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Part IX. S. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM: Homilies to the People of Antioch.


X. TERTULLIAN: Vol. I. Apologetic and practical Treatises. Translated by the
Rev. C. Dodson.


XI. S. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM: Homilies on the Gospel of S. Matthew.


XII. Homilies on the Epistles to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon.


XIII. S. ATHANASIUS: Historical Treatises.


XIV. S. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM: Homilies on the Epistles to the Philippians,
Colossians, and Thessalonians.


XV. Homilies on the Gospel of S. Matthew. Vol. II.


XVI. S. AUGUSTINE: Sermons on selected Lessons of the New Testament.

Vol. I.


XVII. S. CYPRIAN: Epistles with the Council of Carthage on the Baptism of
Heretics. The Works of S. PACIAN.
XVIII. S. GREGORY THE GREAT: Morals on the Book of Job. Vol. I. 1844.
XIX. S. ATHANASIUS: Treatises in Controversy with the Arians.

Vol. II. 1844.

XX. S. AUGUSTINE: Sermons on selected Lessons of the New Testament.
Vol. II.


XXI. S. GREGORY THE GREAT: Morals on the Book of Job. Vol. II.
XXII. S. AUGUSTINE: Seventeen short Treatises.



XXIII. S. GREGORY THE GREAT: Morals on the Book of Job. Vol. III. 1847.
XXIV. XXV. S. AUGUSTINE: Expositions of the Book of Psalms.

Vols. I. II. 1847, 1848.

XXVI. Homilies on the Gospel, and First Epistle of S. John. Vol. I. 1848. XXVII. S. JOHN CHRYSOSTOM: Homilies on the Second Epistle to the Corinthians.


XXVIII. Homilies on the Gospel of S. John.


XXIX. S. AUGUSTINE: Homilies on the Gospel and First Epistle of S. John.
Vol. II.



XXX. Expositions of the Book of Psalms. Vol. III. AUGUSTINUS (S. Aurelius-Hipponensis Episcopus) Opera. Folio. 10 Parisiis, 1689-1696.

Vols. Sancti Aurelii Augustini Vita: nec non Indices generales in Opera sancti Doctoris opera et studio Monachorum Ord. S. Benedicti è Congregatione S. Mauri. Folio. Parisiis, 1700.

EPHREMUS SYRUS. Select Works of St. Ephraim the Syrian. Translated out of the original Syriac, with notes and indices, by the Rev. J B. Morris.


Oxf. 1847. GRABIUS (Johannes Ernestus) Spicilegium SS. Patrum, ut et Hæreticorum, seculi post Christum natum I. II. et III. 8vo. 2 Vols. Oxoniæ, 1698, 1699. IRENEUS, Bishop of Lyons. An Account of the Life and Writings of St. Irenæus, Bishop of Lyons and Martyr. By the Rev. James Beaven.


Lond. 1841.


PARKER SOCIETY. Instituted 1840.

Pieces printed by The Parker Society for the Publication of the Works of the Fathers, and Early Writers of the Reformed English Church. 8vo. Large 8vo. and Square 8vo.

Cambridge. Volume I. The Works of NICHOLAS RIDLEY, D.D., Bishop of London: Martyr 1555. Printed 1841, reprinted 1843.

II. The Sermons of EDWIN SANDYS, D.D., Archbishop of York; with some

Miscellaneous Pieces by the same Author.



III. The Works of JAMES PILKINGTON, B.D., Bishop of Durham.
IV. The Works of ROGER HUTCHINSON, Fellow of Eton College, A.D. 1550.
Collected by HENRY BULL,

V. Christian Prayers and holy Meditations.

A.D. 1566. Square 8vo.

VI. The Examinations and Writings of JOHN PHILPOT, B.C.L.: Martyr 1555.


VII. The ZURICH LETTERS: comprising the Correspondence of several English Bishops and others, with some of the Helvetian Reformers, during the early part of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Translated and Edited by the Rev. Hastings Robinson, D.D.


VIII. The Remains of EDMUND GRindal, D.D., Archbishop of Canterbury.

IX. The Early Works of THOMAS BECON, S.T.P., Chaplain to Archbishop
Cranmer; being the Treatises published by him in the reign of Henry
VIII. Large 8vo.

1843. X. A Defence of the sincere and true Translations of the Scriptures, against the cavils of Gregory Martin. By WILLIAM FULKE, D.D. 1843. XI. Early Writings of JOHN HOOPER, D.D., Bishop of Worcester: Martyr


1844. XII. The Catechism of THOMAS BECON, with other Pieces written by him in the reign of King Edward VI. Large 8vo. 1844. XIII. Writings and Disputations of THOMAS CRANMER, Archbishop of Canterbury, and Martyr, relative to the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Large 8vo. 1844. XIV. The Two LITURGIES, namely, A.D. 1549 and A.D. 1552, with other Documents set forth by authority in the reign of King Edward VI. 1844. XV. Writings and Translations of MYLES COVERDALE, Bishop of Exeter. First portion. 1844: XVI. Sermons by HUGH LATIMER, Bishop of Worcester: Martyr 1555.




