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grew tired of him, and said, "Father, you like a warm room, and that hurts my head. Won't you go to my brother, the baker?" The father went, and after he had been some time with the third son, he also found him troublesome, and said to him, "Father, the people run in and out here all day, as if it were a pigeon-house, and you can not have your noonday sleep; would you not be better off at my sister Kate's, near the town hall?"

The old man remarked how the wind blew, and said to himself, "Yes, I will do so; I will go and try it with my daughter. Women have softer hearts." But after he had spent some time with his daughter, she grew weary of him, and said she was always so fearful, when her father went to Church or any where else, and was obliged to descend the steep stairs, and at her sister Elizabeth's there were no stairs to descend, as she lived on the ground floor.

For the sake of peace the old man assented, and went to his other daughter. But after some time, she too was tired of him, and told him by a third person, that her house near the water was too damp for a man who suffered with gout, and her sister, the grave-digger's wife, at St. John's, had much drier lodgings. The old man himself thought she was right, and went outside the gate to his youngest daughter, Helen. But after he had been three days with her, her little

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son said to his grandfather, "Mother said yesterday to consin Elizabeth, that there was no better chamber for you, than such a one as father digs." These words broke the old man's heart, so that he sank back in his chair and died.

THE BREWER'S COACHMAN.-The following was written by a brewer's daughter on her father's discharging his coachman for getting in liquor:

Honest William, an easy and good-natured fellow,
Would a little too often get a little too mellow;
Body coachman was he to an eminent brewer,
No better e'er sat on a box, to be sure;

His coach he kept clean-no mother or nurses
Took more care of their babes than he took of his horses;
He had these, ay, and fifty good qualities more,
But the business of tippling could ne'er be got o'er;
So his master effectually mended the matter
By hiring a man who drank nothing-but water.
Now, William, says he, you see the plain case,
Had you drank as he does, you'd have kept a good place.
Drink water! quoth William-had all men done so
You ne'er would have wanted a cachman, I trow;
For 't is soakers like me, whom you load with reproaches,
That enable you brewers to ride in your coaches.

Domestic Economy.

FEMALE DELICACY.-Above all other features which adorn the female character, delicacy stands foremost within the province of good taste. Not that delicacy which is perpetually in quest of something to be ashamed of-which makes merit of a blush, and simpers at the false construction its own ingenuity has put upon an innocent remark. This spurious kind of delicacy is far removed from good sense; but the high-minded delicacy maintains its pure and undeviating walk alike among women and the society of men; which shrinks from no necessary duty, and can speak, when required, with a seriousness and kindness, of things on which it would be ashamed to smile or blush; that delicacy which knows how to confer a benefit without wounding the feelings of another; which can give alms without assumption, and pains not the most susceptible being in creation. Such a spirit may be cultivated; and it should be made a part of education to instill into every young mind ideas of delicacy without fear and without reproach.

SANITARY LAWS AS REGARDS CHILDREN.-We have often noticed with pain the loss of life which has resulted from the neglect of the most simple sanitary laws; it is through want of this knowledge that numerous children are smothered by wrapping them in bedclothes, shawls, etc.; the atmospheric air is kept from them, and they are poisoned by their own breath. Ignorance causes nurses and mothers to swaddle up infants in tight bindings, which prevent the proper action of the heart and lungs, which leave the chest exposed to the weather, and allow young children in the hot sunshine to be exposed to the burning rays. Hundreds of young children, even among people who are well-to-do, are killed annually by improper feeding. Some are fed with animal and vegetable food before the teeth have appeared and the stomach has become sufficiently strong for the reception of such

matters. Others are suckled, long after milk has ceased to be sufficiently nutritious, nay, has become injurious to health. Again, opiates, if they have the effect of producing temporary quietness, surely act injuriously on the constitution. Medical men in large practice among the middle and poorer classes say that, on the night after Christmas day, they do not expect to have much rest in consequence of being called to attend upon children seized with convulsions, in consequence of improper food. If knowledge of these matters were general, parents would surely not risk the lives of their children through mistaken kindness.

