh are removed and the bony framework is exposed, these huge productions of nature are seen to have been constructed on the same plan, and the ultimate divisions of all the four extremities are seen in the skeleton to be into five distinct parts or toes. It has been observed that the extremity of the proboscis in

take our idea of its capacity from its outward appearance, we should be led to conceive very meanly of his abilities. The elephant, at first view, presents the spectator with an enormous mass of flesh that seems scarcely animated. Its huge body, covered with a callous hide without hair; its large misshapen legs that seem

the African elephant is better constructed as
a prehensile organ, and that he seizes thin
substances with greater ease and effect than
his eastern relative. The tail in the African
species is shorter by half its length than in
the Asiatic. These characters are open to
superficial inspection, and may be readily
seized by the youngest student of zoology;
but the most important specific distinction
requires a closer investigation: it is derived
from the differences presented by the worn-
down surfaces of the grinding teeth;-those
of the Asiatic elephant presenting parallel
transverse wavy ridges, while the African's
grinders are marked by transverse lozenge-
shaped ridges. The degree of difference,
therefore, between those two animals, when
strictly considered with reference to the mo-
dern methods in zoology, is even greater than
usually separates species such as the dog and
wolf; and is equivalent rather to that which
distinguishes the dog from the hyena. A
distinct generic name (Loxodonte) has there-
fore been proposed for the African elephant.
The Asiatic elephant is generally seen
under all the favourable circumstances that
an association with man is calculated to pro-
duce. His wants being supplied, his passions
moderated, and his intellectual powers deve-
loped by tuition, we find him elevated to the
highest degree of perfection his nature can
sustain; and in return he renders all his en-
dowments subservient to the wants and luxu-
ries of his master. But in the history of the
elephant of Africa the scene is sadly reversed.
In the wild regions which he traverses we
find that, in his relations to mankind, mutual
fear and deadly enmity usurp the place of
services and benefactions. How often in the
records of African travellers is the following
picture presented! A tribe of Africans, of a
mild and unwarlike disposition, cultivate a
fertile spot on the banks of some large stream,
and subsist on the produce of their rice
grounds, fields of maize, and plantations of
sugar-cane. The time of harvest having
arrived, they rejoice at the ample store of
nutriment provided for their subsistence dur-
ing the unproductive months. In a single
night the hopes of a season are blighted.
With rushing noise, and the earth trembling
beneath their tread, a herd of wild and hungry
elephants come suddenly upon the devoted
settlement, attracted by the ripened vegeta-
bles. The poor negroes, surprised in sleep,
and destitute of fire-arms, in vain attempt to
oppose the progress of these formidable in-
vaders. Their simple huts are overturned;
and such as are unable to escape are beaten

down with an irresistible blow of the proboscis, trodden under foot, or gored to death. The morning displays to the survivors the spot which had been occupied by their plantations converted into a wilderness and swamp; for the elephants tread down and destroy more than they consume. A famine succeeds, and pestilence, its usual concomitant; and the wretched remnant of the tribe are driven to the alternative of perishing through hunger, or of selling themselves as slaves to a more fortunate tribe.

But for occasional ravages of this description man takes ample vengeance, by the unceasing warfare waged against the offenders for the sake of their tusks. All the methods of capture practised against the elephant of Africa have his destruction for their end, his utility being confined to the ivory he furnishes for commerce; for the tusks of this species are very large, and of equal size both in the male and female. We are informed by Lander that the negroes inhabiting the banks of the Niger employ a very simple stratagem to insure the destruction of their ponderous and dreaded neighbour. In one of the beaten tracks by which the elephants pass down from the forests to bathe in the stream, a lance is fixed in the ground, pointing towards the part from which they issue: this being concealed by brushwood, penetrates the abdomen of the foremost elephant, who, feeling the smart, instead of retreating backwards, blindly rushes on with augmented speed, and thus is mortally wounded. In the neighbourhood of the Cape, and in other parts of the coast of Africa, where commercial settlements are situ ated, and fire-arms have been introduced, those weapons are commonly employed. This method of destruction requires great courage, patience, and capability of bearing fatigue, and is attended with considerable personal risk to the hunters. A third method, which requires still more address, consists in enticing the elephant to pursue a mounted hunter on the open plain, while the huge pursuer is hamstringed by a sabre cut inflicted by another hunter behind him. One might infer from the previous summary of the present condition of the African elephant, as relates to man, that his disposition was naturally vicious, and rendered him incapable of domestication. But there is no real ground for such a conclusion. Were the Africans raised to the same degrees of civilization as the Asiatics, there seems little doubt but that their species of elephant might be made equally useful in a state of servitude; for the specimen now living in the French National Menagerie has

scarcely formed for motion; its little eyes, large ears, and long trunk-all give it an air of extreme stupidity. But our prejudices will soon subside when we come to examine its history: they will even serve to increase our surprise when we consider the various advantages it derives from so clumsy a conformation.