XVII. Prayers and other Pieces, by THOMAS BECON. Large 8vo.
XVIII. The ZURICH LETTERS. Second Series, A.D. 1558-1602.
XIX. Sermons and Remains of HUGH LATIMER, Bishop of Worcester.
XX. The Works of JOHN JEWEL, Bishop of Salisbury. First portion.
Large 8vo.



XXI. SELECT POETRY, chiefly Devotional, of the age of Queen Elizabeth. 2 Vols. Square 8vo.



XXII. The Remains of MYLES COVERDALE, Bishop of Exeter.


XXIII. ORIGINAL LETTERS relative to the English Reformation, written during the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Queen Mary: chiefly from the Archives of Zurich. Translated and Edited by the Rev. H. Robinson, D.D. First Series. 1846.


Volume XXIV. Miscellaneous Writings and Letters of THOMAS CRANMER, Archbishop of Canterbury. Large 8vo.

1846. XXV. An Answer to John Martiall's "Treatise of the Cross." BY JAMES CALFHILL, D.D., Dean of Bocking. Printed A.D. 1565. 1846. XXVI. LITURGIES AND OCCASIONAL FORMS OF PRAYER, set forth in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1847.

XXVII. ORIGINAL LETTERS relative to the English Reformation. The
Second portion. (A.D. 1531-1558.)


XXVIII. The Works of JOHN JEWEL, Bishop of Salisbury. The Second portion. Large 8vo.



XXIX. A Progress of Piety. By JOHN NORDEN. Square 8vo.
XXX. Doctrinal Treatises and Introductions to different portions of the Holy
Scriptures. By WILLIAM TYNDALE, Martyr.
XXXI. "Stapleton's Fortress Overthrown." "A Rejoinder to Martiall's
Reply." "A Discovery of the Dangerous Rock of the Popish Church
commended by Sanders." By WILLIAM FULKE, D.D.
XXXII. The Works of JOHN JEWEL, Bishop of Salisbury. The Third portion.
Large 8vo.

XXXIII. The Writings of JOHN BRADFORD, Prebendary of St. Paul's, Martyr
1555: containing Sermons, Meditations, Examinations, etc. 1849.
XXXIV. A Disputation on Holy Scripture against the Papists, especially
Bellarmine and Stapleton. By WILLIAM WHITTAKER, D.D. Trans-
lated and Edited by the Rev. William Fitzgerald.



XXXV. The First and Second Decades (of Sermons) of HENRY Bullinger,
Minister of the Church of Zurich. Translated by H. J.
XXXVI. The Select Works of JOHN BALE, Bishop of Ossory, containing the
Examinations of Lord Cobham, etc. and "The Image of both Churches."

1849. XXXVII. Expositions and Notes on sundry portions of Holy Scriptures, together with "The Practice of Prelates." By WILLIAM TYNDALE.


WODROW SOCIETY. Instituted May, 1841. Dissolved May, 1848.
Pieces printed by the Wodrow Society for the Publication of the Works
of the Fathers and Early Writers of the Reformed Church of Scotland.
Volume I. The History of the Kirk of Scotland, from 1558 to 1637, by JOHN Row,
Minister of Carnock; with a Continuation to 1639, by JOHN ROW, Jun.

II. The Autobiography and Diary of Mr. JAMES MELVILL, Minister of
Kilrenny, in Fife.


III. The History of the Kirk of Scotland. By DAVID CALDERWOOD, Minister of Crailing. Volume I. A.D. 1514-1560. 1842.

IV. Correspondence of the Rev. ROBERT WODROW, Minister of Eastwood. Volume I. A.D. 1709-1714. 1842.

V. Sermons by the Rev. ROBERT BRUCE, Minister of Edinburgh; with Collections for his Life, by the Rev. ROBERT WODROw. 1843.

VI. VII. The History of the Kirk of Scotland, by the Rev. D. CALDERWOOD. Volumes II. III. A.D. 1560-1570-1583. 1843.

VIII. IX. Correspondence of the Rev. R. WODROW. Volumes II. III. 1715



X. XI. The History of the Kirk of Scotland. By the Rev. D. CALderwood.
Volumes IV. V. A.D. 1584-1588-1599.

1843, 1844.

Original Letters. Selected and Edited by DAVID LAING.

Tracts and
Volume I.


Volume XIII. Select Works of ROBERT ROLLOCK, Principal of the University of Edinburgh. Volume II. (See Volume XXIII.)

1844. XIV. XV. The History of the Kirk of Scotland. By the Rev. D. CALDERWOOD. Volumes VI. VII. A.d. 1600-1608-1625. 1845. XVI. SELECT BIOGRAPHIES. Edited chiefly from Manuscripts in the Advocates' Library. Volume I. 1845. XVII. An Apologetical Narration of the Kirk of Scotland since the Reformation. By WILLIAM SCOT, Minister of Cupar. Certaine Records touching the Estate of the Kirk in 1605 and 1606. By JOHN FORBES, Minister of Alford. 1846.

