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is protecting life, insuring property, fencing the altar, guarding the throne, giving space and liberty to all the fine powers of man, and lifting him up to his own place in the order of creation.

There are, I am sorry to say, many countries in Europe, which have taken the lead of England in the great business of education, and it is a thoroughly commendable and legitimate object of ambition in a sovereign to overtake them. The names, too, of malefactors, and the nature of their crimes are subjected to the sovereign;-how is it possible that a sovereign, with the fine feelings of youth, and with all the gentleness of her sex, should not ask herself, whether the human being whom she dooms to death, or at least does not rescue from death, has been properly warned in early youth of the horrors of that crime for which his life is forfeited? Did he ever receive any education at all?-did a father and mother watch over him? -was he brought to places of worship?-was the Word of God explained to him?-was the book of knowledge opened to him?-Or am I, the fountain of mercy, the nursing-mother of my people, to send a forsaken wretch from the streets to the scaffold, and to prevent, by unprincipled cruelty, the evils of unprincipled neglect?

Many of the objections found against the general education of the people are utterly untenable; where all are educated, education cannot be a source of distinction, and a subject for pride. The great source of labour is want; and as long as the necessities of life call for labour-labour is sure to be supplied. All these fears are foolish and imaginary; the great use and the great importance of education properly conducted are, that it creates a great bias in favour of virtue and religion, at a period of life when the mind is open to all the impressions which superior wisdom may choose to affix upon it; the sum and mass of these tendencies and inclinations make a good and virtuous people, and draw down upon us the blessing and protection of Almighty God.

A second great object which I hope will be impressed upon the mind of this royal lady is, a rooted horror of war-an earnest and passionate desire to keep her people in a state of profound peace. The greatest curse which can be entailed upon mankind is a state of war. All the atrocious crimes committed in years of peace-all that is spent in peace by the secret corrup tions, or by the thoughtless extravagance of nations, are mere trifles compared with the gigantic evils which stalk over the world in a state of war. God is forgot. ten in war-every principle of Christian charity trampled upon-human labour destroyed-human industry extinguished; you see the son and the husband and the brother dying miserably in distant lands-you see the waste of human affections-you see the breaking of human hearts-you hear the shrieks of widows and children after the battle--and you walk over the mangled bodies of the wounded calling for death. I would say to that royal child, worship God, by loving peace it is not your humanity to pity a beggar by giving him food or raiment-I can do that; that is the charity of the humble, and the unknown-widen you your heart for the more expanded miseries of mankind-pity the mothers of the peasantry who see their sons torn away from their families-pity your poor subjects crowded into hospitals, and calling in their last breath upon their distant country and their young queen-pity the stupid, frantic folly of human beings who are always ready to tear each other to pieces, and to deluge the earth with each other's blood; this is your extended humanity-and this the great field of your compassion. Extinguish in your heart the fiendish love of military glory, from which your sex does not necessarily exempt you, and to which the wickedness of flatterers may urge you. Say upon your death-bed, I have made few orphans in my reign-I have made few widows-my object has been peace. I have used all the weight of my character, and all the power of my situation, to check the irascible passions of mankind, and to turn them to the arts of honest industry: this has been the Christianity of my throne, and this the Gospel of my sceptre; in this way have strove to worship my Redeemer and my Judge.'

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I would add (if any addition were wanted as a part of the lesson to youthful royalty), the utter folly of all wars of ambition, where the object sought for-if attained at all-is commonly attained at manifold its real value, and often wrested, after short enjoyment, from its possessor, by the combined indignation and just vengeance of the other nations of the world. It is all misery, and folly, and impiety, and cruelty. The atrocities, and horrors, and disgusts of war, have nev er been half enough insisted upon by the teachers of the people; but the worst of evils and the greatest of follies, have been varnished over with specious names, and the gigantic robbers and murderers of the world have been holden up, for their imitation, to the weak eyes of youth. May honest counsellors keep this poi son from the mind of the young queen. May she love what God bids, and do what makes men happy! hope the queen will love the national church, and protect it; but it must be impressed upon her mind, that every sect of Christians have as perfect a right to the free exercise of their worship as the church itself -that there must be no invasion of the privileges of other sects, and no contemptuous disrespect of their feelings-that the altar is the very ark and citadel of freedom.

