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has been pretty much concerned in some part of these transactions. In this letter his Lordship denies having gone to Lord Eardley's to seek, amongst the servants there, for evidence against the Princess. He as

His Lordship then gives his explanation

"perly, who behaved as the Princess did | altogether, I think it right to notice a letter, to Captain Manby." Now, you will published on the 27th of March by Earl observe, that Mr. Whitbread stated, that Moira, who, as you will have perceived, there was a question put here as to whether Mrs. Lisle would have liked to see such conduct in her own daughter, who had just then died; and that she replied, that her daughter lived in the same house with her husband. However, leaving this circum-serts, that the information came first from stance quite out of the question, does not Lord Eardley to the Prince; that the Prince the Princess, in her defence, complain with listened to it reluctantly; that the servants some reason of having the opinion of Mrs. came to Lord Moira, and he did not go to Lisle, or of any body else, set up against them; that he found their stories unworthy her conduct? When witnesses are called of notice; that he, therefore, advised the and sworn as to the acts of accused persons, Prince to do nothing in the business; and is it usual to ask the opinions of those wit-that it was his advice and the Prince's denesses as to the nature of those acts? Be-sire that no talk should take place on the sides, the opinion here given was in answer subject. to a general question. Any married woman; not any married woman living sepa-as to the much more important point; the rated from her husband, which makes all examination, by him, of Messrs. Mills and the difference in the world. For, you will Edmeades, on the subject of the fact stated readily agree, that the bantering ascribed by Fanny Lloyd, respecting what one of to the Princess, the talking more to Captain those gentlemen had said as to the supposed Manby than to the ladies, might be very pregnancy of the Princess. This is a point excusable in a married woman living sepa- of so much consequence, that, in justice to rated from her husband, though it might the character of his Lordship, I shall insert not be so easily excused in one living with the whole of that part of his letter which her husband, and whose duty it would be relates to it. "The interviews with Dr. to avoid every sort of familiarity likely to "Mills and Mr. Edmeades did not take give that husband the smallest degree of place till between three and four years uneasiness. Mrs. Lisle might very consist- after the examination of Lord Eardley's ently have thought, that the Princess's con- servants, and had no reference to it. duct to Captain Manby was perfectly inno- "Fanny Lloyd, a maid servant in the cent and right, and yet she might have" Princess's family, had, in an examination thought, that such conduct would not be to which I was not privy, asserted Dr. right in any married woman without excep- "Mills to have mentioned to her that the tion, and without attention being paid to "Princess was pregnant; a deposition the peculiar circumstances of the case. She" which obviously made it necessary that does not say, you will observe, that such Dr. Mills should be subjected to examiconduct would, in her opinion, have been "nation. This happened to be discussed. proper in NO married woman. You will before me; and it was my suggestion pay particular attention to that. She only that it would be more delicate to request says, that, such conduct would not, in her the attendance of Dr. Mills at my house, opinion, have been proper in ANY mar- "and to have him meet the Magistrate ried woman without exception; that is to" there, to avoid the publicity and obsersay, that it would not have been, in hervation should be entailed by his being opinion, a conduct proper for all married" summoned to the Office in Marlboroughwomen, meaning, of course, to be understood to be speaking of women living as married women generally live.

Is this splitting of hairs? If it be, the fault is not mine. Importance has been given to trifles, and it is not, therefore, our fault if we treat them as being impor




street. Dr. Mills came early, and then "it was immediately discovered that it was "his partner, Mr. Edmeades, who had bled Fanny Lloyd, though the latter (knowing the Princess's apothecary to be Dr. Mills, and imagining it was that "apothecary who had bled her) had con"founded the names. Dr. Mills was "therefore dismissed, without being exaamined by the magistrate; and he was begged to send Mr. Edmeades on another morning. Mr. Edmeades came


I have now, my good friend, said every thing to you that I think it necessary to say relative to charges against the Princess of" Wales, But, before I dismiss the subject"




