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Boro-boric Acid. (Atterberg's Salt.)

DR. JAENICKE forms it by heating equal parts [by weight?] of borax, boric acid and water to the boiling point. On cooling, crystalline masses separate. For use it should be dissolved in boiling water (which will dissolve seventy per cent. of the salt). Upon cooling most of it remains dissolved. It is soluble in cold water to the extent of sixteen per cent. At the temperature of the body, thirty per cent. It is neutral in reaction and of equally antiseptic

value with boric acid.

Oil of Cloves to Keep off Mosquitos. MR. KASAVIAH, of Aurangobad, sends us the following note:

"Lovers of Morpheus and others in want of a few hours of that nature's sweet restorer 'balmy sleep' will be glad to learn that the use of certain medicine has been found to effectually keep off mosquitoes. The idea was given me by a layman and I experimented with it the same night. I had hardly got into bed when I heard the musical notes of my friends the mosquitoes buzzing around me. I quietly poured three to four drops of oil of cloves on my pillow which had the effect of instantaneously dispersing the blood-thirsty gang who ceased their trouble for the night. I tried this for several successive nights with equally felic

itous results and enjoyed perfect undisturbed rest. The same means were resorted to by my family and friends with similar gratifying results."-Indian Medical Record.

Summer Specialties.

Sedative Dust for Tender Feet.-Pharmaceutical Era gives this formula for a product useful after excessive pedestrian exercise; 1⁄2 ounce zinc oxide, 1⁄2 dram prepared chalk, 20 minims oil of eucalyptus, to be dusted freely over the feet, and into the heels and toes of the stocking.

For Insect Bites employ a mixture of two drams ammonia (specific gravity .880), six drams alcohol, eight grains menthol; cr, if the pain is severe, as from the stings of bees and wasps, the painful spots may be painted with a solution consisting of twenty grains cocaine hydrochloride, half ounce alcohol, three and a half drams rose water, half dram glycerine.

To prevent the attacks of insects there will be found useful this article: Spirits of camphor one ounce, oil of eucalyptus eighty minims, made up to ten ounces with soap liniment; or for more æsthetic tastes use tincture absinthium two drams, cologne water thirteen drams, glycerine one dram.

For sunburn apply freely a solution containing one dram ammonium chloride, twelve grains cocaine hydrochloride, two drams glyc erine, three ounces al ohol, one ounce orange flower water, made to six ounces with rose water.

Temperature for the Baby's Bath.

THE temperature of the water used for washing an infant should be nearly that of the surface of the body-96° or 98° F., writes Mrs. William E. Gladstone, in the May Ladies' Home Journal. As the child grows older, the heat of the water should be gretually lessened, while the limbs should be allowed free exercise in a large tub. Some children do not bear cold water well; good sense, discrimination, and observation should be our guides in this as in all other matters.

A WRITER in the M. B. Druggist tells us how to laugh at the mosquito. He takes a piece of camphor fully an inch square and half an inch thick; this he lays on the bureau-always exposed-in daytime, and on or near the pillow at night; has two windows and door of the room wide open, no bars, and draft through. This is the only remedy he ever tried that afforded thorough relief.

J. A. MURNICH, M. D., of Jefferson, Wis., writes that he is reading the book for the third time.

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THE Doctor's Weekly says:-"Should be read by every physician who desires to realize a fair com petency from the practice of his profession. The author handles his subject well, and deals with facts and figures in a convincing and business-like mar ner. 'The laborer is worthy of his hire,' and the physician who loses sight of the fact that he should receive fair compensation for his services, neglects a duty he owes to himself and to others who may be dependent upon him." $1.00. See order blank, page 238.

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M. One teaspoonful often to children under one or two years, afflicted with sour stomach attended with diarrhea, vomiting, etc.-Memphis Med. Monthly.

Physicians as Business Men.

In his address to the graduating class of the Toledo Medical College, March 15, 1892, Prof John North, A. M.juM. D., Ph. G., F. S. S., (London), spoke as follows: "Dr. J. J. Taylor of Philadelphia has recently written a book on The Physician as a Business Man; or How to Obtain the Best Financial Results in the Practice of Medicine.' It will pay you many times its cost if you procure and read it." The speaker then made select quotations. from the book, adding his own comments. The book referred to is for sale at this office; price, $1.00.

