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SERMON been caught in like manner, and been pricked to the Heart, where he only ex pected Entertainment for the Ear.,


2dly. We may learn hence, that the Lord hath appointed the Ordinance of Preaching, as the most general and effec tual Means of making Converts to Christ, even in Preference to Miracles. And were it poffible to make the Calculation, I doubt not, but for one Perfon profelyted to Christianity by the Miracles wrought by the Hands of the Apoftles, Hundreds were brought over by their Preaching: Nay, it is plainly declared, that a Miracle would be ineffectual where Preaching is unproLuke xvi.fitable. If they will not bear Mofes and 31. the Prophets, (for they were preached to the Jews every Sabbath Day,) neither will they be perfuaded though one rofe from the Dead. Now, who will fay, that the Gospel of Chrift, which has brought Life and Immortality to Light with clearer Evidence than was ever done before, is not as powerful a Means of Conviction as the Law and the Prophets? Befides, Mi

racles declare no Truth;

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they only bear

Teftimony to the Miffion and Authority of him that works them, and fo become


whereas SERMON

the Seal of his Commiffion;
Preaching is the Commiffion itself: And
therefore, the outward Evidence and Au-
thority of Chriftianity being once esta-
blifhed, the Work of Converfion was
thenceforward to rest upon Preaching, by a
ftanding Ordinance in the Church of Chrift
for ever.

But the carnal Reafoner, ever wife in his own Conceit, will be ready to ask, If Reading will not do the Business full as well? Are there not as good Sermons in Print, as any that are Preached? And therefore, may we not receive as good Improvement in our Closets, as at Church?

I answer, that Reading even the best Books, however excellent a Means of Knowledge in its proper Place, will not do fo well under the Neglect of GospelPreaching, where People have the Opportunity of attending on it. We have no Warrant to fet up this or that Method of Improvement, in Oppofition to a Divine Command. Faith and Grace are the free Gifts of God, which he will bestow upon his ownTerms: And if he has been pleased to annex these to Preaching, in Conjunction

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SERMON tion with other Ordinances, what hait thou to reply? Follow God in his own Way, if thou hopeft to obtain the Bleffing.


When Elifba directed Naaman to go and wath in Jordan feven Times, with a Promife that he fhould be cleanfed of His Leprofy, the conceited Syrian, like thefe Self-Willers, was for being Healed z Kings v. his own Way, or not at all: Are not, fays he, Abana and Pharpar Rivers of Damafcus better than all the Waters of Ifrael? And better Rivers perhaps they might be ; but yet he might have washed in them Seventy Times Seven, and not have found his Cure. In like Manner, the Three Thousand that were converted on the Day of Pentecoft, and the Eunuch that was going down to Ethiopia in his Chariot, might have read all their Lives long, without attaining to a faving Knowledge of Jefus Chrift, if he had not brought the former to hear St. Peter, and fent Philip to preach to the Tatter.

But to come to the particular Effect which St. Peter's Preaching had upon his Hearers, as expreffed in the Verse of the Text: They were pricked in their Heart,



and faid unto Peter, and to the rest of the SERMON Apoftles, Men and Brethren, what fall we do?

eg An undifcerning Reader may be led by two Paffages in this Chapter, to fuppofe that the Compunction of Heart here fpoken of, was owing to their having had a Hand in hedding the Blood of Chrift; forafmuch as the Apoftle feems to lay this to their Charge: As in the Verfe preceding the Text, Let all the Houfe of Ifrael know affuredly, that God hath made that fame Jefus whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Chrift. But the Accufation lies only against them in general, as Jews, and of the fame Kindred and Religion with thofe that had perpetrated this horrid Fact; and is not levelled at them in particular. For feveral of them came from afar, juft in the Juncture of this Tranfaction; and were probably unacquainted with the Perfon and Doctrine of our Lord, and with the Proceedings of the Rulers against him at the Time of his Condemnation.

The Ufe I would make of the foregoing Obfervation is this, That the prick·ing of the Heart here fpoken of, was not

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SERMON on Account of their being Jews, but Sinners; and as fuch, liable to the Wrath and Vengeance of Almighty God: And the inward Remorfe and Anguish of Soul which they felt at this Time, was the Power of the Spirit of God working in them; whofe Office we are told it is, to John xvi, convince the World of Sin. It was a Stroke of the fame Sword, which fmote St. Paul to the Heart at his Converfion, when trembling and aftonished he first owned Christ Acts ix. 6. for his Saviour, and cried out, Lord, What wilt thou have me to do? And which, upon the like Occafion, pierced the failer to the Quick, when he fo haftily addressed Acts xvi. Paul and Silas in the Prison, with, Sirs, What must I do to be faved? Nor is the Spirit lefs mighty in its Operations now, than it was then: The Word of God is ftill quick and powerful, and when fent home to the Heart by an Impulse of Divine Grace, does as fully convince, and effectually reform, as if it came out of the Mouth of St. Peter or St. Paul.


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And here I am led to speak a Word of fudden Converfions. It must indeed be allowed, that Cafes of this Nature are not


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