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PARLIAMENTARY REFORM-Disinclination of the Country for any change in

the Representation-The Government resolve to postpone the subject—

Attempts of Private Members to introduce Partial Reforms-Mr. Locke

King renews his Bill to reduce the County Franchise to £10-Debate on

the introduction of the Bill-Remarks of Lord Palmerston and Mr.

Disraeli-On the second reading, the "Previous Question" is moved by

Mr. A. Smith-Speeches of Lord Henley, Mr. Adderley, Lord Enfield, Sir

George Lewis, Mr. Bernal Osborne, Lord J. Russell, Mr. Disraeli, and

other Members-On a Division, the Bill is lost by a Majority of 19—Mr.

Baines proposes to reduce the qualification for Borough Members-After

a debate, in which Mr. Cave, Mr. Leatham, and Sir John Ramsden take

part, the House divides against the Bill-Mr. H. Berkeley renews his

Annual Motion on the Ballot-His Speech-After a brief debate the Mo-

tion is rejected by 279 to 154-A Bill is introduced by the Government

to assign the Seats vacated by the disfranchisement of Sudbury and St.

Alban's to other places.-After much discussion and some alteration, it is

passed through both Houses-Bill for taking the Poll at University Elec-

tions by means of Voting Papers-Introduced by Mr. Dodson-Remarks

of Sir George Lewis and other Members on the Measure-It is referred

to a Select Committee, where it undergoes modification-Again debated

in the House of Commons-Sir George Lewis, Mr. Walpole, Mr. Roebuck,

Mr. Henley, and Sir W. Heathcote take part in the discussion-It is

carried, after some opposition-The Bishops of Oxford and London raise

some objections to the Measure in the House of Lords-The Earl of

Derby vindicates the Bill, which is passed without a division-CHURCH

RATES-Sir John Trelawney again brings in a Bill to abolish the Rate-

Sir W. Heathcote moves the rejection of the Measure-Speeches of the

Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Bright, Mr. Disraeli, Lord John Russell,

and Mr. Walpole-The Second Reading is carried by 281 to 266--Mr.

Newdegate proposes a scheme as a substitute for Church Rates, which,

after some discussion, is withdrawn-On the third reading a great strug-

gle takes place-Mr. S. Estcourt moves that the Bill be postponed for

Six Months-Speeches of Mr. Cross, Mr. Newdegate, Mr. Bright, Mr.

Stansfeld, Mr. Whiteside, and other Members-The Members, on a

division, are found to be equal-The Speaker is called upon to give a

casting vote-He states his reasons, and votes with the Noes-The Bill is

therefore lost.

FINANCE. The Annual Budget is brought forward by Mr. Gladstone on

the 15th of April-His Speech and Financial Propositions: remission of

1d. on Income Tax and Repeal of the Paper Duty-Remarks of Sir

Stafford Northcote, Lord Robert Cecil, and other Members-The Motion

for going into a Committee on the Budget leads to protracted Debates-

The proposed Repeal of the Paper Duty excites much Opposition from

the Conservative Party-Speeches of Mr. Thomas Baring, Mr. Bentinck,

Sir S. Northcote, Mr. Seymour Fitzgerald, Mr. Milner Gibson, Mr. White-

side, Mr. B. Osborne, Mr. Horsfall, Mr. Horsman, Mr. Bright, the Chan-

cellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Disraeli, and Lord Palmerston-No Division

takes place, and the House goes into Committee-Further objections

urged at this stage by the Opposition-Mr. Hubbard proposes a Resolu-

tion, which is withdrawn-On the Proposition to renew the existing Tea

Duties, Mr. Horsfall moves, as an Amendment, to reduce the Duty to 18.

-A Debate ensues, in which the Marquis of Hartington, Sir S. North-

cote, Sir George Lewis, Mr. Disraeli, and Lord Palmerston take part-

The Resolution of the Government is passed by a Majority of 18-The

other Resolutions are carried, the remission of the Paper Duty exciting

strong protests from the Conservatives-The Chancellor of the Exche-

quer announces his intention of including all the financial arrange-

ments of the Budget in a single Bill-Objections taken to this mode

of proceeding-Mr. McDonough argues against the form of the Bill on

Constitutional grounds-He is powerfully answered by Sir James

Graham-Sir William Heathcote, on behalf of himself and Mr. Walpole,

expresses dissent from Mr. McDonough's views-Mr. Rolt, Mr. Whiteside,

Lord R. Cecil, and Mr. Horsman support the objections to the Bill—Mr.

