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yet early deprived of paternal guidance and support, you watched his rising years with more than common solicitude. His infant steps were led to this sanctuary of God. Under the care of your late pastor, he, in early youth, attained just ideas of those important truths, to which his heart was not permitted to remain long a stranger. You with joy perceived that the Lord had called him. He was lent to the service of the sanctuary, attended by a thousand prayers, which the happy event of this day has turned into praises. You justly and successfully urged, as a reason that should induce him to accept the oversight of you in the Lord, that amongst you "he first became acquainted with that salvation which he has devoted his life to extend and promote." After the most mature deliberation, in which every wish of his soul has becu consecrated to God, he decidedly prefers to every other employment in life, that of preaching to you the great salvation; to every other prospect, that of promoting amongst you the interests of vital godliness. In return, he seeks not applause; but is consoled by the belief, that you "will esteem him highly in love for his work's sake." Under the influence of this principle, you will discover an auxious, yet unassuming, desire to serve him; regarding in every instance, not only those things which are just, but those also which are lovely and of good report." This Sermon concludes with a view of the encouragements which animate a spiritual and united people; and both Discourses will gratify the pious and judicious reader.

An Arrangement of the Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Rev. Isaac Watts, D.D. including (what no other Volume contains) all his Hymns, with which the Vacancies in the First Book were filled up in 1786; and also those in 1793: now collated, with each of the Doctor's ewn Editions. To which are subjoined, Indexes very much enlarged, both of Scriptures and of Subjects. By John Rippon, D. D.

THIS arranged edition of Dr. Watts, will, we doubt not, be highly ac ceptable to a great number of serious persons, and is recommended to the public by the correctness of the work; many of the late editions being most shamefully faulty. The indexes of all the former editions were remarkably defective; Dr. Rippon has made a very great improvement in them; which will be found peculiarly beneficial to those who choose the Psalms and Hymns for public worship. Such persons will derive great advantage from finding all the pieces on one subject brought together, and those subjects systematically arranged, whereby a suitable Hymn may be at once selected, without turning to different indexes.

It is but justice to say, that the typography is very neat, and the paper fine; so much so indeed, that in the thinner editions the transparency of the paper considerably obscures the reading; which, except to very young eyes, gives a preference to the thicker papers. We are informed that Dr. Rippon has just printed a third edition of his arrangement, on a larger type; the profits of which will be given to poor ministers and village preachers of different denominations.

Youths' Monitor, or Histories of the Lives of Young Persons.
Second Edition.

THESE little Histories, fourteen in number, are highly interesting and instructive to young minds; and make a very pleasing addition to the small variety of juvenile publications adapted for religious families.




IT pleased the Lord to call Mrs. S. by his divine grace, under the minise try of his eminent servant the Rev. Howell Harris, in Haverfordwest, about thirty years ago. She had left that place two years before, and came to Bristol; but by the death of a relation, she was induced to return; and was there detained by a violent fever, which threatened her life. She had an uncle, a clergyman in the establishment, who had greatly prejudiced her mind against those dangerous characters, called Whitfieldites; but it pleased God (after much entreaty from persons who attended her during her illness) to incline her to rise early one morning to go to the five o'clock preaching; when the aforesaid minister preached from these words: "This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them." She was not only given to see she was a sinner, but was led, with the Publican, to exclaim, "God be merciful to me a sinner!" Her convictions were greatly deepened; and so great was her mental trouble, that it brought down her frame to the gates of death; but, as it has often happened, the time of the sinner's extremity is God's opportunity; and when all other refuges failed, it pleased God to reveal his Son to her, and she was enabled to adopt the language of Thomas, saying, “My Lord and my God." After that time she joined the society, walking in the fear of God, and in the comforts of the Holy Ghost.

It pleased God, in his providence, to call her again to Bristol, to the tabernacle-house, where she had the honour and happiness (as she expressed it) to wait upon the ministers of Christ. From that Bethel she came to London with that late eminent servant of Christ, the Rev. Mr. Joss; and she has often said she shall have reason to bless God through eternity for his godly advice. She removed from thence to Mr. West's (the late manager) where her now mourning relict first saw her, to whom she was married in the year 1780. On their first entrance into business, they met with many crosses. In one of them, Mrs. Slyth's utinost exertions of faith and patience were called forth; and those graces were seldom more exemplified than they were in her. I allude to the night before she was to undergo a painful surgical operation: while her Christian friends were weeping, she was rejoicing, and was enabled to say with the prophet, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him." The surgeon declared, that she must have been supernaturally aided, for she never cried out or moved while under his band.

