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in which Peace Societies have been organized in places where I am personally unknown. Many ministers of the gospel have also had their attention called to their duty as it relates to the paeific principles of our holy religion; some have adopted the plan of preaching sermons at stated seasons against the custom of war, and others have been instrumental in the formation of new Peace Societies.

I now, a second time, take my leave of the public, with many thanks for their continued indulgence. Whether I shall ever resume the subject of Peace and War is at present uncertain. I wish both temporal and eternal happiness to the whole human race. I ardently pray that wars and fightings and every species of oppression may cease throughout the earth. I thank God for having spared my life to see a day of such general benevolence and philanthropy,-a day, in which mankind are willing to do so much for the good of their fellow creatures,-a day, in which such mighty moral engines are moving, with "the full tide of successful experiment." I thank God for enabling me to

add one drop to the stream, and making me in some small measure useful to the great cause which angels came to proclaim,—the cause of PEACE ON EARTH AND GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN.



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for be read indicate.
fo Talian read Tatian.

after by insert revenge but by.

from bottom, for discourage read disparage.
for not read but.

from bottom, for nation read nations.
for Wiemen read Niemen.

after tie insert to.

from bottom, for has read have.
for headed read bearded.

from bottom, for has read have.
after American insert captain.
after the numbers insert dollars.
for cuntlando read cunctando.

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