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De ambitu, repetundis, annona, residuis.

§ XI. Sunt preterea publica judicia; lex Julia de ambitu, lex Julia repetundarum, et lex Julia de annona, et lex Julia de residuis, quæ de certis capitulis loquuntur, et animæ quidem amissionem non irrogant; aliis autem pœnis eos subjiciunt, qui præcepta earum neglexerint.

11. There are also other public judgments; such are the Julian laws de ambitu, repetundarum, de annonâ, de residuis; which do not punish with death, but inflict other punishments upon those, who offend.

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Περι διαδοχής των κατιοντων.

Ει τις τοινυν των κατιοντων ύπειη τω άδια


Τα τελευτησαντι οιασδηποτε φύσεως ή βαθμε, εἴτε ἐξ ἀρρενογονίας, εἴτε ἐκ θηλυγονίας καταγόμενος, και είτε αὐτεξέσιος εἶτε ὑπεξωσιος είη πάντων των άνιοντων και των ἐκ πλαγια συγγενων προτιμάσθω. Κάν γας ὁ τελευ τησας έτερο ὑπεξέσιος ἦν. όμως τις αὐτε παιδας, οιασδήποτε ἂν ἐσι φύσεως ή βαθμό, και αὐτων των γονέων προτιμάσθαι κελευομεν, ὧν ὑπέξωσιος ἦν ὁ τελευτησας, ἐπ' ἐκείνοις δηλαδη τοις πράγμασιν, άτινα, κατα τες άλλες ήμων νομές, τοις πατρασιν ἐ προσπορίζεται ἐπι γαρ τη χρήσει των πραγμάτων τότων, έφειλεση προσπορίζεσθαι ή φυλατίεσθαι, της περί τέτων ήμων νόμες τοις γονευσι φυλατίo μεν έτω μέντοιγε ώτε, εἰ τινα τούτων των παλιονίων παίδας καταλιπονα τελευτησαι συμβαιη, τας έκεινα υίες ή θυγατέρας ή τες άλλες καλοντας εἰς τον το ίδιο γονέως τόπον ὑπεισιέναι, είτε ὑπεξέσιοι τα τελευτησαντι, είτε αὑτεξσιοι εὐρεθειεν· τοσῶτον ἐκ της κληρονομίας τα τελευτησαντος λαμβανονίας μεβος, όσοι δήποτε ἂν ὦσιν, όσον ὁ αὐτων γου νους, οι περιην, ἐκομιζεῖς· ἦν τινα διαδοχην in stirpes ή άρχαιοτης έκαλεσεν ἐπι ταυ Της γαρ της ταξίως τον βαθμον ζητεῖσθαι, & βελόμεθα· άλλα μετα των υιων και των Αυγατέρων της ἐκ το προτελευτήσαλος buy θυγατρος εγγονός καλείσθαι θεσπιζομεν. δεμιας εἰσαγόμενης διαφοράς, είτε άρρενες ἴτε θηλείαι ώσι, και είτε ἐξ ἀρρενογονίας είτε - θηλυγονίας καταγωνίαι, είτε ὑπεξέσιοι, είτε



De descendentium successione.

quis igitur descendentium fuerit ei, qui intestatus moritur, cujuslibet nam turæ aut gradus, sive ex masculorum genere sive ex feminarum descendens, et sive suæ potestatis, sive sub potestate sit, omnibus ascendentibus et ex latere cognatis præponatur. Licet enim defunctus sub alterius potestate fuerit, tamen ejus liberos, cujuslibet sexus sint aut gradus, etiam ipsis parentibus præponi præcipimus, quorum sub potestate fuerit, qui defunctus est, in illis videlicet rebus, quæ, secundum nostras alias leges, patribus non acquiruntur; nam in usu harum rerum, qui debet acquiri aut servari, nostras de his omnibus leges parentibus custodimus: sic tamen, ut, si quem horum descendentium filios relinquentem mori contigerit, illius filios aut filias, aut alios descendentes, in proprii parentis locum succedere, sive sub pos testate defuncti, sive suæ potestatis inveniantur; tantam de hæreditate morientis accipientes partem, quanticunque sint, quantam eorum parens, si viveret, habuisset; quam successionem in stir fles vocavit antiquitas: in hoc enim or dine gradum quæri nolumus; sed, cum filiis et filiabus, ex præmortuo filio aut flia nepotes vocari sancimus; nulla introducenda differentia, sive masculi s

