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I submit that the salary of fifteen or eighteen hundred a-year to be paid to a man for most laborious duties cast upon him in a country in which the expense of living is necessarily great, in which life is pre-eminently uncertain, in which the middle season of life-that in which provision for the future must be made might be of short duration. Eighteen hundred a-year under these circumstances ought not, I think, to be pressed as matter of aggravation to make this a case of a worse description than any which have gone before it.

There is another circumstance upon which I would wish to trouble the Court with a very few words, not only as it is of consequence to the defendant, but as it relates to my own conduct in the management of his case. It is perfectly well known, that, on the very eve of this trial taking place, a report of the military commissioners appeared for the first time not merely upon the table of the House of Commons, but it found its way into all the public prints, containing charges of the most odious description against this unfortunate gentleman, and accompanied by comments of the most injurious and inflammatory kind. In stating the case on the part of the prosecution the attorney-general (as it was likely he would do) properly and humanely adverted to this circumstance, and cautioned the jury to forget whatever they might have read or heard, and to confine their attention to the simple charge before them. On the part of the defendant I complained of the circumstance perhaps a little too urgently. In summing up, his lordship stated to the jury that if any such publications had appeared, and had produced any prejudice against the defendant, an application ought to have been made to the Court to postpone the trial-an observation to which I perfectly assented at the time, and of which I do not mean now in the slightest degree to complain. I will merely state to the Court, with their permission, why no such application was made. It was submitted to me by the defendant himself, but when I considered the nature and extent of these charges-the quarter from which they proceeded-that they had found their way into the hauds of every man perhaps from the highest to the lowest in this country that years must elapse before any refutation could take place, so that it was impossible any change could happen in the public feeling in the interval between one sittings and another-feeling as I then did and now do, that, from the nature of these charges, if the unfortunate gentleman being at liberty, were to walk the streets of this town, his life would be in danger-I did not think it my duty to defer the trial to a more distant day (when I foresaw that the public feeling would be precisely the same) at the expense of a continuation of the misery which the defendant must endure.

There is only one other circumstance to which I would draw your lordships' attention, and that is, the dreadful state of this gentle


man's health. Though I do not mean to say that the degree of guilt can be varied by his state of health, yet in fixing the sort of punishment to be applied, I am sure the Court will attend to it, and will not make that, which would be merely imprisonment in one case, the means of destruction and death in another.

Mr. Attorney General.-My lords, the painful duty is imposed upon me of drawing your attention to those circumstances of this case which, in my view of it, require you not to pass a light sentence upon the defendant. But let me at the same time do him that justice which I should wish to do every man, particularly one against whom it was my duty to bring forward so heavy a charge as that which I have on this occasion proved by incontrovertible evidence. My learned friend has truly stated that the defendant has, in his path through life, in all the relations of civil society, performed his duties correctly and without blame. I think he deserves that character; and to whatever reflection he may justly be exposed, he will find that the recollection of his virtuous acts will be his best consolation: but I must not leave him to hope that they can be of any avail to him on the present occasion, otherwise than as an internal consolation.

Your lordships, I know, feel (as I do) upon this occasion, that you have a painful duty to perform. You feel that it is peculiarly painful to pass a severe sentence upon a man the general tenor of whose life, if you were to except the particular transactions presented to your view, would incline you to mercy; but whom, notwithstanding that, it is your duty to punish as the crime he has committed deserves, and that you must not be led aside by the considerations which have been urged by my learned friend.

I did endeavour, as far as I could, to guard the jury against any impressions that might have been made upon their minds by what they had heard out of doors. I did not advert to the report of the commissioners to which my friend has in terms adverted; but I did advert to reports which every body must have heard, and which certainly had prevailed much to the prejudice of the person against whom these charges were preferred. I cannot, however, think it was matter of blame in the commissioners that they published their report at the time when they did so; they ought not to be biassed by any consideration of circumstances of this sort as to the time when that duty to the public which they were bound to discharge should be performed. It was not their fault that the trial of this cause had been so long delayed; it certainly was their bounden duty, as soon as they were prepared for the execution of that trust which was reposed in them, to execute it, and I hardly think (although it struck those interested for the defendant as a hardship upon him) that the commissioners would have been satisfied in delaying the performance of their duty of publishing

their report, on account of the particular case of the gentleman who is now to receive your lordships' judgment.

