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difficulties of rendering this river navigable are great; and some objections, in point of policy, might be urged against the principle of the undertaking. But the com bined strength and opulence of the states that are imme diately interested, would undoubtedly be competent to overcome the former; and the effect of the measures which have been taken, and which might be taken, to preserve the balance of improvements in favour of Pennsylvania, would, perhaps, sufficiently remove the latter. The equal accommodation of our constituents, however, and the advancement of every part of the state to the enjoyment of the greatest advantage to which it is susceptible, are duties that will entitle this subject to your consideration; and I am inclined to believe, that whenever you shall deem it proper to enter into a negocia tion, the states of Maryland and Delaware will not hesitate to sacrifice some local interests, in order to accomplish that extensive plan of public convenience, which contemplates a new avenue to the ocean, and the union of the bays of Chesapeake and Delaware.

cess, in this respect, will be obvious, from the high price that has been obtained. Considering, indeed, that the authority to dispose of stock, was intended merely as an auxiliary to our specie funds, and desiring, as far as possible, to avoid the diminution of a productive capital, I have thought it expedient to charge as many objects upon the money actually in the treasury, as was consistent with the regard which the law prescribes for previous appropriations. Under these considerations, therefore, you will find, that the quantity of deferred stock which has been sold, amounts to one hundred and seventy-nine thousand five hundred and thirty dollars; that the quantity of three per cent. stock which has been sold, amounts to three hundred and four thousand five hundred dollars; that the proceeds of the sales of both amount to one hundred and sixteen thousand one hundred and sixty-nine pounds seventeen shillings and twopence; and that this sum is to be applied to the payment of all the interest due, or which must become due, on the first day of January next, upon the funded and depreciation debt; to the payment of the arrears of inter- Should the magnitude of the work, however, and the est on the new loan debt; and to the repayment of the natural or political obstacles which are suggested, enloan of sixty thousand pounds, which was borrowed from force a temporary suspension, we may, nevertheless, the Bank of North America. To relieve the state from view the opening and clearing of the Susquehanna, the accumulation of interest, to redeem the valuable from its northern entrance into Pennsylvania, as far at property that was pledged as a collateral security to the least as Wright's ferry, not only with respect to the bebank, and to employ the favourable opportunity pre-nefits which the circumjacent country will immediately sented by the advanced price of stock, were the induce- experience, but with respect to the resulting influence ments for anticipating the period, which the terms of in rendering more easy, and more desirable, the ultithe contract allowed, for liquidating the last of these mate point of improvement in the navigation of the ri engagements. ver. I regret, therefore, that satisfactory overtures have not hitherto been made for executing this part of the plan, upon the terms proposed in the act of Assembly; and as its practicability cannot be doubted, allow me to refer it to your discretion to determine, whether the disappointment has not arisen from the insufficiency of the sum appropriated, and, consequently, whether a more adequate provision ought not to be made.

The improvement of our roads and inland navigation, will, I am persuaded, continue to be a favourite object with the legislature: I have, indeed, received such accounts from the Agents of Information (whose report will be laid before you) and through various other channels, respecting the progress in executing the contracts which have been formed, as promise full compensation for the expense that has been incurred, and afford ample encouragement for future enterprises of a similar nature. In addition to the contracts that were mentioned in a former address, I have concluded others for opening and improving a road leading from Harrisburg, thro' the Narrows, at the end of the Kittatiny mountain and Peter's mountain, and thence the nearest and best course to the place where it will intersect the road leading from Harrisburg to Sunbury, at or near Halifax; for opening and improving a road leading from Stockport, on the river Delaware, to Harmony, at the Great Bend of the river Susquehanna; for improving the navigation of the river Juniata from its mouth to Water street, and thence to Frankstown; and for opening and improving a road from Yorktown to Cooper's-ferry. I shall take this opportunity of transmitting the report of Agents of Information, who, having recently explored the Juniata and Conemaugh, and surveyed the roads corresponding with those rivers, recommend that a deviation should be made in that quarter from the plan which is prescribed in the act of assembly, upon principles that certainly merits a serious consideration. If their opinion is sanctioned by your approbation, the proposed roads to Pittsburg, to Poplar Run, and to the Little Conemaugh, being blended and formed into one great road, leading from Franktown to Pittsburg, the projected canal between the Quitapahilla and Tulpehoccon being opened, and a few easy portages established in proper situations, a certain foundation will be laid for connecting the western waters of the Ohio and the great lakes with the eastern streams, flowing into the Atlantic, particularly with the tide-waters of the Delaware, in the neighbourhood of Philadelphia.

