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Poverty (e. Destitution), 341, 1064, 1101, 1298,
1751A, 2049, 2051; a bar to success, 409, 881;
its curse, 1462, 1711, 2050; the mother of
virtue, 1834.

Power (v. Command, Office), 40, 1470, 1505, 1667;
the charms of, 1607, 3038; appreciated when
resigned, 1244; cannot be shared, 1816; perils
of, 1283.

Practice (v. Precept) makes perfect, 833, 1515.
Praise, 717, 1293, 1296, 1936, 2577.

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and blame, 1090, 1295; advice better than p.,
2710; love of, 2697; silence is p., 2675; the p.
of the best, 467, 1235, 2151; the p. of the
few, 1450, 2431.

Prayer (v. Requests), 1150, 2664; a cry of hope,
3127; p. for the dead, 2395; p. is the duty of
the old, 664; the granted prayer, 803.
Prayers, Armed, 2738.
Precaution, 2273, 2477.

Precept and Practice, 221, 1437, 1928, 2506.
Precocious, 61, 1864.

Predicament, An awkward, 871, 1046.
Prejudice, 449, 2220.

Prepared for accidents, 223, 1899, 1909, 2802.
Present, The, 224, 583, 2165, 2190, 3070.
Presents, v. Favours, Gifts.

Press, The, 2180, 2242, 2761.

Providence, Leave all to, 2510.
Proviso, A, 2435.

Prudence, 98, 182, 1559, 2477.

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the better part of valour, 120, 620, 1619.
Prudent, Fortune favours the, 1990.
Prussia, land of barracks and schools, 1277.
'Working for the King of Prussia,' 976.
Public, The (v. Mob, Multitude, People) consists
of fools, 440, 1341; its opinions, 1118, 1671,
2066, 2974.

,, safety, The, the highest law, 2434.
Public-house, The, is the poor man's club, 1308.
Publish, Correct before you, 455.

Punctuality, the politeness of kings, 1398.
Punic faith, 1088.

Punishment (v. Retribution), 402, 1149, 2145, 2360,
2911; capital, 1593, 1669, 2227; condign, 39;
corporal, 39, 1888, 2312; deters from sin, 1859;
only shameful when merited, 964, 1312; un-
deserved, 1332.

Puppet, A mere, 2854.
Purgatory, 2325.
Purity, 707, 2013.
Purple patches, 1057.

Purse, of a sow's ear, Silk, 473, 745.
Purse-proud, 1418.

Pursuits become habits, 4.

Presump-tion, -tuous, 1009, 1678, 1712, 2667, 2968. Pyramids, The, 724, 2594, 3114.

Prevention better than cure, 362.

Pricks, Kicking against the, 1605.

Priest and people, 1322, 2518, 2772.
Printing, 156, 2180.

Prize worth winning, A, 2136.
Prizes at the Greek games, 167.
Probabilities, 1019, 1551, 1876.

Procrastination, 377, 1998, 2308, 2316, 2735.
Prodigy, A, 1554, 1613, 2724.
Profession, Choice of, 2590.

v. Promise.

Professionals on profess. points, 395, 1678, 2342.
Profit (and Loss), 419, 420, 1340, 1441, 1546.

Whose is the profit, his is the crime, 393.
Progress, 692, 2394, 2788.

Prohibition enhances pleasure, 398, 1230, 1725,
Proletariat, The, 1482.

Prolixity, 276, 1355, 1782A, 2039, 2982.
Promise, Great p., small performance, 173, 2030.
Promise (v. Word), 2160, 2161; broken, 651,
2024, 2037; performed, 509.
Promising is giving, 2160.
Promptness, v. Action.
Proof, The burden of, 1961.


Property, Common, 672; one's own, 1189, 2352,
'Property is theft,' 1276.
Prophecy, 177, 187, 1487, 2320.
Prophet, 477, 1661.

Propriety in writing, 1324; p. forbids, 2344.
Prose, Talking p. without knowing it,' 2021.
Prosperity, a broken reed, 306; has many friends,
584, 2740; its dangers, 1108, 1899; p. of the
wicked, 1163, 1303.

In prosperity expect adversity, 1899.

Proteus, 2364.

Proven, Not, 1760.

Proverbs, 607.

Pyrenees, 'No more Pyrenees,' 1023.
Pyrrhic victory, A, 2907.

Pythagoras, 1138.

Quadrivium, The, 3049.

Quakers, 2379.

