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House of Commons.

is contended, the means of corruption should be augmented: instead of! rendering institutions conformable to the increase of knowledge, it is intended to strengthen them by the retention of old, or the creation of new abuses. However revolting such reasoning, it is unquestionably founded on truth. There can be no doubt that the pivot on which the political' machine turns is influence, or, as others would call it, corruption. Without this there would have been no Press Restriction Bills, nor Parson Indemnity Bills, nor Irish Insurrection Acts. It is not the people nor the representatives of the people who pass such laws, but possessors or expectants of the gifts of the crown. When Mr. Robinson contended that useless offices were necessary, he published a truth long ascertained, but which no public man had yet the hardihood to avow. We thank him for his candour;the most inveterate libeller could not have depicted the system in colours more odious: he has tacitly admitted it to be a mass of abuse, injustice, and oppression, that cannot bear the light; that it is bottomed in ignorance and delusion, and must crumble to dust at the first approach of inquiry. Could it be painted in darker colours? or could more cogent reasons be urged for its reform?-We again say we thank him.


Key to the Lower House.




Showing the most important Questions on which the Members have voted; the Counties, Cities, or Boroughs, for which they sit; the Offices, Pensions, Grants, Church-Preferment, or other Emolument enjoyed by themselves or Families; with Remarks on their Speeches and Conduct in the last and two preceding Sessions of Parliament.


The places for which the Members sit are in italic.-When a Member is said to have voted for Parliamentary Reform, it is meant he voted for LORD JOHN RUSSELL'S motion on that subject, on the 25th of April: it was the only motion on Reform last session; it did not embrace any principle, and was merely declaratory, "That the present state of the representation of the People in Parliament required the serious consideration of that House." It was an important question, from the great number of members that voted; and from distinguishing those who are in favour of Reform of some kind from those opposed to all Reform. The large minority of 164 on the occasion, shows the progress Reform is making in the most unfavourable soil. When a Member is said to have voted against the Influence of the Crown, it is meant he voted for Mr. BROUGHAM'S motion on that subject, on the 24th of Jane. Mr. Brougham's motion was, "That the Influence now possessed by the Crown is unnecessary for maintaining its constitutional prerogatives, destructive of the independence of Parliament, and inconsistent with the well government of the State:" 101 Members voted for, and 216 against the motion. For Mr. WYVILL'S motion, "that the best and most effective relief that can be given to the Agricultural Interest, is a large remission of taxation," only 37 Members voted. If a Member is said to be of Mr. HUME's phalanx, it is meant he is one of those patriotic individuals who steadily supported Mr. Hume in his various motions for the Reduction of the Estimates and Establishments. The Members who voted against Lord ALTHORP's motion for the

Key to the Lower House.

reduction of Taxation, show the more determined adherents of Ministers. Those who voted for the repeal of the Salt Tax and the Window Tax, for the reduction of the Lay Lords of the Admiralty, of the Double Postmaster-General, against the Irish Tithe System, for the reduction of 10,000 men in the Army, for inquiry into the third class of Civil-List Expenditure; against the Alien Bill, against the Catholic Peers' Bill, and other questions illustrative of the principles of the honourable Members, are noticed. The Members who voted in 1821, for inquiry into the Manchester outrage, for Mr. LAMBTON's motion on Parliamentary Reform, and for the repeal of the Six Acts, are also mentioned. By the repeal of the Six Acts, is meant the Act for the prevention of "Seditious Meetings" and "the Blasphemous and Seditious Libel Act ;" these are the only two, out of the Six Acts, for the repeal of which any motion has been made. By comparing the votes of Members with their Salaries, Places, Pensions, Connections, and Interests, some inference may be formed how far the latter may have influenced the former. When a Member votes on a question, it is decisive of his opinion on that question; when it is said a Member "did not vote," it implies he was either absent or neutral. Many Members have never voted at all during the last three sessions. The votes are a brief and invaluable mode of showing not only the opinions of Members on public measures, but the zeal with which they discharge their parliamentary duties. The votes are taken from the lists of minorities and majorities in the Times Newspaper and the Elector's Remembrancer. Where the Salaries and Emoluments are mentioned, they are taken from the Parliamentary Return, of last session, of Places and Offices held by Members of Parliament. This very important document we intend to publish entire at the end of this Key, with observations: it contains a list of EIGHTY-NINE Members enjoying £170,000 a year out of taxes paid by the People. When a Member is said to be one of the Treasury phalanx, it is meant he is one of those EIGHTY-NINE paid representatives of the People. The Key is corrected to the prorogation of Parliament, on the 16th of August; and we believe, from the many recent changes, is the most correct account of the individuals now composing the Lower House.