Some persons represent old age as miserable, be. cause it brings with it the pains and infirmities of the body; but what gratification to the mind may not old age bring with it in this country of wise and rational improvement? I have lived to see the immense im. provements of the Church of England; all its powers of persecution destroyed-its monopoly of civil offices expunged from the book of the law, and all its unjust and exclusive immunities levelled to the ground. The Church of England is now a rational object of love and admiration-it is perfectly compatible with civil freedom-it is an institution for worshipping God, and not a cover for gratifying secular insolence, and ministering to secular ambition. It will be the duty of those to whom the sacred trust of instructing our youthful queen is intrusted, to lead her attention to these great improvements in our religious establishments; and to show to her how possible, and how wise it is, to render the solid advantages of a national church compatible with the civil rights of those who cannot assent to its doctrines.

Then again, our youthful ruler must be very slow to believe all the exaggerated and violent abuse which religious sects indulge in against each other. She will find, for instance, that the Catholics, the great object of our horror and aversion, have (mistaken as they are) a great deal more to say in defence of their tenets than those imagine who indulge more in the luxury of invec tive than in the labour of inquiry-she will find in that sect, men as enlightened, talents as splendid, and probity as firm, as in our own church; and she will soon learn to appreciate, at its just value, that exaggerated hatred of sects which paints the Catholic faith (the religion of two-thirds of Europe) as utterly incompatible with the safety, peace, and order of the world.

It will be a sad vexation to all loyal hearts and to all rationally pious minds, if our sovereign should fall into the common error of mistaking fanaticism for religion; and in this way fling an air of discredit upon real devotion. It is, I'am afraid, unquestionably the fault of the age; her youth and her sex do not make it more improbable, and the warmest efforts of that description of persons will not be wanting to gain over a convert so illustrious and so important. Should this take place, the consequences will be serious and distressing-the land will be inundated with hypocrisyabsurdity will be heaped upon absurdity-there will be a race of folly and extravagance for royal favour, and he who is farthest removed from reason will make the nearest approach to distinction; and then follow the usual consequences; a weariness and disgust of religion itself, and the foundation laid for an age of impiety and infidelity. Those, then, to whom these matters are delegated, will watch carefully over every sign of this excess, and guard from the mischievous intemperance of enthusiasm those feelings and that understanding, the healthy state of which bears so

strongly and intimately upon the happiness of a whole people.

Though I deprecate the bad effects of fanaticism, earnestly pray that our young sovereign may evince herself to be a person of deep religious feeling: what other cure has she for all the arrogance and vanity which her exalted position must engender? for all the flattery and falsehood with which she must be surrounded? for all the soul-corrupting homage with which she is met at every moment of her existence? what other cure than to cast herself down in darkness and solitude before God-to say that she is dust and ashes-and to call down the pity of the Almighty upon her difficult and dangerous life! This is the antidote of kings against the slavery and the baseness which surround them-they should think often of death-and the folly and nothingness of the world, and they should humble their souls before the Master of masters, and the King of kings; praying to Heaven for wisdom and calm reflection, and for that spirit of Christian gentle. ness which exalts command into an empire of justice,

and turns obedience into a service of love.

A wise man struggling with adversity is said by some heathen writer to be a spectacle on which the gods might look down with pleasure-but where is there a finer moral and religious picture, or one more deserving of divine favour, than that of which, per. haps, we are now beginning to enjoy the blessed reality?

