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A companion to the most celebrated Private Galleries of Art in London : containing accurate Catalogues arranged alphabetically, each preceded by an historical and critical introduction; with a prefatory Essay on Art, artists, collectors, and connoisseurs. 12mo. Lond. 1844. KNIGHT (Richard Payne) An Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste. The Second edition. Lond. 1805. KUGLER (Dr. Franz) A Handbook of the History of Painting, from the age of Constantine the Great to the present time. Translated from the German by a Lady. Part I. The Italian Schools of Painting: Edited, with notes by C. L. Eastlake, R.A. Part II. The German, Flemish, and Dutch Schools: Edited with notes by Sir Edmund Head, Bart. 12mo. 2 Vols. LAIRESSE (Gerard De) The Art of Painting in all cally demonstrated by Discourses and Plates. Frederick Fritsch, Painter. 4to.

Lond. 1842, 1846. its branches, methodiTranslated by John Lond. 1778.

LANZI (Abate Luigi) The History of Painting in Italy, from the Revival of the Fine-Arts to the end of the 18th century. Translated from the Italian by Thomas Roscoe. 8vo. 6 Vols.

Another edition, revised. 8vo. 3 Vols.

[Bohn's Standard Library, Vols. XVI. XIX. XXIII.]

Lond. 1828.

Lond. 1847.

LEREBOURS (N. P.) A Treatise on Photography, containing all the latest
discoveries and improvements appertaining to the Daguerréotype.
Translated by J. Egerton.
Lond. 1843.


OPIE, and HENRY FUSELI: Edited, with an Introduction and notes
critical and illustrative, by Ralph N. Wornum. 8vo. Lond. 1848.
LINDSAY (Alexander William Crawford Lindsay, Lord) Sketches of the
History of Christian Art. 8vo. 3 Vols.
Lond. 1847.

MERLO (Johann Jacobus) Kunst und Künstler in Köln. Nachrichten
von dem Leben und den Werken Kölnischer Künstler. Mit 174
Monogrammenabbildungen. 8vo.
Köln, 1850.


MÜLLER (Karl Ottfried) Ancient Art and its Remains: or a Manual of the Archæology of Art. Translated from the German by John Leitch. 8vo. Lond. (Edinb.) 1847. PAINTING Original Treatises, dating from the XII. to the XVIII. century, on the Arts of Painting in oil, miniature, mosaic, and on glass; of gilding, dyeing, and the preparation of colours and artificial gems: preceded by a general introduction, with translations, prefaces, and notes, by Mary Philadelphia Merrifield. Svo. 2 Vols. Lond. 1849. PATON (Joseph Noel) Compositions from Percy Bysshe Shelley's "Prometheus Unbound:" comprising Twelve Plates Etched by the Artist, with illustrative Extracts from the Poem. Oblong Folio. Lond. 1844. PERSPECTIVE. The Practice of Perspective or an easy method of representing natural objects according to the rules of Art: also the manner of conducting the Shadows by divers luminaries. Written in French by a Jesuit of Paris, and now a second time Translated by E. Chambers, F.R.S. The Third edition, to which is prefixed the Theory of Perspective, by James Hodgson, F.R.S. 4to. Lond. 1743.

PYE (John) Patronage of British Art: an historical sketch comprising an account of the rise and progress of Art and Artists in London, from the beginning of the reign of George II. with a history of The Society for the management and distribution of the Artists' Fund. 8vo. Lond. 1845. RAOUL-ROCHETTE (Desiré) Peintures Antiques inédites: précédées de recherches sur l'emploi de la peinture dans la décoration des édifices sacres et publics chez les Grecs et chez les Romains. 4to. Paris, 1836. RAUCOURT (Colonel -) A Manual of Lithography: or memoir of the Lithographical experiments made in Paris, at the Royal School of Roads and Bridges; clearly explaining the whole art. Translated from the French by Carl Hullmandel. The Second edition. 8vo.

