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D. W. Clark has thus expressed himself concerning it: The recent contributions to our social melodies have been numerous and valuable; yet no one of them has appeared to me exactly to meet the wants of the Church and the times. Some have depended mainly for success upon a few new and popular songs or tunes, others have been deficient in careful selection, and still others, by the insertion of many hymns and tunes rarely if ever used in social meetings, have been made too large and too expensive for popular use. The real want for our social meetings is a small and cheap volume, comprising the old hymns and tunes which have become sacred by almost universal use, and also a judicious selection from the later popular songs and melodies.' Rev. Dr. M'Clintock

S. D. Hillman, Carlisle, Penn. 6. The Parsees, by Dr. L. P. Brockett, New York. 7. The Divine Human Person of Christ, by Rev. William Nast, D. D., Cincinnati, Ohio. 8. The American Pulpit, by Rev. Daniel P. Kidder, D. D., Biblical Institute, Evanston, Ill. 9. The Apostles' Creed, by G. P. Disosway, Esq., Richmond, Staten Island, N. Y. 10. Foreign Religious Intelligence. 11. Foreign Literary Intelligence. 12. Synopsis of the Quarterlies. 13. Quarterly Book Table.

(13.) BISHOP MORRIS'S SERMON. A Discourse Commemorative of Rev. Beverly Waugh, D. D., Late Senior Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Delivered before the General Conference in Buffalo, May 11, 1860.

has also expressed substantially the same opinion. By Rev. Thomas A. Morris, D. D., present Senior Bishop

He says: A fit collection of prayer and class meeting tunes I have long desired to see. It certainly is one of the serious wants of the Church.'

"The plan of the book is as follows: It is small enough to make selections always easy, and to allow pastor and people to become thoroughly familiar with it: it is large enough to include several hymns under each of the topics which are ordinarily introduced into our social meetings. The great mass of the hymns are those which universal use has indicated as the best; so of the tunes. Those hymns and tunes are put together which, in our Church usage, have always been so associated. Where different tunes have been attached to a given hymn in different sections, the two most widely known in connection with the hymn are here put with it. Where hymns in the same meter occur on opposite pages, the intention is that either of the tunes may be used, according to preference. For instance, on pages 94 and 95 the tunes 'Joy' and 'Commuck' are both appropriate to the hymns, '0, how happy are they!' and 'Come let us ascend.' There is also, it is hoped, a sufficient selection from the popular chorus tunes, of such as are superior in music and words, and likely to last. There have also been added a few grand hymns and tunes from various sources-chiefly from the German."


The author was assisted in the selection and arrangement of the music by Professor T. C. O'Kanewhose name is a guarantee that this part of the work has been well done. It ought to be the companion of the class and prayer meeting every-where. is it of Methodistic application only. The spirit of sacred song is universal as the vital breath of Christian life. No Christian, whatever may be his Church relation, need fear this little book. It is sold at the low price of 30 cents.

(12.) METHODIST QUARTERLY.-Dr. Whedon has returned to the post he has so ably filled the past four years with renewed vigor and zeal. The July number contains, 1. Mansell's Limits of Religious Thought, by Rev. Oliver S. Munsell, A. M., President of Illinois Wesleyan University. 2. Life of Plato, by Professor Godman, North-Western University, Evanston, Ill. 3. The "Edwardean" Theory of the Atonement, by Rev. William Fairfield Warren, Boston, Mass. 4. Obligations of Society to the Common Law, by E. L. Fancher, Esq., New York. 5. Alexander Von Humboldt and his Cosmos, by Professor

of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 12mo. 32 PP. Published by Carlton & Porter, New York.-Clear, sententious, and pertinent.

(14.) PRESBYTERIAN PARLOR MAGAZINE.-This is a new and highly-promising candidate for popular favor. It is devoted to science, literature, and religion. Edited by Alfred Nevin, D. D. 48 pp. $2 per annum. Philadelphia: Allan Pollock.

(15.) BLACKWOOD, for July, contains, The Russian Campaign of 1812; Adventures in Somali Island; Poetry; The Camden Wonder; The Royal Academy Exhibition; Norman Sinclair; An Election in France; Erinnys; The Tory Party. New York: L. Scott & Co. $3, or $10 for Blackwood and the four Reviews.

