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have existed between them; and as it appeared to the jury, after a most minute and deliberate investigation, that the confusion during the affray was so great, that the deceased was as likely to be struck by one of his own party as by the keepers', they returned a verdict of Manslaughter against some person or persons unknown."

Wretched as the first of these productions is, I think it scarcely to be denied, that both its spirit and its probable consequences are wholly to be ascribed to the exasperation naturally consequent upon the severe enactment just alluded to. And the last case is at least a strong proof that severity of enactment is quite inadequate to correct the evil.'-(p. 356-359.)

it on.

'But then, in order to secure a sufficient breed of game for the supply of the market, in fair and open competition, it will be necessary to authorize a certain number of persons, likely to breed game for sale, to take and dispose of it when reared at their expense. For this purpose, I would suggest the propriety of permitting by law occupiers of land to take and kill game, for sale or otherwise, on their own occupations only, unless, (if tenants) they are specifically prohibited by agreement with their landlord; reserving the game and the power of taking it to himself, (as is now frequently done in leases.) This permission should not, of course, operate during the current leases, unless by agreement. With this precaution, nothing could be fairer than such an enactment; for it is certainly at the expense of the occupier that the game is raised and maintained: and unless he receive an equivalent for it, either by abatement of rent upon agreement, or by permission to take and dispose of it, he is certainly an injured man. Whereas it is perfectly just that the owner of the land should have the option either to increase his rent by leaving the disposal of his game to his tenant, or vice versa. Game would be held to be (as in fact it is) an outgoing from the land, like tithe and other burdens, and therefore to be considered in a bargain; and the land would either be let game-free, or a special reservation of it made by agreement.

'Moreover, since the breed of game must always depend upon the occupier of the land, who may, and frequently does, destroy every head of it, or prevent its coming to maturity, unless it is considered in his rent; the license for which I am now contending, by affording an inducement to preserve the effect in increasing the stock of game in other parts, and in the breed in particular spots, would evidently have a considerable country at large. There would be introduced a general system of protection depending upon individual interest, instead of a general system of destruction. I have, therefore, very little doubt that the provision here recommended would, upon the whole, add facilities to the amusements of the sportsman, rather than subtract from them. A sportsman without land might also hire from the occupier of a large tract of land the privilege of shooting over it, which would answer to the latter as well as sending his game to the market. In short, he might in various ways get a return, to which he is well entitled for the expense and trouble incurred in rearing and preserving that particular species of stock upon his land.'-(p. 337-339.)

There are sometimes 400 or 500 head of game killed in great manors on a single day. We think it highly probable, the greater part of this harvest (if the game laws were altered) would go to the poulterer, to purchase poultry or fish for the ensuing London season. Nobody is so poor and so distressed as men of very large fortunes, who are fond of making an unwise display to the world; and if they had recourse to these means of supplying game, it is impossible to suppose that the occupation of the poacher could be continued.

