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[110 The way I managed the brutes [apparent earnestness and continue in was well calculated to sting them the attitude so long, that the beasts and their employers to madness. I really seemed, sometimes, as if they have, perhaps, as much of good-were going mad! I never had so humour on my countenance, natu- good an opportunity to philosophise rally, and as little of the gloomy, as before. A friend, who saw these any man that ever lived; and, Iman-brutes said, that they shook defy the Rich Ruffians of Coventry his faith in the immortality of the to say, that the thousand pounds a soul! ut, I see no reason at all day (for that was about the sum), for any such conclusion. I believe, which they expended on their sava-and I have long believed, that there ges, ever took away that good-hu-are more sorts of men than there are mour for one single moment! My of dogs. The mere circumstance way was to stand and look upon the of a creature's walking upon two legs yelling beasts with a most good-is no proof, that he is of the same humoured smile; turning my head sort or kind as I am, or as any other now and then, and leaning it, as it man of mind is. I really looked at were to take different views of the and heard these brutes, till they besame person, or same group. came a subject of amusing speculanow and then substituted some-tion; and I could not help concluthing of curiosity instead of the ge-ding that it would be a species neral total unconcern, that was of impiety to consider them as parseated upon my face. Now and taking in the smallest degree, of then, I would put my mouth close the nature of such men as POPE or to the ear of some friend that stood PAINE. Your old sow, that went by me, and then point to some to the top of the hillock to ascerbeast that was foaming with rage, tain which way the wind was comgiving him at the same time a laugh-ing before she fixed on the side of ing look, such as we bestow on a the barn to put her pigs to bed for dog that is chained up and barking the night: Your dog Carnot, who Then, another time, when upon finding his game, comes and, half a dozen fresh-drenched brutes in looks, asks you to go with him were bursting forth close under my to the spot: BOXER and NAP, who nose, I would stretch up my neck, when on Long Island,sucked, in one and look, with apparently great cu-year, at least five thousand eggs, riosity and anxiousness towards a and yet so wisely managed their distant part of the crowd, as if to affairs as never to get one single ascertain what was passing there; drubbing, but, even when the and this I would do with so much whip was raised, disarmed

at us.

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Iside of the Booth, and caught me by the collar, which was instantly repaid by a blow in his face, for,

as SWIFT says, "if a flea or a louse bite me, I'll kill it, if I can." The sight, this day, was such as Hogarth should have seen. Your brother William has made a sketch; but,

all, one after after another. thought of all thesc, while I was looking at and hearing the hired Savages of Warwickshire; and could not bring myself to feel any thing like anger towards the poor beasts, every one of whom I sin-it was done from memory. He had cerely regard as inferior to any of no good situation in the booth ; and, the animals abovementioned; and, to do the thing well, required several hours. He has, however, got several separate portraits, and we have been tracing in them the strong


perhaps, the far greater part of their employers are greatly inferior to CARNOT, or OLD BESS. I am resemblances to different animals. sure they are much less decent in the mere appendages of dress, and When you come to divest them of their behaviour, and discover less compare them, as to form of head, of intellect. The word fellow-with mastiff and pug dogs, you will creature is generally very foolishly be surprised at the nearness of the used. All created things, whether Such, my dear James, were the animate or inanimate, are flow-scenes and the transactions of the creatures. A Warwick hire Savage, or his employer, is, therefore, my fellow-creature; but so is a bug, a flea, or a louse, as SwiFr observes; and, as I may hold these latter things wholly beneath me in nature, so, I trust, I may the former. I am sure I should be very miserable, if I could believe myself to be of the

same nature.

Friday. The Saturday exhibited something very much the same, except that many of the execrating Savages having become hoarse, they were seen moving their lips instead of being heard. However, the thing was, in fact, decided the day before. The driving of my voters away, the tearing and ripping their clothes to pieces, and the dreadful threats held out to them, if they dared to come up again, had given my base This, or something very much and cowardly opponents a majority like it, was the train of my ideas, that formed an apology for many while contemplating the horrid of my voters to keep away, especially as it was now manifest to groups at the Booth. A parcel of every one, that the election ought to frogs or toads, croaking in a pool be set aside. This day, however, I of dirty water, could as soon have should have very nearly recovered disturbed the muscles of my face ny ground, had not my voters been again driven away in great bodies, as these miserable and degraded In short, there was no more any things could have done it. When freedom of election than there one of the beasts attempted to strike would have been if a whole army me. however, the feeling became had been posted to prevent my different! He reached over the being elected.

At the close of the poll on Sa- been useless; for, as afterwards appeared, they came well armed with knives.

