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480. Find the weight of sulphate of barium obtainable from 0.522 of nitrate.

481. Describe the usual method by which salts of calcium are estimated.

482. By what quantitative processes may the officinal salts of magnesium be analyzed?

483. Calculate the proportion of pure sulphate of zinc in a sample of crystals 0.574 of which yield 0·161 of oxide.

484. Ascertain the weight of alumina (Al,O,) which should be obtained from 1.814 gramme of ammonium alum.

485. Explain the gravimetric process by which the strength of the officinal solutions of ferric chloride, nitrate, and sulphate are determined.

486. Mention the various amounts of ferrous and ferric salts equivalent to 100 parts of metal.

487. State the precautions necessary to be observed in estimating arsenicum or antimony in the form of sulphide.

488. In what form are the officinal compounds of bismuth weighed for quantitative purposes?

489. Give an outline of the process by which mercury may be isolated from its officinal preparations and weighed in the metallic condition.

490. Describe three methods for the quantitative analysis of salts of lead, and the weights of the respective precipitates, supposing 0.56 of crystallized acetate to have been operated on in each case.

491. Describe the processes by which silver is estimated in the forms metal, chloride, and cyanide.

492. What proportions of nitrate of silver are indicated, respectively, by 15 of metal, 9-8 of chloride, and 8.1 of cyanide?

493. Define cupellation.

494. What quantity of pure rock-salt is equivalent to 4.2 parts of chloride of silver?

495. State the percentage of real iodide of potassium contained in a sample of which 8 parts yield 10.9 of iodide of silver.

496. What is the strength of a solution of hydrocyanic acid 10 parts of which, by weight, yield 9 of cyanide of silver? ¡ 497. How are nitrates quantitatively estimated?

498. By what processes may the strength of sulphides be determined?

499. How much real sulphate of sodium is contained in a specimen 10 parts of which yield 14.2 of sulphate of barium? 500. Give details of the operations performed in the quantitative analysis of carbonates.

501. What amount of carbonic acid gas should be obtained from 10 parts of acid carbonate of potassium?

502. To what operation and what quantities of materials does the following equation refer?

Na2C2O + MnO2 + 2H2SO1 = MnSO1 +Na2SO, +2H ̧O + 2CO2.


503. Explain the lead process for the estimation of phosphoric acid in the officinal solution.

504, State the amount of superphosphate of calcium equivalent to 7-6 parts of pyrophosphate of magnesium.

505. Carbonate of potassium is said to lose 16 per cent, of water on exposure to a red heat; give the details of manipulation observed in verifying this statement.

506. Write a few paragraphs descriptive of the processes of ultimate organic analysis.

507. In what forms are carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen weighed in quantitative analysis?

508. In the combustion of 41 of a gramme of sugar, what weights of products will be obtained?

509. Describe De Vry's process for the assay of commercial quinine.

510. Give the officinal method for the estimation of morphine

in opium.

511. Mention the operations necessary for the estimation of the proportion of sugar in saccharated carbonate of iron, or in a specimen of diabetic urine.

512. In a mixture of honey and starch, how may the proportion of the latter be directly determined?

513. Give two processes for the estimation of the percentage of alcohol in tinctures, wines, or beer.

514. Define dialysis.

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