Poaching will exist in some degree, let the laws be what they may; but the most certain method of checking the poacher seems to be by underselling him. If game can be lawfully sold, the quantity sent to market will be increased, the price lowered, and, with that, the profits and temptations of the poacher. Not only would the prices of the poacher be lowered, but we much doubt if he would find any sale at all. Licenses to sell game might be confined to real poulterers, and real occupiers of a certain portion of land. It might be rendered penal to purchase it from any but licensed persons; and in this way the facility of the lawful, and the danger of the unlawful trade, would either annihilate the poacher's trade, or reduce his prices so much, that it would be hardly worth his while to carry What poulterer in London, or in any of the large towns, would deal with poachers, and expose himself to indictment for receiving stolen goods, when he might supply his customers at fair prices by dealing with the lawful proprietor of game? Opinion is of more power than law. Such conduct would soon become infamous; and every respectable tradesman would be shamed out of it. The consumer himself would rather buy his game of a poulterer at an increase of price, than pick it up clandestinely, and at a great risk, though a somewhat smaller price, from porters and booth-keepers. Give them a chance of getting it fairly, and they will not get it unfairly. At present, no one has the slightest shame at violating a law which every body feels to be absurd and unjust. Poultry-houses are sometimes robbed ;-but stolen poultry is rarely offered to sale;-at least, nobody pretends that the shops of poulterers, and the tables of moneyed gentlemen, are supplied by these means. Out of one hundred geese that are consumed at Michaelmas, ninety-nine come into the jaws of the consumer by honest means; and yet, if it had pleased The smuggler can compete with the spirit-merchant, the country gentlemen to have goose laws as well as game laws; if goose-keepers had been appointed, but where there is no duty to be saved, the mere thief on account of the great duty imposed by the revenue; and the sale and purchase of this savoury bird pro-the man who brings the article to market with an hibited, the same enjoyments would have been pro- halter round his neck-the man of whom it is disrepu cured by the crimes and convictions of the poor; and table and penal to buy-who hazards life, liberty, and the periodical gluttony of Michaelmas have been rendered as guilty and criminal, as it is indigestible and property, to procure the articles which he sells; such an adventurer can never be long the rival of him who unwholesome. Upon this subject we shall quote a passage from the very sensible and spirited letters honestly and fairly produces the articles in which he before us. deals.-Fines, imprisonments, concealment, loss of character, are great deductions from the profits of any 'In favourable situations, game would be reared and preser-trade to which they attach, and great discouragements ved for the express purpose of regularly supplying the market to its pursuit. in fair and open competition; which would so reduce its price, It is not the custom at present for gentlemen to sell that I see no reason why a partridge should be dearer than their game; but the custom would soon begin, and a rabbit, or a hare and pheasant than a duck or goose. This is public opinion soon change. It is not unusual for men about the proportion of price which the animals bear to each of fortune to contract with their gardeners to supply other in France, where game can be legally sold, and is regu- their own table, and to send the residue to market, or larly brought to market; and where, by the way, game is as to sell their venison; and the same thing might be plentiful as in any cultivated country in Europe. The price so reduced would never be enough to compensate the risk and done with the manor. If game could be bought, it penalties of the unlawful poacher, who must therefore be dri- would not be sent in presents :-barn-door fowls are ven out of the market. Doubtless, the great poulterers of never so sent, precisely for this reason. London and the commercial towns, who are the principal insti- The price of game would, under the system of laws gators of poaching, would cease to have any temptation to of which we are speaking, be further lowered by the continue so, as they would fairly and lawfully procure game introduction of foreign game, the sale of which, at for their customers at a cheaper rate from the regular breeders. They would, as they now do for rabbits and wild fowl, present prohibited, would tend very much to the precontract with persons to rear and preserve them for the regu-servation of English game by underselling the poacher lar supply of their shops, which would be a much more commo- It would not be just, if it were possible, to confine dious and satifactory, and less hazardous way for them, than any of the valuable productions of nature to the use of the irregular and dishonest and corrupting methods now pur- one class of men, and to prevent them from becoming sued. It is not saying very much in favour of human nature the subject of barter, when the proprietor wished so to assert, that men in respectable stations of society had rather to exchange them. It would be just as reasonable procure the same ends by honest than dishonest means. Thus

would all the temptations to offend against the game-laws, that the consumption of salmon should be confined to arising from the change of society, together with the long the proprietors of that sort of fishery-that the use of chain of moral and political mischiefs, at once disappear. charr should be limited to the inhabitants of the lakes

-that maritime Englishmen should alone eat oysters and lobsters, as that every other class of the community than landowners should be prohibited from the acquisition of game.




4 Statistical, Historical, and Political Description of the Colony of New South Wales, and its dependent Settlements in Van Diemen's Land: with a particular Enumeration of the Advantages which these Colonies offer for Emigration, and their Superiority in many respects over those possessed by the United States of America. By W. C. Wentworth, Esq., a Native of the Colony. Whittaker. London, 1819.

Letter to Viscount Sidmouth, Secretary of State for the Home Department, on the Transportation Laws, the State of the Hulks, and of the Colonies in New South Wales. By the Hon. Henry Grey Bennet, M. P. Ridgway. London, 1819. 3. O'Hara's History of New South Wales. Hatchard. London,


