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settlement at Mechanicville having been made only a few days before his death. He was ambitious and energetic, thoroughly honorable in all his relations both with his patients and professional colleagues, a pleasant companion, and the unfortunate result of his ambition leaves among his many friends in Albany a feeling of sincere regret that a career which promised much should have terminated so soon.


Dr. Francis M. Hamlin (A. M. C., 1868), died on the 11th of March, 1900, after a prolonged illness.

Dedical News

Edited by H. Judson Lipes, M. D.

THE MEDICAL Society of the COUNTY OF ALBANY.-Meeting held April 18th, 1900, in Alumni Hall.

The following members were present: Drs. Archambault, Babcock, Blair, Blumer, W. H. George, W. S. Hale, Hennessy, Hun, Lipes, Macdonald, MacFarlane, McCulloch, C. H. Moore, Mosher, Root, Theisen, Wiltse.

The meeting was called to order at 9 P. M., Dr. Van Allen in the chair. 1. Reading the minutes of the last meeting. It was moved by Dr. Mosher that as the minutes had already been printed they should be adopted as printed. Motion seconded and carried.

2. No minutes of special meetings.

3. No reports of committees.

4. Application for membership. The name of Dr. A. W. Elting was proposed by Dr. MacFarlane.

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Dr. VAN ALLEN declared the paper open to discussion.

Dr. BLUMER asked Dr. Hennessy if he had had any experience in cases of Pott's disease, with paraplegia, with the treatment proposed by Dr. J. K. Mitchell, the father of Dr. S. Weir Mitchell? The treatment consisted in the intermittent suspension of the patient by an apparatus similar to that used in the cases of locomotor ataxia.

Dr. HUN referred to a case which he had seen treated in a similar manner to the Mitchell method, by means of a chair which was devised by Dr.

Case. The results were not very good. He thought that the prognosis in children was usually good with the simple plaster jacket treatment. The case to which Dr. Hennessy referred in his paper was older than most cases and had been neglected for some time.

Dr. BLAIR mentioned a case where suspension treatment had been used, and later the plaster jacket, the case having recovered. The bone was treated with a weak solution of nitric acid.

In closing the discussion Dr. HENNESSY stated, in reply to Dr. Blumer's question, that he had not tried the suspension treatment. In the case mentioned in his paper he had simply been called in to put on a jacket.

Dr. WILTSE then read a paper on "The Management and Treatment of Pertussis."

Dr. VAN ALLEN declared the paper open to discussion.

Dr. BLAIR stated that he thought whooping-cough was usually looked upon too lightly and that it was a much more serious disease than was generally supposed. He thought there was no specific treatment but that each case must be studied and treated differently. Like hay fever there were three sets of causes involved, i. e., the external disturbing cause, the diseased condition of the mucous membrane, and poor resisting powers. As regards the use of quinine he thought the value lay in the tonic effect. Air and sunlight were very important factors. Regarding the Moncorvo treatment he thought that this observer narrowed the application to too small an area, as in all probability the germ of whooping-cough could be found in the whole upper air tract. Dr. Blair said that he used hot medicinal inhalations, together with tonic treatment, and has had very good results. At present he uses quinine, baths and fresh air, spraying with benzoinol, resinol, etc., through the nose. This method of spraying can be used in even very young children. He uses an olive-pointed nasal tip, and sprayed hourly or half-hourly. Crying did not interfere with the treatment. Another application which he had found to be harmless and bland, to be used at night time, was to place at the foot of the bed a cupful of strong ammonia, and a cupful of salt mixed with sulphuric acid. This produced a strong non-irritating vapor and as there was no direct medication leading to struggling on the part of the child, there was no tax upon its strength. Dr. MACFARLANE then read a paper on Disturbances in Gastric Motility;

their Significance."

Dr. VAN ALLEN declared the paper open to discussion.