(16.) PAMPHLETS.-1. Annual Announcement of the Ohio College of Dental Surgery, Cincinnati, 0. 2. Chambers's Encyclopedia, Part 16. 3. The Christian Sabbath, or First Day of the Week; Harmonized with Creation Seventh Day, and Proven to be the Day "the Lord hath Made," as the Sabbath for Man. By Rev. E. M. H. Fleming, Member of the Iowa Annual Conference.

(17.) CATALOGUES.-1. Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa, Rev. S. M. Fellows, A. M., President, assisted by six professors. Number of students, 373. 2. Centenary College of Louisiana, Rev. J. C. Miller, A. M., President, assisted by ten professors. Number of students, 263. 3. Fairfield Seminary, Fairfield, N. Y., Rev. J. B. Van Petten, A. M., Principal, assisted by eleven teachers. Number of students, 541. 4. Ohio Wesleyan Female College, Delaware, O., Rev. P. S. Donelson, D. D., President, assisted by six teachers. Number of students, 201. 5. Willoughby Collegiate Institute, Willoughby, O., S. S. Sears, A. M., President, assisted by seven teachers. Number of students, 185. 6. Xenia Female Collegiate Institute, Xenia, O., Wm. Smith, A. M., President, assisted by four teachers. Number of students, 98. 7. Indiana Asbury University, Greencastle, Ia., Rev. Thomas Bowman, D. D., President, assisted by seven professors. Number of students, 254. 8. Pittsburg Female College, Rev. J. C. Pershing, A. M., President, assisted by eleven teachers. Number of students, 175. 9. Moore's Hill Collegiate Institute, Indiana, Rev. S. R. Adams, A. M., President, assisted by seven teachers. Number of students, 212. 10. Baldwin University, Berea, O., Rev. John Wheeler, D. D., President, assisted by eight professors.

Number of students, 388. 11. Beaver Female Seminary, Beaver, Penn., Rev. R. T. Taylor, A. M., President, assisted by seven teachers. Number of students, 147. 12. Illinois Conference Female College, Jacksonville, Ill., Rev. Charles Adams, A. M., President, assisted by eight teachers. Number of students, 183. 13. Worthington Female College, O., Rev. B. St. James Fry, A. M., President, assisted by three teachers. Number of students, 78. 14. Mount Union College and Normal Seminary, Stark county, 0., Mr. 0. N. Hartshorn, A. M., President, assisted by eight teachers. Number of students, 242. 15. Hillsboro Female College, O., Rev. Joseph M'D.

Mathews, D. D., President, assisted by eight teachers. Number of students, 113. 16. Albion Female College and Wesleyan Seminary, Mich., Rev. T. H. Sinex, A. M., President, assisted by seven teachers. Number of students, 341. 17. Valley Female Institute, Winchester, Va., Rev. Sydney P. York, A. M., Principal, assisted by six teachers. Number of students, 100. 18. Wesleyan Female College, Wilmington, Del., Rev. John Wilson, A. M., President, assisted by ten teachers. Number of students, 104. 19. Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, O., Rev. E. Thomson, D. D., LL. D., President, assisted by seven professors. Number of students, 459.

New York Literary Correspondence.

Dog-days-City and Country-Rural Poetry-New BooksThe August Magazines Works of Travel and Exploration. To write long letters, learned, piquant, and vivacious, under the reign of the dog-star, with the thermometer at ninety and the winds gone to sleep, hic labor est. I am, indeed, almost tempted to write you that I can not write, but then that too is labor, and, worst of all, labor without recompense. Doubtless the summer, with its heat, and dust, and lassitude, to say nothing of the musketoes and kindred plagues, has likewise its uses and its beauties, too; but one must go beyond the area of paved streets and the regions of gas-lights to become altogether sensible of them. In fact, I am inclined to think that great cities, though real conveniences and desirable as places of occasional resort, are most wretched places to live in, especially in warm weather, and that if the relative value of the two were properly appreciated, nobody would reside in town who is able to live in the country. Ah! there's the rub. "Able to live in the country" is a phrase which means, "by interpretation," to combine in some suburban villa the advantages of both town and country by a cross of art upon nature, in which the good parts of both are preserved and the undesirable ones removed. That is the ideal that flits before the mind of the wearied townsman, and he sits languidly at his desk or hastens along dusty streets, redolent of other odors than those afforded by green copses and shady groves, and anticipating the while the day when he shall quit the town for some rural retreat. Such is ever the mirage of life. Just in advance we contemplate the beautiful and lovely, we see cooling fountains and embowered retreats awaiting us, and, though the hopes created by the illusion are never to be realized, yet are they valuable, since they amuse and console the spirit for the time being, and are often forgotten before their emptiness is seen.