Puller, Mr. Mellor, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Lord Palmer-

ston justify the course taken by the Government-The Bill is read a

second time and committed-Further discussions on the Paper Duty-

On the 4th clause repealing that impost, a warm and protracted Debate

arises-After Speeches from the leading Members on both sides, a

Division takes place, which exhibits a Majority of 15 for the Govern-

ment The result is hailed with acclamation by the Ministerial party—

The Bill goes up to the House of Lords-Earl Granville proposes the

Second Reading in a temperate Speech-the Duke of Rutland moves the

rejection of the Bill-The Earl of Derby strongly condemns the Budget,

and disapproves of the mode of proceeding by a single Bill, but advises

the withdrawal of the Amendment-Speeches of the Duke of Argyll,

Earl Grey, and Lord Monteagle-The Duke of Rutland withdraws his

Motion, and the Bill is passed, nem. con.—Various motions for financial

reductions and inquiries-Mr. Hubbard moves for a Committee to in-

quire into the means of mitigating the inequalities of the Income Tax-

The Motion is carried against the Government by a majority of 4, but

the inquiry by Committee leads to no result-Mr. W. Williams moves a

Resolution in favour of assimilating Probate Duties on Personal and

Real Estate-Negatived by 167 to 51-Mr. Dodson brings forward

ARMY AND NAVY.-Improvements in Military Administration and in the

Construction of Ships of War-Numerous Discussions in Parliament on

these topics-NAVY ESTIMATES-Moved by Lord Clarence Paget on the

11th of March-The Noble Lord enters into a full statement as to

the progress of the French Marine, and the necessity for constructing

Iron-cased Vessels for Defensive Purposes-Account of the French ship

La Gloire and the English Warrior-Remarks of Mr. Baxter, Mr.

Lindsay, and Sir John Pakington-Mr. Bright condemns the excessive

Amount of the Estimates-He is answered by Lord Palmerston-Motion

for Inquiry into the Constitution of the Board of Admiralty proposed

by Admiral Duncombe-Lord C. Paget, on behalf of the Government,

consents to the Motion, which, after some debate, is agreed to-Sir

James Elphinstone moves for an Inquiry into the System of Promotion

and Payment of Officers in the Royal Navy-The Ministers object to

the motion, as tending to the disadvantage of the Service-Remarks of

Lord Palmerston-The Motion is carried by 102 to 97-Debate on the

relative Merits of Iron and Wooden Ships-Mr. Lindsay, seconded by Sir

M. Peto, moves Resolutions-Lord C. Paget opposes them-Speeches of

Mr. Bentinck, Sir J. Pakington, the Earl of Giffard, Mr. Corry, and other

Members-The Resolutions are withdrawn-Further Debates on Iron-

cased Vessels-Sir John Pakington gives a startling Account of the

Progress made by France in this direction, as contrasted with our own—

Mr. Lindsay, Lord C. Paget, and Lord Palmerston controvert the facts

stated-The same subject is mooted by the Earl of Carnarvon in the

House of Lords-The Duke of Somerset makes an interesting Speech in

explanation, entering fully into details-Earl Grey expresses much satis-

faction at this statement-The Naval Estimates are passed in the House

of Commons after some opposition-Mr. Lindsay inquires of the Govern-

ment whether some limitation of the Marine, both of France and

England, cannot be settled by agreement between the two Powers-Lord

Palmerston states, with much force, the difficulties and objections to

such proceeding-THE ARMY ESTIMATES-They are moved by Mr. T. G.