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Rare, Rarity, 140, 292, 2225, 2375.

Read much, not many things, 779, 1598.
Reader, A book's fate hangs on its, 2155.
Readers, 717, 2431.

Reading (v. Books), 1256, 1688, 1775, 2224.
character, 1197, 1924.
Reality, v. Appearance.

Reap, We r. as we have sown, 2887.
Reason, 86, 294, 781, 1053, 3004; and knowledge,
2897; and love, 98, 1310, 2373; the best augury,
187; warped by inclination, 2066.
Reasons, Harlequin's thirty-six, 1382.

Rebel, -lion, How to treat, 362, 366, 405,714, 1939.
Reception, 1254.

Reciprocity, 590.
Recitation, 2228.
Recklessness, 2169.

Providence (v. God, Heaven), 201, 1755, 1997, 2428. Recollection, v. Memory.

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Righteousness, 'I have loved righteousness and

hated iniquity,' etc., 546.

Riot, A, 1165.

Risk, No r., no glory, 202.

Rival, A, 3093; without a r., 1865, 2552.
River, Time compared to a, 1136.

Relatives, and friends, 1372; hatred between, 788. Rivers, 2316, 2424; r. are nature's roads, 1378.

v. under Boasting,' etc.

Relaxation, 331, 1980, 2006, 2336.
Relics, 898, 1825.

Religion, 1204; and superstition, 601, 1635, 2391,
2661; crimes done in R.'s name, 615, 2695.
'Religion goes with the soil,' 400, 2779.
Religious, 64; r. controversy, 899, 1047, 1202, 1759,
2556, 2689; r. doubts, 316, 2428; r. liberty, 1095.
Religious orders, The, 225.

Repentance, 36, 484a, 1092, 1999, 2255, 2283.

Deathbed, 1558; r., the virtue of humanity, 531.
Repetition, v. Monotony.

Report, 911, 1631, 2701, 2870, 2915, 2974.
Reprobate, 1649, 2251, 2787.

Republican or Cossack, 'Europe will either be, '203.
governments, difficult to found, 2390.

Reputation, v. Character.

Requests (v. Prayer), 641, 709, 2269.

Resentment, 1483, 2676.

Robbers, 248, 2852, 3076.

Rod, 'Spare the rod, spoil the child,' 1888, 2312.
Rogue, Roguery, 344, 1171.
Rohan, House of, 2422.
Roman citizens, 77, 757.

[2782, 2841.
Rome, 554, 836, 904, 1768, 2198, 2275, 2417, 2418,
Rome, and the Romans, 1160, 2011, 2419, 2798.

Empire of, 1045, 2688, 2799; R. first brick, then
marble, 1493; mistress of the world, 2492, 3072,
3113; society in R., 341; Rome, the world's
sewer, 178; titles of ancient Rome, 251.
Rome, All roads lead to Rome,' 2755.

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'Do at Rome, as Rome does,' 389, 1624, 2371.
'Rome speaks, the case is ended,' 2418.
'Rome wasn't built in a day,' 1781.

Romulus (and Remus), 282, 869, 892, 2420, 2421.
'Rose, I am not the, but I've liv'd near her,' 3059.
The T.,
its short life, 1466, 2814.
'Under the rose,' 694.

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Reservation, Mental, 617; women always speak Roses, 491, 627, 1521, 2846, 2993.

with, 1359.

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Reticent, 1065, 1134.

Retirement (v. Seclusion) from public life, 906.
'Retreat is impossible,' 2236.

Retribution, silent and sure, 544, 2499.
Return home, v. Home.

Revenge, 736, 1575, 2082, 2415; the joy of small
minds, 176, 1071; unmeet for kings, 1343.
Reverence the young, 1708; r. yourself, 2014, 2896.
Reverie (r. Day-dreams), 907.

Revolution, 'Not a revolt but a revolution!' 1465.
see French Revolution.

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Reward, A sufficient, 1973; virtue its own r.,
1135; virtue not its own r., 1627, 2693.
Rhine, The, 116, 482, 2523.
Rhodes, The famous jump at, 903.

Rhubarb, Pass the r., I'll pass the senna,' 2038.
Rich, 209, 299, 596, 1603, 1852, 1942, 2551.
Making haste to be, 527, 2188; the r. and the
poor, 49, 589, 2199; we only lend to the r., 982.
Richelieu, 1307, 2215, 2356.