Επεξέσιοι είησαν. Και ταυτα μεν περι της των κατιοντων διαδοχης έτυπωσαμεν.

ve faminæ sint, et seu ex masculorum seu fœminarum prole descendant, sive suæ potestatis, sive sub potestate sint constituti. Et hæc quidem de successionibus descendentium disposuimus,


Of the succession of descendants.

If a man dies intestate, leaving a descendant of either sex or any degree, such descendant, whether he derives his descent from the male or female line, or whether he is under power or not, is to be preferred to all ascendants and collaterals. And, although the deceased was himself under paternal power, yet we ordain, that his children of either sex or any degree shall be preferred in succession to the parents, under whose power the intestate died, in regard to those things, which children do not acquire for their parents, according to our other laws; for we would maintain the laws in respect to the usufruct, which is allowed to parents: so that, if any of the descendants of the deceased should die, leaving sons or daughters or other descendants, they shall succeed in the place of their own father, whether they are under his power or sui juris, and shall be entitled to the same share of the intestate's estate, which their father would have had, if he had lived; and this kind of succession has been termed by the ancient lawyers a succession in stirpes: for in the succession of descendants we allow no priority of degree, but admit the grandchildren of any person by a deceased son or daughter to be called to inherit that person together with his sons or daughters, without making any distinction between males and females, or the descendants of males and females, or between those, who are under power, and those, who are not. These are the rules, which we have established, concerning the succession of descendants,

E TIS TOIVUV. Si quis igitur.] The three first chapters of this novel constitution deserve the attentive consideration of the reader, not on ly because they contain the latest policy of the civil law in regard to the disposition of the estates of intestates; but because they are the foundation of our statute law in this respect. Vid. Holt's cases, p. 259. Peere Williams's rep. p. 27. Prec. in chan. p. 593. Sir Thom. Raymond's rep. p. 496. And they are still almost of continual use, by being the general guide of the courts in England, which hold cognizance of distributions, in all those cases, concerning which our own laws have either been silent, or not sufficiently express.

Els TOV TU idIN YONews. In proprii parentis locum succedant. Nothing is more clear in the civil law, than that grandchildren, even when alone, (although they descend from vaious stocks and are unequal in their num bars,) would take the estate of their deceased grand-father per stirpes, and not per capita. Suppose therefore, that Titius should die,

leaving grandchildren by three different sons, already dead; to wit, three by one son, six by another, and twelve by another; each of these classes of grandchildren would take a third of the estate without any regard to the inequality of the numbers in each class. But, as to this point in England, the law reports mention no judicial determination; yet it seems probable, that the courts, in which distributions are cognizable, would order the division of an estate in such a case to be made per capita; and this, partly from a motive of equity, and partly from a consideration of the intent of the statute, relating to the estates of intestates; for the statute directs an equal and just distribution; and, when the act mentions representation, it must be understood to refer to it, in those cases only, where representation is necessary to prevent exclusion, but not to refer to it, in those cases, where all the claimants are in equal degree, and therefore can take suo quisque jure, each in his own right. Vid. 23, 24, Car. 2. cap. 10. Lib. 3. Inst. p. 4.


Περι των ανιόντων διαδοχής.