Abercromby, James, Calne, Commissioner of Bankrupts. Two brothers in the Army. His mother a pension. VOTED, 1821, for repeal of Six Acts, for Lord J. Russell's reform, for Manchester inquiry; 1822, for repeal of Salt Tax, for reduction of one Postmaster and Lay Lords, for Sir R. Wilson, for Reform, for Civil-List inquiry; against young Wynn's Swiss mission, ditto Alien Bill; for reduction of Influence of the Crown. DID NOT VOTE, 1821, for Mr. Lambton's Parliamentary Reform, for reduction of Army, for repeal of Window Tax, for Mr. Wyvill's motion. The Member has done himself honour by bringing up the Lord Advocate of Scotland and the Edinburgh bravos; but we did not understand Mr. Abercromby, when, on voting for the repeal of the Six Acts last year, he expressed regret that the repeal of any of these Acts had been moved. To be sure it should be remembered, that the bonourable Member voted in the first instance for the passing of "the Seditious Meeting Act."

Key to the Lower House.

Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke, Devon, Father-in-law of Wodehouse, Dean of Lichfield, and the Rev. T. G. Fortescue. Son-in-law of Hoare, banker. VOTED for repeal of Salt Tax, for reduction of Lay Lords and one Postmaster on second division; against Lord Althorp's motion. Did not vote, 1821, for Mr. Lambton or Lord J. Russell's motion on Reform; for repeal of Six Acts, for Manchester inquiry; nor, 1822, for Reform, for Civil-List inquiry; against young Wynn; for reduction of Army, ditto Influence of the Crown. The Member is a poor creature generally: he is Vice-President of the Society for the Suppression of Vice, of which society the IRISH BISHOP was a member; and we are told he is never so pleased as when shaken by the hand by the Archbishop of Canterbury; and he is oftener seen standing on the righthand side of the throne next his Grace (who, mind, has 176 livings in his gift), frowning dissatisfaction on Lord Grey than attending his duties in the lower house.

A'Court, E. H. Heytesbury, either in the Army or Navy. His brother, Ambassador at Naples. His sister, wife to the Bishop of Bath and Wells. One of the Treasury phalanx.

Alexander, James, Old Sarum, another of the ministerial legion. Two relatives in the East-Indies. Cousin of the Earl of Caledon. Alexander, Jonas Du Pre, Old Sarum, ditto as last-mentioned Member. Allen, John Hensleigh, Pembroke. VOTED, 1821, for Manchester inquiry, for Reform; 1822, for repeal of Salt Tax, for reduction of Lay Lords, and one Postmaster on second division, ditto Influence of the Crown; against Alien Bill; for Mr. Wyvill's motion. DID NOT VOTE, 1821, for Mr. Lambton's Reform, for repeal of Six Acts; 1822, for Sir R. Wilson; against young Wynn; for reduction of Army, for repeal of Window Tax, for Reform

Althorp, Viscount, Northamptonshire, eldest son of Earl Spencer. VOTED for Reform, for reduction of Army, ditto Influence of Crown, ditto one Postmaster and two Lay Lords, for Sir R. Wilson, for Civil-List inquiry; against young Wynn, ditto Alien Bill; for repeal of Salt Tax. DID NOT VOTE, 1821, for repeal of Six Acts, for Manchester inquiry, for Mr. Lambton's Reform; 1822, for Mr. Wyvill's motion; or against the Irish Tithe System. Lord Althorp on the whole is a tolerable whig member: attends well. But we would suggest to him, to make no more party motions on the "State of the Country:"-it wo'n't do.