But, gentlemen, while we trace the progress of this communication, with a just estimate of its importance, permit me to advert to another object, which, in the impartial exercise of the powers of government, ought not to be forgotten-I mean the navigation of the lower waters of the Susquehanna. It is true, that the natural

While I offer these remarks, I am aware, gentlemen, that the want of a good and permanent road is, at present, the principal defect in the communication between the middle counties and the metropolis. The steps which are taking, however, in pursuance of the legisla tive resolution of the 30th day of September last, to remedy this inconveniency, have met with universal approbation; and, I hope, the commissioners who were appointed to make the proper surveys between Philadel phia and Lancaster, will enable me, previously to the adjournment of the session, to lay a plan before you, which, corresponding in its execution with your views, and the wishes of our fellow citizens, may lead to the establishment of a general system of well constructed and well regulated roads. You must readily perceive, indeed, that it will be in vain either to open roads, or to clear rivers, without a vigilant attention to keep the former in repair, and to prevent encroachments upon the latter: And the existing laws being extremely inadequate to these essential purposes, you will, I am confident, revise and amend them, with all the diligence and energy, which the occasion shall be thought to require. Among the many considerations that will occur in the course of the investigation thus introduced, the circumstances of our inland trade, will probably suggest the idea of making a reasonable compensation to the holders of certain ferries on the Susquehanna and other rivers, in order to give a free passage to wagons transporting produce to the market, and returning with the merchandize of Philadelphia. This, it has been conceived, would be the means of preventing the trade of several counties from centering in other states, as experience has shown, that when the Susquehanna is frozen over, many western farmers convey their produce to this city, which, in other seasons, they dispose of in Maryland. Some latitude should, likewise, be allowed, in laying out the roads that are described in the late act of assembly; and such of them as may remain incomplete, should, perhaps, be made subject to the same jurisdiction and

regulations as are established in the case of county roads. stacles to the completion of the contract for the Lake Under the authority of an act of Assembly, I have ob- Erie purchase are removed; the comptroller of the treas tained a loan of twenty thousand pounds from the Bank sury of the United States, and the comptroller general of North America, upon a mortgage of the revenues of Pennsylvania, having concurred in stating the amount arising from vendues, in order to repay the money ex- of the consideration money to be one hundred and fiftypended by the corporation of the city, and the commis-one thousand, six hundred and forty dollars and twentysioners of the county of Philadelphia, for the accommo- five cents, and the medium of payment to be loan-office dation of Congress; and to provide a suitable dwelling certificates of the United States, at their specie value for the President of the United States. The first part reduced by the continental scale of depreciation; eer of this appropriation, amounting to two thousand nine tificates of final settlements issued by the commissionhundred and one pounds nine shillings and four-pence, ers of the states, or department, or certificates comand the price of the lot of ground (which has been ob- monly called registered debt, with the intest which tained on the west side of Ninth street, between Market may be due upon them until the tenth day of June 1791. and Chesnut streets) amounting to five thousand four The necessary sum, in public securities of these various hundred and ninety-one pounds; there only remains the descriptions, is prepared at the treasury, and will be desum of eleven thousand six hundred and seven pounds livered as soon as the mode of conveyance (which I ten shillings and eight-pence, to purchase the materials have referred to the consideration of the attorney-geneand complete the structure of the building. As soon as ral) shall be settled. From some doubts, indeed, that an eligible plan can be procured, and a satisfactory esti- have been entertained, whether there exists in any offimate of the expense can be formed, I will lay them be- cer of the federal government, a competent authority to fore you; and you may be assured, gentlemen, that I will execute an instrument of this nature, it may eventually endeavour, with the strictest economy and diligence, to be necessary to call in the aid of congress; but, as the do all the justice to the hospitable intention of the legis- terms of the contract have received a definitive conlature, which the limitation of the fund will permit. struction, it will not, I presume, occasion much delay, tơ In discharging other duties that were assigned to me | designate the mere formalities of transfer. by laws passed at the last session of the general assembly, I have appointed one set of commissioners to lay out a town at the mouth of Beayer creek, and another set to run the boundary line between the counties of Mifflin and Huntingdon. The former have not yet had time to execute their trust; and the latter have found so much difficulty in ascertaining the point of departure intended by the act, that they have made a special report (which will be communicated for your information) suggesting that a straight line from the Water-gap in Tuscarora to the Blue Rock on Juniata, is the only course that can give satisfaction; and this they accordingly recommend to be expressly sanctioned by the legislature. It may be proper to observe, that an early decision on the subject is requisite to preserve peace and order: but, at the same time, I am happy to add, that the disturbances, which had arisen from another cause in the county of Mifflin, have entirely subsided; and I have received information, that the principal rioters have given the best evidence of their contrition, by readily submitting to those measures, which it was thought necessary to pursue, in order to vindicate the dignity and energy of the government.