Lond. 1821. REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua, P.R.A.) The Discourses of Sir Joshua Reynolds, illustrated by explanatory Notes and Plates by John Burnet, F.R.S. 4to. Lond, 1842. RIPPINGILLE (E. V.) Proposals for forming a Class for the cultivation of Taste in the Arts of Design, and also for the study and practice of Painting. Lond. 1834.

Lond. 1842.

[With Dyce's Lecture on the Theory of the Fine Arts.] RUSKIN (John) Modern Painters: their superiority in the art of Landscape-Painting to all the ancient masters, proved by examples of the true, the beautiful, and the intellectual, from the works of Modern Artists, especially from those of J. M. W. Turner, R.A. 8vo. 2 Vols. Lond. 1843, 1846. SAMPSON (Thomas) Electro-tint: or the art of making Paintings in such a manner as that copper-plates and blocks may be taken from them by means of Voltaic-Electricity. 8vo. SELOUS (Henry Charles) See also ART-UNION OF LONDON, 1844. Twenty-one Additional Designs in Outline, illustrative of "The Pilgrim's Progress." Engraved by Charles Rolls. Folio. Lond. 1844. The Pilgrim's Progress, by John Bunyan. Edited by George Godwin, F.R.S., F.S.A. and Lewis Pocock, F.S.A. Illustrated by Engravings in Outline, and Wood-cuts, from Drawings by H. C. Selous. Oblong Folio. Lond. 1844. SENEFELDER (Alois) A complete course of Lithography: containing clear and explicit instructions in all the different branches and manners of that art: to which is prefixed a History of Lithography, with a preface, by F. Von Schlichtegroll. Translated from the German.


Lond. 1819.

SEROUX D'AGINCOURT (Jean Baptiste Louis George) The History of Art by its Monuments, from its decline in the fourth century to its restoration in the sixteenth. Translated from the French. Folio. 3 Vols. Lond. 1847.

SHAW (Henry, F.S.A.) Illuminated Ornaments, selected from Manuscripts and early Printed-books, from the sixth to the seventeenth centuries: Lond. 1833. with descriptions by Sir Frederick Madden, F.R.S. 4to. SMITH (John) A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the most eminent Dutch, Flemish, and French Painters: in which is included a short biographical notice of the Artists, with a copious description of their

SMITH (John)

principal pictures; a statement of the prices at which such pictures have been sold at public sales; a reference to the galleries and private collections in which a large portion are at present, and the names of the artists by whom they have been engraved. 8vo. 9 Vols.

Lond. 1829-1842.

STIRLING (William) Annals of the Artists of Spain. 8vo. 3 Vols.

Lond. 1848.

TALBOT (Henry Fox, F.R.S.) The Pencil of Nature: a collection of genuine Specimens of the new Art of Photography, from Plates actually obtained by the action of Light. Six Parts. 4to. Lond. 1844, 1845. TASTE. The Hand-book of Taste: or How to observe Works of Art; especially Cartoons, Pictures, and Statues. By Fabius Pictor. 8vo. Lond. 1843. TESTELIN (Henri) Sentimens des plus habiles Peintres sur la pratique de la Peinture et Sculpture, mis en tables et en préceptes; avec plusieurs Discours Académiques, ou Conférences tenues en l'Académie Royale desdits Arts, assemblée généralement en des jours solemnels pour la distribution du Prix Royale. Fol. A Paris, 1696. THEOPHILUS. An Essay upon various Arts, in Three books, by Theophilus, called also Rutgerus, Priest and Monk; forming an Encyclopædia of Christian Art in the eleventh century. Translated with notes, by Robert Hendrie. 8vo. Lond. 1847. TRANSPARENCIES. Instructions for Painting Transparencies. The Second edition, with improvements; and a List of Transparencies published by R. Ackermann. 12mo.

Lond. 1800.

[With Dyce's Lecture on the Theory of the Fine Arts.] TWINING (Henry) On the Philosophy of Painting: a theoretical and practical treatise, comprising Esthetics in reference to Art, the application of Rules to Painting, and general considerations on Perspective. 8vo. Lond. 1849.