In reference to her late illness, which terminated her life, when she was first taken (which was last May) Satan was not wanting to suggest what an insupportable cross it must be to leave a flourishing trade, a husband, and three children, together with inany Christian friends. This exercised her mind for some time; but as her disorder increased, her confidence in God proportionally increased also, and in a sort of extasy, she uttered the following words :

"Give joy or grief, give case or pain,

"Take life and friends away; "But let me find them all again

"In that eternal day."

She would often speak to her eldest sister in a very pathetic style, exhorting her to seek the Lord, who, she saw, so wonderfully supported her under her inexpressible pain. For more than two months before her dissolution, her mind in general was kept in a serene frame: twice,


however, Satan was permitted to try her; but the temptation continued but a few hours.

The last week her husband had a great deal of very close and serious conversation with her, and inquiring if the sting of death was extracted, and the fear of it removed, she cried out, "My blessed Jesus has extracted the sting, and removed the fear of it as far as the east is distant from the west." At the s me time, she fixed her eyes steadily upon the portrait of her youngest child, which hung before her, and her tears flowed abundantly. On inquiring the cause, she cried out, "Oh, 'tis hard work to give up my dear Harriet !" She then reproached herself, by saying, "Oh, my Lord, I fear I have sinned against thee, in that I have not forsaken all for Christ." Being told, while in the body, we should experience nature as well as grace, she soon after said, the Lord had given her the victory over every earthly concern; and repeated these lines:

"Let earth and all its trifles go,

"Give me, O Lord, thy love to know;

"Give me thy precious love!"

A few hours before her departure she beckoned her husband to her, and also the children. Pressing his hand in the most solemn and affectionate manner, she gave them up to the Lord: then she mentioned those memorable words:

"Did all the world my Jesus know,

"Sure, the whole world wou'd love him too."

Her speech now began to fail; but so long as she could be heard to speak, her language was, "Precious Jesus! precious Jesus!" and thus she fell asleep in the arms of her Beloved, without a struggle or groan, April 20, 1801. M. W.


MRS. Jane Buckler, wife of Mr. Buckler, Blackwell-hall factor, tili about twelve years ago, was unacquainted with the truth of the Gospel, and contented herself with a formal profession of religion; but, by the good providence of God, on Mr. Buckler coming to reside in London, she was happily led by him to attend the ministry of the late Rev. Mr. Romaine. A blessing soon followed the preaching: she began to entertain very different ideas of the evil nature of sin, and of the importance of divine truth, and to be fully convinced of the necessity of a personal interest in the atoning blood of Christ, in order to secure the pardon of her sins and peace with God.

Mrs. Buckler, being of a reserved disposition, was many years a daughter of sorrow, and mingled her tears with her meat; "but those who sow in tears shall reap in joy." At times she had very clear and happy views of her interest in the merits of Christ; and frequently read Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns with peculiar delight. She was the subject of great affliction, arising from a very weak habit of body; but God, who is rich in mercy, was preparing her for a state, where sorrow is turned into joy, and where tears are for ever wiped from the eyes.

Early on the Sabbath morning, the 7th of June 1801, she told Mr. Buckler she was better than usual, and felt a strong inclination to attend the six o'clock lecture at Lothbury church: there she heard the Rev. Mr. Scott, of the Lock; and with her husband received the sacrament, and felt much of the presence of God. In the forenoon they went, as usual, to hear the Rev. Mr. Wilkinson at the Haberdashers' AlmsHouse; in the evening they heard the Rev. Mr. Pratt at Spitalfields