For Ourselves and Others.

THE NEW SPELLINGS.-English spelling is the worst in the world. Millions of dollars are wasted each year in the writing and printing of useless letters. The education of our children is retarded and the progress of our people is hampered by our cumbrous, illogical, misleading orthografy. The scholarship of the world is almost a unit in demanding a change. The American Philological Association has recommended the following RULES FOR NEW SPELLINGS for immediate use, and a resolution has been introduced in Congress directing the Public Printer to conform to them in all printing for the government.

1. Drop UE at the end of words like dialogue, catalogue, etc., where the preceding vowel is short. Thus spell demagog, epilog, synagog, etc.

2. Drop final E in such words as definite, infinite, favorite, etc., where the preceding vowel is short. Thus spell opposit, preterit, hypocrit, requisit, etc.

3. Drop final TE in words like quartette, coquette, cigarette, etc. Thus spell cigaret, roset, epaulet. vedet, gazet, etc,

4. Drop final ME in words like programme. Thus spell oriflam, gram, etc.

5 Change PH to F in words like phantom, telegraph, phase, etc. Thus spell alfabet, paragraf, filosofy, fonetic, fotograf, etc.

Substitute E for the difthongs A and E when they have the sound of that letter. Thus spell eolian, esthetic, diarrhea, subpena, esofagus, atheneum, etc.

Those further interested, send with stamp, to Sp Ref. Rooms, 24 Clinton Place, N. Y., for literature.

FOR valuable samples and instructive literature in the treatment of cholera infantum and other diseases, by the convenient tablet triturates, address, mentioning this journal, John Wyeth & Bro., Phila., Pa,

WYETH'S Beef Juice is highly recommended in cholera infantum.

WE introduce to you this month a new advertiser with us, but an established and well-known firm in supplying the physicians' most urgent needs. We call your attention to the absolutely perfect pepsin preparations of Fairchild Brothers & Foster, 82 and 84 Fulton street, New York. In their adv. this month, opposite the table of contents, they present their Peptogenic Milk Powder, which will be of great service to the practitioner in treating infants with disordered digestive powers and those that must be artificially fed.

DOSIMETRIC REMEDIES FOR CHOLERA INFANTUM.In the advertisement of the Philadelphia Dosimetric Co., 2009 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., you will see the following list of granules, which are successfully used for the treatment of this disease: arsenite of copper, sulpho-carbolate of zinc, lactic acid, phosphoric acid, sulphide of calcium, brucine, arseniate of strychnine, atropine, hyoscyamine, codeine, morphine, See their adv, and commence using the granules.

HAVE you yet made use of the Londonderry Lithia Spring Water?

HAYDEN'S Viburnum Compound is a standard remedy in diseases of women.

SEE the especially favorable advertisements of E. O. Thompson, clothier, 1338 Chestnut St., Phila.

FOR cut rates in surgical instruments, address I. Phillips, 14 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga.

Ar this season of the year you want to commence using Febriline, the tasteless quinine, made by the Paris Medicine Co., 212 N. Main St., St. Louis, Mo.

CHAS. MARCHAND'S Peroxide of Hydrogen makes all surgical diseases more easy to cure.

WHERE pork is packed there pepsin can be made pure and cheap. Write for samples to Armour & Co., Chicago.

If you are carrying your own medicine of course you want one of Willis H. Davis' fine cases. Address Keokuk, Iowa.

SO MANY persons complain of nervous exhaustion in the hot weather. They should take Horsford's Acid Phosphate in their drink and with their meals.

In cases of cholera infantum make free use of Nestle's food.

WHEN Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit, enter any field they do so to improve and elevate it. Send for a sample of their ideal aseptic pepsin.

HYDROLEINE may be used to great advantage in many cases of impaired nutrition from summer complaint.

FOR electric batteries or uterine supporters, address The McIntosh Battery & Optical Co., 141-143 Wabash Ave., Chicago.

