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contemplation of ELLICE and his world. I that day saw above twenty immediate friends to shuffle off old of my voters actually torn away PETER; but, Peter threatened; he from the polling place, and ripped said he would not be "bamboozled up behind, and stripped of their out of his election." He talked of coats, and sometimes, even of their certain correspondences and con-waistcoats! Nevertheless, in spite tracts; and, he brought the shufflers of all this destruction: in spite of to a determination to carry him blows,ripping up, an deven stabs, my along. If Captain CLOSE, who ap-voters persevered to such a degree peared to be a very good and frank as to put me nearly on a level with man, had listened to a proposition my opponents at the close of the of mine, both the humbugs would have been packed off on the Thurs day. But, the Town Clerk, who, I suppose, spoke for the Corporation, would not let him agree to it. We

poll; and, if the infirm persons, whom I had got into the Booth, had been permitted to poll, I should have stood above Moore at the end of the second day. I had about

should, in that case, have had the twenty of these in the Booth ready civil authority to protect us against to poll. These (for what reason I the hired Savages with knives; and that would have decided the election

on the Thursday.

never could discover) were not permitted to poll. They were, after long waiting, got away in safety; but, they never dared to venture to come up again.

It was now clearly seen, that I had the votes. And, therefore, unless these votes could be prevented

On the Thursday the Savages came well fed and well supplied, all the day long, with gin and brandy, brought out to them in glass bottles, and handed about from one to the other in the face from being given, it was clear, that of the Booth, where a scene of vio-I must be seated in parliament, especially as no one act had been

committed by me or by my friends.

lence and sounds of execrations were witnessed and heard, such, as I hope, were never matched, and of an unlawful or violent nature. never will be again matched, in the Therefore, grand preparations were

made by the Rich Ruffians for the swag towards a row of houses,

next day. They, indeed, had done much on the day just closed. We saw, during the afternoon, several fresh bands of Savages arrive from the country by sixes, eights, or tens; so that, by the hour of closing the poll, an immense multitude of these wretches, roaring like wolves, and foaming with rage and drink, were collected round the Booth.

This evening ELLICE went out of

standing on a pavement above the level of area of the open street, or sort of square. With a good deal of difficulty I reached the pavement keeping my feet. I had, when I left the Booth, my snuff-box in my right hand. It is oblong square, and has very sharp corners. The Savages pressed me side-ways to-. wards my left; and I had to fight with my right hand, in order to prevent them from getting me down.

of the Booth in great dudgeon. I, not suspecting any attempt against I had to strike back-handed. One me personally, followed, at a few of the sharp corners of the snuff.. paces distance, intending to go to box, which stuck out beyond the house of a Mr. GRANT, where the bottom of my little finger, my Committee was, and which did good service. It cut the might be about forty yards from noses and eyes of the Savages at a the Booth. I had to pass through famous rate, and assisted mainly

in securing my safe arrival, on the

the bands of Savages; and I was scarcely amongst them, when they raised pavement, on which I got. (at ELLICE's instigation) began an just opposite the door of a shop. endeavour to press me down. They Just at this time, one of the Sawere more than a thousand in num-vages, foaming at the mouth like ber, including the mere partizans a mad dog, exclaimed: "damn of my enemies. Several attempts him, I'll rip him up." He was were made to press me down. got many blows in the sides; and, pocket, apparently to take oat his if I had been either a short or a knife, but I, being pulled up to the weak man, I must have been pres-door-way by the left arm by two sed under foot, and inevitably kilyoung women, who wished, I supled. However, the crowd took a pose, to get me into the house

running his hand into his breeches

drew up my right leg, armed with manifest hazard of his own life, a new and sharp-edged: gallashe saved my life, will never be effaced over my boot, dealt: Mr. Ellice's from my memory; and, if Covenripping Savage so delightful a try and its neighbourhood, conblow, just between his two eyes, tains five hundred cowardly Savathat he fell back upon his follow-ges and a score or two of still more ers. For this I should certainly cowardly Rich Ruffians to employ have been killed in a few moments, and urge them on to deeds of blood, had not Mr. FRANK SERGEANT, it also contains FRANCIS SERGEANT, who, seeing my danger, had made whose merits atone, in my eyes, shift to get along, by the side of the houses, to the spot where I was, happily came to my assistance. Never did I behold a more gallant young man than this! Having attack me upon this occasion. But,

for all the atrocious acts of the Ruffians and their Savages.

