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Wha juges men with wrang,

The same jugement sal dai fang.

Y. and G. III. 2641.


6.37. See Matthew 7. 2.

[blocks in formation]

20. 15.

H. S. 73. 2048.

No mannys gode shalt þou stele. 20. 16. pou shalt no fals wytnes bere. 20.17. Coueyt nat þy neghbours þyng, . Coueyte nat þy neghburs wyfe.



H. S. 93. 2637.

H. S. 103, 2904. 2924.

5. 7, 11-12, 16-21. See Exodus 20. 3, 7, 8, 11-17.

[blocks in formation]


H. S. 179. 5474.

With holy man holy shalt þou be,
With wykked man pou turnest as he.
H. S. 212. 6583-213.6584.

33.9. God seyd, and hyt was wrozt. H. S. 311.9963.

The Ten Commandments are freely rendered here, but may

be regarded as quotations rather than as paraphrases. 2 Ed. wrlde. › Hordam O, hordom D.

Ed. pous halt.

86. 15.

For God ys ful euer of pyte,

Hys mercy ys euer redy to be. H. S. 7. 163-164.

For he ys euer ful of pyte.

pat God ys euer ful of pyte.

148.5. See 33. 9.


H. S. 9. 231.

H. S. 12. 330.

Yn harpe, yn thabour, and symphan gle,
Wurschepe God, yn troumpes, and sautre,
Yn cordys, and organes, and bellys ryngyng.
H. S. 158. 4769-159.4771.


10. 11. pe weye of lyue, with-outyn ende,

Oute of ryztwys mannes moupe shal wende.

H. S. 371. 11905-11096.

H. S. 355. 11406.

24. 16. Seuene tymes on a day þe ryztwys man falleþ.

[blocks in formation]

As þe lewed man lyue. H. S. 339. 109613-340. 109614.


51.34. þat þou art to me a voyde vessel.


H. S. 170. 5178.


Y wyl þat none synful deye,

To leue hys synne he shal haue space,

And turne agen to lyfe. H. S. 171. 5230-172-5232.


3.30. Almes perof fordope þat synne,

Almes fordop alle wykkednes,

And quenchyþ synne, and makyþ hyt les.

H. S. 227. 7078-7080.

12. 16. Hys lyppes... he shal make swete, . .

13. 1.1



But yn hys herte he shal þynke
For to do pe a wykked blynke.

H. S. 141. 4179-4182.

Who-so handlyp pycche,...
He shal haue fylpe perof sumdeyl.

H. S. 212. 6578-6579.

pat dremys men deseyue manyon.2 H. S. 15.414.


Blessyd be al mercyable,

pey shul se God.3

H. S. 130. 3793-3796.

19. 18-19. See Exodus 20. 12-16.

16. 16.


He þat beleuep and ys baptysed,
He shal be saued; ...

And he þat beleuep hat, forsope and ywys,
Bope body and soule lore he ys.


H. S. 298. 9531-9534.

15.7. Yn heuene ys more ioye auenaunt Of a synful man repentaunt,

pan of nynty aungelys and nyne,

pat neuer synned, ne were wurby pyne.

H. S. 378. 12113-12116.

16. 19-31. A ryche man was, sum tyme, of prys,
pat wered bope purpure and bys,

And euery day nobly was led,
And with delycyus metys fed:

And þer was po a pore man,


He lay at þe ryche mannys gate,
Ful of byles, yn þe zate,

1 Ascribed to Paul.

In 415-416, the rest of the verse is very freely paraphrased:

The two verses are wrongly conjoined.

He gerned moche to ete hys fylle

Of pe crummes þat þe ryche man ded spyl,...
But þe ryche mannes houndes

Come and lykked Lazares woundes.
Sone aftyrward deyde Lazare,...

Goddes aungeles þe soule nam,

And bare hyt yn-to be bosum of Abraham....
Fyl auenture,...

pys ryche man sone aftyr deyde,

(Hys soule was bore to Lucyfere), . . .

And, as he was þere yn pyne,

He loked vpwarde with hys yne,
And sagh Lazere, pe pore man,
Yn þe bosum of Abraham.
And, as he mygt, he gaue a cry
And seyd, Abraham, mercy, mercy!
Late Lazare hys o fynger wete,
And droppe on my tunge for hete;
For y am yn endles peyne,

Yn fyre and yn leye certeyne.

And Abraham spak,...

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Sone! menest pou nat what y er seyd?

pou receyuedyst þe wurldys blys,

And Lazare, pouert and peyne, ywys....

Now ys Lazare euer yn solace,

And pou yn sorow, with-oute grace....
Swych sykernes ys betwyx zow two,
þat noun of vs to gow may go,
None of vs to gow may come....
pan preyde pe ryche man Abraham,
Pat he wulde1 sende Lazare,...
To hys breþryn alle fyue, . .


þat þey neuer hedyr be sent,
With me, yn þys hete, to be brent.

1 Ed. wlde.

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