CONSUMPTION. This malady seems, for the present, destined to baffle all attempts to discover a certain cure. The hypophosphites, cod-liver oil, and other supposed specifics, do not seem perceptibly to diminish the havoc wrought by this subtile destroyer. About one-twelfth of our race are stated to die from this disease, notwithstanding all the efforts to check its melancholy march by our regular physicians and their irregular allies. The fact, doubtless, is, that the nature and causes of the malady are by no means uniform, but vary, to an indefinite degree, in different cases. Dr. Cotton, of the Brompton Hospital for consumption in England, recently reports that he has found the iodide of iron act beneficially in a fair number of consumptive cases, especially where the disease is in an early stage. The prevention of consumption is usually possible to medical skill; the cure very seldom. Hence the necessity of carefully watching and guarding against the first symptoms of its approach.

SUMMER SOURS.-Physiological research has fully established the fact that acids promote the separation of the bile from the blood, which is then passed from the system, thus preventing fevers, the prevailing

diseases of summer. All fevers are "bilious," that is, the bile is in the blood. Whatever is antagonistic to fever is "cooling." It is a common saying that fruits are "cooling," and also berries of every description; it is because the acidity which they contain aids in separating the bile from the blood; that is, aids in purifying the blood. Hence the great yearning for greens, and lettuce, and salads in the early spring, these being eaten with vinegar; hence also the taste for something sour, for lemonades, on an attack of fever. But this being the case, it is easy to see, that we nullify the good effects of fruits and berries in proportion as we eat them with sugar, or even sweet milk, or cream. If we eat them in their natural state, fresh, ripe, perfect, it is almost impossible to eat too many, to eat enough to hurt us, especially if we eat them alone, not taking any liquid with them whatever. Hence also is buttermilk or even common sour milk promotive of health in summer-time. Sweet milk tends to biliousness in seden

tary people, sour milk is antagonistic. The Greeks and Turks are passionately fond of sour milk. The shepherds use rennet, and the milk-dealers alum, to make it sour the sooner. Buttermilk acts like watermelons on the system.

BLACKBERRY SHRUB.-Measure your berries and bruise them; then to every gallon add one quart of water. Let the mixture stand twenty-four hours, stirring occasionally; then strain off the liquor into a cask, to every gallon adding two pounds of sugar. Cork tight and let it stand till the following October, and you will have shrub ready for use without any further straining or boiling.

WHEN TO SKIM MILK.-A dairy-woman, in western New York, speaks in this emphatic tone as to the best time: She says that the right time to skim milk is "just as the milk begins to sour in the bottom of the pans. Then the cream is all at the surface, and should at once be removed-with as little of the milk as possible. If allowed to remain till the acid reaches the cream or to become thick, it diminishes the cream and impairs it in quality. That housewife, or dairy-maid, who thinks to obtain a greater quantity by allowing the milk to stand beyond that time, labors under a most egregious mistake. Any one who doubts this, has only to try it to prove the truth of this assertion. Milk should be looked to at least three times a day."

GOOD BUTTER.-A correspondent of the New England Farmer says that the following is one way to make good butter. Skim the milk as soon as it sours, and before it thickens, if possible; stir the cream faithfully, especially when new is added. Set the jar in a cool place; if the cellar is not cold and sweet set it in the spring, or hang it in the well-any way to keep it cool. After the last cream is added before churning, then "go a-visiting" if you please, as cream should not be churned the day it is taken off. At nightfall fill the churn with cold water, and start the churn at early dawn, and my word for it you will soon find a solid mass of golden-colored butter, free from white specks, and when properly salted and packed, fit for the table of our friend the Farmer, or any other. After the buttermilk starts, pour in cold

water a little at a time, turning the crank slowly and carefully back and forth; this prevents the butter from closing too rapidly, does not break the grains, and gives every particle of the cream a chance to form into butter.


Scientific American says: "Common red wafers, scattered about the haunts of cockroaches, will often drive away, if not destroy them."

These wafers, like candies, are colored red by oxyd of lead, a most deadly poison, and so is the acetate of lead, or sugar of lead, as it is sometimes called, on visiting cards, which being a little sweetish, has been known to destroy young children to whom they were handed, to be amused with. Fashion, for once, acts sensibly in discarding glazed cards, using instead Bristol Board, more pliant, less cumbersome, and really more delicate.