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"accordingly, and was examined before" presented itself, to throw an honest doubt "the magistrate. An attempt is made to upon her veracity. Mr. Edmeades was 66 pervert an observation of mine into an very differently circumstanced. A cha"endeavour to make Mr. Edmeades alter" racter for dangerous chattering was abso"his testimony injuriously for the Prin-"lute ruin to him in his profession. He cess. So far from there being any thing" had the strongest of all motives to exo"of conciliation in my tone, Mr. Connant" nerate himself from the charge, if he "must well remember my remark to have" could hit upon any equivocation by which "been made as a correction of what I" he might satisfy himself in the denial of "deemed a premeditated and improper "it. And the bearing of my remark must manner in Mr. Edmeades." not be misunderstood. No man would "It was an unmitigated profession of my "infer any thing against the Princess on "belief that he was using some subterfuge" the ground of such a random guess as to justify his denial; a declaration little that of Mr. Edmeades' must have been, "calculated to win him to pliancy, had I" unless Mr. Edmeades should support his "been desirous of influencing his testimony. "proposition by the adduction of valid rea66 My conviction on that point remains un- "sons and convincing circumstances; but changed. One or other of the parties" there was a consequence ascribable to it "in its loosest state. was wilfully incorrect in their statement; His having been "if Fanny Lloyd were so, it was down- " sufficiently indiscreet to mention his spe"right perjury; Mr. Edmeades might "culation to others as well as to Fanny "have answered only elusively. I have" Lloyd, would well account for what was "been told that some individual, pointing" otherwise incomprehensible; namely, the "at the direct opposition between the affi- " notion of the Princess's pregnancy so ge"davits of Mr. Edmeades and Fanny "nerally entertained at Greenwich and in "Lloyd has indicated the preferable cre- "that neighbourhood. It was my convic"dit which ought to be given to the oath "tion that such indiscretion had taken "of a well-educated man, in a liberal" place, not any belief of the fact to which ❝walk of life, over that of a person in the" it related, that I endeavoured to convey "humble station of a maid servant. 66 I by remark.This construction is not "shall not discuss the justice of the prin- " put upon the circumstances now, for the ciple which arbitrarily assumes deficien- "first time. A paper of mine submitted cy of moral rectitude to be the natural" to His Majesty at the period of the in"inference from humility of condition."vestigation, and lodged with the other "The inculcation in the present instance" documents relative to that inquiry, re"would have been somewhat more ra"buts in the same terms the base attempt ❝tional, had it advised that, in a case of "of insinuating conspiracy against the "such absolute contradiction upon a simple" Princess. Why that paper has not seen "fact, the comprehension of which could "the light with the other documents may be "have nothing to do with education, you "surmised. I had thought it incumbent "should consider on which side an obvi- on me, from the nature of the transaction, "ous temptation to laxity appears. Fanny" not to furnish any means for its publica"Lloyd was not merely a reluctant witness, "tion from the copy in my possession. "but had expressed the greatest indigna-"The present explanation unavoidably "tion at being subject to examination. states all the material points contained in "it. But it will be felt by every one that "When she swore positively to a circum"stance admitting of no latitude, the only" the detail has been extorted from me." "thing to be weighed was, what probabi- I will offer you no remark upon his " lity of inducement existed for her swear- Lordship's explanation as to the point ing that which she knew to be false. It above dwelt upon. He still gives the pre"will appear that her testimony on that ference to the testimony of Fanny Lloyd; point was not consonant to the partiality and it is not for me to express any doubt "which she had proclaimed; that by the of his sincerity; but, I must still be al"other parts of her evidence she was bar-lowed to express my wonder, that, when "ring the way to reward, if any profligate Fanny Lloyd's Declaration was laid before' "hopes of remuneration led her to risk the the King amongst the documents confirm"falsehood; and that she could not be in-atory of Lady Douglas's Statement, the op"fluenced by malice against Mr. Ed-posing declarations of Dr. Mills and Mr. "meades, with whom it was clear she Edmeades were not laid before the King " was unacquainted. Nothing, therefore, along with it. The King would then have



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been able to form his opinion of the veracity of the parties respectively.