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church; nor did they recollect, auring the twenty years they had lived together, ever to have spent a Sabbath more comfortably. On Monday Mrs. Buckler was very well, and in good spirits; about two o'clock on Tuesday she went into the city, and returned about four; at seven o'clock she was seized with cold chills, and went to bed; next day she had advice; but her fever was not thought dangerous. As she was not better the next day, Mr. Buckler wished her to have further advice. All the night she was delirious, and continued so till Friday, when her senses returned. On that morning, she said to Mr. Buckler she was going; and that all was well. She was frequently heard that day to say, "Now the conflict's over ;" and called on the Lord," Precious Saviour! precious Saviour! why are thy chariot-wheels so long in coming? Come Lord Jesus, come quickly. Not unto us, not unto us; but unto thy name be all the glory." Mr. Buckier asked her how she found herself: her reply was, "Happy, happy." Do you find Jesus precious She answered with a smile, "Indeed I do, very precious; glory, glory!" and then told him she longed to die; and cried again," Why are thy chariotwheels so long in coming? Come Lord Jesus, come Lord Jesus, come quickly." In the course of the day she frequently reminded Mr. Buckler it was the 12th of June (their wedding-day) and that they had lived happily together for twenty years. In the evening she desired her two eldest children to come to her, and hear the advice of their dying mother; when she said, "I beg you to read your Bibles, pray to God for his grace to keep you safe, as you cannot keep yourselves from the many difficulties you have to encounter; be good children, and be kind and dutiful to your father the little time he has to be here, and endeavour all you can to make his life happy and comfortable." She also sent for her servant, who was accustomed to attend the established church, and told her not to be a bigot, as the Gospel was preached in one place as well as in another; but to go where it was preached. Addressing a friend, who sat nigh her, she said, "You and I do not sit on one form, nor go to one place of worship; but, I bless God, we are travelling one road, and shall meet in glory." She then began, "How precious is Christ! Why are thy chariot-wheels so long in coming? Come Lord Jesus, come quickly." She afterwards appeared much confused, but soon recovered. Several friends called to see her: to all of whom she declared her great joy, and wished them to have such prospects in the hour of death. On Sunday, at times, she was very sensible, and frequently expressed that her Saviour was waiting with open arms ready to receive her. She then appeared to be in a convulsive fit, and took Mr. Buckler's hand, and clasped it to her lips for a considerable time, for she was in a great agony. A little before she died, she asked for drink; and about nine o'clock in the evening she went to rest in the Lord, in the fortieth year of her age, leaving an affectionate husband and five children to lament her loss. Y.



The Directors have lately received various Communications; the Substance of which we now present to our Readers :

In a letter from the Rev. Mr. Vos, whose labours at the Cape of Good Hope have for many years been accompanied with divine blessing, it is mentioned that the Misionaries who have been sent to the colony, have been received with grateful thanks to the Society; and that Vorster, one


of those from Holland, has been taken under his own superintendence, is employed in his circuit at Rodezand, and labours with great zeal, and much acceptance, both among Christians and Heathens; by whom he is provided with a complete maintenance. After replying to some enquiries proposed by the Society, particularly in reference to the popu lation of the colony, he adds, "Oh, how large a field have we yet to cultivate! and how much remains to be done before the kingdom of our Savi→ our spreads through the earth, as the waters cover the sea! Yet, how many souls have we already gained for Jesus! how many are already safely arrived in Heaven and how many are conflicting in their way thither! An old slave, named Anthony, my son in the Gospel, whom I baptized two years ago, and who often received the holy communion from my hands with a glowing heart, entered triumphantly into glory two weeks ago. Oh, what praises flowed from his lips at the time of his departure, for the inestimable Gospel of Christ! Let us sow, dear brethren, its blessed seed in every place, and "work while it is called day."

Two letters have been received from the Directors of the South African Society at Cape Town, dated 10th Sep. and 13th Oct. by which it appears, that they have elected Directors situated at different stations in the interior of the colony, to circulate and extend the knowledge of Christ among the Heathen as much as possible. The ministry of Brother Manenberg, at Cape Town, excites very great attention, and is said to be accompanied with beneficial effects, both among nominal Christians and Heathens; it also has brought into a most friendly union and co-operation, the members of the Calvinistic and Lutheran Churches, of both which communions the Directory is now formed. An intimation is given, that some prejudice exists against the exertions which are made; but it is also added, "That the congregation enlarges daily, and that it receives an increasing countenance from those in the more respectable stations of society; who esteem it a privilege and an honour to promote the kingdom of Christ. Among the slaves also are some, on whose hearts the doctrine of the Cross has got an influence, manifested by those fruits which flow from a true faith. Twice in the week Manenberg preaches an evening lecture to the Christians, when a crowded auditory, among which are many of the higher rank of inhabitants, meet together: and three times a week hẹ keeps an evening exercise for the slaves."

The Missionary Society is likely to prove the occasion of great useful, ness, not only among the native Heathen, but also among the slaves in that colony. These are brought from Madagascar, Mozambique, and other places; and are stationed in different parts of the colony. About 14000 of them are at Cape Town, or in its vicinity. Some few of them were converted to Christianity before our Missionaries arrived, but were not permitted to be baptized, it being apprehended that, on receiving baptism, they would be entitled to their freedom. This circumftance has not only deprived these converts of the enjoyment of those sacraments to which Christians are equally entitled, whether bond or free, but it has operated also as a reason for excluding the flave from the advantages of public worship. The Directors being early informed of this circumstance, have paid particular attention to it in their correspondence; in consequence whereof, an application was made to the governor, respecting the baptizing of the slaves, which was favourably received, and, it is said, the impediment is shortly to be taken away. The Directors at Cape Town discover also a very commendable attention to the instruction of the children of the Heathen, and have authorized the Society here, to send from Holland a shoolmaster properly qualified, to instruct them in common VOL. X. learning,


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