ITEMS FOR HOUSEKEEPERS.-The following condensation of practical wisdom will be interesting to all housekeepers. It is multum in parvo:

As a general rule it is most economical to buy the best articles. The price is, of course, always higher; but good articles spend best. It is a sacrifice of money to buy poor cheese, lard, etc., to say nothing of the injurious effect upon health.

Of the West India sugar and molasses the Santa Cruz and Porto Rico are considered the best. The Havana is seldom clean. White sugar from Brazil is sometimes very good.

Refined sugar usually contains most of the saccharine substance: there is probably more economy in using loaf, crushed, and granulated sugars, than we should first suppose.

Butter that is made in September and October is best for winter use Lard should be hard and white; and that which is taken from a hog not over a year old is best.

Rich cheese feels soft under the pressure of the finger. That which is very strong is neither good nor healthy. To keep one that is cut, tie it up in a bag that will not admit flies and hang it in a cool, dry place. If mold appears on it, wipe it off with a dry cloth.

Flour and meal of all kinds should be kept in a cool, dry place.

The best rice is large, and has a clear, fresh look. Old rice sometimes has little black insects inside the kernels.

The small white sago, called pearl sago, is the best. The large brown kind has an earthy taste. These articles, and tapioca, ground rice, etc., should be kept covered.

The cracked cocoa is the best; but that which is put up in pound papers is often very good.

To select nutmegs, prick them with a pin. If they are good, the oil will instantly spread around the puncture. Keep coffee by itself, as its odor affects other articles. Keep tea in a close chest or canister.

Oranges and lemons keep best wrapped close in soft paper, and laid in a drawer of linen.

Bread and cake should be kept in a tin box or stone jar. Salt cod should be kept in a dry place, where the odor of it will not affect the air of the house. Fish-skin for clearing coffee should be washed, dried, cut small, and kept in a box or paper bag.

Soft soap should be kept in a dry place in the cellar, and should not be used till three months old.

Bar soap should be cut into pieces of a convenient size, and laid where it will become dry. It is well to keep it several weeks before using it, as it spends fast when it is new. Cranberries will keep all winter in a firkin of water, in the


Potatoes should be put into the cellar as soon as they are dug. Lying exposed to the sun turns them green and makes them watery. Some good housekeepers have sods laid over barrels of potatoes not in immediate use. To prevent them from sprouting in the spring turn them out upon the cellarbottom.

Items, Literary, Scientific, and Religious.

JEROME BONAPARTE.-The last of the earlier Bonapartes is just dead. He will hardly be missed, and yet his death recalls old memories and transports us back into the past when his mighty brother stood among the foremost of mankind. Jerome was the weakest of the entire family. He possessed neither the genius of Napoleon, the stern independence of Lucien, the sagacity of Louis, nor the philosophic foresight of Joseph. Jerome Bonaparte was fifteen years younger than Napoleon. He was educated in part by Madame Campan, and entered the navy when his elder brother assumed the Consulship. It was while in the navy, and when cruising in American waters, that he first met Miss Elizabeth Patterson, a young lady noted for her beauty, in a city which is famous for its beautiful women. They were married on Christmas eve, in the year 1803. In 1805 they crossed the Atlantic, but did not enter France, for orders had been given not to admit the lady deemed plebeian by the "plebeian Emperor." Soon after arriving in Europe, their first child, the present Mr. Jerome Bonaparte, of Baltimore, was born.

A little later still, under the stress of Napoleon's desire that his relatives should marry into royal families, their marriage contract was annulled, and in 1807 Jerome was married to the Princess Frederica, of Wurtemberg, who died about twenty-five years ago. The Princess Mathilde, the wife of Prince Demidoff, of Russia, and Prince Napoleon, husband of the Princess Clotilde, of Sardinia, are their surviving children.

Jerome became, after his second marriage, successively Admiral of the French navy, Prince of the Empire, King of Westphalia, and exile. He had the honor of leading the first French charge in the battle of Waterloo, and then again became a fugitive. He resided in Austria and Italy, under the title of Count de Montfort-given him by the King of Wurtemberg till the coup d'etat elevated the Third Napoleon to a royal seat, when he again frequented the Tuileries. During the Presidency he had place and privileges; and under the Empire, till the birth of the Prince Imperial, he was heir-presumptive to the


His first wife still resides in Baltimore, and through a life that is now long has remained faithful to her first and only marriage vows, whose annullment she would never acknowledge, while her faithless and weak husband, whether in the Westphalian Court, or the Palais Royal, has forgotten both his first and last, and, dying, bears no nobler title than the last of the family of the Corsican.