ELLICE has had the meanness to deny, that he set his Savages on to

we have two persons, and many others have offered, to declare upon oath, that he was guilty of the base and cowardly act; an act well wor

got to me, he turned round, saying follow me, Sir, and, having first beaten back three or four of the Savages, so as to make them press upon others behind them, the thy of him and of the race, to whole body, which were on the which he belongs; but, unworthy pavement turned about, while he with thumps on some with his hands, with kicks bestowed upon others, set the body on a swag towards the house of Mr. GRANT, at

of any thing else, in the shape of


This atrocious attempt gave us a sort of foretaste of what was to be attempted against us on the next day (Friday), for the arrival of

which we arrived quickly in safety. The young gentleman merits, my which we waited with some imdear JAMES, the best thanks of every patience. We were informed, that creature, who has a regard for me. To him I certainly owe my life. The manner, in which he, at the

the bands of Savages had been greatly augmented from the country; that they were now divided

in regular bodies, fed and drenched any other protection for the voters. at different houses, regularly paid, It seems admirably calculated to and ready to be brought out in suc-give advantage to those who will cession,in order to relieve each other. condescend to employ force. It is We had nothing in the way of force. a mere enclosure, a little more than We depended upon our number of breast high, and up against this place voters, and of these we knew that men stand to vote, exposed to we had a decided majority. every species of violence that When the poll opened we had others may choose to employ.

The ground, too, is sloping, and the slope runs longways of the Booth. So that, though men may be standing ready to poll, it is by no means difficult to force them away, if the assailants be at all superior in point of numbers or strength.

between three and four hundred men, all arranged by the side of the booth; all ready to poll; all was quiet; the polling was going on rapidly. In the space of an hour and a half, I had topped Moore upon the poll. I was then polling at the rate of twenty to one against the other two Candidates. In another hour, EL-morable Friday, had gone on in the

LICE, who had not had the courage to shew his face at the Booth that morning, would have been off to London, seeing that he had tried in vain to shake off MOORE. This was

the state of things, when the Rich Ruffians of Coventry brought their Savages to the attack, and in fact,

After the polling, on this me

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manner, and during the time, above described, the Rich Ruffians (séveral of them in person) came with their savages, not less than five hundred in number, in regular order, about eight or ten deep, with drums and banners at their head. They made their approach by the higher part of the ground. The head of

they now decided the matter as completely as if they had brought a re-this column of Savages began the giment of horse to take possession attack upon my voters at the upper of the Booth and to drive away my end of the Booth. Fighting was out of the question. All attempts


The Booth has no rail-way, or to resist were vain.

And, in five

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minutes, three hundred of my voters [nity and fair-play. But, never,

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since I was born, did I see any thing so disgraceful to human nature; so ferocious; so odious; so hateful; as the conduct of the Rich Ruffians and their savages,at Coventry, on Friday, the tenth of March, 1820.

There were about sixty wretches, stationed opposite the poling place for the express purpose of putting forth execrations on me. They and all the savages were regularly supplied with gin or brandy. The ex

as soon as discovered, pulled back, dragged away, jostled, beaten, or cut. The ferocity of the Savages, this day, was such as I thought haman beings incapable of. I have seen parcels of drunken soldiers. I have seen gangs of furious ecrators foamed at mouth, till, in and drunken sailors. I have seen some cases, the foam extended itself roaring mobs in London. I have widely down into their dirty and long seen whole bands of American Indi-beards. I actually saw a wretch, ans, drunk with rum. But, never who kept on repeating: "G-d did my eyes behold any thing in blast you!", till the foam, from human shape so ferocious, so odi-white, became brown all round his ously, so diabolically ferocious, as mouth. There were two fellows those bands of villains, hired, paid, with broad faces, one of them fed, and drenched by the Rich Kuf-pocked-marked, who sent forth exfans of Coventry. I have seen ecrations and foam, till they whitenmuch of the world: I have seened over the shoulders of a man that French, Irish, Scotch, Americans, stood just before them. One old Spaniards, Portuguse, and Ameri-wretch, who had swallowed a great can Indians. I have always been deal of gin, exhausted himself so proud of my native country. Few much by straining his throat, that men, with like means, have boasted he, at last, fell down in a sort of more than I have of English huma-fit, with the curses on his lips!

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