If there were the slightest reason to suppose that the publication of that report, and the effect which it produced in the public mind, had any connexion with the verdict of the jury --if upon the evidence which his lordship has just read I could entertain the slightest doubt of the guilt of the defendant-I should be the first to request your lordships that he might have the benefit of a rehearing, and that that which might by possibility have been produced, by the prejudice of the public, might not operate injuriously to him. But, my lords, it is impossible for a man possessed of even the most common understanding, after hearing the report which his lordship has just read to the Court, to entertain the slightest doubt that the guilt imputed by the indictment to the defendant has been brought home to him by incontrovertible evidence-by evidence which in its own nature cannot be supposed to be false-by evidence which if false he had the most ample means of refuting. Your lordships will observe that this indictment, supported as it is by the evidence, not only imputes to the defendant that he entered into a corrupt contract with Mr. Higgins to share with him the profits which Mr. Higgins contrived to make upon the supply of provisions, but that he entered into this contract, through the agency of another person, Mr. Hugh Rose, who was a participator in the same fraud, although he could not (for reasons to which I adverted at the trial) be joined in this indictment.

Mr. Higgins was the person by whom in the first instance, I proved the guilt of the defendant. There was no imputation cast upon the evidence of Mr. Higgins except that he was himself a participator in the same fraud. I took the liberty, at the trial,* of doing that which I shall do in one word now; I shall distinguish the case of Mr. Higgins from the case of an accomplice, who, having a crime fixed upon him, comes forward to say, "it is true I committed this crime, but if you will let me off I will shew you who was concerned with me." That was not the case of Mr. Higgins, because he proved the guilt of the defendant, in which he stated himself to be concerned, and, unless he spoke truly of the guilt of the defendant, he was himself not an accomplice. That is the distinction between the case of Mr. Higgins and the case of a common accomplice.

But why do I waste your lordships time in speaking upon this? Mr. Hugh Rose was in the kingdom-he was attending the Court; and if that which Mr. Higgins stated to have passed from Mr. Jones, through the intervention of Mr. Rose, to him were not true; if that relation. which fixed the same degree of guilt upon Mr. Rose as upon Mr. Jones, and gave Mr. Rose as strong an interest to support the innocence of Mr. Jones, as any man would

Vol. x, p p. 261, 314.

have to support his own were not true; if the charge was not truly brought against Mr. Jones, why was not Mr. Rose called to contradict Mr. Higgins?

It would be wasting your lordships time to observe further upon the sufficiency of the evidence for the conviction, indeed upon the impossibility of suggesting a doubt in the case. Mr. Winter stated, that he called upon Mr. Jones, by his desire, to communicate to him the amount of the profits Mr. Higgins had made. What had Mr. Jones to do with the amount of the profits Mr. Higgins made, if Mr. Jones was not to share them? The Bterests of the two parties were in direct op position to each other. The object of Mr. Jones should have been to keep down Mr. Higgins's profits, if their transactions were honest: the object of Mr. Higgins must have been to conceal from Mr. Jones the enormity of those profits: but, instead of his thus acting, you find him communicating to Mr. Jones, the amount of those profits. If any further confirmation were wanted look to what they call the American adventure. The whole transaction not being yet wound up, something was still to be done; and you have a further sum of 800l. paid by Mr. Higgins to Mr. Jones on account of the profits of this adventure, and a receipt from Mr. Jones to Mr. Higgins for that sum. Is not that a sufficient confirmation (if any were needed) of this story? Here was money paid by Mr. Higgins to Mr. Jones: on what account? What was the situation in which these two persons stood with relation to each other? Mr. Higgins was to supply the provisions and shipping, and Mr. Jones was to pay him for his supplies. In the course of that transaction Mr. Jones might, while acting for the Crown and contracting with him, be indebted to Mr. Higgins: but it is impossible to conceive, that any debt could arise from Mr. Higgins to Mr. Jones, unless through the corrupt agreement which we have charged.

I beg your lordships' pardon for having called to your attention the manner in which this case was proved. I think after reading the evidence, there cannot be the slightest doubt upon any man's mind. It remains for your lordships to determine by what punishment an offence of this sort shall be visited.It is not for me to suggest it to your lordships; we all know the different species of punishment that may be inflicted. All that I feel justified in doing, having done something of the same sort in a former instance, is to point out those circumstances of the case which may possibly incline the Court rather to one than to another species, and to show how far the civil rights of the parties concerned may still be affected.

Your lordships will recollect the case of Mr. Davison,* that he receiving a compensation from government for a certain check which it was his duty to exercise upon the contractors,

* Vol. x p. 99.

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advanced price as produced a post couse of the mont is, unga 4. Se are t'an a million, or 70,060f, currency That you lo see. an advance of tiny per coat. He lord put a very anaterial queson to the witners, Nau aniel Wor... The winch you purchased for Max Higgins, upon which you charged a comes tion of five per echt, would you not have purchased for government pon the saine terms, ad wound you not, having purchased these things of the merchants, at the same tims have supplied them to government, commenting yourself win 'yrir five per cent? Mr. Water hesitated a littl in answering: but having the question presse.. upon him, he was obliged at last to say (and in truth it was not necessary he should say it) that cerainly he would have done it. T. my lords, the cast stands tus; that, fo no othe, purpose whatever than adding this the ty per cent profit, Mr. Liggins stands be en government and those from, who, the pose visions might have en ploured at a low.c