It will be necessary, whenever the game laws are revised, that some of the worst punishments now inflicted for an infringement of these laws should be repealed. To transport a man for seven years, on account of partridges, and to harass a poor wretched peasant in the Crown Office, are very preposterous punishments for such offences; humanity revolts against them-they are grossly tyrannical--and it is disgraceful that they should be suffered to remain on our statute books. But the most singular of all abuses, is the new class of punishments which the squirarchy THIS land of convicts and kangaroos is beginning to have themselves enacted against depredations on rise into a very fine and flourishing settlement:-And game. The law says, that an unqualified man who great indeed must be the natural resources, and splenkills a pheasant, shall pay five pounds; but the squire did the endowments of that land that has been able to says he shall be shot;-and accordingly he places a survive the system of neglect and oppression expe spring-gun in the path of the poacher, and does all he rienced from the mother country, and the series of ig can to take away his life. The more humane and norant and absurd governors that have been selected mitigated squire mangles him with traps; and the for the administration of its affairs. But mankind supra-fine country gentleman only detains him in ma- live and flourish not only in spite of storms and temchines, which prevent his escape, but do not lacerate pests, but (which could not have been anticipated pretheir captive. Of the gross illegality of such proceed-vious to experience) in spite of colonial secretaries exings, there can be no reasonable doubt. Their immo- pressly paid to watch over their interests. The supinerality and cruelty are equally clear. If they are not ness and profligacy of public officers cannot always put down by some declaratory law, it will be absolute-overcome the amazing energy with which human be ly necessary that the judges, in their invaluable cir-ings pursue their happiness, nor the sagacity with cuits of Oyer and Terminer, should leave two or three which they determine on the means by which that of his majesty's squires to a fate too vulgar and in-end is to be promoted. Be it our care, however, to redelicate to be alluded to in this journal. cord for the future inhabitants of Australasia, the po Men have certainly a clear right to defend their pro-litical sufferings of their larcenous forefathers; and let perty; but then it must be by such means as the law them appreciate, as they ought, that energy which allows:-their houses by pistols, their fields by actions founded a mighty empire in spite of the afflicting blunfor trespass, their game by information. There is an ders and marvellous cacœconomy of their governend of law, if every man is to measure out his punishment. ment for his own wrong. Nor are we able to distinguish between the guilt of two persons,-the one of whom deliberately shoots a man whom he sees in his fields-the other of whom purposely places such instruments as he knows will shoot trespassers upon his fields. Better that it should be lawful to kill a trespasser face to face, than to place engines which will kill him. The trespasser may be a child—a woman-a son or friend. The spring-gun cannot accommodate itself to circumstances, the squire or the game-keeper may.

Botany Bay is situated in a fine climate, rather Asiatic than European, with a great variety of temperature,-but favourable on the whole to health and life. It, conjointly with Van Diemen's Land, produces coal in great abundance, fossil salt, slate, lime, plumbago, potter's clay; iron; white, yellow, and brilliant topazes; alum and copper. These are all the impor tant fossil productions which have been hitherto discovered: but the epidermis of the country has hardly as yet been scratched; and it is most probable that

abound with every species of mineral wealth. The harbours are admirable; and the whole world, perhaps, cannot produce two such as those of Port Jackson and Derwent. The former of these is land-locked for fourteen miles in length, and of the most irregular form: its soundings are more than sufficient for the largest ships; and all the navies of the world might ride in safety within it. In the harbour of Derwent there is a road-stead forty-eight miles in length, com pletely land-locked;-varying in breadth from eight to two miles,-in depth from thirty to four fathoms,and affording the best anchorage the whole way.

the immense mountains which divide the eastern and These, then, are our opinions respecting the altera-western settlements, Bathurst and Sydney, must tions in the game laws, which, as they now stand, are perhaps the only system which could possibly render the possession of game so very insecure as it now is. We would give to every man an absolute property in the game upon his land, with full power to kill-to permit others to kill-and to sell-we would punish any violation of that property by summary conviction, and pecuniary penalties-rising in value according to the number of offences. This would of course abolish all qualifications; and we sincerely believe it would lessen the profits of selling game illegally, so as very materially to lessen the number of poachers. It would make game, as an article of food, accessible to all The mean heat, during the three summer months, classes, without infringing the laws. It would limit December, January, and February, is about 80° at the amusement of country gentlemen within the noon. The heat which such a degree of the thermoboundaries of justice-and would enable the magis-meter would seem to indicate, is considerably tempertrate cheerfully and conscientiously to execute laws, ed by the sea-breeze, which blows with considerable of the moderation and justice of which he must be tho- force from nine in the morning till seven in the everoughly convinced. To this conclusion, too, we have ning. The three autumn months are March, April, no doubt we shall come at the last. After many years and May, in which the thermometer varies from 556 of scutigeral folly-loaded prisons*-nightly battles-at night to 75° at noon. The three winter months are poachers tempted-and families ruined, these princi- June, July, and August. During this interval, the ples will finally prevail, and make law once more co-mornings and evenings are very chilly, and the nights incident with reason and justice. excessively cold; hoar-frosts are frequent; ice, half

* In the course of the last year, no fewer than twelve hun-an inch thick, is found twenty miles from the coast; éred persons were committed for offences against the game; the mean temperature, at daylight, is from 40° to 45°, besides those who ran away from their families for the fear of and at noon from 55 to 60°. In the three months of commitment. This is no slight quantity of misery.

