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lords' coach and other coaches went by, he made monkeylike mouths at them, and with a squeaking voice called them dogs, rogues, traitors, &c. &c.; and with his hat struck my lord's saddle-horse on the buttocks, who returned it again with both his heels, as high as his head, and missed not much of leaving the print of his shoes in his breast."

The Mercurius Politicus continues on another day:

"It seems the embassadours complained to some of the States of the ill language which Prince Edward gave them yesterday; whereupon it was ordered, that three of them should go to the Queen of Bohemia, to let her know how ill they resented the business, and to know of her whether they were not masters of their own country? and to enquire how the prince durst break any order they had made? and withall, to certifie her, that he should severely suffer for his contempt. This message being delivered to the Queen, in the presence of her son Edward, he would willingly have excused the business, and said that some of the embassadours' followers gave him (as he was walking with a lady) the first affront, which was the occasion that he returned them that uncivil language.

"It is reported that the same prince is going towards Franckendale, for the letters that came this week from Germany inform us that the King of Spain hath sent an express for the restoring of Franckendale to the Prince Elector. But the States are resolved [before he departeth] to bring him before a court of justice, to teach him to keep a better tongue in his head another time; and we expect to have him severely dealt withal. The

Queen's court is grown very mute about this business, and Prince Edward is much startled at it.

"The States have referred Prince Edward's business to be determined speedily in a court of justice; and without question it concerns them to see us have justice in this particular; for it was England received the affront done by that petty prince, whose nursing was paid for out of the English exchequer; and therefore we are confident those in power here among the Dutch cannot but consult so far with their own honors as to make the vindication answerable to the crime."

The very next week the Mercurius Politicus continues the subject, opening in a somewhat solemn manner.

"When a nation hath cast off the yoke of tyranny or kingship, and newly obtained their liberty, it must look to have all those for enemies that were familiars and retainers to the tirant; who, having lost their preferments, wil never rest, but seek all opportunities to re-establish themselves upon the ruins of liberty, and aspire again unto a tyranny; that, exercising an arbitrary power, they may be inabled to take the more sharp revenge against all those that had a hand in their expulsion."


"We hear no great matter is like to be done in the business of Pr. Edward, that French cuckow with the Pythagorean frontlet, for affronting my lords embassadors; only, the States will let him know they take it ill, and bid him keep a better tongue in his head another time. He intended this week to have gon for Germany, but hath put it off til the next, because they should not think he went for fear of anything that they could do

to him: for he saith, though he had affronted them with his brow antlers of the French graft upon his German head-piece, the States could not punish him, because (forsooth), being a freeborn property (called prince) of the empire, he would be tried at a Diet. So it seems he makes nothing of it, and cares not what my lords can do to him: his mother, Madam of Bohemia, is much troubled at it, not for our sakes, but her own, that it should be done just at this time, when she is about suing for monies from the States; and she fears it may be a means to hinder them from doing anything for her.

"Last Tuesday night, my Lord Strickland's coachman, and another of his men, were set upon, almost at the dore of our house, by half a dozen. The coachman received a cut upon the head, and the other lost his sword. The gentlemen watch by turns in my lord's house; for the Cavaliers rant as if they intended to act some tragedy or other before we depart: more and more of them come still into the town, where many of the Dutch themselves likewise are very bitter against us.

"A great many of our young sparks that came over with us, are going to travel up and down the country, to see fashions. It would be too tedious to relate all the passages; but, in short, many are the dangers we daily go through: we dare hardly peep out of dores in an evening; so that, if you know any blades which keep ill hours in England, you may do well to send them over to wait on my lords embassadors for a cure.

"We are informed that my Lord Brederode came yesterday in the afternoon, and fetcht Prince Edward out in his coach and took him along to Viana. This is

a trick to send him away packing, that so he might not suffer disgrace for affronting of my lords.


"It is a strange thing, that nothing can be said or done at my lords embassadors', but it is presently known at the Queen of Bohemia and Princess Royal's courts. One of the two knights before mentioned, being taxed at court for dining with my lords, he, like a wise politician, forswore it to the Queen of Bohemia. It hapned, that one of my lords' gentlemen went to see a ladie that lives at court, and being taken notice of, and known to belong to my lords, he was hist out of dores. The Queen (to shew her thanks to England, and zeal to her wretched family,) declared hereupon, that if any durst come into her court, she should have them flung down stairs, and kickt out of dores.

"We perceive my lords embassadors are like to have no answer to their main business till the General Assembly meet again, which will be about a fortnight hence. At the end whereof, such as your successes chance to be, such may be their demeanour. But things will (I believe) be put home, our stomacks not being to be staid with fair words and ayrye promises."

Of the adventures which next follow we hardly know what to think, except that James Apsley was a wag that wanted to mystify and terrify both master and


"On Monday night last there came to my lord's one Col. James Apsley, a young son of Sir Allan Apsley's, that was Lieutenant of the Tower when my lord was a prisoner there. He desired to speak with my Lord St. John; but the porter knowing him, told him it was not

for such as he to have admission at that time of night. While they were disputing it, one of the gentlemen that came over with my lord, (who had formerly known Apsley,) passed by, and, hearing them somewhat loud, stept to the dore. Apsley, pretending to him that he had somewhat of concernment to impart unto my lord, the gentleman acquainted Mr. Walter St. John with it, who went up to my lord and told him. My lord, having formerly received some civilities from his father and mother, said he would not be so disrespective as not to see him, and bad him call him up. When he came into the chamber, he desired the gentlemen might withdraw, that he might speak with my lord in private. My lord desired the gentlemen to go forth, which they did, all but Mr. Walter St. John, whom he would have had gon forth likewise. He made a long impertinent discourse to my lord, and kept his hands still under his hat and fumbling in his pocket; which caused my lord to stand close up to him and watch his motions. When he saw he could not possibly accomplish his designe, (for we guest afterwards, laying circumstances together, that he intended when he had made his attempt to have leapt out of the window into the street, where he had his comrades attending him,) he told my lord there were gentlemen that had vowed to kill him, but he would not discover their names, because that would be to be false to his party; and that when it was attempted, it would be done with that strength and resolution, that it would not be easie to escape it; and so he took his leave.

"When he came to the dore, he whistled, and then came ten or twelve to him out of the walks, (for we are

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