In obedience to the directions of the legislature, I entered into a contract with the commissioners of the city, by which they engaged, at a reasonable rate, to pave the foot way of the state house square, from Chesnut to Walnut street, in Fifth street; and the undertaking being executed, I have paid the consideration money by a warrant upon the treasurer, for the sum of one hundred and fifty-three pounds fifteen shillings and eleven-pence. The forms prescribed in the law, respecting an indemnity for those lots of the donation land, which have been found to lie within the jurisdiction of New York, have, likewise, been pursued; but as it is probable that many of the claimants were too remote to receive an account of the arrangement, in season to take advantage of it, (some of them being actually employed in the western army of the United States) and as, in fact, from a misconstruction of the law, none of them appeared on the proper day to draw their lots, you will, no doubt, perceive the propriety of extending the time for presenting these claims, as well as for deciding the priority in chusing an equivalent; and it will be expedient to announce your indulgence, in these respects, as soon as possible. The commissioner for stating the claims of this state against the United States reports to me, that, although nothing has yet appeared to warrant a material change of the opinion, which was formerly expressed upon the probable result of the settlement of those claims, considerable progress has been made in arranging and stating the accounts: and, I trust, that at length all the obVOL. II.


In leading your attention, gentlemen, to those objects which are particularly interesting to the public welfare, the election of a senator, to represent the commonwealth in the senate of the United States, appears first in order and importance. During the present session of the federal legislature, the ratio of representation, in the po pular branch of the government, will be fixed for the ensuing period of ten years; our commercial intercourse with foreign nations will probably be settled on a new basis; and there is great reason to expect, that a system for establishing and regulating the militia of the United States will be introduced and adopted. The jurisdiction of congress cannot, I think, be exercised upon subjects more critical in their origin, or more extensive in their operation: on which a greater diversity of opinion is likely to arise; or in the decision of which a free people ought to be more anxious to give the full expression of their feelings and their sentiments. Recollecting, therefore, the weight of one member in the small body of the senate, you will excuse me if I am solicitous, that considerations respecting the magnitude of the end should suppress every doubt and reconcile every variance 'res pecting the forms of the proceeding; so that Pennsyl vania may, at this juncture, enjoy the whole force of her legitimate influence in the councils of the Union. To you, gentlemen, no argument can be offered, which a sense of public duty, and an ardent attachment to the honour and prosperity of your country, will not spontaneously suggest: You feel, and I am confident you will act, as becomes the importance of the occasion; and, under this impression, I cheerfully dismiss the subject with informing you, that, by the returns from the several districts, it appears, that Thomas Fitsimons, Fred'k Augustus Muhlenberg, Thomas Hartley, Daniel Heister, Israel Jacobs, John Wilkes Kittera, Andrew Gregg and William Findley, are duly elected representatives of this state in the house of representatives of the United States, for the next term of two years.

If the supplement to the judiciary bill, which was particularly recommended to your consideration by the late house of representatives, should introduce an enquiry into the general state of the department, you will find, that, although the foundation is admirably laid, some additions are necessary to complete the strength and beauty of the superstructure. Besides pursuing the objects of the supplementary bill, to which I have adverted, the enlargement of the equitable powers of our courts of law seems to be expedient; not only as it would promote the ordinary administration of justice, but as the means of placing the scene of domestic litigation upon an equal footing with controversies arising between the citizens of Fennsylvania and the citizens

the public money; and with the latter kind may be classed, the settlement of the accounts of the commonwealth at different places, and by different persons; and, generally speaking, all the consequences of an undi gested distribution of duties between the ComptrollerGeneral and Register-General.