* One and no small excuse for the misconduct of colonial secretaries is, the enormous quantity of business by which they are distracted. There should be two or three colonial secretaries instead of one: the office is dreadfully overweighted. The government of the colonies is commonly a series of blun


spring the thermometer varies from 60° to 70°. The climate to the westward of the mountains is colder. Heavy falls of snow take place during the winter; the frosts are more severe, and the winters of longer du ration. All the seasons are much more distinctly marked, and resemble much more those of this country.

Such is the climate of Botany Bay; and, in this remote part of the earth, Nature (having made horses, oxen, ducks, geese, oaks, elms, and all regular and useful productions for the rest of the world), seems determined to have a bit of play, and to amuse herself as she pleases. Accordingly, she makes cherries with the stone on the outside; and a monstrous animal, as tall as a grenadier, with the head of a rabbit, a tail as big as a bed-post, hopping along at the rate of five hops to a mile, with three or four young kangaroos looking out of its false uterus to see what is passing. Then comes a quadruped as big as a large cat, with the eyes, colour, and skin of a mole, and the bill and web-feet of a duck-puzzling Dr. Shaw, and rendering the latter half of his life miserable, from his utter inability to determine whether it was a bird or a beast. Add to this a parrot, with the legs of a seagull; a skate with the head of a shark; and a bird of such monstrous dimensions, that a side bone of it will dine three real carnivorous Englishmen ;-together with many other productions that agitate Sir Joseph, and fill him with mingled emotions of distress and light.

The colony has made the following progress :-
Stock in 1817.

Stock in 1788

[blocks in formation]

King, arrived in town from Paramatta; and yesterday Mrs
King returned thither, accompanied by Mrs. Putland.'-(loid)

To be sold by private Contract, by Mr. Bevan.
'An elegant four-wheeled chariot, with plated mounted
harness for four horses complete; and a handsome lady's side-
saddle and bridle. May be viewed, on application to Mr. Be-
van.'-(p. 347.)

'From the Derwent Star.

'Lieutenant Lord, of the Royal Marines, who, after the death of Lieutenant-Governor Collins, succeded to the command of the settlement at Hobart Town, arrived at Port Jackson in the Hunter, and favours us with the perusal of the ninth number published of the Derwent Star and Van Diemen's Land Intelligencer from which we copy the following extracts.'—(p. 353.)

A Card.

"The subscribers to the Sydney Race Course are informed that the Stewards have made arrangements for two balls durthe race week, viz. on Tuesday and Thursday.-Tickets, at 78. 6d. each, to be had at Mr. E. Wills's, George Street.An ordinary for the subscribers and their friends each day of the races, at Mr. Wills's.-Dinner on table at five o'clock.'(p. 356.)

'The Ladies' Cup.

"The ladies' cup, which was of very superior workmanship, won by Chase, was presented to Captain Richie by Mrs. de-M'Quarie; who, accompanied by his excellency, honoured each day's race with her presence, and who, with her usual affa bility, was pleased to preface the donation with the following short address.-"In the name of the Ladies of New South Wales, I have the pleasure to present you with this cup. Give me leave to congratulate you on being the successful candidate for it; and to hope that it is a prelude to future success, and lasting prosperity."-(p. 357.)

44,753 3,072 170,920 17.842 47,564 20,379

The colony has a bank, with a capital of 20,000l.; a newspaper; and a capital (the town of Sydney) containing about 7000 persons. There is also a Van Die men's Land Gazette. The perusal of these newspapers, which are regularly transmitted to England, and may be purchased in London, has afforded us considerable amusement. Nothing can paint in a more more lively manner the state of the settlement, its disadvan tages, and prosperities, and the opinions and manners which prevail there.

'On Friday, Mr. James Squires, settler and brewer, waited on his excellency at Government House, with two vines of hops taken from his own grounds, &c.-As a public recompense for the unremitted attention shown by the grower in bringing this valuable plant to such a high degree of perfection, his excellency has directed a cow to be given to Mr. Squires from the government herd.'-O'Hara, p. 255.

'To Parents and Guardians.