Men's preferences for a rural or urban residence present a curious and instructive study. In youth and early manhood the tendency is to the city. At that time of life the social, or rather the gregarious propensities are in the ascendant. Individuality of character is then only partially developed, and the aid of associates and the excitements of associations

seem requisite to call out and duly exercise the appropriate mental activity. It is accordingly found that country-bred youth are often looking to the city as their future home; and it is well known that a very large proportion of the leading men of our American cities, in nearly every department of business and calling in life, were born and brought up in the country. The same rule applies to the human product as to others; the country produces the raw materials, which the city elaborates into more finished forms, and which especially it consumes. Our cities would make but slow progress in material growth if left to depend on the natural increase for their population, and our rural districts would make a like progress in culture without the influence of the cities. On the other hand, men of meridian and past meridian age often incline to exchange the city for the country. The individuality is then more nearly complete, and the man rather shuns the tumult of the crowd as an annoyance than courts it as a pleasant excitement. Here, no doubt, lie the secret charms that sages have seen in the face of solitude, and it is probably as a retreat from undesired associations quite as much as from any intrinsic excellences found in them that the "sequestered shades" and "philosophic solitudes " are coveted by the wise.

There is a further reason for this in the fact that a just blending of art and nature seems best adapted to the æsthetic requirements of man's spirit in its matured normal condition. The pent-up city affords no room for the requisite expansion of the mind and for its healthful exercise, while the broad wastes, whether of the ocean or the wilderness, though they minister to excitements, fail to afford the requisite fruition and repose. The embowered cottage, the garden, lawn, field, and meadow, the mill by the stream, the quiet country church, and the not fardistant village, are the furniture of the landscape which suggest and evince the happy blending of art and nature, enabling the contemplative mind to dwell upon them and among them complacently. The very general appreciation of rural poetry, when true to nature, is evidence of these things, as every cultivated reader of the "Traveler" or the "Deserted Village" can not have failed to feel and perceive.

Take from those exquisite poems their pictures of cultivated rural beauty, and they are stripped of nearly every thing for which they are prized.

After all, I am pretty well satisfied that, however pretty these things may be to think of or to write about, they contributed only indirectly and remotely to either strength of thought or elegance of expression. The influences of the face of nature over character and genius have, I think, been overestimated. I once heard Dr. Bethune lauding some modern Dutch poet, whom he styled the "Hollandish Nightingale," and, to set off the praises of his songster to the better advantage, he described him as writing his exquisite verses among the monotonous scenery of the Netherlands, in a dirty Dutch village, with a muddy canal for a Helicon and a pile of herringbarrels for a Parnassus! The genesis of a large share of our poetry will show that the real Helicons and Parnassuses have generally been of a similar character. Addison wrote the "Campaign" in a third-story garret in the Hay-market; Johnson composed his "London" while perambulating the streets of that city and drinking inspiration at the town pump; and Campbell dreamed out his "Lochiel" in bed, and Thomson described the glory of sunrise from hearsay, as he seldom left his bed till nearly A narrow room, styled by courtesy a study, scantily furnished with chairs and table, and a few books among dust and disorder, is usually the chosen scene where genius gives birth to its noblest productions. But even this outfit is no certain sign that genius resides where it is found, else might your readers have hope in my case.


Your correspondent, dear editor, has told you something of his surroundings, and, further, he presents his case as a proof that, like other shrines, that erected

to genius is sometimes unfrequented by its inspiring divinity. If I should charge my own emptiness of thought to the barrenness of the season and the scantiness of the literary harvest, I should be insincere; for, however that may be relatively as compared with other times, there is, no doubt, enough abroad to repay research and observation. Besides, what does real genius care for dearth or fertility in others? its resources are in itself, and upon these it chiefly relies. But herein I make only small pretensions, and so I must content myself with noting the few things that come within the narrow circle of my own little horizon.