other states, or foreigners, which, giving immediate ju risdiction to the federal courts, may be conducted by rules less rigid, and decided upon principles more liberal. I have, on a former occasion, observed, that the laws, respecting bankruptcy, are, likewise, defective in several points; and I cannot avoid repeating, that the want of an appeal from the mere doubt of the commis- As I am, persuaded, gentlemen, that this subject will sioners (which doubt is all the act requires to justify the soon engage your attention, I am induced to add a few refusal of a certificate) may hereafter be the source of hints, from the statement which the officers have preextreme oppression, and apparently, indeed, militates sented to me, in order to facilitate your investigation. against the constitutional right of trial by jury. What- It would, I think, be a radical improvement in the de ever may be the objections, therefore, to the introduc- partment, if all the accounts which are rendered and tion of a system of bankrupt laws, I am persuaded, that, settled were deposited in one office, and the books of when introduced, you will think it proper in this, as well entry in the other. This separation would not only add as in every other respect, while you guard against frau- to the security of the public documents, as, in case of dulent practices, to protect and countenance the honest, accidental destruction of the accounts, the books might though unfortunate, trader. In reviewing the laws for remain; but it would likewise enable each officer, from the relief of insolvent debtors, and those which regulate the materials in his own possession, to collect and furattachments, many opportunities of making amend-nish, upon all occasions, the necessary information; and ments will occur; and a provision in the act respecting a chain of connexion often blending public transactions, juries, which shall, on the one hand, render a fairer each would have it in his power, without difficulty or compensation for the juror's service, and, on the other delay, to unravel and check the accounts under examihand, impose a heavier fine on his neglect or refusal to nation, by comparing them with the corresponding perform it, would, in effect, diminish the burthen of this vouchers. Several advantages, likewise, concur to jusindispensable duty, by giving certainty and despatch to tify a proposal, that books should be opened in the Rethe business of our courts. I will only further remind gister's office, in which accounts shall be kept with such you, as matter for deliberation naturally connected with of the public creditors, as may choose to give up the the subject, that the institution of a general fee bill, and certificates which they at present hold, for others in all the declaration of the forms, in which actions may be respects similar, except that the new certificates shall brought and prosecuted against the commonwealth, will not be transferable, although the debts, of which they be considerably useful in discharging the various offices are the evidences, may still be assigned, in the same of government: And, while I refer you to a report from manner, and with the same effect, as the debt of the U. the inspectors of the prison of Philadelphia, for a pleas- States. This measure would prevent the necessity of ing proof of the salutary consequences which the re-cutting up eertificatates to accommodate purchasers at formation of the penal code has produced, I am per- the Land Office; it would be convenient to the indivisuaded you will pay a proper attention to the opinion dual creditor, by enabling him to divide his claim into any that the Board has expressed, upon the expediency of sums that his wants might require; rendering the proabolishing what are termed the jail fees. perty more safe from fire and other accidents; it would In the executive departments some points will like-relieve the legislature from frequent applications for the wise claim your regard. Since the establishment of the renewal of lost certificates; and, if it had not the effect present constitution, temporary laws have been passed of immediately appreciating the state debt, it would, at to transfer, in the aggregate, all the powers of the late least, render all the business respecting it more uniform Supreme Executive Council to the Governor of the and stable. commonwealth: but, as many of those powers could be more conveniently, and more advantageously, exercised in other offices, I should be happy, if an opportunity occurs, to see them analysed and properly distributed. For the incidental and contingent expenses of the department, I conceive that a general provision should be made, in order to meet the section of the Constitution which declares, that no money shall be drawn from the treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and, if a permanent authority were given to superintend the publication of the Acts of Assembly, that business would be facilitated, and the information of your proceedings with greater expedition communicated to our constituents. You will indulge me, gentlemen, in adding one wish of a more personal nature, that, as far as your conveniency will permit, bills may be delivered for the consideration of the executive, some time before the day fixed for the adjournment of the legislature: For, hitherto most of the laws have been transmitted at so late a period of the session, that there was hardly time to peruse them, much less to deliberate on their con


The improved state of our finances, the rapid progress that has been made in the settlement and liquidation of old transactions and engagements, and the consequent decrease of business in the respective offices, must render this period favourable for reviewing and reforming the department of accounts. The present system is, indeed, defective even in its foundation; in some instances furnishing no adequate check; and, in others, producing confusion and embarrassment by the complication of its forms. Of the former kind, is that provision, by which the Treasurer is authorised to settle the ecounts of the revenue officers, from whom he receives