KNEW HIS BUSINESS.-Mr. Laman-"Why do you always question patients so closely about what they eat? Does the information you get help you to diag nose their cases?" Dr. Emde-Oh, no! But by doing so I am enabled to guess what their station of

life is, and how much fees I can probably get out of them."

IN connection with the successful treatment of cholera infantum, the statement of Messrs. Thomas Leeming & Co., New York, is certainly a very straightfor ward one. Making no claim themselves for the value of Nestle's Milk Food as a diet in this connection, they refer to the leading authorities of the medical world and rest their case with them. It would be difficult to find a more convincing argument than the extract from Ziemssen's Encyclopedia, in which Prof. Wm. O. Leube speaks as follows: "In the treatment of cholera infan. tum, when the mother's milk is insufficient, Nestle's Milk Food is alone to be recommended."

"You can't bear children," said Mrs. Adams, disdainfully. "Perhaps if you could you would like them better," continued the old lady wiping her spectacles.

TRY antikamina for high fever, neuralgia and the pain of rheumatism.

ANTILUPIA is an excellent antipyretic and antispas. modic.

FOR elegant pepsine preparations address the New York and Chicago Chemical Co., New York.

THE enterprising firm of A. A. Marks, 701 Broadway, New York, is making use of the new metal aluminium for artificial limbs.

FOR premature old age try Sanmetto, made by the O. D. Chemical Co., New York, N. Y.

THE Hoff's Malt Extract, imported by Tarrant & Co., New York, is genuine.

MULFORD'S Uterine Tonic Tablets are a fine exam ple of legitimate manufacturing pharmacy. Address the H. K. Mulford Company, Philadelphia.

THE hollow suppositories made by Hall & Rucke, 218 Greenwich street, New York, can be filled quickly with any suitable medication. Samples sent free.

SAMPLES of uterine wafers sent upon application to Micajah & Co., Warren, Pa.

THE petroselium ointment made by Fred. W. Stew art, Oswego, N. Y., is a capital remedy in affections of the rectum.

WE have used aristol with satisfaction as a substitute for iodoform.

Now, when the world is in terested in cures for the morphine habit, it is well to try Keith's Conc. Tinct Avena Sativa.

THE Febricide Pills of the Health Restorative Co., 90 South 5th Ave., New York, are excellent in malarial


SPECIFY Battle's Papine when you desire the painrelieving effects of opium without its deleterious effects. BOVININE is an ideal concentrated food in cholera infantum.

FOR fine trusses, abdominal supporters, &c, address the Hasting Truss Co., 224 South Ninth St., Philadel phia, Pa.

FULLY EQUIPPED.-"As a doctor, do you keep a waiting room?"

"Yes; in fact, I have two--one in which my patients wait for me, and the other in which I wait for my patients."

"UNCLE JOHN," said ltttle Emily, "do you know that a baby that was fed on elephant's milk gained twenty


pounds in a week?" "Nonsense!" exclaimed Uncle John; and then asked, "whose baby was it?" "It was the elephant's baby," replied little Emily.

APIOLINE is the new specific for amenorrhea. Sample can be obtained from E. Fougera & Co., New York.

FOR the treatment of inflammation of the urethra, either acute or chronic, the soluble bougies made by Charles L. Mitchell, M. D., 1016 Cherry St, Philadelphia, are very valuable.

LISTERINE has many imitaters but no equals.

FRELIGH'S TABLETS are e-pecially fine for the treatment of chronic cough.

WHEN writing to advertisers please state how you appreciate THE MEDICAL WORLD.

FOR troubles of indigestion try Inglivin, made by Wm. R. Warner & Co., 1228 Market St., Philadelphia,


FOR elegant and effective pills of a great variety of formulas, address the Upjohn Pill & Granule Co., Kalamazoo, Mich.

FOR the "Ladies' Perfect" Syringe send to the Aloe and Penfold Co., Omaha, Neb.