One of the patients mentioned in the paper was exhibited by Dr. MACDONALD. Where he had been operated upon there was a scar about four inches in length in the median line, which was usually about the length required, Dr. Macdonald said. At the time of operating the anterior wall of the stomach was adherent to the edge of the ribs and the liver. These portions were loosened up, and the stomach was removed from the abdominal cavity, and the posterior wall exposed by tearing through the gastric and colic omentum. In this way the last fixed portion of the duodenum was exposed. The jejunum was anastomosed with the stomach and the free portions of the duodenum and jejunum were then connected with the Murphy button. The object in connecting the duodenum and jejunum

As a rule this pos

Dr. Macdonald said

was to prevent regurgitation of bile into the stomach. terior anastomosis is preferable to the anterior one. that he regarded Dr. MacFarlane's paper as a valuable contribution. He thought that many stomach cases did not receive proper attention. The new methods of stomach examination had opened up new fields, especially for the surgeon. All of the operations could not be discussed as there were so many of them, but he wished briefly to refer to the early diagnosis of cancer of the stomach. Many surgeons think that when the tumor is palpable there is no chance of recovery; nevertheless, Dr. Macdonald thought that an operation in these cases often produced much temporary relief. As in intestinal carcinoma colotomy often markedly ameliorated the symptoms for a time, so in carcinoma of the stomach a gastro-jejunostomy is of some benefit. The operation prolongs life and relieves suffering. In some cases after the operation there has been great gain in weight. One patient Dr. Macdonald knew of had gained seventeen pounds. In early cases the more radical operation was advisable. The diagnosis must be made by chemical and microscopical examination. `Dr. Macdonald stated there was some doubt in his mind as to which group of cases survived the longest, those with early and extensive operation or those in which simply an anastomosis was performed. In the former cases the risks to the patient were very great. Within the past year he had had six cases in which he had performed anastomosis all of which had temporarily recovered. Two of these operations were done for carcinoma, and two for stenosis from ulcer. He thought the operation for anastomosis was a wise one in cases of simple dilatation especially with the poorer classes who could not regulate their diet properly. In cases of carcinoma, even though there was considerable infiltration, if the blood condition was good an operation was justified as palliative.

Dr. Hun stated that he was much interested in Dr. MacFarlane's paper. He was convinced of the practical importance of the newer methods of stomach examination. The paper, he stated, was beyond his powers of criticism. There was one point upon which the author laid stress, which he thought was more or less theoretical, i. e,, that a diminution of motility distinguished organic disease from a neurosis. We may have nervous cases with paralysis, as well as those with excessive motion.

Dr. MACFARLANE, in closing the discussion, referred to Dr. Hun's remarks by stating that he thought most cases of gastric neurosis were associated with increased motility. In general exhaustion you might have some loss of motility, but it was not marked unless organic disease was also present, and what he wished to emphasize was that the chemistry of the secretion of the stomach was relatively of little value compared to the motility. He thought that when the determination of the loss of motility was made by the general practitioner, he should be very suspicious of grave changes. If the general practitioner felt he could not give the case proper attention he should early turn it over to the specialist or the surgeon. A motion to adjourn was then made, seconded and carried. T. F. C. VAN ALLEN,




THE UNION Medical Society.— At a recent meeting of the Union Medical Society the following officers were elected: President, Dr. Z. Rousseau; Vice-Presidents, Drs. D. W. Houston, Rensselaer county, M. M. Brown, Berkshire county, Tenny, Washington county, W. B. Sanford, Saratoga county, W. B. Sabin, Albany county; Secretary, H. O. Fairweather; Treasurer, H. S. Goodall; Censors, Drs. William Finder, Rensselaer county, W. S. Phillips, Bennington county, J. H. Hobbie, North Adams, Mass., F. A. Palmer, Saratoga county, J. H. Mitchell, Albany county, J. H. Maguire, Salem, Mass.

ANNUAL APPEAL FOR THE NEW HOSPITAL.-The Board of Governors of the Albany Hospital have addressed the following appeal to the citizens of Albany:

Since the appeal of last year the new hospital has been completed; its operating room has been equipped with the best appliances and the public wards and private rooms have been well furnished with all that is needed. The hospital now stands in its well laid out grounds upon the high lands south of the city, a monument of the generosity and humanity of Albany. The pure air which surrounds it and the bright sunshine which streams into its rooms are nature's restorers for the sick and disabled, and aid the devoted care of its physicians, surgeons and nurses.