turday, the fourth day, ELLICE and MOORE were much annoyed by my resolution to keep the poll Considering the suddenness of open the next week. Their the attack and the absence of firefriends, the Rich Ruffians, on arms on our part, the thing was whom some, at least, of the ex- done very well. A detachment pence was to fall, were still more with Mr. FRANK SERGEANT at annoyed. And they conceived their head, faced the savages in the idea of driving me out of the the passage, which was about City. In the evening, about dusk, twenty feet long. One or two their Savages, led on by two or took station on the top of the three of the Ruffian employers, stairs, armed with pokers; while made a regular attack upon Mr. I in my room, with your sister, Sergeant's house, vowing their fixed the bedstead in a way to let resolution to drag me out and kill the door open no wider than to me. They first dashed in the up- admit one man only at a time, and per room windows; next they stood with a sword to send the first pulled down the shutters of the that should attempt to enter, to ground floor room. They then receive from the devil the arrears broke into the house passage by that might be due to him on ac forcing in the door; and we ex- count of his services to Moore and pected them upstairs pretty quick- Ellice and the Rich Ruffians of ly; and while the main body were Coventry, I had pulled off my coat, entering in front, others were (as and was prepared to give with a we could see from the window of clear conscience, as hearty a thruat our room) scaling a wall to get as ever was given by man. My into the house in the rear by way philosophy despised the brutes, of the garden. I, who was very but to have one's throat cut by ill with a cold, was sitting in my them would have been a little top

bed-room with your sister Nancy. Some gentlemen came running up for our poker and tongs. Dinner had been going on down stairs; and Mrs. SERGEANT had taken away the knives and forks und carried them into the cellar for fear the savages should use them to stab us and cut our throats with. This precaution would have


However, their cowardice soon put an end to the siege. They entered the passage, stabbed one man twice in his arm, intending to stab him in the body, and did some other mischief: but being met by Mr. FRANK SERGEANT and his platoon, they retreated hastily into the street; and as the constables

soon afterwards arrived, tranquilli- brutes, a monstrous hubbub would

have been raised. Troops would have been called in. A complete suspension and setting aside of the election would have taken place. The Rich Ruffians would have been filled with fear and trembling. Government would have been called upon for instructions how to act. We should have had the whole country in an uproar; and, to this

ty was restored. If we had had, as was my wish, a couple of good blunderbusses, loaded with old nail heads and the like,and, having suffered the savages to nearly fill the long passage, fired right along the passage amongst the heads of the brutes, we should not only have ridded the world of about forty cut-throats, but should have carried the election, notwithstand-this would have succeeded a quiet ing all the advantage, that their violent proceedings had given our adversaries. And, as to "shedding blood," the blood, which the brutes, who came to kill us, and some of the worst of whom were butchers, were in the daily habit of shedding, was much more va-their deeds have for ever dishaluable than theirs, and ought to be shed with feelings of compassion much more strong. I felt no anger against the brutes. Nor did ever feel anger against a flock of crows. And I would have fired


amongst the one with exactly the shine feelings that I would fire

and lawful election. And all this would have been obtained by our lawfully and justly putting to death a score or two of cut-throat wretches, whose carcasses-would have been well disposed of in food for the crows and kites of the country that


Instead of this, the thing went off without bodily hurt to any but our friends! And the natural consequence of which was, that the poor men, who wished to vote for me, and who had not yet voted, dared no longer even talk of it.The scoundrel Masters had, in many instances, turned off such as had voted for me. They had stuck up notices în their factories, that no taught the brutes and their em-such meu as had voted, or should employment should be given to ployers what it was to attempt vote, for me. The atrocious mis

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amongst the other. We unfortu nately had no fire arms; or, no man should have prevented me from using them. I would have

creants were not ashamed thus to proclaim themselves tyrants and suborners of perjury. They resorted to all these means, besides the em

to drag me out and kill me. For, observe, this they threatened to do many times, as is sworn to by twenty witnesses. If we had killed a score or two of the worthless ployment of rippers and stabbers:

and yet the base curs have pretend-|ASEQUн says, a knife with a white ed, that the Freemen did not wish handle; and they were knives of to vote for me! If this had been this same description that I saw in the fact, why were such means the hands of the Savages near the made use of? Why not leave the Booth. They pretended to be Freemen to reject me? Why not cutting bread and cheese with suffer the election to be free? Why them; but, they held them up and turn off; why put up notices; why brandished them, in a very significant bring in bands of rippers and stab- manner. They were stout penbers? And that, too, against a knives with thick, round white ha Candidate, whose friends had never,dles. They were things which it from first to last, committed one was very unlikely for the brutes single act of violence of any sort. from the country to have possessed On the Tuesday, when I entered of their own purchasing. What Coventry, all might have been at should these brutes do with penmy command. No man, who was knives at all? And how came not for me, publicly showed his they by them? And all whiteface. Yet, though our enemies had handled knives too! A lot of knives threatened us in the most insolent was, in all likelihood, gotten from manner, not a single act of violence Birmingham (which is only 18 from the first moment of the con- miles from Coventry), and distribu test to the last. These facts alone are ted among these ferocious brutes, quite enough to decide the ques- This is a horrid thing to re'ate tion as to which party had the good it is what I am ashamed to say of cause, and which the bad cause, Englishmen but, it is the truth, The attack on Mr. SERGEANT's and justice demands its promulgaon the Saturday night filled the tion. Several men, who had voted City with alarm. It was manifest, for me, were cutand stabbed in their that the Savages only wanted cou- retreat from the Booth. One man rage to make them fulfil their related, that he was stabbed in the threats of murder. They came thick of the thigh with some sharp prepared with knives, and, as one instrument, but that he was unable of the subjoined depositions will to ascertain the instrument or the shew, their leader began to use hand. What sort of protection my his knife in the passage. That friends received from the peace he meant to kill THOMAS ASEQUн officers may be guessed at from is certain, He stabbed at his what was done to Mr. FULHAM of body, and the stabs were received London, who came to the Booth, in the arm. It was as THOMAS on the Thursday, in order to speak

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