A young queen, at that period of life which is commonly given up to frivolous amusement, sees at once the great principles by which she should be guided, and steps at once into the great duties of her station. The importance of educating the lower orders of the people is never absent from her mind; she takes up this principle at the beginning of her life, and in all the change of servants, and in all the struggle of parties, looks to it as a source of permanent improvement. A great object of her affections is the preservation of peace; she regards a state of war as the greatest of all human evils, thinks that the lust of conquest is not a glory but a bad crime; despises the folly and miscal. culations of war, and is willing to sacrifice every thing to peace, but the clear honour of her land.



Preached in the Cathedral Church at St. Peter, York, before the Hon. Sir John Bayley, Knt., one of his Majesty's Justices of the Court of King's Bench, and the Hon. Sir John Hullock, Knt., one of his Majesty's Barons of the Court of Exchequer, August 1, 1824.

LUKE X. 25.


THIS lawyer, who is thus represented to have tempted our blessed Saviour, does not seem to have been very much in earnest in the question which he asked; his object does not appear to have been the acquisition of religious knowledge, but the display of human talent. He did not say to himself, I will now draw near to this august being; I will inform myself from the fountain of truth, and from the very lips of Christ; I will learn a lesson of salvation; but it occurred to him, that in such a gathering together of the Jews, in such a moment of public agitation, the opportunity of display was not to be neglected: full of that internal confi dence which men of talents so ready, and so exercised, are sometimes apt to feel, he approaches our Saviour with all the apparent modesty of interrogation, and, saluting him with the appellation of Master, prepares, with all professional acuteness, for his humiliation and defeat.

Taiking humanly, and we must talk humanly, for our Saviour was then acting an human part, the experiment ended, as all must wish an experiment to end, where levity and bad faith are on one side, and piety, simplicity and goodness on the other: the objector was silenced, and one of the brightest lessons of the Gospel elicited, for the eternal improvement of mankind.

Still, though we wish the motive for the question had been better, we must not forget the question, and we must not forget who asked the question, and we must not forget who answered it, and what the answer was. The question was the wisest and best that ever came from the mouth of man; the man who asked it was the very person who ought to have asked it; a man overwhelmed, probably, with the intrigues, the bustle, and business of life, and, therefore, most likely to forget the interests of another world: the answerer was our blessed Saviour, through whose mediation, you, and I, and all of us, hope to live again, and the answer, remember, was plain and practical; not flowery, not metaphysical, not doctrinal; but it said to the man of the law, if you wish to live eternally, do your duty to God and man; live in this world as you ought to live; make yourself fit for eternity; and then, and then only, God will grant to you eternal life.

The patriot queen, whom I am painting, reverences the national church-frequents its worship, and regulates her faith by its precepts; but she withstands the encroachments, and keeps down the ambition natural to establishments, and, by rendering the privileges of the church compatible with the civil freedom of all sects, confers strength upon, and adds duration to, that wise and magnificent institution. And then this youthful monarch, profoundly but wisely religious, disdaining hypocrisy, and far above the childish follies of false piety, casts herself upon God, and seeks from the Gospel of his blessed Son a path for her steps and a comfort for her soul. Here is a picture which warms every English heart, and would bring all this congre. gation upon their bended knees before Almighty God to pray it may be realized. What limits to the glory There are, probably, in this church, many persons and happiness of our native land, if the Creator should of the profession of the law, who have often asked be in his mercy have placed in the heart of this royal fore, with better faith than their brother, and who do woman the rudiments of wisdom and mercy; and if, now ask this great question, What shall I do to ingiving them time to expand, and to bless our children's herit eternal life?' I shall, therefore, direct to them children with her goodness, He should grant to her a some observations on the particular duties they owe long sojourning upon earth, and leave her to reign over to society, because I think it suitable to this particu us till she is well stricken in years? What glory! lar season, because it is of much more importance to what happiness! what joy! what bounty of God! I tell men how they are to be Christians in detail, than of course can only expect to see the beginning of such to exhort them to be Christians generally; because it a splendid period; but when I do see it, I shall ex-is of the highest utility to avail ourselves of these occlaim with the Psalmist, Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace, for mine eyes have seen thy salvation.'

casions to show to classes of mankind what those virtues are, which they have more frequent and valuable opportunities of practising, and what those faults and vices are to which they are more particularly exposed.