Ridicule, Correcting faults by, 256, 952, 2008, 2406.
its danger, 2109; r. betokens poverty of wit, 1259.
Ridiculous, 2524, 2606; making oneself, 1943,
1946; poverty makes r., 1711.

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The ridiculous and the sublime, 605.
Right and expediency, 1201; choice of r. or wrong,
2087; extreme r., extreme wrong, 2650; may
the r. prevail! 2732; none r. but himself,
1830: the r. way and the wrong, 2012.
The strongest is always right,' 1652.
'Whatever is, is right,' 86.

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You are right! 2691, 2726.

Royal road to learning, No, 1509.
Rubicon, Crossing the, 74, 894.,
Rudderless bark, A, 62.

Ruin, Road to, 756.

Ruined, 1034, 2173, 2297, 2760.
Ruins, 1825, 2707, 2743.

Rumour, v. Report.

Russia, 291, 1321, 1439.

is despotism tempered by assassination, 1321.
Russian, Scratch the R., find the Tartar, 856, 1932.
Sack, Giving the, 585.

Safe, Safety, 643, 2579, 2641, 2944.

Safety in despair, 2816; in flight, 120, 192, 287.
"The public safety is the first law,' 2434.
'Said so, He,' 1138.
Sailors, 244, 2590.
Saints, 2037.

Salt, With a grain of, 403.
Salvation Army, The, 2797.

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only in the Church, 747.
Same, Always the, 1535, 2481.

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The more changes, the more it's the same, 2114.
Sand, A rope of, 151; s. without lime, 151.
Sans Souci, The miller of, 288.
Sarcasm, 2113.

Sardonic laughter, 2403a.
Satan rebuking sin, 2329.

Satiety, 1520, 2443.

Satirist, The, 539, 2547, 2632; his office, 256, 952,
2008; his subject, 2241, 3087.
Saturnalia, 55.
Saturn's reign, 1168.
Sauve qui peut, 1850.
Savoy, Motto of House of, 790.

Say, They s., what s. they? let them s.!' 1320.
Saying, What's not worth saying is sung, 278.
Sayings, All witty s. already said, 85, 1390, 1824.
Scandal, better than suppressing truth, 3140; de-
ters from sin, 2717; easily credited, 353, 2915.


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Science, and faith, 271, 2147; and nature, 1835.

Scinde, Conquest of, 3139.

Sciolist, A, 2143, 3042.

Sheridan, R. B., 1613, 1952.

Shipwreck, A plank in a, 2673.

Short, To make a long story s., 1679, 2982.
Short and sweet, 1985.

Show, External, 2166.

Shy, 1083.

Sick, 45, 416.


Sickness (v. Doctor, Epidemic, Surgery), 1969, 2900,

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Dangerous, 1629, 1750.

Don't neglect s., 2152.
Sides, Hear both, 184.
Sidney, Algernon, 1490.

Scotch, The perfervid, 2076; their character, 1658. Sighs, their meaning, 335.
Scotland, Motto of, 1658.

Scoundrel, A, 610, 1170, 1171, 1733.
Scripture gives no definitions, 2456; its letter and
spirit, 1430, 1431; no superfluities in, 1697, 3136.
Scylla and Charybdis, 1058.

Sea, The, 2127, 2281; storm at s., 2128, 2641.
Sea-power is World-power,' 401, 1389.
Seclusion, Blessings of, 96, 379, 825, 834, 1099,
1603, 2264, 2512, 2626, 2942.

Second rank (or rate), 623, 2704.

to none, 1821.

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[694, 1065.

Secrets, 16, 2410; divulging, 9, 2067; keeping, 150,
Sedition, 362, 2329, 2458, 2466.
Seeing versus Hearing, 2476.
Seek and find, 1700.
Self, A second, 94, 122, 498.

Self-conceit, 949, 1405, 1695, 1865, 2552; self-con-
quest, 226 (4.), 818, 1141, 1273, 1703, 2323, 2741;
self-consciousness, 2409; self-deception, 2202;
self-defence, 309; self-denial, 119, 695, 818,2218;
self-depreciation, 2611; self-help, 66, 323, 1940;
self-ignorance, 968, 979, 1576 (xxii.), 2512, 2853;
self-indulgence, 914,3089; self-injury, 1034,1655.
Selfishness, 690, 2355, 2505, 2790.