'A person who flatters herself her character will bear the strictest scrutiny, being desirous of receiving into her charge a proposed number of children of her own sex, as boarders, respectfully acquaints parents and guardians that she is about to situate herself either in Sydney or Paramatta, of which notice will be shortly given. She doubts not, at the same time, that her assiduity in the inculcation of moral principles in the youthful mind, joined to an unremitting attention and polite diction, will insure to her the much-desired confidence of those who may think proper to favour her with such a charge. -Inquiries on the above subject will be answered by G. Howe, at Sydney, who will make known the name of the advirtiser.' -(p. 270.)


(supposed to be on the governor's wharf,) two small keys, a tortoise-shell comb, and a packet of papers. Whoever may have found them, will, on delivering them to the printer, receive a reward of half a gallon of spirits.'-(p. 272.)

To the Public.

'As we have no certainty of an immediate supply of paper, we cannot promise a publication next week.'-(p. 290.)

Fashionable Intelligence, Sept. 7th.


'Now killing, at Matthew Pimpton's, Cumberland street, Rocks, beef, mutton, pork, and lamb. By retail,. 4d. per. lib. Mutton by the carcass, 1s. per. lib. sterling, or 14d. curency; warranted to weigh from 10 lib. to 12 lib. per quarter. Lamb per ditto.-Captains of ships supplied at the wholesale price, and with punctuality.-N. B. Beef, pork, mutton, and lamb, at E Lam's unter street. at the above prices-p. 376)

'Salt Pork and Flair from Otaheite.

'On sale, at the warehouse of Mrs. S. Willis, 96 George street, a large quantity of the above articles, well cured, being the Mercury's last importation from Otaheite. The terms per cask are 10d, per. lib. sterling, or 1s. currency.-N. B. For the accommodation of families, it will be sold in quantities not s than 112 lib.'-(p. 377.)

'Painting.-A Card.

'Mr. J. W. Lewin begs leave to inform his friends and the public in general, that he intends opening an academy for painting on the days of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from the hours of 10 to 12 in the forenoon.-Terms 5s. a lesson: Entrance 208.-N. B. The evening academy for drawing continu ed as usual.'-(p. 384.)

'Sale of Rams.

'Ten rams of the Merino breed, lately sold by auction from the flocks of John M'Arthur, Esq., produced upwards of 200 guineas.'-(p. 388.)

'Mrs. Jones's Vacation Ball, December 12th. 'Mrs. Jones, with great respect, informs the parents and guardians of the young ladies entrusted to her tuition, that the vacation ball is fixed for Tuesday the 22d instant, at the seminary, No. 45 Castlereagh street, Sydney. Tickets 78. 6d. each.'-(p. 388.)

'Sporting Intelligence.

A fine hunt took place the 8th instant at the Nepean, of which the following is the account given by a gentleman present. "Having cast off by the government hut on the Nepean, and drawn the cover in that neighbourhood for a native Dog unsuccessfully, we tried the forest ground for a Kangaroo, which we soon found. It went off in excellent style along the sands by the river side, and crossed to the Cow-pasture Plains, running a circle of about two miles; then re-crossed, taking a direction for Mr. Campbell's stock-yard, and from thence at the back of Badge Allen Hill to the head of Boorroobaham Creek, where he was headed; from thence he took the main

'On Tuesday his excellency the late governor, and Mrs. range of hills between the Badge Allen and Badge Allenabin

jee, in a straight direction for Mr. Throsby's farm, where the hounds ran into him; and he was killed, after a good run of about two hours.' The weight of the animal was upwards of 120 lib.-(p. 380.)

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The most interesting circumstance in the accounts lately received from Botany Bay, is the discovery of he magnificent river on the western side of the Blue Mountains. The public are aware, that a fine road has been made from Sydney to Bathurst, and a new town founded at the foot of the western side of these mountains, a distance et 140 miles. The country in the neighbourhood of Bathurst has been described as beautiful, fertile, open, and eminently fit for all the purposes of a settlement. The object was to find a river; and such an one has been found, the description of which it is impossible to read without the most lively interest. The intelligence is contained in a despatch from Mr. Oxley, surveyor-general of the settlement, to the governor, dated 30th August, 1817.

