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sian army, taken prisoner
by Napoleon at Champ-Au-
bert, ii. 265.
Amelia, princess, surrenders
the rangership of Richmond
Park, i. 13.

princess, daughter of
George III., ii. 133.
America, civil war in, i. 58. ;
declares war with England,
ii. 198.

Amiens, peace of, ii. 14.
Andreossi, general, ii. 20.
Anglesey, lord, iii. 67.; leads
the British cavalry at the
battle of Waterloo, 81.;
appointed master-general of
ordnance, with a seat in the
cabinet, as successor to the
duke of Wellington, 304. ;
sent over as viceroy to Ire-
land, 341.; recalled from
the government of Ireland,


Angoulême, duke of, iii. 36.
duchess of, iii.


Anson, general, ii. 205.
Anstruther, general, ii. 96.
Arnold, rev. William, ap-
pointed sub-preceptor to the
prince of Wales, i. 53.
Artois, duke d', iii. 24.
Aston, Mrs. Harvey, i. 258.
Auerstadt, the battle of, ii. 56.
Augusta, princess, marriage

of with the prince of Bruns-
wick, i. 24.
Augustus, duke of Sussex, i.

king of Saxony,

iii. 13.
Austerlitz, the battle of, ii. 40.

Bagration, prince, ii. 208.
Baird, sir David, ii. 101.

Barclay de Tolly, ii. 207.
Barossa, the battle of, ii. 178.
Barrymore, lord, i. 170.; his
character, 216.; his death,


Bartoli, madame, iii. 19.
Bathurst, lord, iii. 322.
Bautzen, the battle of, ii. 242.
Baylen, the battle of, ii. 89.
Becker, general, iii. 93.
Beckford, lord mayor, i. 43.
Beningsen, the Russian ge-
neral, ii. 68.

Benjamin Constant, iii. 48.
Bentinck, lord William, ii.

256.; calls on the Italians
in the name of their country
and of independence, to
expel the French, iii. 12.
Beresford, marshal, ii. 117.
Beresina, the battle of, ii. 213.
Bernadotte, prince royal of
Sweden, ii. 244.

Bernard, prince of Saxe-Wei-
mar, iii. 59.
Bessières, marshal, duke of
Istria, killed in the combat
of Weissenfels, ii. 241.
Bertrand, general, iii. 23.
Blucher, marshal, defeated by
Napoleon in the battle of
Vauxchamps, ii. 265.; his
character, 287.; his reply to
Thielman, iii. 77.; his re-
ply to the provisional govern-
ment through marshal Da-
voust, when they solicited an
armistice, 96.

Bonnet, general, ii. 203.
Borodino, the battle of, ii. 208.
Borringdon, lord, ii. 184.
Boulay, count, iii. 35.
Bourbon, duke of, iii. 36.
Bourmont, general, iii. 58.;
his evidence on the trial of
marshal Ney, 120.

Bourne, Mr. Sturges, iii. 304.

Brand, Mr., ii. 62.
Brennier, general, ii. 174.
Brienne, the battle of, ii. 262.
Brougham, Mr., ii. 197.; his
remarks on the league called
the Holy Alliance, signed
at Paris by the three sove-
reigns of Russia, Prussia,
and Austria, iii. 129.; his
speech in the house of com-
mons on the state of the
nation, 151.; succeeds in
carrying the appointment
of a commission, to enquire
into the abuses of public
charities for the education
of the poor, 170.; his opi-
nion of the omission of the
queen's name in the liturgy,
200.; introduces his plan
for the education of the poor
throughout England and
Wales, 204.; proposes to
lord Liverpool that the in-
come of the queen should
be secured to her for life,
209.; receives the com-
mands of the queen to meet
her in France, leaves Lon-
don with a proposition to
her placed in his hands by
lord Liverpool, 210.; ar-
rives at St. Omer, his in-
terview with the queen,
211.; his letter to the
enclosing lord Hutchinson's,
dissuading her from going
to England, 214.; his sar-
casm on alderman Wood,
210.; presents to the house
of commons a message from
the queen, protesting against
a secret tribunal, 219.; ap-
pears at the bar as counsel
for the queen, 225.; states
the queen's case with great
power, 229.; moves in the

house of commons that the
landed interest should be
relieved by a reduction of
taxes, 249.; charges Mr.
Canning with having de-
serted the catholics, 260.;
his speech in answer to the
speech of the commissioners
on the affairs of Ireland,
272.; presents a petition
from a catholic deputation,
275.; brings before parlia-
ment the shocking severity
of treatment which a mis-
sionary named Smith re-
ceived from a court martial
at Demerara, on a charge
of being concerned in a re-
volt of slaves, 269. ; his re-
marks on the duke of Wel-
lington being made prime
minister, 325.
Browne, colonel, iii. 208.
Bruce, lord, i. 53.
Brune, marshal, assassinated
by a band of ruffians in open
day at Avignon, iii. 112.
Brunswick, prince of, mar-
riage of, with the princess
Augusta, i. 24.