Ancram, Lord, Huntingdon, eldest son of the Marquis of Lothian. His father, pension. His sisters, ditto. His brothers in the Army and Navy. Votes with Ministers.

Anson, Hon. George, Great Yarmouth, brother of Viscount Anson; Lieutenant of the Guards. VOTED, 1821, for Manchester inquiry; 1822, for reduction of Postmaster on second division, for Civil-List inquiry; against Alien Bill; for repeal of Window Tax. DID NOT VOTE, 1821, for repeal of Six Acts, for either motion on Reform; 1822, for Sir R. Wilson, for reduction of Lay Lords, ditto the Army, ditto the Influence of the Crown.

Anson, Sir George, Lichfield, uncle to the above. VOTED for Reform, for reduction of Postmaster on second division; against young Wynn. DID NOT VOTE, 1821, for Mr. Lambton's motion, for Manchester inquiry, for repeal of Six Acts; 1822, for reduction of Lay Lords, for Civil-List inquiry; against Alien Bill, ditto Influence of Crown. The

Key to the Lower House.

Member is Major-General; both Ansons are in the Army; and neither voted for its Reduction, or against the Influence of the Crown. Antrobus, Gibbs Crawford, Aldborough, Secretary of Legation to the United States of America. One of the Treasury team. Aldborough, for which place the Member is returned, is a parish, which, although it does not contain 110 houses, sends FOUR Members to parliament, under the names of the boroughs of Aldborough and Boroughbridge. The right of voting is in 64 housekeepers; the houses belong to the Duke of Newcastle and Mr. Lawson; but as the majority belong to the Duke, he returns whom he pleases; the returning officer is the Duke's bailiff. Antrobus was in America at the time of his election, and was allowed to prove his qualification by deputy. His brother married a niece of Earl Balcarras. The Newcastle family cost the nation in places, pensions, and offices, about £19,900 a year;-that of Balcarras, in its various ramifications, upwards of £46,000 a year.

Apsley, Lord, Cirencester, eldest son of Earl Bathurst. Has a sinecure as Indian Commissioner. Votes against the Catholics and always with Ministers.

Arbuthnot, Charles, St. Germains, married a niece of the Earl of Westmoreland. Has a pension as retired Ambassador, and a salary as Secretary of the Treasury. It is needless to mention the Member's votes. He wrote, in virtue of his office, the circular to the Members last session, calling on them to attend more assiduously in their places, to support "the just and necessary Influence of the Crown," by voting against the abolition of useless offices. St. Germains, for which Arbuthnot sits, is a parish in Cornwall, upwards of 20 miles in circumference; containing more gentlemen's seats and lordships than any other parish in the county. That part of the parish which is emphatically called the borough, consists of about 50 fishermen's huts, placed near the church; yet, notwithstanding the right of election is in all the housekeepers, the exercise of the elective franchise is limited to seven. The Earl of St. Germains is proprietor of the borough. The family of Westmoreland in its various branches receives about £50,000 a year out of the taxes that of St. Germains is so connected with the Hardwicke and Rutland families, the net sums it receives cannot be collected. This Member will receive his salary of £4000 a year while he remains in office, and then he will be saddled for life on the public for £2000 a year pension as Ex-Ambassador, and probably a further pension as Ex-Secretary.

Archdall, Mervyn, Fermanaghshire, Lieutenant-General and Governor of the Isle of Wight. Seldom attends, except to vote against his Catholic countrymen.

Ashurst, W. H. Oxfordshire, son of Sir William Ashurst, who had a pension out of the consolidated fund. Ministerialist, except on the late Queen's business.

Astell, William, Bridgewater, a Director of the East-India Company, and a Treasury voter.

Astley, Sir John D. Wiltshire, voted for reducing two Lords of Admiralty, one Postmaster General, and repeal of Salt Tax: otherwise a ministerialist, rarely voting for reducing Estimates or Establishments. Attwood, Mathias, Callington, his name not on any division; though he has made one or two speeches on the influence of Mr. Peel's Bill, that

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