It falls to the lot of those who are engaged in the active and arduous profession of the law to pass their lives in great cities, amidst severe and incessant occupation, requiring all the faculties, and calling forth, from time to time, many of the strongest passions of our nature. In the midst of all this, rivals are to be watched, superiors are to be cultivated, connections cherished; some portion of life must be given to society. and some little to relaxation and amusement.

When, then, is the question to be asked, 'What shall | its safety; but yield up trifles to the altered state of I do to inherit eternal life?' what leisure for the altar, the world. Fear no change which lessens the ene what time for God? I appeal to the experience of mies of that establishment, fear no change which inmen engaged in this profession, whether religious creases the activity of that establishment, fear no feelings and religious practices are not, without any change which draws down upon it the more abundant speculative disbelief, perpetually sacrificed to the bu- prayers and blessings of the human race. siness of the world. Are not the habits of devotion gradually displaced by other habits of solicitude, hurry, and care, totally incompatible with habits of devotion? It not the taste for devotion lessened? Is not the time for devotion abridged? Are you not more and more conquered against your warnings and against your will, not, perhaps, without pain and compunction, by the mammon of life? and what is the cure for this great evil to which your profession exposes you? The cure is, to keep a sacred place in your heart, where Almighty God is enshrined, and where nothing human can enter; to say to the world, Thus far shalt thou go, and no farther;' to remember you are a lawyer, without forgetting you are a Christian; to wish for no more wealth than ought to be possessed by an inheritor of the kingdom of heaven; to covet no more honour than is suitable to a child of God; boldly and bravely to set yourself limits, and to show to others you have limits, and that no professional eagerness and no professional activity shall ever induce you to infringe upon the rules and practices of religion: remember the text: put the great question really, which the tempter of Christ only pretended to put. In the midst of your highest success, in the most perfect gratification of your vanity, in the most ample increase of your wealth, fall down at the feet of Jesus, and say, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal


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Justice is found, experimentally, to be most effectually promoted by the opposite efforts of practised and ingenious men, presenting to the selection of an impartial judge the best arguments for the establishment and explanation of truth. It becomes, then, under such an arrangement, the decided duty of an advocate to use all the arguments in his power to defend the cause he has adopted, and to leave the effects of those arguments to the judgment of others. However useful this practice may be for the promotion of public justice, it is not without danger to the individual whose practice it becomes. It is apt to produce a profligate indifference to truth in higher occasions of life, where truth cannot, for a moment, be trifled with, much less callously trampled on, much less suddenly and totally yielded up to the basest of human motives. It is astonishing what unworthy and inadequate notions men are apt to form of the Christian faith. Christianity does not insist upon duties to an individual, and forget the duties which are owing to the great mass of individuals, which we call our country; it does not teach you how to benefit your neighbour, and leave you to inflict the most serious injuries upon all whose interest is bound up with you in the same land: I need not say to this congregation that there is a wrong and a right in public affairs. I need not prove that in any vote, in any line of conduct which affects the public interest, every Christian is bound, most soThe genuine and unaffected piety of a lawyer is, in lemnly and most religiously, to follow the dictates of one respect, of great advantage to the general inte. his conscience. Let it be for, let it be against, let it rests of religion; inasmuch as to the highest member please, let it displease, no matter with whom it sides, of that profession a great share of church patronage or what it thwarts, it is a solemn duty, on such occa is entrusted, and to him we are accustomed to look up sions, to act from the pure dictates of conscience, and in the senate, for the defence of our venerable estab- to be as faithful to the interests of the great mass of lishment; and great and momentous would be the loss your fellow-creatures, as you would be to the interests to this nation, if any one, called to so high and hon-of any individual of that mass. Why, then, if there' ourable an office, were found deficient in this an- is any truth in these obsbrvations, can that man be cient, pious, and useful zeal for the established church. pure and innocent before God, can he be quite harmIn talking to men of your active lives and habits, is it less and respectable before men, who, in mature age, not possible to anticipate the splendid and exalted sta- at a moment's notice, sacrifices to wealth and power tions for which any one of you may be destined. Fifty all the fixed and firm opinions of his life; who puts years ago, the person at the head of his profession, his moral principles to sale, and barters his dignity the greatest lawyer now in England, perhaps in the and his soul for the baubles of the world? If these world, stood in this church, on such occasions as the temptations come across you, then remember the mepresent, as obscure, as unknown, and as much doubt. morable words of the text, What shall I do to inherit ing of his future prospects, as the humblest individual eternal life? not this-don't do this; it is no title to of the profession here present. If Providence reserve eternity to suffer deserved shame among men ; endure such honours for any one who may now chance to hear any thing rather than the loss of character, cling to me, let him remember that there is required at his character as your best possession, do not envy men hands a zeal for the established church, but a zeal who pass you in life, only because they are under less tempered by discretion, compatible with Christian moral and religious restraint than yourself. Your ob charity, and tolerant of Christian freedom. All hu- ject is not fame, but honourable fame; your object is man establishments are liable to err, and are capable not wealth, but wealth worthily obtained; your ob of improvement: to act as if you denied this, to per. ject is not power, but power gained fairly and exerpetuate any infringement upon the freedom of other cised virtuously. Long-suffering is a great and impor sects, however vexatious that infringement, and how tant lesson in human life; in no part of human life is ever safe its removal, is not to defend an establish- it more necessary than in your arduous profession. The ment, but to expose it to unmerited obloquy and re- greatest men it has produced have been at some periproach. Never think it necessary to be weak and od of their professional lives ready to faint at the long childish in the highest concerns of life; the career of and apparently fruitless journey; and if you look at the law opens to you many great and glorious oppor- those lives, you will find they have been supported by tunities of promoting the Gospel of Christ, and of do- a confidence (under God) in the general effects of ing good to your fellow-creatures; there is no situation character and industry. They have withstood the alof that profession in which you can be more great and lurements of pleasure, which is the first and most more glorious than when, in the fulness of years, and common cause of failure; they have disdained the the fulness of honours, you are found defending that little arts and meannesses which carry base men a church which first taught you to distinguish between certain way, and no further; they have sternly reject good and evil, and breathed into you the elements of ed, also, the sudden means of growing basely rich and religious life; but when you defend that church, de- dishonourably great, with which every man is at one fend it with enlarged wisdom, and with the spirit of time or another sure to be assailed; and then they magnanimity; praise its great excellencies; do not have broken out into light and glory at the last, experpetuate its little defects; be its liberal defender, be hibiting to mankind the splendid spectacle of great its wise patron, be its real friend. If you can be great talents long exercised by difficulties, and high princiand bold in human affairs, do not think it necessary ples never tainted with guilt. to be narrow and timid in spiritual concerns; bind yourself up with the real and important interests of the church, and hold yourself accountable to God for

After all, remember that your profession is a lettery, in which you may lose as well as win; and you must take it as a lottery, in which, after every fort

of your own, it is impossible to command success; for | guarded against in the profession of the law, and that this you are not accountable, but you are accountable is, misanthropy, an exaggerated opinion of the faults for your purity; you are accountable for the preserva- and follies of mankind. It is naturally the worst part tion of your character. It is not in every man's pow- of mankind who are seen in courts of justice, and with er to say, I will be a great and successful lawyer, but whom the professors of the law are most conversant it is in every man's power to say, that he will (with The perpetual recurrence of crime and guilt insensibly God's assistance) be a good Christian, and an honest connects itself with the recollections of the human man. Whatever is moral and religious is in your race: mankind are always painted in the attitude of own power. If fortune deserts you, do not desert suffering and inflicting. It seems as if men were yourself; do not undervalue inward consolation; con- bound together by the relations of fraud and crime; nect God with your labour; remember you are Christ's but laws are not made for the quiet, the good, and the servant; be seeking always for the inheritance of im- just; you see and know little of them in your profesmortal life. sion, and. therefore, you forget them; you see the oppressor, and you let loose your eloquence against him; but you do not see the man of silent charity, who is always seeking out objects of compassion: the faithful guardian does not come into a court of justice, nor the good wife, nor the just servant, nor the dutiful son; you punish the robbers who ill treated the wayfaring man, but you know nothing of the good Samaritan who bound up his wounds. The lawyer who tempted his Master, had heard, perhaps, of the sins of the woman at the feast, without knowing that she had poured her store of precious ointment on the feet of Jesus.