Self-knowledge, 609, 1576 (xxii.), 1787, 3133A; self-
love, wounded, 1264; self-opinionated, 303, 929,
1717, 1804; self-respect, 1405, 2014, 2215, 2896;
self-sufficiency, 2823.
Selling, v. Buying.
Senators, 1147, 1962.
Sensational news, 346.

Sense, Good, 1306, 1804, 2679, 2976; basis of all ex-
cellence, 294; secret of good writing, 2451, 2757.
Sensible, All s. men think as we think, 1804, 1830.
Sensitive, The poor are always very s., 1898.
Sensuality, 610.

Serious, 876, 1608, 2472, 2496.

,, Turning s. things to jest, 2899.

Servant, A good, 106, 799, 1991.

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Character of a, 106, 1171.

Servants (v. Master), 1501; beware of your, 1852,


2937; dishonest, 729, 1171, 2253.

'So many servants, so many enemies,' 2367.

Servility (v. Slaves), 1505, 1877.

Servitude, v. Slavery.

Severus, Alex., 2733; Septimius, 3, 1906.

Shadow, and light, 3012; an ass' shadow, 2081.

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Sight (v. Eye), 'Out of s. out of mind,' 469, 925.
Sight-seeing, 2464.

Sigismund, K. of Poland, 1346.
Sign, 'In this sign conquer,' 1087.
Silence (v. Speech), 502, 1438, 2433, 2461, 2893.
S. a fault, 1438; a virtue, 304, 985, 1250,
1367, 2538; breaking s., 2261; means consent,
267, 2331; means dissent, 1366, 1773; means
praise, 2675; suffering in s., 860; silence the
duty of the poor, 2007.

Silence, 'A nation's s. is a lesson to its king,' 1366.
'Silence!' 1424, 2102A.

Silence of night, The, 945, 1161, 1167.
Silent in seven languages,' 213.

Silent, Very, 2379, 2837.

'Silk purse of a sow's ear, Making a,' 473, 745.
Simple, -icity, 52, 445, 1553, 2089, 2545, 2686.

Holy simplicity!' 1983.

Sin (v. Crime, Evil Deeds, Vice),398, 402, 667, 1576
(xx.), 1859, 2539, 2683; confession of, 1519,1942,
3139; future punishment of, 691; its own con-
demnation, 725, 2145; no half measures with,
2279, 2283; playing with, 805, 2486; repentance
of, 1092; tolerating s., 103, 1132, 2309.
Sin, A 'blessed sin!" 1851.

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is the worst thing of all, 437, 1767, 2539.
'Sin boldly!' 688.

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'Snows, Where are last year's?' 1467.
Society, 341, 1409, 1604, 2241.


Vicious state of, 418, 539, 710, 1288, 1710, 1834,
Socinus, 3142.

Socrates, Truth is dearer to me than,' 108.
Soldier, 'Each, has a Field-Marshal's bâton in his
knapsack,' 2766.

Soldiers, 944, 1322, 1379, 1549, 1652, 2590.
Solitude, 1664, 1772, 2564, 2764; a test of virtue,
1407, 2764, 2778; the s. of great cities, 1458.
"They make a solitude and call it peace,' 2589.
Solved by walking, 2592,

Son, v. Father.

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The same old song, 250.

Songs, political, 1321; popular, 1000.

Soon enough if good enough, 793.

Sorrow (v. Grief, Joy), 304, 847, 2900, 3002.

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The s. of remembering past happiness, 1677.
Soubise, Marshal, 976.

Soul, A beautiful, 633; a great s. in a small body,
1081; half of my, 122; immortality of the, 2349.
'Two bodies, one soul,' 498.

Soul, 'Delivering one's soul,' 1411.
Source, -es, 206, 1977.

Spade, Call a spade a spade,' 797.

Spain, 442, 1637; and England, 363.
Sparrow, Lesbia's, 1443.

Sparta, 507, 2605.

Spartan mother, The, 697.

Speak cautiously of others, 1009, 1010, 2252.
Speaker, A good, 1032, 1282, 1975, 2046; a poor,
2000, 2467; fluent but shallow, 80, 276,
1054; long-winded, 276, 2039, 2982.
Speaking (v. Eloquence, Oratory), Action in,
463; extempore, 1078; s. from the heart, 721,
2046; speaking helped by writing, 2452, 2627;
speaking to the point, 985.
Speculation, 960, 1958.

