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[The Index contains no references to names and
titles as included in the Analysis of the Essay
(pp. 45-71) or the Bibliography (pp. 297-307).
References to Meredith, to the Essay on Comedy,
and to the Comic Spirit, are not recorded.]

Abigail 84, 193

Abstract of a Comparison be-
twixt Aristophanes and
Menander (of Plutarch?)

Acaste 217

Acharnians of Aristophanes
184, 251, 252, 253, 255, 264,

Achilles 21, 78, 180
Adams, Parson 135, 273
Addison 181

Adelphi of Terence 108, 109,
111, 223, 229, 230, 236
'Adeλpoì B' of Menander 223
Admetus 250

Adriatic 22

Aeacus 146

Aegospotami 255
Aelian 187

Aeschylus 176, 251

Agamemnon of Aeschylus 176
Ages of Man, The, of Har-
cum 196

Agnès 93, 184, 208
Aimwell 81, 188
Alcaeus 257

Alceste 85, 86, 90, 92, 103,
104, 111, 135, 197, 217, 218,

[blocks in formation]

Ami Fritz, L', of Erckmann-

Chatrian 152, 288

Amphitrite 38

Amphitruo of Plautus 203
Amyot 191

Anabasis of Xenophon 256

Anaxagoras 177

Anders 14, 289

'Avspía of Menander 223
Andria of Terence 108, 110,

220, 222, 230, 231, 236
Annals of the Parish of Galt

Anti-Jacobin 128, 262
Antony and Cleopatra of Bur-
nand 267

Antony and Cleopatra of
Shakespeare 191

'ATLσTOS of Menander 232

Apollo 9

Apollodorus Carystius 108,


Apollodorus (of Athens, fl.
144 B. C.) 225
Arabian Nights 4, 14, 15, 31,
116, 247
Arabs 117

Araminta of Snaith 216
Arcadia 233
Ariel 39

Ariosto 238, 239
Aristophanes 16, 17, 19, 29,
32, 78, 109, 121, 123, 124,
125, 126, 127, 128, 129,
145, 146, 147, 174, 177,
181, 183, 184, 195, 203,
220, 227, 228, 235, 238,
250, 251, 252, 253, 254,
255, 256, 259, 260, 262,
264, 266, 283
Aristophanes and the Political

Parties at Athens of Maurice
Croiset 184, 251, 258
Aristophanes of Byzantium


Aristotle 19, 179, 181, 200,

213, 279

Aristotle On the Art of Poetry
of Cooper 179, 181, 213,
214, 279

Arnold, Edwin 6
Arnold, Matthew 20
Arnolphe 111, 208

Ars Poetica of Horace 196
Arthur, King 75, 172
Artificial Comedy of the Last
Century, On the, of Lamb


As You Like It of Shakespeare
196, 200, 201, 202
Athenaeus 108, 220, 223, 224,

Athene 21, 78, 180, 187
Athens 88, 108, 125, 126, 127,

174, 251, 254, 255, 256
Atta Troll 115, 242, 243

Atta Troll of Heine 242
Attic Theatre, The, of Haigh
183, 254

Augier 16, 21, 289, 290
Aulularia of Plautus 211
Aulus Gellius 177, 224
Austen 132, 269
Austria 246, 286
Autobiographies of Edward
Gibbon, ed. Murray 275
Avare, L', of Molière 211, 219
Aventurière, L', of Augier 153,
166, 289, 290

Bab Ballads of Gilbert 292
Babylonians of Aristophanes
251, 253

Bacchus (see also Dionysus)
38, 146, 253
Bagdad 31, 118, 248
Balderstone, Caleb 139, 277
Balzac 211

Barbarossa 115, 245

Barbarossa of Rückert 247
Barbier de Séville, Le, of
Beaumarchais 236

Barbiere de Seviglia, Il, of
Rossini 237

Baron d'Albikrac, Le, of
Thomas Corneille 219
Barrow 283

Basques 243

Baudel 291

Baxter 227

Beata 245

Beatrice 88, 193, 202

Beauchamp's Career of Mere-
dith 22

Beaumarchais 236
Beaumont 193, 200

Beaux' Stratagem, The, of
Farquhar 188
Bélise 112, 211, 237
Beljame 182

Beloe 177, 224, 225
Benecke 27 n.
Benedick 88, 177, 202
Benott 220

Bensly 178
Berchtesgaden 246
Berlin 152

Bernard, St. 13

Bernard, St., Life of, of J.
Cotter Morison 8

Bibbiena 239

Bible 14, 22, 285
Biedermann, von 274
Billing 214
Billingsgate 214

Birds of Aristophanes 109, 227
Black 6

Black-Eyed Susan of Bur-
nand 293

Blumen-, Frucht-, und Dor-
nenstücke of Jean Paul
Richter 244

Bobadill 87, 201

Boccaccio 14, 16, 31, 113,


Boileau 178, 195

Boislisle 199

Bond 200, 238, 239

Booby, Lady 271

Bossuet 144, 281

Boswell 188, 189, 264, 265
Bountiful, Lady 188

Bourru Bienfaisant, Le, of

Goldoni 240

Boy and the Mantle, The 172
Brandreth 26

Bride of Lammermoor, The, of
Scott 278

British Museum 27 n.
Brothers, The, of Terence (see
also Adelphi) 230
Browning, W. E. 258
Brummell 140, 278, 279
Brummell, Beau, Life of, of
Jesse 278

Brummell, Beau, of Florence
Ellicott 278
Brunetière 199, 289
Brunschwicg 186

Bryce 246, 247

Burlador de Sevilla of Tirso
de Molina 242

Burnand 33, 167, 188, 267,


Butler, Samuel, author of
Erewhon 6

Butler, Samuel, author of
Hudibras 261

Byron 16, 32, 135, 242, 264,
273, 274

Byzantium 111, 233

Caen 279

Caesar 225, 226

Caleb Balderstone 277
Cambridge History of Eng-
lish Literature 8 n., 178,
182, 200, 201, 283
Canning 262, 263
Cano, Sanin 276
Capetown 3

Caractères of La Bruyère 286
Carlyle 16, 22, 23, 136, 237,
244, 274, 276, 277

Carlyle, Works of 274
Carrel 196

Caryll 178

Cassaria, La, of Ariosto 238
Castaway, The, of Cowper 281
Caste of Robertson 292
Castelain 202

Catalogue of the Library of
the London Institution 172
Cato 175, 176

Causeries du Lundi of Sainte-

Beuve 194, 197

Célimène 90, 92, 102, 103,

104, 105, 107, 112, 135, 213,
216, 217, 218
'Centenarian, The' 123, 250
Ceres, Homeric Hymn to 176
Cervantes 121, 147, 276
Cervantes, Life of, by James
Fitzmaurice-Kelly 6, 276
Chaerea 190

Chambers 193

Chances, The, of Fletcher 200
Chapman and Hall 5, 6, 7, 8
Characters of Theophrastus


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