WAAGEN (Dr. G. F.) Works of Art and Artists in England. 12mo. 3 Vols. Lond. 1838. WINCKELMANN (John) The History of Ancient Art among the Greeks. Translated by G. Henry Lodge. 8vo. Lond. 1850. WINSTON (Charles) An Inquiry into the difference of style observable in Ancient Glass-Paintings, especially in England: with hints on Glass-Painting. By an Amateur. 8vo. 2 Vols. Lond. 1847. YOUNG (John) A Catalogue of the Pictures at Grosvenor-house, London; with Etchings from the whole collection, and accompanied by historical notices of the principal works. 4to. Lond. 1821.

A Catalogue of the Pictures by British Artists in the possession of Sir John Fleming Leicester, Bart., with Etchings from the whole collection; including the Pictures in his Gallery at Tabley-house, Cheshire; and accompanied with historical and biographical notices. 4to.

Lond. 1821.

A Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures of the late John Julius Angerstein, Esq., containing a finished Etching of every Picture, and accompanied with historical and biographical notices. 4to.

Lond. 1823.

YOUNG (John)

A Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures of the Marquess of Stafford, at Cleveland-house, London: containing an Etching of every Picture, and accompanied by historical and biographical notices. 4to. 2 Vols. Lond. 1825. ZIEGLER (J.) Études Céramiques: Recherche des Principes de Beau dans l'Architecture, l'Art Céramique, et la Forme en général; théorie de la Coloration des Reliefs. 8vo. Paris, 1850.

A Catalogue of Specimens illustrative of the progress of Lithography in England, exhibited at the house of The Society of Arts, from December 27th, 1847, to January 8th, 1848. Small 4to. Chiswick, 1847. A Catalogue of the Pictures, Drawings, Sketches, etc. of William Mulready, R.A., selected for exhibition at The Society of Arts, in aid of the formation of a National Gallery of British Art. Small 4to.

Chiswick, 1848. A Catalogue of the Pictures and Studies of William Etty, R.A., selected for exhibition at The Society of Arts, in aid of the formation of a National Gallery of British Art. Small 4to.


Chiswick, 1849.

ETCHING-CLUB. The Songs of Shakespeare Illustrated by The EtchingClub presented to the Subscribers of The Royal Polytechnic Union. Small Folio. Lond. 1843. GREEN (I. H.) A Catalogue and description of the whole of the Works of Jacques Callot, consisting of 1450 Pieces, including those attributed to him and after him; with a brief sketch of his Life. Translated from the manuscript of a French Amateur. 12mo. Lond. 1804. HELLER (Joseph) Praktisches Handbuch für Kupferstichsammler: oder Lexicon der vorzüglichsten und beliebtesten Kupferstecher, Formschneider, Lithographen, etc. nebst angabe ihren besten blätter; der verschiedenheit der abdrücke; der laden-und-antiquarischen preise, sowie der versteigerungspreise derselben in den bedeutendsten auctionen. Zweite, gänzlich umgearbeitete, stark vermehrte, und vervollständigte auflage. Volumes I. II. A-S. 8vo. Leipzig, 1848, 1849. PRINTS. The Print-Collector; an introduction to the knowledge necessary for forming a Collection of Ancient Prints: with a Catalogue-raisonné of Books on Engravings and Prints. 4to. Lond. 1844. REMBRANDT VAN RHYN (Paul Rembrandt Gerritzen) A descriptive Catalogue of the Prints of Rembrandt. By an Amateur. 8vo.

Lond. 1836.



BUCKINGHAM AND CHANDOS (Dukes of :-THE STOWE COLLECTIONS.) Catalogue of an extensive and valuable collection of Prints, the property of a Nobleman. Sold by Sotheby and Son, March 25th, 1833, and five following days. 8vo.

Catalogue of the Second portion. Sold by H. Phillips, June 9th, 1834, and nine following days. 8vo.


Catalogue of the Third portion. Sold by H. Phillips, July 14th, 1834, and eleven following days. 8vo.