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fair remuneration. 2 r. 1gins, how. c, chooses to take time to bin elf which might Lave passed to government at he same is and having taker it flow the reh price, he adds to it a poft of thirty And why? not merely to gratify low eli, my lords, but in order that he might be abled to carry into execution the conays contra which the dendant had made wife him, i uc pront he derived from the adven sie might be divided between them bat he are to render a molety in we first instance to Vir. Jones, ar la riety of what remained to Mr. Rose.

can be allowed to him: in , i charg, against governmeut upon the whole is for money disbursed upon, their account, this money he never did disburte, and there,” if he has received it from government he fore, ved it wrongfully; if hast received it, he never can recover it; and in my pressut view of the case it rem ins either a civil de' from him to government if he has re: ived it, or if he has not recaved it, any claim which he may suppose himself to have against governmeni ne assuredly has not. I trust your lord hpi excuse me for entering somewhat at this consideration. My lords, I cannot conceive any fraud bes tessi, it appear to me that it might weighing more directly or toore largely u or with your ord iteits f the pabihan such at ar

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in this or in any other court to have been amassed by any public offender within our experience: and this sum was but a moiety of that which was divided between you and others.

1583] 49 GEORGE III. Addenda to the Case of Valentine Jones, Esq. [1584 as this. Your lordships must see the extent | 87,000l.; a larger sum than has ever appeared to which frauds of this kind are likely to go. You must see how important it is that such frauds should be corrected: how they are to be corrected I leave to your lordships. I am sure that you will do that which justice requires, I am sure that you will not overlook the interests of the country.—I am sure that you will not be restrained by any consideration from inflicting such a punishment upon the defendant as the nature of the case demands. At the same time I do not desire your lordships to be unmindful of his bodily sufferings.

Lord Ellenborough.-Let the defendant be committed to the custody of the marshal, and brought up to receive the judgment of this Court on Monday next.

JUNE 19th.

Mr. Justice Grose.-Valentine Jones; you are brought here to receive the sentence of this court for the very great offence of which you have been convicted.

[The learned judge, after stating the substance of the several counts of the indictment, of which see the abstract, at the commencement of the trial, vol. x. p. 251, proceeded as follows.]

Such was the charge of fraud and peculation which has been preferred against you, and upon your plea of not guilty you were convicted of it under circumstances which have been fully stated in evidence. The facts were incontrovertible; they can leave no doubt of your guilt; especially when we recollect that his lordship and the jury were most properly warned to dismiss from their minds the recollection of all that had been improperly stated upon the subject, and might have been seen by hem in the publications of the day.

Of a punishment adapted to the offence we find no precedent, for we find no precedent of an offence of this sort so enormous as yours. be instituted it is not for us to suggest or What proceedings elsewhere may inquire: it is only for us to consider of and to provide such punishment, not as may be likely to correct, for it may be difficult t correct a mind so debased by avarice, and the love of sordid lucre, as yours must be, but such as may warn others employed in the public service, and teach them that honesty is the best policy, and that however practices of this sort may be concealed and unpunished for a day, there are modes by which the most artful may be detected.

We have heard in your favour testimony of good character such as it rarely falls to the lot of any human being to deserve. Under all the circumstances some of those affidavits appear to be hardly founded in truth but if they be founded in truth, we can only lament that you did not sufficiently value a good character to prevent your casting upon it a stain which the constant efforts of the longest life can never wipe away; and most assuredly, attending to the times in which, and the modes by which, your frauds have been conducted, it is difficult to conceive that that character can be well deserved. We are led to suspect it could be at tained only by the most consummate hypocrisy. Be that as it may, offences of such pernicious example to the public can never pass without signal punishment. There never has occurred in my practice an instance of fraud so enormous. In your case we look in vain for any sign of repentance or any sense of shame; for a mind so void of shame it must be difficult to affix an adequate punishment; The pernicious consequences of your crimes but others may be taught by your example a were so ably and lucidly explained in this lesson salutary to them and beneficial to the place a few days since by his majesty's attor-state: for this purpose, taking all the circumney-general, that it is hardly necessary for me stances of your case into consideration-This to make any comment upon them; indeed re- Court for the offence you have committed doth Zollecting the particular instructions you re-order and adjudge: ceived upon your appointment, and the very honourable and proper advice given you from another quarter, it is impossible to suppose that you could be ignorant of your duty; and one cannot but see the conscious guilt you felt when you wrote that letter in 1802 to Mr. Glassfurd. In short, you stand convicted of having illegally and corruptly appropriated to your own use, in violation of your duty and in fraud of his majesty, the sum of

That you be committed to his majesty's gaol of Newgate, and there be imprisoned for the space of three years; and this Court doth further order and adjudge, by virtue of the statute in that case made and provided, that you be adjudged incapable of serving his majesty in any office or capacity, civil or military, whatever.

* 42 Geo. III c. 85.



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