FACTS ABOUT SICILY.-Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean, is separated from the southern extremity of Italy by the Straits of Messina, and surrounded by several groups of small islands. It is about one hundred and eighty-eight miles in the largest part-that is, from east to west-varies from thirty-one to one hundred and nine miles in width,

is three hundred and forty-four miles round, and 16,375 square miles in superfices. It is divided into seven provinces-Palermo, Messina, Catania, Syracuse, Callanisetta, Gergenti, and Trapani. The first three-the most important in a military point of view-are united by a road which runs along the northern coast to Gergenti, and which will one day be extended round the whole coast of the island; Palermo, the chief town, is the residence of the Governor General of Sicily, and is the seat of the Government, and contains about 175,000 inhabitants. The entire population of the island is about 2,000,000, all Catholics.

RESULTS OF EMANCIPATION IN THE WEST INDIES.The foreign Secretary of the English General Baptist Missionary Society, Edward B. Underhill, of London, recently delivered a public address in New York, from which we give a condensed report of the results of emancipation in the West Indies. Mr. Underhill has filled this office for twelve years, and has visited the missions in the West Indies. In his address he said that in Jamaica itself there can not be less than 180,000 people under direct religious instruction. In some parts of the island there are not two per cent. of the population that do not attend the Churches.

He admitted there had been some falling off since emancipation, but it was owing to unavoidable causes. Before emancipation the people were under the leadership of illiterate men, and in many instances the missionaries were only allowed to visit the plantations by stealth; now, however, religious instruction is open and above-board, and the people are educated directly under the eye of the missionaries. Some of the people have gone into the mountainous district in search of cheap lands, and there are no means of reaching them. The ministry has also diminished, and there is now a need of religious teachers. Education has greatly advanced since emancipation. Then in one district there were but three or four out of five thousand who could read and write; now there are eighteen hundred. The piety of these persons is sincere, earnest, and devoted. They support their own pastors, and build and repair their own churches, and maintain their own schools. The planting interest has always been antagonistic to their education till very recently. He denied that, politically or materially, emancipation was a failure. The planters of Jamaica complain that they can not get laborers, and say the people are idle and careless, but he could not confirm those allegations for the planters. There is not, taking one thing with another, a more industrious peasantry on earth. The negroes of Jamaica themselves produce all they consume, and a large surplus for exportation. They save money, buy themselves farms, and care for their children; and throughout the interior they give evidences of an approach to a higher civilization. The negroes are

noted for honesty and integrity, and are trusted by capitalists with the management of large properties. They dislike sugar cultivation, because it is less profitable than labor upon their own freeholds. To the people themselves emancipation has been an unmixed good. On the mountains and in the valleys of Jamaica, under the shadow of its mango-trees, may be found a happy people, whose faults came from slavery, and whose virtues come from emancipation.

METHODIST LITERARY INSTITUTIONS.-The Methodist Episcopal Church, without including "the Church South," has now under its supervision twenty-five colleges and seventy-eight academies and seminaries. The amount invested in grounds, buildings, endowments, etc., above indebtedness, reaches the sum of $4,080,465. These institutions are now educating 21,616 students.

PERSIAN GRADUATES.-Two Persians have recently passed their examinations at the University of Paris and obtained degrees as doctors of medicine. It is said this is the first instance of inhabitants of that country obtaining scientific honors in Europe. At present eighteen Persian students are in the municipal college of Dieppe, and twelve more are studying in Paris with a view to some profession. If "Tommy" should be permitted to fulfill his expressed wish of returning to this country, it has been stated that he will enter one of our educational institutions, thus becoming the first Japanese student ever entered at an occidental college.

BRITISH BOOK TRADE.-We condense the following table from the statistics gathered by Mr. Chambers, of Edinburgh. They exhibit not the number of volumes, but the new works issued in Great Britain during the year:

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This is not particularly flattering to our literary vanity. METHODIST EDUCATIONAL CHANGES.-Rev. Charles Elliott, D. D., LL. D., has resigned the Presidency of the Iowa Wesleyan University, having been elected editor of the Central Christian Advocate at St. Louis, Missouri.