I must urge you by another motive, and bind you by another obligation, against the sacrifice of public principle. A proud man, when he has obtained the reward, and accepted the wages of baseness, enters into a severe account with himself, and feels clearly that he has suffered degradation; he may hide it by increased zeal and violence, or varnish it over by simulated gaity; he may silence the world, but he cannot silence himself. If this is only a beginning, and you mean, henceforward, to trample all principle under foot, that is another thing; but a man of fine parts and nice feelings is trying a very dangerous experiment with his happiness, who means to preserve his general character, and indulge in one act of baseness. Such a man is not made to endure scorn and self-reproach; it is far from being certain that he will be satisfied with that unscriptural bargain in which he has gained the honours of the world, and lost the purity of his soul.

Upon those who are engaged in studying the laws of their country, devolve the honourable and Christian task of defending the accused; a sacred duty never to be yielded up, never to be influenced by any vehemence nor intensity of public opinion. In these times of profound peace, and unexampled prosperity, there is little danger in executing this duty, and little It is impossible in the profession of the law but that temptation to violate it; but human affairs change many opportunities must occur for the exertion of like the clouds of heaven; another year may find us, charity and benevolence. I do not mean the charity or may leave us, in all the perils and bitterness of inof money, but the charity of time, labour, and atten- ternal dissension, and upon one of you may devolve tion; the protection of those whose resources are fee- the defence of some accused person, the object of ble, and the inforination of those whose knowledge is men's hopes and fears, the single point on which the small. In the hands of bad men, the law is some- eyes of a whole people are bent. These are the occa times an artifice to mislead, and sometimes an engine sion which try a man's inward heart, and separate to oppress. In your hands it may be, from time to the dress of human nature from the gold of human natime, a buckler to shield, and a sanctuary to save; you ture. On these occasions, never mind being mixed up may lift up oppressed humility, listen patiently to the for a moment with the criminal and the crime; fing injuries of the wretched, vindicate their just claims, yourself back upon great principles, fling yourself back maintain their fair rights, and show, that in the hurry upon God; yield not one atom to violence, suffer not of business and the struggles of ambition, you have the slightest encroachments of injustice, retire not one not forgotten the duties of a Christian, and the feel-step before the frowns of power, tremble not, for a sin. ings of a man. It is in your power, above all other gle instant, at the dread of misrepresentation. The Christians, to combine the wisdom of the serpent with the innocence of the dove, and to fulfil, with greater acuteness and more perfect effect than other men can pretend to, the love, the lessons, and the law of Christ.