veal 8d.; pork 9d. Wheat 8s. 6d. per bushel; oats 4s., and barley 5s. per ditto. Fowls 4s. 6d. per couple ;ducks 6s. per ditto; geese 5s. each; turkeys 7s. 6d. each; eggs 2s. 6d. per dozen; butter 2s. 6d. per lib.-Of the town of Sydney, Mr. Wentworth observes, There are manufacterers of coarse woollen cloths, that there are in it many public buildings, as well as hats, earthen-ware, pipes, salt, candles, soap. There houses of individuals, that would not disgrace the best are extensive breweries and tanneries; and all sorts of parts of London; but this description we must take mechanics and artificers necessary for an infant colo the liberty to consider as more patriotic than true. ny. Carpenters, stone masons, bricklayers, wheel and We rather suspect it was penned before Mr. Went-plough wrights, and all the most useful description of worth was in London; for he is (be it said to his ho- artificers, can earn from 8s. to 10s. per day. Great nour) a native of Botany Bay. The value of lands (in attention has been paid to the improvement of wool; the same spirit he adds) is half as great in Sydney as and it is becoming à very considerable article of exin the best situations in London; and is daily increas- port to this country. ing: The proof of this which Mr. Wentworth gives is, that it is not a commodious house which can be rented for 1007. per annum unfurnished.' The town of Sydney contains two good public schools, for the education of 224 children of both sexes. There are establishments also for the diffusion of education in every populous district throughout the colony; the masters of these are allowed stipulated salaries from the Orphans' fund. Mr. Wentworth states that oneeighth part of the whole revenue of the colony is appropriated to the purposes of education;-this eighth he compares to 25001. Independent of these institutions, there is an Auxiliary Bible Society, a Sunday School, and several good private schools. This is as it should be; the education of the poor, important everywhere, is indispensable at Botany Bay. Nothing but the earliest attention to the habits of children can restrain the erratic finger from the contiguous scrip, or prevent the hereditary tendency to larcenous abstraction. The American arrangements respecting the education of the lower order is excellent. Their unsold lands are surveyed, and divided into districts. In the centre of every district, an ample and well-selected lot is provided for the support of future schools. We wish this had been imitated in New Holland; for we are of opinion that the elevated nobleman, Lord Sidmouth, should imitate what is good and wise, even if the Americans are his teachers. Mr. Wentworth talks of 15,000 acres set apart for the support of the Female Orphan Schools; which certainly does sound a little extravagant: but then 50 or 100 acres of this reserve are given as a portion to each female orphan; so that all this pious tract of ground will soon be married away. This dotation of woman, in a place where they are scarce, is amiable and foolish enough. There is a school for the education and civilization of the na

tives, we hope not to the exclusion of the children of convicts, who have clearly a prior claim upon public charity.

Great exertions have been made in public roads and bridges. The present governor has wisely established toll-gates in all the principal roads. No tax can be more equitable, and no money more beneficially employed. The herds of wild cattle have either perished through the long droughts, or been destroyed by the remote settlers. They have nearly disappeared; and their extinction is a good rather than an evil. A very good horse for cart or plough may now be bought for 51. to 101; working oxen for the same price; fine young breeding ewes from 11. to 31., according to the quality of the fleece. So lately as 1808, a cow and calf were sold by public auction for 105; and the price of middling cattle was from 80l. to 100%. A breeding mare was, at the same period, worth from 150 to 200 guineas; and ewes from 101. to 201. The inhabitants of New South Wales have now 2000 years before them of cheap beef and mutton. The price of land is of course regulated by its situation and quality. Four years past, an hundred and fifty acres of very indifferent ground, about three quarters of a mile from Sydney, were sold, by virtue of an execution, in lots of 12 acres each, and averaged 141. per acre. This is the highest price given for land not situated in a town. The general average of unimproved land is 51. per In years when the crops have not suffered from flood or drought, wheat sells for 9s. per bushel; maize for 3s. 6d.; barley for 58.; oats for 4s. 6d.; potatoes for 68. per cwt. By the last accounts received from the colony, mutton and beef were 6d. per lib.;— |


"On the 19th, we were gratified by falling in with a river running through a most beautiful country, and which I would have been well contented to have believed the river we were in search of. Accident led us down to this stream about a mile, when we were surprised by its junction with a river coming from the south, of such width and magnitude, as to dispel all doubts as to this last being the river we had so long anxiously looked for. Short as our beautiful country offered us to remain two days on the juncresources were, we could not resist the temptation this tion of the river, for the purpose of examining the vicinity to as great an extent as possible.