A provision for cancelling those certificates of the state debt, which, being redeemed, are deposited in the possession of the Comptroller-General are directed to be cancelled, would, I believe be useful; and it might, perhaps, with propriety, be extended to such certifi cates as shall in future be paid to the Receiver-General of the Land Office, allowing that officer to produce an authenticated document of the amount, which may from time to time be cancelled, as a voucher in the settlement of his accounts. In addition to these regulations, I am prompted by a desire of preserving uniformity in pecu niary transactions and statements, as well as by the greater conveniency of the method which has been adopted at the Treasury of the Union, and at the several Banks, to recommend that the Legislature should prescribe a period, after which all-accounts between the state and her officers shall be kept in dollars and centss

You will receive by the Secretary, gentlemen, a copy of the joint report which the Comptroller-General, the Register-General, and the Treasurer, have made upon the state of the finances of the commonwealth; introduced by a recapitulation of the receipts and expendi tures of the last year; and particular representations of the receipts and payments in the bills of credit of March 1785, in the state money and in the dollar money; together with a view of the real estate of the commonwealth; of the situation of the fund appropriated for the improvement of roads and navigable waters; and of the operation of the sinking fund, during the same period. The estimate of the productive revenues for the current year, amounts to seventy-one thousand three hundred and twenty-three pounds three shillings and eight pence; and the various demands for the public service, will require a sum of sixty-seven thousand three hun

dred and seventy-two pounds. But, gentlemen, it will be prudent always to remember, that although the arrearages of taxes on the present, as on every former occasion, constitute a considerable item in the calculation of our resources, yet, as the extent of the exonerations, which have been sanctioned by law, has not been completely ascertained, and as the difficulty of collection naturally increases with the delay, our expectations on this ground have been, and, probably will continue to be, greatly disappointed.

The property which the state possesses in the stock of the United States, will require, and merits, particular attention. It appears from the report, to which I have just referred, that the subscription of the state debt to the funding system amounts at this time to two hundred and fifty-two thousand six hundred and ninety-seven pounds fourteen shillings and a penny; but the proportion of the assumed debt, allotted to Pennsylvania, being two million two hundred thousand dollars, she will be entitled to receive an annual surplus of interest, equal to the sum of twenty thousand nine hundred and eighty-four pounds eight shillings and five pence. This, however, is subject to a deduction for the interest that the state has engaged to pay to the subscribers in order to make up the rate of six per cent. upon their respective claims; to an allowance for that part of the state debt which was assumable, and is not subscribed; and to a charge for that part which shall be deemed not to be within the assumption. The product of the subscription which was made immediately on behalf of the commonwealth before the loan was closed, amounts in six per cent. stock to the sum of two hundred and seventyeight thousand and forty-nine pounds eighteen shillings and four pence; in the three per cent. stock to the sum of five hundred and fifty-seven thousand five hundred and sixty-eight pounds fifteen shillings and two pence; and in the deferred stock to the sum of one hundred and thirty-nine thousand and twenty-four pounds nineteen shillings and a penny. But the first article being allotted to discharge the proprietary claim, affords an unappropriated balance of only forty-two thousand six hundred and twenty-seven pounds sixteen shillings and five pence; the second article, being liable to various demands, leaves a balance of four hundred and fifty-five thousand four hundred and thirty-six pounds nineteen shillings and two pence; and in the third article, after deducting the recent sales to pay the interest on the funded and depreciation debt, the state is still entitled to the sum of ninety-seven thousand nine hundred and fifty-one pounds four shillings and a penny.

The fund arising from the aggregate of these credits, has, gentlemen, been hitherto properly employed in discharging the debts of the commonwealth: but I am deBirous that you should now take it into serious consideration, whether, if the public honour does not require, the public interest will permit any further diminution of the capital. The many other sources from which supplies may be advantageously drawn for the support of government, will leave even the interest disengaged for purposes of public enterprise and utility: And when we reflect, that a similar opportunity of accumulating wealth will never probably occur; or that, when this is expended, all the public wants and exigencies must be satisfied and relieved by a direct and constant pressure of taxation on the people, you will, I am persuaded, agree with me, that in future every act which trespasses upon the principal of the stock, ought to be the result of mature deliberation.