" only in the confusion and disgrace of her "perjured calumniators. No discovery In the conclusion of the paragraph of the "whatever, that could by the most forced letter of Lord Moira above cited, he com- "construction of the most inveterate, be plains of a paper of his having been kept" deemed injurious to Her Royal Highness, out of sight; and says, that the reason "could, by possibility, be made or pro"may be surmised." I wish his Lordship" duced against her; and the public will had helped me in this; for, I must con- "rejoice to hear, that this heart-rending fess, that I cannot surmise it. The other" question, excepting only as far as redocuments have been published through" gards the punishment of her infamous the same channel that was selected for the" and perjured accusers (for which, in the conveying of his Letter to the public; and" name of justice, and in the crying cause why his paper has been kept back I, for" of injured innocence, we shall never my part, cannot imagine. It was, it "C cease to call) is thus completely, most seems, intended to rebut the insinuation," satisfactorily and happily, set for in the Princess's defence, against him as ever at rest. May this joyous result having been a participator in a conspiracy" prove the first step towards the respect against her. But, it was, at any rate, in" which justice and propriety require to be the hands of his friends, the present mi-" shewn to this illustrious Lady; and still nisters, under whom he is serving in a "further we pray, may it be the happy very high situation. He has, certainly," prelude to the re-establishment of connot to blame his old friends and colleagues, "cord, peace, and bliss, among all the the Whigs, for keeping this paper back." branches of that Illustrious Family, in The fault, if it lie any where, must lie" whose tranquillity and happiness every amongst those with whom he has, for some "good and loyal subject must feel so deep time past, been connected; and, there-" and serious an interest.' fore, he has, in some sort, himself only to blame.

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Aye, you caitiff Editor, but you said, only six weeks ago, that all those who, like myself, were labouring to establish, in the eyes of the world, the innocence of this injured Princess, were enemies of the Royal Family, and belonged to a desperate and bloody-minded faction; aye, and it is only your own baseness, your base fear of the effects of popular hatred, that has induced you to change your tone.

Before I conclude this my last letter upon the subject, I must observe to you, that there never was, perhaps, any one occasion, in which public opinion was so decided and unanimous as upon this. There is not a creature to be found, in any rank of life, who is not on the side of the Princess; who does not regard her as the most calumniated of women, and who does not Well, but the "joyous result" of which hold her base assailants in detestation. You you are speaking, is the first step, it seems, will recollect the passages, which, in my" which justice and propriety require to be first Letters upon the subject, I quoted" shown to this illustrious Lady." What from our hired news-papers, reviling the is the second? Why, that which I proadvisers of the Princess; calling them a posed more than a year ago; namely, the disloyal faction; attributing to her rash- enabling of Her Royal Highness to hold a ness, weakness, folly, and even impu- court. This is as just now as the receiving dence; menacing her with a fresh inquiry; of her at court was in 1807. Her husband and, in short, abusing every person, who, is now become Regent, clothed with all in any way, seemed to take her part. You the powers and splendour of a king; and, will remember, on the other hand, that I why is she not to hold her court? Why is said, she was pursuing good advice, and she to be kept in obscurity? A free interthat the result would prove the advantages course with her daughter follows of course; of her showing her resolution no longer to but, a court is absolutely necessary to wipe submit in silence. away all remains of imputation; to do her complete justice in the eyes of the whole world.

Now, hear the language of one of those same prints (the Morning Post) of the 26th of March:-"The triumph of the much "injured Princess of Wales may now be "considered as most proudly complete. "All the new attempts to blast her fair "fame, have, like the former conspiracy "against her honour and her life, ended

In the mean while, however, the newspapers inform me, that the Citizens of London are about to meet in order to present to Her Royal Highness a loyal and affectionate address upon this occasion. That this is a proper measure, and worthy

of the example of the whole nation, you will, I am sure, readily allow. It is not only the duty, but it is the interest, of the people to step forward and cause themselves to be heard upon such occasions. To hold their tongues, in such cases, is tacitly to acknowledge that they are nothing, and, of course, that their opinions may safely be despised by their rulers.