Speech (v. Deeds, Language, Words), 1578, 1592,
2261; and silence, 304, 985, 1250, 1438, 2538;
conceals thought, 831, 1268; reveals thought,

Speech Abusive, 247 (2.); correct, 356; freedom

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Spring, 708, 905, 2894.

'State, I am the,' 1385.

States, Corrupt s. abound in laws, 372.

S. lost thro' timidity, 1937.

Statesman, A great, 2143, 2919.


Stay, 'Here I am and here I stay,' 908, 1207.
Step, 'It is only the first step that costs,' 1027.
Stepmother, 1368.
Stone, Every s. has its history, 1825; the rolling,
Stories, Good, 214, 300, 1690.

Telling, a bad sign, 9, 563, 1445.

Storm, A, 2128, 2641; 'a s. in a tea-cup,' 807.
Story (v. Tale), An awful, 943; a funny, 685;
a long story, 1435; a sad, 3131.
Strangers, 43, 2117.
Stratagem, v. Cunning.
Strike, A, 2062.

'Strike, but hear,' 2040.

Stronger, The, is always in the right, 470, 1278,1314.
Study, Literary (v. Books), 874, 1884.

'Much s. is a weariness to the flesh,' 752.
"The proper s. of mankind is man,' 1300.
Stupidity, 1357, 1981, 2976.

Against s. the gods fight in vain,' 1568.
Style, Literary, 356, 837, 1648, 1843, 1978, 2431,

an artless, 1979; a caustic s., 2113; clear, 275,
277; concise, 447, 679; confused (or obscure),
133, 151, 333, 1844, 2879, 3025; diffuse, 1355;
forcible, 2366; polished, 542, 1421, 1975; un-
polished, 1638, 1693.

Style, "The style shows the man,' 3075.
Subject (for authors, etc.), 1498, 2496, 2500,
2646, 2651; a difficult, 538, 1154; a great, 1471.
'Sublime and the ridiculous, The,' 605.

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"Truth is the sublime of fools,' 1695.
Submission, 592, 593, 2208, 3015.

Succeed, Either s. or don't attempt, 196, 2754.
Success, 508; moderate s., 763; nothing succeeds
like s., 2168; s. put down to luck, 2243; sure
of s., 240, 948; two roads to success, 1017.
Suffering, 1880, 2655; s. in silence, 860, 2821.
Learning by s., 2042, 2075, 3002.
Sufficiency, A, 1590, 2047, 2345.
Suicide, 260, 715, 2383; forbidden, 2901; when
allowable, 2204.
Summary, A, 872.

'Summer, One swallow doesn't make a,' 1542.
Summum bonum, The, 233.

Sun, The, 2561, 2572, 2587, 2597.

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and death can't be gazed at, 1371.


never sets on my dominions,' 959.
Nothing new under the sun,' 1698.
'Still it (the sun) moves,' 661.
Sun-dials, 941, 2073.

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Sunset, 662, 2447.

Superflu-ity, -ous, 22, 433, 1384.

Stage, The, 513, 2613, 2920, 2961; moral influ- Superiority, 755, 889.

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Swan, 2254; a black, 2375; the dying s., 2970.
Swiss, 'No money, no Swiss,' 2122.
Swithin, St, 2537.

Switzerland, her independence, 2222.
'Sword wreath'd in myrtle, The,' 653.
Sympathy, 885, 1758, 2655.

Talent (v. Genius), 168, 294, 1080, 1376, 2432,2679;
a field for, 1498, 2240; t.and character, 669, 1214.
Don't force your, 414, 1648, 2603, 2791.
Tales, 346, 378, 1631, 3100; grow with telling,
911, 1089, 2915; travellers' t., 2859.
Talk (v. Garrulity), Much t., little wit, 304.
Much t., little work, 1282, 1647.

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The t. of the town, 751.

Talk of the devil,' etc., 54, 1447.


Talleyrand, and his sayings, 1449, 1962, 2288, 2665,
Tarpeian rock and the Capitol, The, 1283.
Tarred, All, with the same brush, 2805.
Task,. Difficult, Undertaking.
Taste, 1645, 2119, 2251, 2380, 2679; a form of
good sense, 294; artistic taste, 1196; t. in
dress, 27; judge of t., 149; truth and t., 2284.
Tastes change, 1388, 1744; t. differ, 451, 465;
similarity of, 966; simple t., 2931. [1308.
Tavern, Dying in a, 1541; the poor man's salon,
Taxes, 232, 1672, 2242.