The elephant is seen from seven to no less than fifteen feet high. Whatever care we take to imagine a large animal beforehand, yet the first sight of this huge creature never fails to strike us with astonishment, and in some measure to exceed our idea. Having been used to smaller animals, we have scarce any conception of its magnitude; for a moving column of flesh, fourteen feet high, is an object so utterly different from those we are constantly presented with, that to be conceived it must be actually seen.

Of all quadrupeds the elephant is the strongest as well as the largest; and yet, in a state of nature, it is neither fierce nor formidable.(g) Mild, peaceful, and brave, it never abuses its power or its strength, and only uses its force for its own protection, or that of its community.t

not shown less intelligence than the Asiatic elephant. It has learned the same tricks, and has performed the same motions and exercises, under the same circumstances, and in the same period of time. It is as affectionate to those who feed him, and as obedient to their commands. The Carthaginians, moreover, employed elephants for all the purposes that they have served in other parts of the civilized world; and they must have derived their supply from the species under consideration. Cuvier gives the following concise account of the ancient history of the elephant: -"Homer speaks frequently of ivory, but knew not the animal whence it was derived. The first of the Greeks who saw

the elephant were Alexander and his soldiers, when they fought with Porus; and they must have observed them well, for Aristotle gives a complete history of this animal, and much truer in its details than those of our moderns. After the death of Alexander, Antigonus possessed the greatest number of elephants. Pyrrhus first brought them into Italy 472 years after the foundation of Rome: they were disembarked at Tarentum. The Romans, to whom these animals were entirely strange, gave them the name of Leucanian Bulls. Curius Dentatus, who captured four of these animals from Pyrrhus, brought them to Rome for the ceremony of his triumph. These were the first which were there exhibited, but afterwards they became in some measure common. Metellus having vanquished the Carthaginians in Sicily, conducted their elephants to Rome on rafts, to the number of a hundred and twenty, according to Seneca-of a hundred and forty-two, according to Pliny. Claudius Pulcher had combats of the elephant in the circus in 655; and similar combats, either of elephant against elephant, of the elephant against the rhino. the bull, or the gladiator, were exhibited by Lucullus, Pompey, Cæsar, Claudius, and


Nero. Pompey harnessed them to his car during his triumph for Africa. Germanicus exhibited some which danced in a rude fashion. In the reign of Nero they were seen to dance on a rope, carrying at the same time a Roman knight. One may read in Ælian the extraordinary feats they were brought to execute. It is true they were trained to them from their earliest age, and Elian says even, expressly, that these dancing elephants were brought forth at Rome. This assertion, with the confirmation it has received in our own day from the experiments of Mr. Corse, leads us to hope it will be possible to multiply this useful animal in a state of domestication.

feet in height. The tallest ever found in Ben* SIZE. The elephant rarely exceeds nine gal was the Paugul, or Mad Elephant, well known about the year 1780: it measured nearly twelve feet at the shoulder, and was stout in proportion. The average of fullgrown elephants may be estimated at from twelve to thirteen feet high.

† ACCOUNT OF A FIGHT BETWEEN A TIGER AND AN ELEPHANT.-In the midst of a grassy plain, about half a mile long and nearly as much in breadth, about sixty or seventy fine elephants were drawn up in several ranks, each animal being provided with a mahawat and a hauda, which was empty. On one side were placed convenient seats; the governor, mandarins, and a numerous train of soldiers, being also present at the spectacle. A crowd of spectators occupied the side opposite. The tiger was bound to a stake placed in the centre of the plain, by means of a stout rope fastened round his loins. We soon perceived how unequal was the combat. The claws of the poor animal had been torn out, and a strong stitch bound the lips together, and prevented him from opening his mouth. On being turned loose from the cage, he attempted to bound over the plain; but, finding all attempts to

(g) I have extracted the greatest part of this description from Mr. Buffon. Where I add I mark with commas, "thus."

In their natural state, they delight to live along the sides of rivers, to keep in the deepest vales, to refresh themselves in the most shady forests and watery places. They cannot live far from the water; and they always disturb it before they drink. They often fill their trunk with it, either to cool that organ, or to divert themselves by spurting it out like a fountain. They are equally distressed by the extremes of heat and cold; and, to avoid the former, they frequently take shelter in the most obscure recesses of the forest, or often plunge into the water, and even swim from the continent into islands some leagues distant from the shore. Their chief food is of the vegetable kind, for they loathe all kind of animal diet. When one among their number happens to light upon a spot of good pasture, he calls the rest, and invites them to share in the entertainment; but it must be a very copious pasture indeed that can supply the necessities of the whole band. As with their broad and heavy feet they sink deep wherever they go, they destroy much more than they devour; so that they are frequently obliged to change their quarters, and to migrate from one country to another.

Such are the habits of this animal considered in a social light; and if we regard it as an individual, we shall find its powers still more extraordinary. With a very awkward appearance, it possesses all the senses in great perfection, and is capable of applying them to more useful purposes than any other quadruped. The elephant, as we observed, has very small eyes when compared to the enormous bulk of its body. But, though their minuteness may at first sight appear deformed, yet, when we come to examine them, they are seen to exhibit a variety of expression, and to discover the various sensations with which it is moved. It turns them with attention and friendship to its master; it seems to reflect and deliberate; and, as its passions slowly succeed each other, their various workings are distinctly seen.