This is not the place to mention in detail the very liberal gifts, large and small, which have enabled the Governors to erect this admirable structure. But they must express, in general words, their thanks to the donors, near and distant.

It was mentioned in the last appeal that, in acknowledgment of liberal gifts and by request of the donors, three of the pavilions had been named in loving memory of deceased friends. In like manner the remaining pavilion is now the Myers pavilion. At the time of the last appeal, and even afterward, when the hospital was opened for patients, the surrounding grounds were rough and irregular, and had no proper approach to the buildings. Through the generosity of one of our citizens, roads and paths have been laid out, trees and shrubs have been planted, the land has been brought into good shape and has been carefully seeded down. The cold weather and a delay in getting material prevented the completion of this work, and a little remains to be done in the coming spring. But even now can be seen how pleasant and attractive the place will be for patients and for visitors. The grading and paving of the New Scotland avenue, with its convenient sidewalk, have made access to the hospital easy and agreeable. The recent meeting here of the Medical Society afforded an opportunity for physicians and surgeons of other places to visit the new hospital. Many did so, and they strongly expressed their admiration of the arrangements, of the convenience for the care of patients, of the favorable conditions for recovery and of the thorough neatness and care seen throughout the buildings. There is a growing appreciation of the usefulness of a trained nurse in all cases of serious illness, even where the patient is in his own house. One of the most useful things accomplished by the hospital will be that, through the earnest efforts and generosity of the patronesses and managers

of the Training School for Nurses, and through the excellent opportunity now afforded for their work, the hospital will, year after year, graduate a class of skillful and experienced nurses.

The Governors are sure that those who have contributed to the erection of this hospital and those also who have not yet felt able to aid, as they desired, will all acknowledge that an institution so well fitted to do good must be bounteously sustained. These buildings must be kept in active use, ready at all times to receive and care for all those who need the aid which is here given. For nearly ten months these buildings have been opened for patients, and the number of these patients shows how greatly the hospital is needed.

Every one who has seen the new buildings will, in some degree, appreciate that the expense of carrying on the work must be very much greater than it was in the old building. These buildings are large and extended so as to receive the sunlight in abundance, and they stand on a site exposed to the winds; they are lighted by electricity, and the elevator is run by that power, they are heated throughout by steam. All this increases the expense for coal. The kitchen and laundry are large and require much labor and fuel. Many nurses and attendants are necessary. And in these and in other ways, which need not be specified, the expenses must be great. The Governors, therefore, confidently ask their fellow-citizens to come generously to the annual support of this institution.

FEBRUARY BULletin of the State Board of HEALTH.-During the month of February there were 10,796 deaths reported an increase of over 700 above the average for the past five years. The most noticeable increase was in the number of deaths from measles and scarlet fever. Influenza has been severe throughout the entire state but particularly in the Maritime District. Typhoid fever was less prevalent than last year particularly in the city of Albany, where only one death occurred from that disease; while in the neighboring cities of Cohoes and Troy there were thirteen deaths. According to the population the greatest number of deaths from typhoid occurred in the Southern Tier District.

In Albany there were 146 deaths as follows: Cerebro-spinal meningitis, 2, typhoid 1, measles 1, croup and diphtheria 4, diarrheal diseases 2, acute respiratory 28, consumption 17, digestive system 10, urinary system 4, circulatory system 13, nervous system 29, cancer 9, accidents and violence 7, old age 5, unclassified 14.

State Board of Regents.- Dr. Edward Chapin of Brooklyn, has been appointed by the State Board of Regents a member of the New York State Board of Medical Examiners to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Dr. A. R. Wright of Buffalo.

Death of Dr. ST. GEORGE MIVART.-Dr. Mivart died suddenly in London, April 1st. He was born in London in 1827. Although a doctor of medicine, Dr. Mivart did not practice. He was formerly lecturer on zoölogy at St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, and professor of biology at the University of Louvain. He was recently excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster for asserting that to ask a

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