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duke of, ii. 56.
Buckingham, duke of, iii. 245.
Bulow, general, iii. 56.
Bunbury, sir Henry, iii. 104.
Bunker's Hill, the battle of, i.

Burdett, sir Francis, com-

mitted to the Tower, ii.
131.; his motion in the
house of commons to pro-
vide against any interrup-
tion of executive power,
rejected, 222.; charges
Mr. Canning with having
deserted the catholics, iii.
260.; presents a petition
from the Irish catholics,


moves a committee
of the whole house on the
catholic claims, 330.
Burghersh, lord, the British

minister at Florence, iii. 22.
Burke, Edmund, i. 37.; his
celebrated "Reflections on
the French Revolution,"
his answer to Mr.

130. ;
Pitt on the regency ques-
tion, 184.; his speech
against the French revolu-
tion, 222.; his last publica-
tion, his death, and will,287.
Burrard, sir Harry, super-
sedes sir Arthur Wellesley
in the chief command of the
army in Portugal, ii. 97.;
recalled to England to at-
tend the board of enquiry,

Burrowes, Mr., ii. 169.
Busaco, the battle of, ii. 150.
Bute, lord, his influence with
the king, i. 5.; brought
into the privy council, 12.;
becomes prime minister,
13.; obtains a complete as-
cendancy, 17.; installed
knight of the garter, 18.;
resigns, 19.; his intimacy
with the princess dowager
of Wales, 21.; succeeded
by Mr. George Grenville,


Butler, Mr. Charles, iii. 338.
Byng, sir John, iii. 74.

Caermarthen, lord, i. 108.
Calcraft, Mr., ii. 19.
Calder, sir R., ii. 39.
Cambronne, general, iii. 21.
Cambridge, duke of; mar-
riage of, iii. 170.
Camden, lord, dismissed from

the chancellorship, i. 42.;
his misrepresentation of Mr.


Fox's speech on the regency
question, 184.; his subser-
viency to Mr. Pitt, 188.;
second lord succeeds
lord Fitzwilliam
as lord
lieutenant of Ireland, 253.;
superseded by lord Corn-
wallis in the government
of Ireland, ii. 2.; appointed
president of the council,
61.; his disinterested sa-
crifice of his salary of 9000l.
a year as a sinecure teller
of the exchequer, iii. 184.
Campbell, colonel, iii. 17.
Camperdown, the battle of, i.


Campo Formio, treaty of, i.


Canning, Mr., ii. 27.; his
speech in parliament during
a discussion upon the army
estimates in 1802, 28.;
appointed treasurer of the
navy, 30.; appointed secre-
tary of state for the home
department, 61.; bis an-
swer to the Russian mani-
festo, 73.; his reply to the
offer of peace made by the
Russian minister, 115.;
resignation of, and duel
with lord Castlereagh, 126.;
empowered by the prince
regent to form an adminis-
tration, 190.; his motion
for the consideration of the
catholic claims, 198.; his
speech on the publication of
the evidence respecting the
princess of Wales, 231.;
appointed ambassador to re-
ceive the prince regent of
Portugal on his return from
Brazils, iii. 136.; receives
an anonymous pamphlet,
threatening his life; his an-

swer through the publisher,
167.; his reply to Mr.
Brougham, vindicating the
propositions made to the
queen, 220.; resigns, 221.;
supports catholic emancipa-
tion, 237.; appointed to
succeed lord Hastings as
governor-general of India,
247.; his speech on the
right of the catholic peers
to sit and vote in the
house of lords, 248.; suc-
ceeds lord Londonderry in
the foreign office, 255.;
his speech in support of
Spain, and reprobation of
the holy alliance, 257.; his
answer to the attack made
on him by Mr. Brougham,
260.; his reply to the letter
of the duke of Wellington
on the affairs of Spain, 262.;
his speech, proving the obli-
gation of England to come
to the aid of Portugal, 290.;
summoned to attend the
king at Windsor, 299.;
appointed prime minister,
303.; death and character
of, 314.