Nevertheless, I have heard, and, indeed, not with much surprise, that there are certain persons in the City of London, attached to the faction called the Whigs, who are disposed to discourage these public demonstrations of the feeling of the people. It is easy to conceive, that they must dislike any thing tending to throw a slur upon their party; they know, that it was their party, who, with the Princess's defence before them, hesitated four months before they advised the King to receive her at court, and then only accompanied with an admonition, that admonition which every human being is now ready to pronounce judgment upon. An address to Her Royal Highness would necessarily be a condemnation of the Whig ministry; and, therefore, it is that its partisans are endeavour ing to prevent such a measure on the part of any portion of the people.

But, was there ever so fit an occasion for an address? When the King was thought to have been in danger from the pen-knife of a poor old mad-woman, addresses of loyalty, affection, and of congratulation at his escape, poured in from every county, city, and town in his dominions; and, shall those who were filled with horror at the attempt of Peg Nicholson, be silent at the discovery of the attempt of Lady Douglas and her coadjutors? Shall those who were so loud in their cries of abhorrence on the former occasion, be now dumb as posts? The life of the King was then attempted; and has not the life of the Princess of Wales been now attempted? Aye, and by means, too, much more infamous than

those which poor old crazy Peg is said to What was Peg's penhave employed.

knife when compared to the conspiracy against the Princess? To be sure, in this case, the carrying up of an address will be attended with no creation of Knights. This is, really, the only difference in the two cases; except that in the present case the party to be addressed stands in need of the support of the people.

When the

It would give me, on another account, singular satisfaction to see the Princess receive those marks of the approbation of the people. Those marks of approbation could not fail to make on her mind, as well as on the mind of her daughter, who has so strong an affection for her, an impression favourable to popular rights; to endear the people to them, and to show them, that, after all, the preservation of the people's liberties and privileges is the best guarantee, is far more efficacious than armies and sinecure place-men, in the support of the throne and the Royal Family. City of London shall have carried their Address to the Princess of Wales; when they shall have expressed their detestation of the conspiracy against her life and honour, Her Royal Highness and her Daughter will have to compare the conduct of the people with that of those orders, whom the enemies of liberty have represented as the great props of the throne. What an useful lesson will this be to give to her, who, in the course of nature, is destined to be our Sovereign! It ought to make, and I have no doubt that it will make, a strong and lasting impression upon her mind; that it will arm her before-hand against those parasites (never wanting to a court), who would persuade her that every right possessed by the people is so much taken from her; that it will lead her to respect instead of despising, to confide in instead of suspecting, to love and cherish instead of hating and harassing, the people, whose good sense, whose love of justice, whose

abhorrence of baseness and cruelty, have proved the best safe-guards of the life and

honour of her Mother.

I have now, my good friend, completed the task which I had imposed upon myself. I have done all that lay in my power to make the innocence and the injuries of the Princess of Wales known to the world; and, though, in the performance of this task, I have been animated with a consciousness that I was discharging a sacred duty to my country, I have derived additional satisfaction from the ever-recurring thought that I was addressing myself to you, and giving you, if that death which you fear not has not yet closed your eyes, a 'renewed proof of my unalterable gratitude and esteem.' WM. COBBETT.

Bolley, 2d April, 1813.


proper hour? or in a manner, and under circumstances, which afforded reason for unfavourable interpretations? If this were so, can it be be

lieved that I would, under such circumstances, have taken a step, such as calling for breakfast, at an unusual hour, which must have made the fact more notorious and remarkable, and brought

the attention of the servants, who must have waited at the breakfast, more particularly and pointedly to it?