"Our examination increased the satisfaction we had previously felt. As far as the eye could reach in every direction, a rich and picturesque country extended, abounding in limestone, slate, good timber, and every other re quisite that could render an uncultivated country desirable. The soil cannot be excelled; whilst a noble river of the first magnitude affords the means of conveying its produc tions from one part to the other. Where I quitted it, its course was northerly; and we were north of the parallel of Port Stevens, being in latitude 32° 45' south, and 148

58' east longitude.

north-northwest course from Bathurst, and that it must "It appeared to me that the Macquarrie had taken a have received immense accessions of water in its course from that place. We viewed it at a period best calculated to form an accurate judgment of its importance, when it was neither swelled by floods beyond its natural and usual height, nor contracted within its limits by summer droughts. Of its magnitnde when it should have received the streams the east, which, from the boldness and height of the counwe had crossed, independent of any it may receive from be formed, when at this point it exceeded, in breadth and try, I presume, must be at least as many, some idea may apparent depth, the Hawkesbury at Windsor. Many of the branches were of grander and more extended proportion than the admired one on the Nepean river from the Warragambia to Emu plains.

Resolving to keep as near the river as possible during ascertain, at least on the west side, what waters fell into it, the remainder of our course to Bathurst, and endeavour to on the 224 we proceeded up the river; and, between the point quitted and Bathurst, crossed the sources of numberless streams, all running into the Macquarrie. Two of them were nearly as large as that river itself at Bathurst. The country from whence all these streams derive their equally so on the east side of the Macquarrie. This desource was mountainous and irregular, and appeared scription of country extended to the immediate vicinity of Bathurst; but to the west of those lofty ranges the country was broken into low grassy hills and fine valleys, watered by rivulets rising on the west side of the mountains, which, on their eastern side, pour their waters directly into the Macquarrie.

which I had at first sight taken for the Macquarrie; and, These westerly streams appeared to me to join that when united, fall into it at the point at which it was first discovered on the 19th inst.

We reached this place last evening, without a single accident having occurred during the whole progress of the

expedition, which from this point has encircled, with the parallels of 34° 0' south and 32° south, and between the meridians of 149° 43' and 143° 40' east, a space of nearly one thousand miles."'-Wentworth, pp. 72-75.

The nearest distance from the point at which Mr. Oxley left off, to any part of the western coast, is very little short of 2000 miles. The Hawkesbury, at Windsor (to which he compares his new river in magnitude,) is 250 yards in breadth, and of sufficient depth to float a 74-gun ship. At this point it has 2000 miles oi a straight line to reach the ocean; and if it winds as rivers commonly do wind, it has a space to flow over of between 5000 and 6000 miles. The course and direction of the river have since become the object of two expeditions, one by land under Mr. Oxley, the other by sea under Lieutenant King, to the results of which we look forward with great interest. Enough of the country on the western side of the Blue Mountains has been discovered, to show that the settlement has been made on the wrong side. The space between the Mountains and the Eastern Sea is not above 40 miles in breadth, and the five or six miles nearest the coast are of very barren land. The country, on the other side, is boundless, fertile, well watered, and of very great beauty. The importance of such a river as the Macquarrie is incalculable. We cannot help remarking here, the courtly appellations in which Geography delights;-the river Hawkesbury;-the town of Windsor on its banks; Bathurst Plains; Nepean River. Shall we never hear of the Gulf of Tierney; Brougham Point; or the Straits of Mackintosh on the river Grey?

The mistakes which have been made in settling this fine colony are of considerable importance, and such as must very seriously retard its progress to power and opulence. The first we shall mention is the settlement on the Hawkesbury. Every work of nature has its characteristie defects. Marshes should be suspected of engendering disease-a volcanic country of eruptions-rivers of overflowing. A very little portion of this kind of reflection would have induced the disposers of land in New South Wales to have become a little better acquainted with the Hawkesbury before they granted land on its banks, and gave that direction to the tide of settlement and cultivation. It turns out that the Hawkesbury is the embouchure through which all the rain that falls on the eastern side of the Blue Mountain makes its way to the sea; and accordingly, without any warning, or any fall of rain on the settled part of the river, the stream has often risen

from 79 to 90 feet above its common level.

These inundations often rise seventy or eighty feet above low water mark; and in the instance of what is still emphatically termed "the great flood," attained an elevation of ninety-three feet. The chaos of confusion and distress that presents itself on these occasions cannot be easily conceived by any one who has not been a witness of its horrors. An immense expanse of water, of which the eye cannot in many directions discover the limits everywhere interspersed with growing timber, and crowded with poultry, pigs, horses, cattle, stacks, and houses, having frequently men, women, and children, clinging to them for protection, and shrieking out in an agony of despair for assistance-such are the principal objects by which these

scenes of death and devastation are characterized.