Teaching, The art of, 2271, 2404; by lectures
rather than books, 505; t. the eye rather than
the ear, 2476; we learn by teaching others, 931.
'Teaching your grandmother,' etc., 2667, 2968.
"Teacup, A storm in a,' 807.

Tears (v. Grief), 417, 1393, 2655, 2815.

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have the force of words, 1117; relieve trouble,
Sorrow too deep for t., 1393.

"Tears, Hence those t.!' 912.

Temperance, 148, 821, 2289.
Terence, J. Cæsar on, 2927.

"Territory, Not an inch of,' etc., 1726.
Terror, 392.

Tertullian, his style, 2366.

Theatre (v. Actor, Stage), 301, 1000.

Theme, A great, 1471.

Theologian, The heart makes the, 2057.

Themistocles, 401, 2040.

Theory, 857, 960.

Thermopyle, 507.

"Theseus still sitting,' 2463.

Tibullus, 716.

Time, 489, 2338, 2600; compared to a river,
1136; its responsibility, 2073; not made for
the happy, 532; waits for none, 624, 1210.
Time, the Destroyer, 418, 1387, 1905, 2553, 2714;
the Disposer, 1386, 2800; the Healer, 489, 524 a;
the Revealer, 2272, 2895 (4.).

Time, In the nick of, 2250; loss of, 2071, 2080.
Time, Slowness of, 1548, 2620; swiftness of, 600,
624, 1219, 2464, 2711, 2781.
Time, Waste of t., v. Labour Lost.
Time's ravages, Repairing, 586.
vicissitudes, 229, 1589, 2092.
Time-server, A, 995.

Times change, 200, 428, 1388.

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The good old times, 545, 1292, 1293.
Times (The) not difficult, but impossible,' 3074.
Tit for tat, 2025.

Titles, 409, 2330.

Titus, Emp., 521, 1441.
Tobacco, In praise of, 2354.

"To-day for me, to-morrow for thee,' 926, 3083.
is the disciple of yesterday, 558.
Toleration, Religious, 1095.
To-morrow (2. Procrastination), 384, 1998, 2277,
2308, 2328; t. never comes, 377.
Tongue, The, is a servant's worst part, 2937.
is women's sword, 1248.

Tongues, Paris the place for sharp t., 1013.
Too late, 29, 456, 659, 2498, 2702.

Too much (r. Excess. Superfluity), 1100, 1355, 2443.
is not enough, 823 (3.), 3016.
Torch of life, Handing on the,' 711.

Tortoise, Achilles and the, 2592; Jove and the,

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Transitory, 479, 2516.

Translations, 1644, 1811, 2768.

Transmigration, 1911.

Thief (v. Robber), 729, 937, 1171, 1527, 1692, 2253. Travel, Foreign, 38, 207, 1446, 2301, 2990.

Think, 'Man is a reed that thinks,' 1403.

,, Saying what you t., 778, 995, 3120.

"To think is to be,' 618, 1529.

Third Estate, The, 2231.

Thirst, 1275, 2289.

Thorough, -ly, 196, 1682, 2754.
'Thou art the man!' 2274.

Thought, 466, 618; a good (or happy) t., 65, 275,
1856, 2823, 2976; the wish father to the, 787.
Thoughts (v. Speech), First t. are best, 2813;
second t. are best, 667; great t. come from
the heart, 59; our t. are free, 811, 830, 842.
Thousand, A few against a, 2258.

Threat, An idle, 235.

Throne cannot be shared, The, 1816.
Thule, 2883.

Tiber, The, 554.

[2832, 2892.
Tiberius, Emp., 178, 232, 1243, 1857, 1877, 2730,

Travellers' tales, 2859.

Travelling companions, 338.

light, 248, 1910.

Treachery, 13, 1841, 2466.
Treason, 2168.

Treasure, A, 1217, 2136.
Treatises, Scientific, 1978.

Trench, Abp., and Mr Gladstone, 3134.
Trials, Capital, 1817, 2769.
Tributes to the dead, 918; to the living, 2786.
Tried, Everything has been, 405.
Trifles (v. Little Things), 1461, 1790, 1809, 2031,
2851; artistic t., 810, 1769, 2801, 2898; dis-
puting about t., 2081; t. disregarded in law,
459; t. often have serious consequences, 625, 876.
Trivium, The, 3049.
Trouble, Don't anticipate, 54, 2115, 2477; easy
to sympathise in, 885; help in t., 2795.

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