But if there be any thing which rests, or is supposed to rest, upon the credit of this witness-though she is one of the four, whose credit your Majesty will recollect it has been stated that there was no reason to question, yet she stands in a predicament in which, in general, at least, I had understood it to be supposed, that the credit of a witness was not only questionable, but materially shaken, For, towards the beginning of her examination, she states, that Mr. Mills attended her for a cold; he asked her if the Prince came to Blackheath backwards and forwards; or something to that effect for the Princess was with child; or looked as if she was with child. This must have been three or four years ago. She thought it must be some time before the child (W. Austin) was brought to the Princess. To this fact she positively swears, and in this she is as positively contradicted by Mr. Mills; for he swears, in his deposition before the Commissioners, that he never did say to her, or any one, that the Princess was with child, or looked as if she was with child;-that he never thought so, nor surmised any thing of the kind. Mr. Mills has a partner, Mr. Edineades. The Commissioners therefore, conceiving that Fanny Lloyd might have mistaken one of the partners for the other, examine Mr. Edmeades also. Mr. Edmeades, in his deposition, is equally positive that he never said any such thing-so the matter rests upon these depositions; and upon that state of it, what pretence is there for saying, that a witness who swears to a conversation with a medical person, who attended me, of so extremely im

(Continued from page 480, and concluded.) pretend to say-I mean on occasion of two water parties which I intended, one of which did not take place at all, and the other not so early in the day as was intended, nor was its object effected. Once I intended to pay Admiral Montague a visit to Deal; but wind and tide not serving, we sailed much later than we intended; and instead of landing at Deal, the Admiral came on board our vessel, and we returned to East Cliff in the evening; on which occasion Captain Manby was not of the party, nor was he in the Downs-but it is very possible, that hav-portant a nature, and is so expressly and deing prepared to set off early, I might have walked cidedly contradicted in the important fact which down towards the sea, and been seen by Fanny she speaks to, is a witness whose credit there Lloyd. On the other occasion, Captain Manby appears no reason to question? This important was to have been of the party, and it was to have circumstance must surely have been overlooked been on board his ship. I desired him to be early when that statement was made. But this at my house in the morning, and if the day suited fact of Mr. Mills and Mr. Edmeades's contrame, we would go. He came; I walked with him diction of Fanny Lloyd, appears to your Matowards the sea, to look at the morning; I did jesty, for the first time, from the examination not like the appearance of the weather, and did before the Commissioners.-But this is the fact not go to sea. Upon either of these occasions which I charge as having been known to those Fanny Lloyd might have been called up to make who are concerned in bringing forward this inbreakfast, and might have seen me walking. As formation, and which, nevertheless, was not to the orders not having been given her over communicated to your Majesty. The fact that night; to that I can say nothing.But upon Fanny Lloyd declared, that Mr. Mills told her this statement, what inference can be intended the Princess was with child, is stated in the to be drawn from this fact? It is the only one in declarations which were delivered to his Royal which F. Lloyd's evidence can in any degree be Highness the Prince of Wales, and by him forapplied to Captain Manby; and she is one of the warded to your Majesty. The fact that Mr. important witnesses referred to, as proving some-Mills denied ever having so said, though known thing which must particularly, as with regard to Captain Manby, be credited till contradicted, and as deserving the most serious consideration. From the examination of Mrs. Fitzgerald I collect, that she was asked whether Captain Manby ever slept in the house at East Cliff; to which she, to the best of her knowledge, answers in the negative. Is this evidence then of Fanny Lloyd's relied upon, to afford an inference that Captain Manby slept in my house; or was there at an im

at the same time, is not stated. That I may not appear to have represented so strange a fact, without sufficient authority, I subjoin the declaration of Mr. Mills, and the deposition of Mr. Edmeades, which prove it. Fanny Lloyd's original declaration which was delivered to His Royal Highness, is dated on the 12th of February. It appears to have been taken at the Temple; I conclude therefore at the chambers of Mr. Lowten, Sir John Douglas's

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