These inundations are not periodical, but they most generally happen in the month of March. Within the last two years there have been no fewer than four of them, one of which was nearly as high as the great flood. In the six years preceding, there had not been one. Since the establishment of the colony, they have happened, upon an average, about once in three years.

"The principal cause of them is the contiguity of this

river to the Blue Mountains. The Grose and Warragambia rivers, from which two sources it derives its principal supply, issue direct from these mountains; and the Nepean river, the other principal branch of it, runs along the base of them for fifty or sixty miles; and receives, in its progress, from the innumerable mountain torrents connected with it, the whole of the rain which these mountains collect in that great extent. That this is the principal cause of these calamitous inundations has been fully proved; for shortly after the plantation of this colony, the Hawkesbury overflowed its banks (which are in general about thirty feet in height,) in the midst of harvest, when not a single drop of rain had fallen on the Port Jackson side of the mountains. Another great cause of the inundations which take place in this and

the other rivers in the colony is the small fall that is in them, and the consequent slowness of their currents. The current in the Hawkesbury, even when the tide is in full ebb, does not exceed two miles an hour. The water, therefore, which during the rains rushes in torrents from the mountains, cannot escape with sufficient rapidity; and from its immense accumulation soon overtops the banks of the river, and covers the whole of the low country."Wentworth, pp. 24-26.

built the town of Sydney upon a regular plan. Ground It appears to have been a great oversight not to have was granted, in the first instance, without the least attention to this circumstance; and a chaos of pigstyes and houses was produced, which subsequent governors have found it extremely difficult to reduce to a state of order and regularity.

Regularity is of consequence in planning a metropolis; but fine buildings are absurd in the infant state of nately displayed rather too strong a taste for archiany country. The various governors have unfortu tecture-forgetting that the real Palladio for Botany Bay, in its present circumstances, is he who keeps out the sun, wind, and rain, with the smallest quantity of bricks and mortar.

The appointment of Governor Bligh appears to have been a very serious misfortune to the colony-at such an immense distance from the mother country, with such an uncertainty of communication, and with a population so peculiarly circumstanced. In these extraordinary circumstances, the usual jobbing of the trea sury should really be laid aside, and some little attention paid to the selection of a proper person. It is cousin ; but when a new empire is to be founded, the common, we know, to send a person who is somebody's treasury should send out, into some other part of the town, for a man of sense and character.

Another very great absurdity which has been committed at Botany Bay, is the diminution of their strength and resources, by the foundation of so many subordinate settlements. No sooner had the settlers unpacked their boxes at Port Jackson, than a fresh colony was settled in Norfolk Island under Lieutenant King, which was afterwards abandoned, after considerable labour and expense, from the want of a harbour: besides four or five settlements on the main land, two or three thousand persons, under a lieutenant-governLand. The difficulties of a new colony are such, that or, and regular officers, are settled in Van Dieman's the exertions of all the arms and legs are wanted merely to cover their bodies and fill their bellies: the passage from one settlement to another, necessary for common intercourse, is a great waste of strength; ten thousand men, within a given ompass, will do much more for the improvement of a country than the same number spread over three times the space-will make more miles of road, clear more acres of wood, and build more bridges. The judge, the wind-mill, and the school, are more accessible; and one judge, one wind-mill, and one school, may do instead of two;there is less waste of labour. We do not, of course, object to the natural expansion of a colony over uncultivated lands; the more rapidly that takes place, the greater is the prosperity of the settlement; but we reprobate the practice of breaking the first population of a colony, by the interposition of government, into small detached portions, placed at great intervals. It is a bad economy of their resources; and as such, is very properly objected to by the committee of the House of Commons.

This colony appears to have suffered a good deal from the tyranny as well as the ignorance of its governors. On the 7th of December, 1816, Governor Macquarrie issued the following order:

His excellency is also pleased further to declare, order, and direct, that in consideration of the premises, the undermentioned sums, amounts, and charges, and no more, with regard to and upon the various denominations of work, labour, and services, described and set forth, shall be allowed, claimed, or demandable within this territory and its dependencies in respect thereof.'-Wentworth, pp. 105, 106.

And then follows a schedule of every species of la bour, to each of which a maximum is affixed. We

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