The elephant is not less remarkable for the excellence of its hearing. Its ears are extremely large, and greater in proportion than even those of an ass. They are usually dependent; but it can readily raise and move them. They serve, also, to wipe its eyes, and to protect them against the dust and flies that might otherwise incommode them. It appears delighted with music, and very readily learns to beat time, to move in measure, and even to join its voice to the sound of the drum and the trumpet.

This animal's sense of smelling is not only exquisite, but it is in a great measure pleased with the same odours that delight mankind. The elephant gathers

extricate himself useless, he threw himself at length upon the grass, till, seeing a large elephant with long tusks approach, he got up and faced the coming danger. The elephant was by this attitude and the horrid growl of the tiger too much intimidated, and turned aside, while the tiger pursued him heavily, and struck him with his fore paw upon the hind quarter, quickening his pace not a little. The mahawat succeeded in bringing the elephant to the charge again before he had gone far, and this time he rushed on furiously, driving his tusks into the earth under the tiger, and, lifting him up fairly, gave him a lear cast to the distance of about thirty feet. This was an interesting point in the combat. The tiger lay along on the ground as if he were dead, yet it appeared that he had suslained no material injury; for, on the next attack, he threw himself into an attitude of defence, and, as the elephant was again about to take him up, he sprung upon his forehead, fixing his hind feet upon the trunk of the former.

The elephant was wounded in this attack,

and so much frightened, that nothing could prevent him from breaking through every obstacle, and fairly running off. The mahawat was considered to have failed in his duty, and soon after was brought up to the governor with his hands bound behind his back, and on the spot received a hundred lashes of the rattan.

Another elephant was now brought, but the tiger made less resistance on each successive attack. It was evident that the tosses he received must soon occasion his death.

All the elephants were furnished with tusks, and the mode of attack in every instance, for several others were called forward, was that of rushing upon the tiger, thrusting their tusks under him, raising him, and throwing him to a distance. Of their trunks they evidently were very careful, rolling them cautiously up under the chin. When the tiger was perfectly dead, an elephant was brought up, who, instead of raising the tiger in his tusks, seized him with his trunk, and in general cast him to the distance of thirty feet.-ARCANA OF SCIENCE FOR 1829.

the time which these animals take to continue in the false womb: some assure us they remain there for several weeks; and others, more precisely, mention a month. During this period of strange gestation, there is no difficulty in opening the bag in which they are concealed: they may be reckoned, examined, and handled, without much inconvenience; for they keep fixed to the teat, and cling there as firm as if they made a part of the body of the animal that bears them. When they are grown stronger, they drop from the teat into the bag in which they are contained; and, at last, find their way out in search of more copious subsistence. Still, however, the false belly serves them for a retreat, either when they want to sleep or to suckle, or when they are pursued by an enemy. The dam, on such occasions, opens her bag to receive them, which they enter, Pars formidine turpi

Scandunt rursus equum et nota conduntur in alvo.

The oppossum, when on the ground, is a slow, helpless animal: the formation of its hands are alone sufficient to show its incapacity of running with any degree of swiftness; but, to counterbalance this inconvenience, it climbs trees with great ease and expedition.(g) It chiefly subsists upon birds, and hides among the leaves of the trees to seize them by surprise. It often also hangs by the tail, which is long and muscular; and, in this situation, for hours together, with the head downwards, it keeps watching for its prey. If any lesser animal, which it is able to overcome, passes underneath, it drops upon it with deadly aim and quickly devours it. By means of its tail, the oppossum also slings from one tree to another, hunts insects, escapes its pursuers, and provides for its safety. It seems to be a creature that lives upon vegetables, as well as animal substances, roots, sugar-canes, the bark, and even the leaves of trees. It is easily tamed, but it is a disagreeable domestic, as well from its stupidity and figure as its scent, which, however fragrant in small quantities, fails not to be ungrateful when copiously supplied.

An animal, greatly resembling the former,(g) is the Marmose, which is found in the same continent. It seems only to differ in size, being less; and, instead of a bag to receive its young, has only two longitudinal folds near the thighs, within which the young, which are prematurely brought forth, as in the last instance, continue to suckle. The young of these, when first produced are not above the size of a bean, but continue sticking to the teat until they have arrived at greater maturity.


(The M. xican Oppossum.)

The Cayopolin is somewhat larger than the former; and a good deal resembling it in habits and figure, except that its snout is more pointed, its tail longer in proportion, and its colour different, being of an ash, somewhat inclining to yellow; however, I should suppose it to be only a variety of the former.

To this number we may add the Phalanger, so called by Buffon; a good deal resembling the former, but distin

guished by the fashion of its hinder hands; the thumb and the fore finger being joined together, except at the extremities. This animal is about the size of a rat; and has, accordingly, by some been called the Rat of Surinam.

The last animal of this class is called, by Buffon, the Tarsier. This extraordinary little animal resembles the former in having four hands and a long tail; but it

(9) Buffon, vol. xxi. p. 174.


(The Phalanger.) (g) Ibid., p. 212.

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