I presume a large number of valuable works have been published within a few months past, so the publishers' circulars tell us, and the book notices of the periodical press confirm the statement. But I will confess to you that as to many of them I have not even seen them, and of those I have seen I have examined a large share only partially. A pretty large pile lies accumulated on "our table," of which some have been read, some glanced at, and some are awaiting further notice. To the first class belongs the "Journal of the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church," for 1860. I have read it through, and, were that in my line, I might feel tempted to write a review of it. It would certainly afford all necessary matter, and I think it could be made truly interesting. But that is not my province,


and so I will only write about it a little. It is a portly octavo of nearly five hundred pages, containing the daily proceedings of the General conference and the various documents produced by it. Two hundred and twenty delegates and six bishops, to say nothing of the aid rendered by the lobby, labored steadily for five consecutive weeks, and, it would seem, accomplished a good deal, though much more was proposed that never was consummated-happily for all parties. As a specimen of successful journalizing, this volume is worthy to be consulted as a model. Next in order I have the "Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1860, with an Appendix." It is the same little book upon which the great Methodist family have been accustomed to look with feelings of half dread and half affection for three-quarters of a century, only slightly modified as to its matter, but greatly improved as to its arrangement, dress, and exterior. If any body should be alarmed in reading the Journal on account of the many changes made or proposed, an examination of this little book will effectually quiet his fears, and convince him that the integrity of the Church has may comfort not been disturbed; and if he chooses he his Methodistic loyalty by finding in this example of stability among changes an analogy between his Church and other living bodies, of which that pheI next take up the Methodist nomenon is a test. Quarterly Review for July. (It has just thirteen articles, as had one of its predecessors of which I wrote you, which fact is neither curious nor remarkable.) The subjects discussed are most happily varied and uniformly well chosen, and the several themes are ably discussed. In all these several points the Review is manifestly improving, while the editorial contributions constitute its special attraction. The notes interspersed through the standing article, "Synopsis of the Quarterlies," are eminently Whedonian, hitting the nail precisely at a single blow, and sending it home without needing a second stroke. The same characteristics appear in the "Quarterly Book Table." Book notices are like the figs which the prophet saw in his vision, either very good or very bad. Occasionally one meets with some of the better kind, while the worse may be found almost at will. I will not attempt to say how they should be written, but will only remark that Dr. Whedon's facility of perception, by virtue of which he seizes the salient points of whatever he considers, aided by his epigrammatic style of writing, by which he throws off wholesale thoughts and conclusions in a single paragraph, peculiarly fit him for that kind of writing, and impart a special value to his literary paragraphs. From the Quarterly and its editor the transition to Dr. Whedon's Commentary is natural and easy. The selection of that kind of writing by the author of this volume was peculiarly happy, since for several reasons he is specially adapted to the To write disquisitions and kind of work, and just such a production has long been greatly needed. learned Biblical or theological essays is quite another thing than writing a good commentary on the holy Scriptures, while on the other hand mere annotations on detached texts scarcely deserve attention at all. Of the latter kind are most of the older class of com

mentaries, whose five or six great volumes seem, indeed, to be what Robert Hall styled one of them, a continent of mud, while some of the later works are rather disquisitions and essays than expositions of the sacred text. Dr. Whedon's method combines the good qualities of the two systems and avoids the objectionable points of both. Learned and scholarly, but without pedantry, it will compel the respect of erudite critics, and yet, by the plainness and naturalness of the expositions given, the unlearned may use it without fear of stumbling constantly among unintelligible matters, and be enabled to apprehend the things that are taught him in his New Testament. I am glad Dr. Whedon was ever induced to undertake the preparation of such a work; and now that it is published, I congratulate all the parties in interest on that event. That the book will have a large sale and wide circulation there can be no question. It is especially adapted to the necessities of Sunday school teachers and of the more advanced pupils in Bible classes; and whoever uses it with proper diligence will not fail to come to a rational understanding of the evangelical story and just comprehension of the doctrines of the Gospel system.

The Life of Jacob Gruber" is Dr. Strickland's latest contribution to Methodist biographical literature-I believe it is yet the latest, though probably it will not be so much longer-and one of the best. Gruber was a real character, a genuine man, and a Methodist preacher of the old type, and so strongly marked was his individuality that he was unlike every other. It seems to have been the writer's purpose to delineate the man in his true character, rather than to make a book of fine writing and of elegantly-constructed chapters and periods. I read the book through because I liked it, and I can commend it to any who desire to sup on plain common-sense seasoned with real humor, and to contemplate an earnest, honest Christian man. Again I say, success to Dr. Strickland, the Belzoni of our Methodist literature!