Rev. Charles Collins, D. D., has resigned the Presidency of Dickinson College, and is succeeded by Rev. H. M. Johnson, D. D. Professor S. D. Hillman ucceeds Professor Johnson.

Rev. R. S. Foster, D. D., has resigned the Presidency of the North-Western University to enter the pastoral work. Rev. E. 0. Haven, D. D., has been elected as his successor.

Rev. Edward Cooke, D. D., has been reëlected to the Presidency of the Lawrence University.

Professors J. W. Lindsay and C. K. True have resigned their professorships in the Wesleyan University and entered the pastoral work-the former in New York city and the latter in Tarrytown. Rev. A. C. Foss, of the New York conference, succeeds Professor Lindsay. The successor of Professor True is not yet elected.

Rev. Abel Stevens, LL. D., has been elected a professor in the Troy University.

Rev. 0. M. Spencer, A. M., of the Cincinnati conference, has been elected a professor in the Iowa University, at Iowa City.

Professor W. L. Harris, elected by the General conference Assistant Missionary Secretary for the west, has resigned his professorship in the Ohio Wesleyan University, and Rev. F. S. Hoyt, of Oregon, has been elected as his successor.

Rev. Cyrus Nutt, D. D., has been elected President of the Indiana State University.

Professor S. A. Lattimore has resigned the Professorship of Greek in the Indiana Asbury University, having accepted the Professorship of Natural Science in the Genesee College.

Rev. S. M. Fellows, A. M., has been elected President of Cornell College. Professor S. N. Fellows leaves the same institution to enter the pastoral work, and Mr. A. Collins, a graduate of the Wesleyan University, is elected to succeed him.

Rev. E. Thomson, D. D., LL. D., has resigned the Presidency of the Ohio Wesleyan University, having been elected editor of the Christian Advocate and Journal by the last General conference. Rev. Professor F. Merrick succeeds him. Rev. Dr. L. D. M'Cabe succeeds Professor Merrick in the department of Biblical Literature, and Professor W. D. Godman has been elected to succeed Professor M'Cabe in the department of mathematics.

NEW METHODIST DOCTORS.-The degree of D. D. has been conferred upon Rev. M. Marlay, of the Cincinnati conference, and Rev. J. L. Smith, of the NorthWestern Indiana conference, by the Indiana State University; upon Rev. Professor E. E. E. Bragdon, of Genesee College, and Professor J. F. Jaquess, of the Quincy English and German College, by the Indiana Asbury University; upon Rev. Henry Slicer, of the East Baltimore conference, and Rev. D. W. Bartine, of the Philadelphia, by Dickinson College; upon Rev. T. M. Eddy, editor of the North-Western Christian Advocate, by Cornell College; upon Rev. C. B. Davidson, of the Indiana conference, by Washington College, Virginia; upon Rev. R. S. Rust, President of Wilberforce University, and Rev. Cyrus Brooks, of the Minnesota conference, by the Ohio Wesleyan University; upon Rev. Fitch Reed, of the Oneida conference, and Rev. George Loomis, of the Kansas and Nebraska conference, by Genesee College.

The honorary degree of LL. D. has been conferred upon Hon. J. A. Wright, United States Minister to Berlin, by the Indiana Asbury University; upon Rev. H. P. Torsey, Principal of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary, by M'Kendree College; upon Professor J. L. Alverson, of the Genesee College, by Wesleyan University.

Literary Notices.

(1.) LIFE OF JOHN HUNT; or, a Missionary among Cannibals. By George S. Rowe. 16mo. 278 pp. New York: Carlton & Porter.-A beautiful illustration of the genius and power of Christianity is found in the life of John Hunt. Born in the lowest walks of life, he rose by the force of native genius, and still more by the refining grace of God, to be a workman indeed in the Christian ministry. The cry of, "Pity poor Fiji," penetrated his heart, and all the gifts of a noble nature were laid upon the altar of sacrifice for that land of cannibalism and untold crime. Ten years of toil and of daily, self-consuming sacrifice prove that the apostolic spirit still remains in the Church of God. Ay, proves more; it proves that the Gospel is yet the power of God unto salvation to the darkest and most degraded of our race. Thank God that the missionary spirit still lives and burns in his Church, and that there are those who are ready to give, not their money only, but themselves, to the cause. Christian reader, get this little book. The reading of it will do you good. It will stir up your personal piety-give you a higher estimate of the missionary work-lead you to pray more for its success and contribute more largely to its aid.