great interests of mankind are placed in your hands: it is not so much the individual you are defending; it is not so much a matter of consequence whether this or that is proved to be a crime, but on such occasions, you are often called upon to defend the occupation of I should caution the younger part of this profession a defender, to take care that the sacred rights belong. (who are commonly selected for it on account of their ing to that character are not destroyed, that the best superior talents,) to cultivate a little more diffidence of privilege of your profession, which so much secures their own powers, and a little less contempt for re- our regard, and so much redounds to your credit, is ceived opinions, than is commonly exhibited at the never soothed by flattery, never corrupted by favour, beginning of their career; mistrust of this nature never chilled by fear. You may practise this wickedteaches moderation in the formation of opinions, and ness secretly, as you may any other wickedness; prevents the painful necessity of inconsistency and re- you may suppress a topic of defence, or soften an atcantation in future life. It is not possible that the tack upon opponents, or weaken your own argument, ablest young men, at the beginning of their intellectu- and sacrifice the man who has put his trust in you, al existence, can anticipate all those reasons, and dive rather than provoke the powerful by the triumphant into all those motives, which induce mankind to act establishment of unwelcome innocence; but if you do as they do act, and make the world such as we find it this, you are a guilty man before God. It is better to to be; and though there is, doubtless, much to alter, keep within the pale of honour, it is better to be pure and much to improve in human affairs, yet you will in Christ, and to feel that you are pure in Christ; and find mankind not quite so wrong as, in the first ardour if the praises of mankind are sweet, if it is ever allow. of youth, you supposed them to be; and you will find, able to a Christian to breathe the incense of popular as you advance in life, many new lights to open upon favour, and to say it is grateful and good, it is when you, which nothing but advancing in life could ever the honest, temperate, unyielding advocate, who has enable you to observe. I say this, not to check orig-protected innocence from the grasp of power, is fol inality and vigour of mind, which are the best chat-lowed from the hall of judgment by the prayers and tels and possessions of the world, but to check that blessings of a grateful people. eagerness which arrives at conclusions without suffi- These are the Christian excellencies which the cient premises; to prevent that violence which is not uncommonly atoned for in after-life by the sacrifice of all principle and all opinions; to lessen that contempt which prevents a young man from improving his own understanding, by making a proper and prudent use of the understandings of his fellow creatures.

There is another unchristian fault which must be

members of the profession of the law have, above all, an opportunity of cultivating; this is your attribute to the happiness of your fellow-creatures, and these your preparations for eternal life. Do not lose God in the fervour and business of the world; remember that the churches of Christ are more solemn and more sacred than your tribunals; bend not before the judges of the

king, and forget the Judge of judges; search not other men's hearts without heeding that your own hearts will be searched; be innocent in the midst of subtilty; do not carry the lawful arts of your profession beyond your profession; but when the robe of the advocate is laid aside, so live that no man shall dare to suppose your opinions venal, or that your talent and energy may be bought for a price; do not heap scorn and contempt upon your declining years, by precipitate ardour for success in your profession; but set out with a firm determination to be unknown rather than illknown; and to rise honestly if you rise at all. Let the world see that you have risen because the natural probi ty of your heart leads you to truth; because the precision and extent of your legal knowledge enable you to find the right way of doing the right thing; because a thorough knowledge of legal art and legal form is in your hands, not an instrument of chicanery, but the plainest, easiest, and shortest way to the end of strife. Impress upon yourselves the importance of your profession; consider that some of the greatest and most important interests of the world are committed to your care; that you are our protectors against the encroachments of power; that you are the preservers of freedom, the defenders of weakness, the unravellers of cunning, the investigators of artifice, the humblers of pride, and the scourgers of oppression; when you are silent, the sword leaps from its scabbard, and nations are given up to the madness of eternal strife. In all the civil difficulties of life, men depend upon your exercised faculties and your spotless integrity; and they require of you an elevation above all that is mean, and a spirit which will never yield when it ought not to yield. As long as your profession retains its character for learning, the rights of mankind will be well arranged; as long as it retains its character for virtuous boldness, those rights will be well defended; as long as it preserves itself pure and uncorruptible on other occasions not connected with your professions, those talents will never be used to the public injury which were intended and nurtured for the public good. I hope you will weigh these observations, and apply them to the business of the ensuing week, and, beyond that, in the common occupations of your professions; always bearing in your minds the emphatic words of the text, and often in the hurry of your busy, active lives, honestly, humbly, heartily exclaiming to the Son of God, 'Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?'

THE JUDGE THAT SMITES CONTRARY TO THE LAW. A SERMON ; Preached in the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, York, before the Hon. Sir John Bayley, Knt., and the Hon. Sir George Sowley Holroyd, Knt., Justices of the Court of King's Bench; March 28, 1824.


and however shortly they may have been expressed. As their words were to be recorded by inspired writers, and to go down to future ages, nothing can have been said without reflection and design. Nothing is to be lost, everything is to be studied: a great moral lesson is often conveyed in a few words. Read slow. ly, think deeply, let every word enter into your soul, for it was intended for your soul.

