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was negatived; and the resolutions, with thanks to the Mayor, for his impartial conduct, were carried unanimously.


This Borough met on the 30th of April, when after voting the thanks of the Court to Mr. Wardle, Mr. Honeywood, one of the members for Kent, for their manly conduct in Parliament, they added the following resolution:

"That the court beg to declare their firm attachment to their Sovereign and to the constitution; but at the same time they cannot forbear to express, that, as long as public abuses exist, the country can never expect to enjoy the benefi cial and happy effect of that constitution which is the pride of Englishmen, and the admiration of the world. This court, therefore, humbly hopes that the Honourable House of Commons will persevere in the investigation and reform of such abuses, till corruption, which has been the downfall of other States, is fully rooted out, and the people may have the satisfaction of knowing and feeling that the sacrifices they make are for the public good, and not perverted to base or improper purposes."


A Common Hall was held here on Monday, March 29, at Rochester, to consider of the propriety of passing a vote of thanks to Mr. Wardle, &c.

The chair was taken by the Mayor, who in-formed the Common Hall of the nature of the business: he told them that they had read the evidence, and were capable of forming an opinion upon the justice of that accusation; they had seen the immediate consequence of it in the resignation of the Duke of York; and they might form some estimate of the great advantages. that must finally result when they saw that the House of Commons had brought forward a Bill to prevent the Influence of Corruption. There was one topic on which he would touch before he sat down, and that he felt himself bound, as a Magistrate, to inculcate upon their minds; it was the necessity of avoiding party. They should join hand and heart in defence of the Constitution, and they would still continue to be the envy and the admiration of the world; while all the other parts of the world were at variance, they might depend upon being successful, if they would but unite.

Mr. Simmons said, he would leave the Commander-in-chief to enjoy his retreat at Oatlands,

and feast upon the honour of a Prince; but he must say, that the Commander-in-chief had fallen from his situation to the great benefit of the nation at large. It was a matter of great consolation to the people to find that they had one hundred and ninety-six honest representatives, who had voted their disbelief of the honour of a Prince. If there was only the letter to his darling angelA laugh—if there was only the ridiculous attempt to

prove the note to Major Tonyn a forgery, it would be enough to establish the criminality of His Royal Highness. He offered his tribute of respect to the manly boldness which Mr. Wardle had displayed on that great occasion, and concluded with moving the following resolutions :

Resolved-" That this meeting, duly sensible of the advantages the country will derive from the charges produced by G. L. Wardle, Esq. M. P. in the Honourable House of Commons, against the late Commander-in-chief, the same having, as this meeting conceives, occasioned his resignation; and highly appreciating the collected and dignified manner he conducted himself throughout the arduous and critical investigation; beg leave to offer him their best and most grateful acknowledgments for his manly, zealous, and patriotic exertions."

Resolved-"That the best thanks of this meeting be given to Lord Folkstone, Sir Francis Bur

dett, and Samuel Whitbread, Esq. M. P. and those other members of the House of Commons who supported Mr. Wardle, on the late momentous question."

Mr. Thomas E. Hulkes rose to second the motion. He thought that Mr. Wardle deserved as well of his country, as any naval or military hero recorded in its annals: he had not gained a victory over a foreign enemy, it was true, but he had vanquished a domestic one-corruption.

The resolutions were then put, and carried unanimously :

The Rochester Meeting was soon followed by a public dinner in that city; when about seventy persons (friends to a Reform in Parliament,) sat down to an elegant repast provided for the occasion, at the Bull Inn, Thomas Edward Hulkes, Esq. in the chair; Charles Thompson, Esq. Deputy. As soon as the usual toasts of King Queen, and Family; army, navy, &c. had gone round, Mr. C. Larkin rose, and, after a short preface, proposed several spirited resolutions, which were each separately proposed and passed unanimously. The chairman then gave Mr. Wardle, which was drank with enthusiasm. health of the chairman was next proposed, which was drank with three times three, attended with the warmest marks of approbation: he returned his thanks in a neat speech, declaring himself an


enemy to corruption, and a friend to Reform in Parliament. He then begged to propose the health of Alderman Cooper, and the Independent Corporation of the City of Canterbury; which was drank with hearty cheers. Mr. Alderman Cooper returned thanks in a very handsome manner for the honour done him and his brethren of the Corporation of Canterbury. The healths of the Mayor, the Deputy Chairman, Mr. James Hulkes, Mr. Calcraft, Mr. James Barnett, Sir F. Burdett, Lord Folkstone, Mr. Whitbread, &c. &c. &c. were then drank, accompanied by the loudest plaudits. Several appropriate songs were sung, and at eleven o'clock the Chairman quitted the chair, which he had filled with universal satisfaction to the company, who were highly gratified with the hilarity of the evening.


This Meeting was held on Friday, April 21st, in pursuance of an appointment by the Mayor. Mr. Justice King opened the business, in the absence of the Mayor. Mr. James Smyth was then unanimously called to the chair, and Mr. Wm. Edmeads, addressing him respecting Mr. Wardle, made the following observations :—

Since, to his lasting honour, the name of Mr. Wardle is made the vehicle by which the people


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