Gentlemen of the House of Representatives. The sentiment which I have just advanced, applies particularly to your jurisdiction in matters of finance. I am confident that you will make an ample provision, in the most eligible manner, to defray the necessary expenses of the government, and to preserve the honour ble system that has been introduced for discharging our public engagements. But while you are doing this, I bink it my duty to submit to your consideration, the

expediency of raising a small contribution from the estates of our constituents, in aid of the general revenues of the commonwealth. By this measure, seasonably adopted, you will prevent the inconveniency of imposing taxes upon every occasion; which must, otherwise, as I have observed, unavoidably take place, when our property in the funds of the Union shall be exhausted; and if such a contribution were expressly and exclusively applied to the support of government, the expense of the administration of public affairs, being always known and felt by the people, would excite that vigilance which is the best preservative of a free and republican constiiution.

In addition to the ordinary objects of revenue, permit me to remind you, that no fund is appropriated to pay the promised interest, on that part of the funded and depreciation debt, which is assumable, but not subscribed to the loan proposed by Congress; and the faith of the state being pledged to redeem, in the course of the next year, the bills of credit, which were issued in the year 1785, you will be pleased to consider, whether, for that purpose, some special step ought not to be taken at this session, as well as for destroying the sum which is now accumulated at the treasury. I shall also be under the necessity of requesting the aid of a supplementary appropriation, to discharge the expenses which have been recently incurred for the defence of the frontiers. As the lieutenant of the county of Allegheney, however, has not yet made his return upon the subject, I am unable to furnish an accurate statement of the deficiency; but an account of the sums, that have been disbursed, will be laid before you.

Gentlemen of the Senate, and of the

House of Representatives.

Among the records of the General Assembly you will find a variety of papers, which point out the necessity of establishing a more effectual mode to enforce the collection of the arrearages of taxes; and there are diffi culties in carrying certain assessments into effect, for the removal of which the assistance of the Legislature has already been requested. Some regulations for rendering the revenue, arising from the several kinds of licenses, more productive and more equal, seem to be necessary; and it may be proper to renew the provisions which were formerly made for disposing of the barracks in the borough of Lancaster, and to authorise further proceedings with respect to the forfeited, or unsold, part of the barrack-ground in the neighbourhood of Philadelphia. An act for the inspection of gunpowder, and some improvements in the institution of the Health Office, will be suggested, as well by the documents which have formerly been transmitted, as by those which I shall direct to be presented to you; and, you will please to observe, that the appropriation for defraying the expenses of the wardens of the port, extending no farther than October last, your interposition will again be required in behalf of the board. You will deem it proper, perhaps, during your present session, to prescribe the manner of making the enumeration of the taxable inhabitants of the state, agreeably to the fourth section of the first article of the Constitution; and the bill to authorise the sale of the public islands, having been published by order of the preceding House of Representatives, will now, I presume, be passed into a law.

The limitations of several acts of Assembly will likewise claim your attention, previous to an adjournment. The act transferring the powers of the late Supreme Executive Council to the Governor, and the act for instituting the Board of Property, will expire with the present session. The suspension of the act for the inspection of shingles, and the law to enable aliens to purchase and hold real estates within this commonwealth, will terminate on the first day of January 1792; the continuance of the provision for regulating the exportation of pot-ash, and pearl-ash, is limited to the twenty second day of February; the necessity of obtaining a li

cense for the exhibition of theatrical amusements, will cease on the second day of Marclr; and the time allowed for patenting lands, which were located before the declaration of independence, will elapse on the tenth day of April in the same year.

It affords me great satisfaction, gentlemen, to be able to close these communications, in mentioning, that, upon the report of the commissioners appointed by law, which report states, that the subscriptions to the capital stock, for opening the canal between the creeks of Quitapahilla and Tulpehoccon, exceeds five hundred shares, a patent of incorporation has been granted to the subscribers; and by informing you, that the union of the College of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania has been effected, according to the provisions of the act of Assembly, From the great encouragement which has been given to the undertaking, the most flattering presage of success, in establishing the canal, may be drawn, and the institution of the associated seminaries of learning, upon a foundation so enlarged and so enlightened, must, under your auspices, prove an honour to the state, and a blessing to mankind.


Philadelphia, December 9, 1791.


Fashioned much to honour from his cradle,
He was a soldier, and a ripe and good one;
Exceeding wise, fair spoken, and persuading;
Lofty and sour to those that loved him not;
But to those men that sought him sweet as summer.
Heard ye him talk of Commonwealths,
You'd say it had been all in all his study;
List his discourse of war, and you would hear
A fearful battle rendered you in music.

Now to his ashes honour!-Peace be with him!
And choirs of angels sing him to his rest.