Next in order comes "The Homilist," a work, no doubt, you have seen, and its author, too. Now, shall I confess to you that I have a kind of instinctive aversion to the whole class of " Helps for the Pulpit," and "Preachers' Assistants," and whatever else comes properly under the head of "preaching made easy?" I know of but one expedient for securing good preaching abilities, and that is diligent study, devoted to both matter and method. I have doubted whether or not it is advisable that a preacher, and especially a young one, should read sermons at all; as to the inexpediency of using them as set models after which to form their own discourses, there can be no question. The only collection that has seemed to me likely to benefit a young preacher by way of affording him valuable models for the pulpit, is Robert Hall's fourth volume, which is made up of sketches taken by others of that great man's ordinary extempore sermons; to others, quite possibly, they may seem otherwise. After saying so much, you will readily believe that I opened your friend's book with some misgivings, but, I trust, without undue prejudice. As a book of sermons for reading, these have some advantages over most, especially in that they leave something for the reader to do in filling

up what is given only in outline, and that on account of their brevity they often only suggest thoughts which the reader must elaborate for himself. Sermons as preached must concede to the hearer the indulgence of mental indolence, and, therefore, every thing must be given at length and fully elaborated; but they who read sermons should come to their business prepared to think. But may not printed discourses be studied as models as the tyro in the arts uses the models given him by his instructor, or the more advanced art-student meditates upon the works of the great masters? I doubt, but if so, then I would commend this volume.

"Life in Sing Sing Prison," by Rev. John Luckey, has recently made its appearance from the press of N. Tibbals and Company. For some cause its publication has been delayed till this time, and it now comes forth in a snug volume of nearly four hundred pages. Of the character of the book I can speak confidently, for I have read the whole of it carefully, and I do not hesitate to pronounce it a work of very great value. A further notice will be given hereafter.

The magazines for August are out; Harpers' as usual rich in its abundance of matter and the affluence of its illustrations, and the Atlantic in the classical purity of its style and matter. The first paper in the latter, entitled rather fancifully "The Carnival of the Romance," is a remarkable piece of criticism, evincing a high degree of culture and of æsthetical appreciation, such as we seldom find in any other magazine in this country. Articles of the same general character have occasionally appeared in the Methodist Quarterly-more formerly, I think, than lately. The "Professor" continues his "story" without any abatement of vivacity. A decidedly good little poem of some forty-five lines is found in this number headed, "Anno Domini 1860," and beginning, "My youth is past." I did not write it, that is certain, but I really think there is somewhere within me the elements of just such a piece. Did you never experience that feeling, sometimes in reading or hearing a felicitous statement of a theme upon which you have busied your thoughts, that undue liberties were taken with things that belonged to yourself? I have.

Within a few years past our friends, the Harpers, have issued a large number of valuable books of travels and explorations. Upon one of the shelves of my bookcase stand, side by side, four stately volumes, than which no better are found in the collection. They are Livingstone's South Africa, Atkinson's Siberia, Page's Paraguay, and Ellis's Madagascar, all published by that one house since the spring of 1858. Other valuable works in the same department have been issued by them during the same period, and especially have they contributed largely to the public knowledge of the interior of Africa. Still another volume is now promised as forthcoming-Explorations in Eastern Africa, by Burton-which, we are told, will fully equal in interest any of its predecessors. Other publishing houses also promise some good things, which I hope to attend to in due time, but just now the weather is too warm and my feelings too much inclined to the luxury of repose to allow me to write further.

Editor's Table.

TINTED ENGRAVINGS.-We give to our readers another of our tinted steel engravings in this number. The mellow richness which this new art gives to a landscape scene must be felt and acknowledged by all. We are proud of this achievement of art. Of all the magazines in the country the Repository was the first to employ it. Even now we believe it is the only one that gives original tinted steel plates. In this respect it has become the patron of art as well as the cultivator of literature.

THE REST AT EVE is one of those calm, dreamy scenes so peculiar to a late summer or early autumn day. Not only does it invite to repose, but it teaches rest as a duty. Those still waters, that quiescent ocean of flecked ether high above and around, those manifest intuitions of the animal creation, are so many utterances of nature teaching busy, restless, craving, importunate man-that there is a time to rest as well as work.