Catalogue of the collection of Pictures at Stowe Mansion. Sold by Christie and Manson, Sept. 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th, 1848; with the Prices and Names of the Buyers. 4to. [Forster's" Stowe Catalogue Annotated," Pages 151-196.] Catalogue of the First portion of the Engraved British and Foreign Portraits, illustrative of Granger's and Noble's Biographical History of England; from Stowe House, Buckinghamshire. Sold by S. Leigh Sotheby and Co., March 5th, 1849, and eight following days. (Priced, with Names of the Buyers.) 8vo.

Catalogue of the cabinet of Miniatures from Stowe; together with exquisite Enamels, Etruscan Pottery, and Antiquities. Sold by Christie and Manson, March 15th and 16th, 1849. (Priced, with Names of the Buyers.) Small 4to.

Catalogue of the remaining portion of the Stowe Granger-Portraits, with other valuable Engravings. Sold by S. L. Sotheby and Co., March 21st, 1849, and five following days. (Priced, with Names of the Buyers) 8vo.

Catalogue of the British Portraits, Topographical Drawings and Engravings, satirical and political Caricatures, etc. forming the Illustrations to the Stowe copy of the Private Correspondence of Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford. Sold Aug. 7th and 8th, 1849. 8vo.

CRAMER (Rev. J. A., D.D.) Catalogue of the collection of Engravings and Drawings of the late Rev. J. A. Cramer, D.D., Dean of Carlisle. Sold by S. L. Sotheby and Co. Febr. 11th, 12th, 13th, and 14th, 1850. 8vo.

Fox (Charles) Catalogue of a small collection of Engravings, the property of the late distinguished line-engraver C. Fox, consisting of works of modern English Artists, chiefly presentation-proofs: with a few drawings. Sold by S. L. Sotheby and Co. April 21st, 1849. 8vo.

HOLLOWAY (Thomas) The Raphaelian Subscription-sale of Holloway's Cartoon Engravings, after Raphael's Cartoons, Hampton Court Palace. By the Proprietor, Samuel Henry Webb. Lond. 1847. NOBLE (John, F.S.A.) Catalogue of the important collection of Italian, Flemish, and Dutch Pictures, formed chiefly during a visit to Italy. Sold by Christie and Manson, June 11th, 1850. 4to.

NORTHWICK (John Rushout, Second Baron) Catalogue of the choice and important collection of Pictures by modern Artists, of the Right Hon. Lord Northwick. Sold by Christie and Manson, May 12th, 1838.

Catalogue of the magnificent and celebrated Gallery of Pictures by the great Italian, Spanish, Flemish, French, and Dutch Masters of the Right Hon. Lord Northwick. Sold May 24th, 25th, and 26th, 1838.

OTTLEY (William Young, F.S.A.) Catalogue of the valuable collection of Engravings, the property of the late W. Y. Ottley: consisting of Specimens of Engravers, formed as materials for his Dictionary of Engravers. Sold by S. L. Sotheby, May 17th, 1837, and thirteen following days. 8vo.

Catalogue of the remaining portion of the valuable and extensive collection of Engravings. Sold July 10th, 1837, and five following days. 8vo.

Catalogue of the Drawings and Designs by the late W. Y. Ottley. Sold May 10th, 1838. 8vo.

Catalogue of the very beautiful collection of highly-finished and Illumined Miniaturepaintings, the property of the late W. Y. Ottley. Sold May 11th and 12th, 1838. 8vo.

SKELTON (William) Catalogue of some Engravings, a few pictures, copper-plates, etc. the property of the late W. Skelton, Engraver: with other collections of Engravings. Sold by S. L. Sotheby and Co. May 26th, 1849. 8vo.

SMITH (William and G.) Catalogue of the First portion of the Stock of Prints the property of W. and G. Smith, Printsellers, of Lisle-street, Leicester-square, retiring from business. Sold by S. L. Sotheby and Co. May 7th, 1849, and nine following days. 8vo.

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