General Anthony Wayne occupies a conspicuous station among the heroes and patriots of the American Revolution. That eventful epoch was calculated to call into exertion the talents and virtues of our citizens, and the page of history can offer to our view, no country in the maturity of its age, with which the infancy of onr own may not be proudly compared. Never has a war been conducted with such purity of intention, such integrity of principle, as the one which separated the United States from the British Empire; and while these principles remain with us, while America continues true to herself, resting on the favour of that Providence which led her through the dangerous ordeal, she may confidently bid defiance to the arts, and to the arms of the old world.


In the

detached under General Thompson into Canada. defeat which followed, in which General Thompson was made a prisoner, Colonel Wayne, though wounded displayed great gallantry and good conduct in collecting and bringing off, the scattered and broken bodies of troops.

Anthony Wayne was borne in the year 1745, in Chester County, in the State, then the Colony, of PennsylvaHis father, who was a respectable farmer, was many years a representauve for the County of Chester in the General Assembly, before the revolution. His grandfather, who was distinguished for his attachment to the panciples of liberty, bore a captain's commission under King William at the battle of Boyne. Anthony Wayne succeeded his father as a representative for the County of Chester, in the year 1773; and from his first appearance in public life, distinguished himself as a firm and decided patriot. IIe opposed with much ability the unjust demands of the mother country, and in connexion with some gentlemen of distinguished talents, was of material service in preparing the way for the firm and decisive part which Pennsylvania took in the general


In 1775 he was appointed to the command of a regiment, which his character enabled him to raise in a few weeks in his native county. In the same year he wa

In the campaign of 1776 he served under General Gates at Ticonderoga, and was highly esteemed by that officer for both his bravery and skill as an engineer. At the close of that campaign he was created a BrigadierGeneral.

At the battle of Brandywine he behaved with his usual bravery, and for a long time opposed the progress of the enemy at Chad's Ford. In this action the inferiority of the Americans in numbers, discipline, and arms, gave them little chance of success; but the peculiar situation of the public mind was supposed to require a battle to be risked; the ground was bravely disputed, and the action was not considered as decisive. The spirits of the troops were preserved by a belief that the loss of the enemy had equalled their own. As it was the intention of the American commander in chief to hazard another action on the first favourable opportunity that should offer, General Wayne was detached with his division, to harass the enemy by every means in his power. The British troops were encamped at Tryduffin, and General Wayne was stationed about three miles in the rear of their left wing, near the Paoli tavern, and from the precautions he had taken, he considered himself secure; but about eleven o'clock, on the night of the 17th September, Major General Gray, having driven in his pickets, suddenly attacked him with fixed bayonets. Wayne, unable to withstand the superior number of his assailants, was obliged to retreat; but formed again at a small distance, having lost one hundred and fifty killed and wounded. As blame was attached, by some of the offi cers of the army, to General Wayne, for allowing himself to be surprised in this manner, he demanded a court martial, which, after examining the necessary evidence, declared that he had done every thing to be expected from an active, brave, and vigilant officer; and acquitted him with honour.

which he greatly signalized himself by his spirlted manShortly after was fought the battle of Germantown, in ner of leading his men into action.

ed for supporting the most energetic and decisive meaIn all councils of war, General Wayne was distinguish


he and General Cadwalader were the only officers deIn the one previous to the battle of Monmouth, cidedly in favour of attacking the British army. The American officers are said to have been influenced by the opinions of the Europeans. The Baron de Steuben, and Generals Lee and De Portail, whose military skill ment, as too hazardous. But General Washington, whose was in high estimation, had warmly opposed an engageopinion was in favour of an engagement, made such disaction, so honourable to the American arms, General positions as would be most likely to lead to it. In that Wayne was conspicuous in the ardor of his attack. General Washington, in his letter to Congress, observes, tions without expressing my obligations to the officers "Were I to conclude my account of this day's transacof the army in general, I should do injustice to their merit, and violence to my own feelings. They seemed to vie with each other in manifesting their zeal and bravery. The catalogue of those who distinguished themselves is too long to admit of particularizing individuals. I cannot, however, forbear mentioning Brigadier-General Wayne, whose good conduct and bravery, throughout the whole action deserves particular conmendation."

ing conceived a design of attacking the strong post of In July 1779, the American commander in chief havGeneral Wayne. The garrison was composed of six Stony Point, committed the charge of this enterprize to hundred men, principally highlanders, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Johnson, Stony Point is a consider

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