Baring on the 14th of March-His Speech-He describes the Progress

made in the Construction of Armstrong Guns, and the Improvements in

the Organization and Management of the Army-Criticisms by various

Members on this statement-The large amount of the Estimates is com-

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ject of Discussion early in the Session in both Houses of Parliament-In

the House of Lords the Marquis of Normanby severely censures the con-

duct of Victor Emmanuel, and inculpates the policy of Lord John Russell

in regard to Italy-He is answered by Lord Wodehouse-The Earl of

Malmesbury repeats the Charges of Inconsistency against the Foreign

Policy of the Ministry-Remarks of Lord Llanover-Debate in the House

of Commons on Italian Affairs, introduced by Mr. P. Hennessy-Speeches

of Mr. Layard, Sir George Bowyer, Mr. Edwin James, Sir Robert Peel,

the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Maguire, Mr. Roebuck, Mr. Monsell,

Mr. White, and Lord John Russell-Debate in the House of Lords, on the

Motion of Lord Ellenborough, upon the Situation of the Papal Govern-

ment-Speeches of Lord Wodehouse, and the Earls of Clarendon and

Derby-Death of Count Cavour-General sympathy excited by this event

in England-Expression given in the two Houses of Parliament to the

Public Regret on the occasion-Rumoured Cession to France of the Island

of Sardinia-Mr. A. W. Kinglake brings the subject under Discussion in

the House of Commons-His Speech-Speeches of Lord John Russell,

Sir George Bowyer, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Mr. Layard.—

-Disruption of the United States of America-Various Questions addressed

to the Ministers on International Relations consequent upon this Event-

Proclamation of Neutrality by Her Majesty-Answers of Lord John

Russell on the subjects of Privateering, the Blockade of the Southern

Ports, &c.-The Policy of Neutrality between the contending Parties is

earnestly insisted upon by the Government-Mr. Gregory gives notice of

a Motion in favour of recognizing the Southern Confederacy-Col. W.

Patten objects, on grounds of public policy, to entering upon the Dis-

cussion-In deference to the general wish of the House, Mr. Gregory

abstains from bringing forward his Motion-Military Reinforcements are

sent to Canada-Sir James Ferguson, supported by Mr. Disraeli, disputes

the policy of this step-It is forcibly vindicated by Lord Palmerston-

Recent Transactions in China-Earl Grey fully enters into this subject in

the House of Lords, and impugns the Measures adopted towards that

Nation-Speech of Lord Wodehouse in Answer, and of Lord Ellenborough

EAST INDIAN FINANCE AND LEGISLATION-Political and fiscal changes con-

sequent on the transfer of Government from the East India Company to

the Crown-Mission of Mr. James Wilson to India as Finance Minister--

Appointment of Mr. Laing on Mr. Wilson's Death-Measures adopted in

consequence of their Suggestions-Loans for India raised in this Country

to supply the Deficit of Revenue-Statement of Sir Charles Wood respect-

ing the Finances of India at the Opening of the Session-Further State-

ment on proposing a New Loan of 4,000,000l. on the 3rd of June-Obser-

vations of Mr. Bazley, Lord Stanley, Mr. J. B. Smith, Mr. Ciawfurd, Mr.

Danby Seymour, and other Members-Sir Henry Willoughby animad-

verts on the Financial Policy of the Government-Sir Charles Wood vin-

dicates his Measures-He makes a full financial Statement on the 25th

of July, giving a detailed Account of the Revenue and Expenditure of

India-Proposes a Loan of 5,000,000l. to assist the Railway Companies-

The Resolution, after some Debate, is agreed to-Three Measures affect-

ing the Administration of Government in India brought in concurrently

by the Government: The Legislative Council Bill, the Court of Judica-

ture Bill, and the Civil Service Bill-Statement of Sir Charles Wood in

explanation of these Bills-The Bill for altering the Constitution of the

Council undergoes much discussion in the House of Commons-Several

Amendments are proposed, but negatived-The Government adopts some

Suggestions made by Members, and the Bill is passed by the House of

Commons-The Policy of the Measure is questioned by Lord Ellen-

borough and Lord Lyveden in the House of Lords, but is ably vindicated

by the Duke of Argyll and Lord Granville-The Bill for reforming the

Judicature meets with little opposition in either House, but undergoes

some criticism from Lord Ellenborough-The Civil Service Bill is much

debated in the House of Commons-It is opposed by Mr. Vansittart, Mr.

Liddell, Mr. Henley, Mr. Adams, Sir H. Farquhar, and other Members,

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