(2.) JOURNAL OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE. Edited by Rev. Wm. L. Harris, D. D. Published by Carlton & Porter, New York. Poe & Hitchcock, Cincinnati. Octavo. 480 pp.-Dr. Harris shows as much skill in carrying his Minutes through the press as he did in writing and reading them. The work is just what it should be. It will take its place among the standard documents of the Church.

(3.) THE BOOK OF DISCIPLINE OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Published by Carlton & Porter, 200 Mulberry-street, New York. Poe & Hitchcock, Cincinnati.-Out in excellent season. It is neat, tasteful, and of the usual size. With all the changes incorporated by the General conference, it still looks and reads like the friend of former years. Every Methodist family should make sure of having our book of Doctrines and Discipline. It is the household book

of Methodism.

THE following have been issued by Carlton & Porter for the Sunday School Union of the Methodist Episcopal Church, namely:

(4.) JANE ATHERTON'S YEAR AT SCHOOL. With Illustrations. 18mo. 198 pp.-Jane Atherton, a student in a boarding school, so demeans herself as a follower of the Savior, that others are led to imitate her religious life.

(5.) CLARA, the Motherless Young Housekeeper. By Mrs. Locke. 18mo. 122 pp. With Illustrations.-The trials and the triumphs of a young and motherless housekeeper are here related in attractive style. The incidents furnished will have a tendency to inform the mind and better the heart. The young lady be

ginning life, and wishing to begin it aright, may read it with much profit.

(6.) PLEASANT TALKS WITH THE LITTLE FOLKS. By Rolin Ranger. 18mo. 154 pp. With Ten Illustrations.-The book abounds in interesting anecdote.

(7.) LITTLE MABEL AND HER SUNLIT HOME. By a With Four Illustrations.-LitLady. 18mo. 164 pp.

tle Mabel was the daughter of a minister-a pioneer minister. With a description of her child-life are interwoven many fresh and interesting incidents. It will be found to be a valuable addition to the Sunday school library.

(8.) HAPPY MIKE; or, how Sam Jones became a good boy, and THE LITTLE GARDENER; or, the Way to be Happy. With Two Illustrations. By Catherine D. Bell, 18mo. 144 pp.-Little Mike was a moral hero. The boy that imitates his conduct will be likely to grow up to be a noble, high-minded man.

(9.) THE ALUMNA, Vol. II.-This is an annual published by the Alumnæ of the Cincinnati Wesleyan Female College. It is issued in very superior style from the Western Book Concern, and makes a bound volume of 164 pages. Besides the usual documentary and statistical matter, it contains several sketches, essays, and poems by members of the Alumnæ Association. It will be welcomed by hundreds of the graduates and friends of this institution scattered over the country, and especially over the west. less than 2,879 students have been enrolled upon the books of this institution since its organization. They represent twenty-six states of the Union, including California and Oregon. Of this number two hundred and seventy-seven have graduated-having completed either the classical or scientific course. The literary character of the volume is highly creditable to the committee that had it in charge.


(10.) APPLETON'S HAND-BOOK OF TRAVEL is a square 18mo of nearly 300 pages, and is sold in paper covers for 50 cents. It contains a full description of the principal cities, towns, and places of interest, together with hotels and routes of travel throughout the United States and the Canadas.

(11.) HYMNS AND TUNES FOR PRAYER AND SOCIAL MEETINGS. Compiled by Rev. George C. Robinson. Small 18mo. 160 pp. Flexible Covers. Cincinnati: Poe & Hitchcock.-This is the first volume issued by our new "firm." Nothing is wanting to its mechanical completeness-fine type, excellent paper, and flexible covers. We can not better introduce this admirable work to our readers than by inserting an extract from the Preface:

"The preparation of this work was undertaken in the hope of assisting devotional singing, and of thus rendering acceptable service to God. It is now offered, not to create, but to supply a want, of the existence of which there can be no doubt. The Rev. Dr.

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