EDUCATIONAL CHANGES have been numerous with us this year. No less than eight of our colleges have changed their presidents. There have been also some dozen changes in the professorship departments. The coming educational men of the Church need not fear but that a place will be open to them.

DANCING AND THE CHURCH.-"H. A. M." and "others who desire to see something on the subject of dancing in the Repository," have only to turn to the June number for 1855, page 374, and they will find an elaborate discussion of the subject. Or, what is better, they can find the same article, as reproduced by the Tract Society of the Methodist Episcopal

Church, in tract form, No. 492. This can be had for $1 per hundred. Let it be purchased and circulated. It will contribute something at least toward checking an evil, the tendency of which is to consume the lifeblood of the Church.

MRS. HEMANS VS. MRS. SIGOURNEY.-The poem on the death of an infant," attributed by one of our correspondents to Mrs. Hemans, is the production of Mrs. Sigourney. It was published in a collection of Mrs. Hemans's poems by mistake.

OLD MACKINAW is the title of a new work from the prolific pen of Dr. Strickland. It has not yet reached us; but from the almost inexhaustible resources of traditionary and historical romance connected with old Mackinaw and its adjacent islands and waters, we look for a book of rare interest.

ARTICLES DECLINED.-We have a large account to settle with our contributors this month. The interruptions in our editorial labors during the past few months, occasioned by annual and General conference duties, have thrown us back in this department. We have now read up, and give the result.

The following prose articles are respectfully deelined: "The Voice of Nature," "Show Mercy,'

"Twilight of the Heart," "The Lesson," "The Child's Curse," "The Deluge," "Several Memoirs," "An Hour with an Itinerant," "Hope the Anchor," "The Parry," "From Quaker Valley to Science Hill," "Greedy of Gain," "Up and Down," "Educationits Purpose," "Review of Mrs. Poems," "The World's Curse," "The Days of Other Years," "Our Better Thoughts," ," "The Student," "The Love of Life," "Spirit Longings," "Power and Goodness of God," "The New-Born Soul," and "Sea-Side Rambles."

The following poems must also be placed in the same category: "The Motherless," "The Three Homes,"" ,""Lines to a Friend," "My Future Home," "The Father's Home," "The Past," "Beauty," "Twilight," "The Last Dream," "The Serenade," "My Native Home," "To Mrs. ""The Lord turned and Looked upon Peter," "The Spring," "The Bereaved Mother's Relief," "Poesy's Home," "Cast Down but not Destroyed," "Go to God in Prayer," "What I Like," "The Little Flower," "The Maiden's Dying Words," "God's Power," "Our Darling," "Death of Mrs. F. S. Osgood," "River of Intemperance," "The Voice of Nature," "The Dying Schoolmaster," "Bianca," "To my Wife," "A Flower," "Cast thy Bread upon the Waters," "Gratitude," "Where is thy Home?" "A Pleasant Summer Day," "Hope," "The Little Shoes," ," "The April Rain," "The Runaway CanaryBird,' ," "Riches of Spring," "Aurelia," "I Love the Spring,' ," "Itinerant's Farewell to Home," "Absent Friends," "Sabbath Day," ""My Mother's Prayers," "The Ungrate

ful Daughter," and "Resigned."

"Lines on the Grave of Mrs.

The articles below were anonymous: "Death and the Christian," "Trust," 99.66 Come," ""He Giveth his Beloved Sleep," "Twilight Musing," "Our SoulLife," and "Hope."

"Letter to an Afflicted Mother" is well written and expressive, but hardly adapted to our use. "Sounds from Life's Silent Places" is prettily versified, but would need correction. "Recollections of Sunday School Days" has some good parts, but we will hardly use it. The author of "Spirit Risings' will do well to use her pen. "Nettie's Letters are neatly written, but will hardly do for us. "The New Bonnet" is good in its teaching, but is too essay-like for narration.

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THE METHODIST appears well in type, and shows no little amount of editorial labor. Were it merely a literary and religious paper we should be disposed to welcome it, and hope for its usefulness. But coming as the dying echo of the celebrated "Ministers and Laymen's Union," of New York city-a Church political organization-we can hope for but little good to the Church from it. The history of some of our "more independent organs," in times past as well as in the present, is eminently suggestive. The modest

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