Canterbury, the archbishop of,

iii. 3.
Capellen, admiral, iii. 138.
Carlisle, lord, appointed keeper

of the privy seal, iii. 311.
Carnot, iii. 88.; his laconic

note to Fouché, 101.
Caroline Matilda, princess, her
marriage with the king of
Denmark, i. 26.
Caroline Amelia Elizabeth,
princess of Brunswick, i.
258.; arrives at Green-
wich; her triumphal entry
into London; her first in-
terview with the prince of

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Wales, 259.; her marriage,
260.; receives a letter from
the prince of Wales, 273. ;
her reply, 274.; separation
of, from the prince; estab-
lishes herself at Blackheath,
with the infant princess
Charlotte, 278.; investiga-
tion into the conduct of, ii.
49.; complains of the secret
tribunal, 50.; her letter to
George III., 65.; her re-
sentment at the judgment
of the secret tribunal under
the whig ministry, 65.;
apartments allotted to her
in Kensington palace, 66.;
restricted in her opportuni-
ties of seeing her daughter,
223.; her letter to the
speaker of the house of
commons, 225.; her cor-
respondence with the queen,
on her refusing to receive
her at her drawing room,
288.; her income raised to
50,000l. a year; conveys to
lord Liverpool her wish to
go abroad; sails privately
from Worthing, iii. 6.; her
name struck out of the
liturgy, 199.; addresses a
letter of remonstrance to
lord Liverpool on the sub-
ject, 210.; leaves St. Omer's,
attended by lady Hamilton
and alderman Wood, 214.;
sails for Dover, 215.; ar-
rives in London, received
by the populace with en-
thusiasm, 216.; proceeds
to the house of alderman
Wood, in South Audley-
street, 217.; her message
to the house of commons
through Mr. Brougham,
protesting against a secret

tribunal, 219.; makes an
overture to lord Liverpool
through Mr. Brougham,
221.; her letter to the king,
227.; appears for the first
time in the house of lords
to witness the proceedings
against her, 228.; demands
a royal residence, and is re-
fused, 232.; declines any
vote of money for her use,
until she should be prayed
for by name in the church
service, and reinstated in
her rights, 236.; demands
from lord Liverpool a par-
ticipation in the ceremony
of the coronation, 238.;
her death, 239.
Caroline, queen of Naples,
sister to Napoleon, iii. 19.
Castlereagh, his political cha-
racter, ii. 9.; made one of
the cabinet ministers, 30.;
his opposition to Mr. Fox,
53.; appointed secretary of
state for the department of
war and colonies, 61. ; re-
signation of, and duel with
Mr. Canning, 126.; suc-
ceeds lord Wellesley as se-
cretary for foreign affairs,
187.; his speech in answer
to Mr. Cochrane Johnstone,
227.; appointed to proceed
as minister plenipotentiary
to the head-quarters of the
allies, 258.; presents him-
self in the house of commons
for the first time after his
return from the Continent,
281.; sent to assist, as the
representative of England,
at the general congress held
at Vienna for the final set-
tlement of Europe, iii. 9.;
his despatch to the com-

mander of the British gar-
rison at Genoa, 13.; his
reply to Mr. Whitbread, 27. ;
his correspondence with
lord Clancarty, 30.; pre-
sents a message from the
crown, announcing a speedy
dissolution of parliament on
the death of the king, 199.;
succeeds to the title of
marquess of Londonderry,
246.; procures the appoint-
ment of the agricultural
committee, 249.; his death
and character, 251.
Cathcart, lord, ii. 74.
Caulincourt, duke of Vicenza,
iii. 30.

Cavendish, lord John, i. 83.
Champ-Aubert, combat of, ii.


Charles IV. of Spain, his
weak character, ii. 77.;
causes his son to be ar-
rested as a traitor, 79.; re-
conciled to his son at the
mediation of Godoy, 80.
Charles X. of France, iii. 270.
Charlotte, princess of Meck-

at Harwich; her first inter-
view with the king, i. 8.;
marriage of; coronation
of, 9.; anecdote of, 22.;
charged with falsifying the
bulletins respecting the
health of the king, 195.;
her competition with the
prince of Wales for politi-
cal power, 206.; refuses
permission to the princess
Charlotte to see her mother,
ii. 223.; refuses to receive
the princess of Wales at
her drawing-room, 287.;
her letter to the Duke of
Mecklenburgh; refuses to

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