THE Philadelphia Dosimetric Co, 2009 Arch Street, Phila., desire us to announce that many physicians responded to their offer of a pocket case as a prize offered in their adv. in the April WORLD, for the most useful and practical list of granules to carry in such a case. From the papers sent, the judges agreed upon three that were so nearly perfect that a distinction coult not easily be made between them, and recommended that the prize be presented to each one of them, which will be done. The names of the authors are Dr. R. L. Hardwick, Clay, Ky.; Dr. Julius Wes selowski, Jewel City, Kan., and Dr. P. E. Lemieux, Etchemin, Quebec. Can.

Three other papers were thought to be worthy of especial honorable mention, being but slightly below the grade of those first mentioned, owing as was thought, to accidental oversight of the authors. The authors of these are Dr. D. S. Ellis, Suffolk, Va., Dr. P. H. Thornton, Lakeport, Cal., and Dr. M. F. Dumas, Bald Knob, Ark.

As these papers embody interesting and valuable Information they have been sought for by medical Ediors, and will be published in various medical journals. It is surprising how the treatment by granules is preading.

FOR CURE OF INSOMNIA.--Repeat twelves the folOwing:

Like the passionate palm that breathes all the odors of day

To the soul of the night;

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W. D. ALLISON & Co., Indianapolis, Ind·:-As far as we can judge from practical work, your Table leaves nothing to be desired. We like it immensely. Wм. J. MORTON, M. D., Prof. Elec. Thera., Post Grad. School and Hosp., New York City.

WHEN writing to advertisers please state how you appreciate THE MEDICAL WORLD.

BROWNSVILLE, Md., April 12, 1892.-Dr. W. C. Abbott, Chicago, Ill., Dear Doctor;-Enclosed please find order for Granules. I would say in this connection that I now have been practicng Dosimetry for two years--have used the varicus granules made at home and abroad, and find yours the very best, "Chantaud's" not excepted. Keep them to their present standard, and if once used others will never be substituted. J. T. Yourtee, M. D.

ANTIPYRINE, the leading tebrifuge, laroline, the base for ointments and saccharine, the most condensed sweetener known, are all imported by Schulze-Berge, Koechl & Movius, New York.

FAREOL is now a leading aspirant for the honors among the apyretics. Address the Walker Pharmacal Co., St. Louis, Mo.

WE desire to call the attention of our readers to the new advertisement of Reed & Carnrick on page xxvii. This firm have spared neither labor or expense to perfect their Infant Foods in keeping qualities by ster. ilization and by placing them in hermetically sealed containers. They claim that Lacto-Preparata, an allMilk Food, for young infants, and Carnrick's Food, composed of half Lacto-Preparata aud half dextrinized wheat, for use after six months of age, have now practically reached perfection in keeping qualities, and that they are the only Infant Focds in the market that will alone thoroughly nourish a child during the nursing period. Their Lacto-Preparata almost perfectly resembles human milk in character, composition and


LUMBAGO --A valuable internal remedy:
B Extract cimicifugæ fluid.............
.....I ounce
Celerina (Rio)..............'

.7 ounces M. Sig.-Teaspoonful every four hours. HAVE used Peacock's Bromides in my practice for some time, and I would not like to be without it, in fact I do not know of anything that would take its place in nervous conditions. J. T. Kilburn, Trufant, Mich.

UNTIL recently it was considered an impossibility to preserve milk or cream in its absolute purity for an indefinite length of time by simple sterilization, but today we find Highland Evaporated Cream, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, on the tables of the cultured, who appreciate its many advantages over all other forms of milk.


THE Topsy of an "Uncle Tom's Cabin" troupe died recently and bequeathed her body to the doctors. topsy!

BUXOM WIDOW (at evening party)-Do you understand the language of flowers, Dr. Crusty?

Dr. Crusty (an old bachelor.)--No, ma'am. Buxom Widow-You don't know if yellow means jealousy?

Dr. Crusty--No, ma'am. Yellow means biliousness. MAN, born of woman is of a few days and no teeth. And indeed it would be money in his pocket sometimes if he had less of either. As for his days, he wasteth one-third of them; and as for his teeth, he has convulsions when he cuts them, and as the last one comes

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