I take these words of St. Paul as a condemnation of that man who smites contrary to the law; as a praise of that man who judges according to the law; as a religious theme upon the importance of human justice to the happiness of mankind; and, if it be that theme, it is appropriate to this place, and to the solemn pub lic duties of the past and the ensuing week, over which some here present will preside, at which many here present will assist, and which almost all here present will witness.

I will discuss, then, the importance of judging, according to the law, or, in other words, of the due admi nistration of justice upon the character and happiness of nations. And in so doing, I will begin with stating a few of those circumstances which may mislead even good and conscientious men, and subject them to the unchristian sin of smiting contrary to the law. I will state how that justice is purified and perfected by which the happiness and character of nations are affected to a good purpose.

I do this with less fear of being misunderstood, because I am speaking before two great magistrates, who have lived much among us; and whom-because they have lived much among us-we have all learned to respect and regard, and to whom no man fears to consider himself as accountable, because all men see that they, in the administration of their high office, consider themselves as deeply and daily accountable to God.

And let no man say, 'Why teach such things? do you think they must not have occurred to those to whom they are a concern?' I answer to this, that no man preaches novelties and discoveries; the object of preaching is, constantly to remind mankind of what mankind are constantly forgetting; not to supply the defects of human intelligence, but to fortify the fee bleness of human resolutions, to recall mankind from the bypaths where they turn, into that broad path of salvation which all know, but few tread. These plain lessons the humblest ministers of the Gospel may teach, if they are honest, and the most powerful Christians will ponder, if they are wise. No man, whether he bear the sword of the law, or whether be bear that sceptre which the sword of the law cannot reach, can answer for his own heart to-morrow, and can say to the teacher, Thou warnest me, thou teachest me, in vain.'

A Christian judge, in a free land, should, with the most scrupulous exactness, guard himself from the influence of those party feelings, upon which, perhaps, the preservation of political liberty depends, but by which the better reason of individuals is often blinded

SITTEST THOU HERE TO JUDGE ME AFTER THE LAW, AND and the tranquillity of the public disturbed. I am not


talking of the ostentatious display of such feelings; I am hardly talking of any gratification of which the WITH these bold words St. Paul repressed the unjust individual himself is conscious, but I am raising up a violence of that ruler who would have silenced his wise and useful jealousy of the encroachment of those arguments, and extinguished his zeal for the Christian feelings, which, when they do encroach, lessen the faith. Knowing well the misfortunes which awaited value of the most valuable, and lower the importance him, prepared for deep and various calamity, not igno- of the most important men in the country. I admit it norant of the violence of the Jewish multitude, not to be extremely difficult to live amidst the agitations, unused to suffer, not unwilling to die, he had not pre- contests and discussions of a free people, and to repared himself for the monstrous spectacle of perverted main in that state of cool, passionless Christian canjustice; but loosing that spirit to whose fire and firm-dour which society expect from their great magis ness we owe the very existence of the Christian faith, trates; but it is the pledge that magistrate has given, he burst into that bold rebuke which brought back the it is the life he has taken up, it is the class of quali extravagance of power under the control of law, and ties which has promised us, and for which he has reabranded it with the feelings of shame: Sittest thou here to judge me after the law, and commandest thou me to be smitten, contrary to the law?'

I would observe that, in the Gospels, and the various parts of the New Testament, the words of our Saviour and of St. Paul, when they contain any opinion, are always to be looked upon as lessons of wisdom to us, however incidentally they may have been delivered,

dered himself responsible; it is the same fault in him which want of courage would be in some men, and want of moral regularity in others. It runs counter to those very purposes, and sins against those utilities for which the very office was created; without these qualities, he who ought to be cool, is heated; he who ought to be neutral, is partial; the ermine of justice is spotted; the balance of justice is unpoised; the

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