Ει τοίνυν ὁ τελευτησας καλίοντας μεν μη κατ Παλιποι κληρονομος, πάλης δε ή μήλης ή ἀλλοι γονεις αὐτῷ ἐπιζησεσι, παίων των ἐκ πλαγια συγγενων τέλος προτιμασθαι θεσπιζομεν, ἐξηρημένων μόνων ἀδελφῶν ἐξ ἑκαΤερκς γονέας συναπλομένων τα τελευτησαντι, ὡς δια των έξης δηλωθησεται. Εἰ δε πολλοι των άνιοντων περίεισι, τέλος προτιμάσθαι κελευομεν, οἱ τινες ἐγγύτεροι το βαθμῷ εὐρεθειεν, άρρενας τε και θηλείας, είτε προς μητρος είτε προς παλρος είεν Ει δε των αὐτον έχετι βαθμον, ἐξ ίσης εἰς αὐτὸς ἡ κληρονομια διαιρεθήσεται, ώσε το μεν ήμισυ λαμβάνειν παντας τες προς παῖρος ἀνιολας, όσοι δηπολύ αν ώσι· το δε υπολοιπον ήμισυ της προς μήξος ἀνοντας, όσες δηποτε ἀν αυτως εὐρεθηναι συμβαίη. Ει δε μέλα των ανιόντων ευρεθώσιν ἀδελφοι ἡ ἀδελφαί ἐξ ἑκατέρων yoνέων συναπτόμενοι τα τελευτησαντι, μελα των έγγυτερων τα βαθμῷ ἀνιονίων κληθησονται, εἰ και πάλης ή μήλης είησαν· διαιρεμένης εἰς ἀντης δηλαδη της κληρονομίας καλα τον των προσωπων άριθμον, ἵνα και των άνιονίων και των αδελφων έκατος ἴσην έχει μοιραν, ἐδε μιαν χρήσιν ἐκ τῆς των υἱων ή θυγατέρων μοίρας ἐκ τείλω τω θεμαίι δυναμένω τις πατρος ἐκυλῳ παντελως ἐκδικειν, ἐπειδὴ ἀνι ταυλης της χρησιως μέρος αὐτῷ της κληρονομίας και καλα δεσπόλειας δικαιον δια τα παρόντος δεδώκαμεν νόμε, έδεμιας φυλαττομένης διαφορας μεταξυ των προσώπων τέτων, είτε θηλειαι είτε άρρενες εἴησαν οἱ προς την κληρονομίαν καλεσμένοι, και είτε δὲ άρρενος ή θηλεως προσωπα συναπίοναι, και είτε αυτεξὅσιος είτε υπέξεσιος ήν, οι διαδοχονται.


De ascendentium successione.

SI igitur defunctus descendentes quidem non relinquat hæredes, pater autem aut mater aut alii parentes ei supersint, omnibus ex latere cognatis hos præponi sancimus, exceptis solis fratribus ex utroque parente conjunctis defuncto, sicut per subsequentia declam rabitur. Si autem plurimi ascendentium vivunt, hos præponi jubemus, qui proximi gradu reperiuntur, masculos et faeminas, sive paterni, sive materni sint. Si autem eundem habeant gradum, ex æquo inter eos hæreditas dividatur, ut medietatem quidem accipiant omnes a patre ascendentes, quanticunque fuerint; medietatem vero reliquam a matre ascendentes, quantoscunque eos inveniri contigerit. Si vero cum ascen dentibus inveniantur fratres aut sorores ex utrisque parentibus conjuncti defuncto, cum proximis gradu ascendentibus vocabuntur, si et pater aut mater fuerint; dividenda inter eos quippe hæreditate secundum personarum numerum, uti et ascendentium et fratrum singuli æqualem habeant portionem; nullum usum ex filiorum aut filiarum portione in hoc casu valente patre sibi penitus vindicare, quoniam, pro hac usus portione, hæreditatis jus et secundum proprietatem per præsentem dedimus legem; differentia nulla servanda inter personas istas, sive faminæ sive masculi fuerint, qui ad hæreditatem vocantur; et sive per masculi sive per feminæ personam copulantur; et sive suæ potestatis sive sub potestate fuerit is cui succedunt.

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