XVIII. The Works of JOHN KNOX (History of the Reformation in Scotland.)
Volume I.




XX. The Works of JOHN KNOX. (Volume II.) Completing the History of the Reformation. 1848. XXI. The Autobiography of ROBERT BLAIR, Minister of St. Andrew's, A.D. 1593-1636. With a Supplement to his Life, and a Continuation of the History of his Times, by WILLIAM ROW, Minister of Ceres. 1848. XXII. The History of the Church of Scotland. By the Rev. D. CALDERWOOD. Volume VIII. Appendix and General Index. 1849.

XXIII. Select Works of ROBERT ROLLOCK. Volume I. (See Vol. XIII.)



BECON (Rev. Thomas) A new Catechisme sette forth Dialoge-wise betwene the Father and the Son. 8vo.

[Parker Society Publications, No. XII.]

Cambr. 1844.

HOLLINGWORTH (Ven. John Banks, D.D., Archdeacon of Huntingdon)
Heads of Lectures in Divinity. 8vo.
Cambr. 1835.
THEOLOGY. Outlines of Theology: comprising,-I. Natural Theology,
by the Rev. GEORGE ELWES CORRIE, B.D. II. Evidences, by the
Rev. H. J. ROSE. III., IV. Scripture Doctrines, by the Rev. G. E.
CORRIE and the Rev. H. J. ROSE. 4to.
Lond. 1843.

[Encyclopædia Metropolitana: Pure Sciences, Volume 11.]


ATHANASIUS (S. Archbishop of Alexandria) Select Treatises in Controversy with the Arians. Translated into English, with notes and indices. 8vo. 2 Vols. Oxf. 1842, 1844.

[Library of the Fathers, Parts VIII. XIX.]

BEDFORD (Rev. Arthur) The Scripture Chronology demonstrated by Astronomical Calculations, and also by the Year of Jubilee and the Sabbatical Year among the Jews; or an account of Time from the Creation of the World to the Destruction of Jerusalem. Fol. Lond. 1730. BUCKLAND (Rev. William, D.D.) Vindicia Geologica: or the Connexion of Geology with Religion, explained in an Inaugural Lecture before the University of Oxford. 4to.

Oxf. 1820.

CANNE (Rev. John) A necessity of Separation from the Church of England, proved by the Nonconformists' Principles. 1634. 8vo. [Hanserd-Knollys Society Publications, No. v.] Lond. 1849. CHRISTIANS. On the Speculative-difficulties of professing Christians. 8vo. Edinburgh, 1846. CHRISTMAS (Rev. Henry) A concise History of the Hampden Controversy, from the commencement in 1832; with all the documents which have been published, and a brief examination of "the Bampton Lectures" for 1832, and of the "Observations on Dissent." Svo. Lond. 1848. COVERDALE (Myles, Bishop of Exeter) The Old Fayth: an evident probation out of the Holy Scriptures, that the Christen Fayth-which is the right, true, old, and undoubted Fayth-hath endured sens the beginnyng of the worlde. 1547. Svo. Cambr. 1844.

[Parker Society Publications, No. xv.]

A faythful and most godly Treatyse concernyng the most sacred Sacrament of the blessed Body and Blood of our Saviour Christ, compiled by John Calvine, and translated into Lattyn by Lacius, and now last of al translatyd into English. 8vo. Cambr. 1844.

[Parker Society Publications, No. xv.]

CRANMER (Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury) An Answer to a crafty and sophistical Cavillation, devised by Stephen Gardiner, against the true and godly doctrine of the most holy Sacrament of the Body and Blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ. 1580. 8vo. Cambr. 1844.

[Parker Society Publications, No. XIII.]

Defensio veræ et Catholicæ Doctrinæ de Sacramento Corporis et Sanguinis Christi Servatoris nostri. 1557. 8vo.

[Parker Society Publications, No. XIII.]

Cambr. 1844.

A Confutation of Unwritten Verities, both by the Holye Scriptures and most auntient Authours. 1582. 8vo.

[Parker Society Publications, No. xxiv.]

Cambr. 1846.

CYPRIAN (S. Bishop of Carthage) Epistles with the Council of Carthage
on the Baptism of Heretics. Translated into English with notes and
indices. 8vo. [Library of the Fathers, Part xvii.] Oxf. 1844.
DEANE (Rev. John Bathurst) The Worship of the Serpent traced
throughout the world. 8vo.
Lond. 1833.
EATON (Daniel Isaac) "Ecce Homo!" or a critical enquiry into the
history of Jesus Christ: being a rational Analysis of the Gospel. The
Second edition. 8vo.
Lond. 1813.

EUSTACE (Rev. John Chetwode) An Answer to the Charge delivered by
the Lord Bishop of Lincoln (George Tomline, D.D.), at the Triennial
Visitation in the year 1812. 4to.
Lond. 1813.
FOSTER (Rev. Charles) The Historical Geography of Arabia: or the
Patriarchal Evidences of Revealed Religion. 8vo. 2 Vols.

Lond. 1844. FOWNES (George, Phil. Dr.) Chemistry, as exhibiting the wisdom and beneficence of God: the Actonian Prize Essay for 1844. 12mo. Lond. 1844.

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