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MASON, FR.: Mulamuli, or the Buddhist Genesis of Eastern India from the Shan, through the Talaing and Burman. Journ. Amer. Or. Soc., Vol. IV., p. 103-19.

MASSON, CHR.: A memoir on the buildings called Topes. London, 1841. (Reprinted with further remarks on coins in Wilson's Ariana Antiqua.)

Narrative of various journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan, the Panjab and Kalāt, during a residence in those contries. Vols. I-IV., 1844.

MILL, W. H.: Restoration of the Inscription No. 2 on the Allahabad Column. Journ. As. Soc. Beng., Vol. III., pp. 257, 339.

See also for other papers on this column: Burt, Hodgson, Prinsep, Troyer, Turnour.

Restoration and translation of the Inscription on the Bhitari Lät, with critical and historical remarks. Journ. As. Soc. Beng., Vol. VI., p. 1.

MOORCROFT, W., and TREBECK, G.: Travels in the Himalayan; Travels in Hindustan and the Panjab; in Ladakh and Kashmir; in Peshawar, Kabul, Kimduz and Bokhara. Edited by H. H. Wilson. London, 1841. Vols. I. and II.

A Journey to Lake Mansorovara in Undes, a province of Little Tibet. As. Res., Vol. XII., p. 375.

MOORE, G.: The lost tribes and the Saxons of the East and of the West, with new views of Buddhism, and translations of Rock-Records in India. London, 1861.

MORIS: Exposé des principaux dogmes Tibétains-Mongols. Extrait de l'ouvrage de D. Bergmann. Journ. As. 1823, p. 193.

MÜLLER, MAX: The languages of the seat of war in the East.

With a survey of the three Families of Language, Semitic, Arian, and Turanian. With an Appendix on the Missionary alphabet, and an Ethnographical Map, drawn by A. Petermann. London, 1855.

Letter to Chevalier Bunsen, on the Classification of the Turanian Languages. Journ. As. 1823. p. 193.

Buddhism and Buddhist Pilgrims. A review of Mr. Stanisl. Julien's "Voyages des Pélerins Bouddhistes." Reprinted from the "Times" of April 17th. and 20th., together with a letter on the original meaning of Nirvana. London, 1857.

For other papers on Buddhist pilgrims see: Anderson, Cunningham, Fa Hian, Schiefner.

NEUMANN, C. F.: Coup d'oeil historique sur les peuples et la littérature de l'Orient. Nouv. Journ. As.; 2o série, Vol. XIV. (1834.)

Mexico im fünften Jahrhundert nach Christus. Nach chinesischen Quellen. Ausland, 1845.

The Chatechism of the Shamans, or the Laws of the Priesthood of Buddha. Translated from the Chinese. London, 1831.

NEVE, FEL.; De l'état présent des études sur le Bouddhisme et de leur application. (Extrait de la Révue de la Flandre, Vol. I.) Gand, 1846.

Le Bouddhism, son fondateur et ses écritures. Paris, 1854.

NIL (Archbishop of Yaroslaw): Buddhism in Sibiria. (Written in Russian.) St. Petersb. 1858.

NORRIS, E.: On the Kapur-di Rock inscription. Journ. R. As. Soc., Vol. VIII., p. 301.




OVERBECK: Jets over Boeddhoe en zyne Leer. Verh. d. Batav.

Genoot., Vol. XI., p. 293.

PALLAS, P. S.: Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reiches. 3 Theile. St. Petersburg, 1773-1801.

Sammlungen historischer Nachrichten über die Mongolischen
Völkerschaften. 2 Theile. St. Petersburg, 1776, 1801.

PALLADJI, O.: Das Leben Buddhas. Arb. d. russ. Mission,
Vol. II., p. 197.

Historische Skizze des alten Buddhismus. Erman's Arch.
Vol. XV. (1856), p. 206. Also contained in: Arb. d. russ.
Miss., Vol. II., p. 467.

Lebensbeschreibung des Buddha's Schakjamuni. Erman's Arch., Vol. XV. (1856), p. 1.

PAUTHIER: Faits relatifs au culte Bouddhique, d'après les sources Chinoises (in the article entitled "Examen méthodique des faits qui concernent le Thien-tchu"). Nouv. Journ. As.; 3e série, Vol. VIII. (1839).

PAVIE, T.: Étude sur le Sy-yeou-Schin-tsuen, roman bouddhique chinois. Nouv. Journ. As.; 5 serie, Vol. IX. p. 357, and Vol. X., p. 308.

PEMBERTON, R. B.: Report on Bhután. Calcutta, 1839.

PERRY, ERSKINE: Account of the great Hindu Monarch, Asoka, chiefly from Lassen's "Indische Alterthumskunde." Journ. Bombay R. As. Soc., Vol. III., Part. II., p. 149.

PICKERING, CH.: The Buddhist Caves. United States exploring expedition. Philad., 1848., Vol. IX., p. 349.

PITSCHURINSKI, HYACYNTH: Description of Tibet in its actual state. (Written in Russian.) St. Petersb. 1828.

POSTANS, W.: An account of the Jain temple at Badrasir; and ruins of Badranagirs in the province of Cutch. Journ. As. Soc. Beng., Vol. VII., Part. I., p. 431.

PRINSEP, J.: Interpretation of the most ancient of the inscriptions of the pillar called the Lat of Feroz Shah, near Delhi, and of the Allahabad, Radhia, and Mattiah pillar, or Lāt, inscriptions which agree therewith. Journ. As. Soc. Beng.,

Vol. VI., p. 566.

In reference to these pillars see also: Burt, Hodgson, Mill, Troyer, Turnour.

Note on the Facsimiles of the various Inscriptions on the ancient column at Allahabad, retaken by Edw. Smith. Journ. &c., Vol. III., p. 114.; Vol. VI., p. 963.

Note on the Facsimiles of Inscriptions from Sanchi near Bhilsa, and on the drawings of the Buddhist monument presented by Captain W. Murray. Journ. &c., Vol. VI., p. 451.

On the Edicts of Piyadasi, or Asoka, the Buddhist monarch of India. Journ. &c., Vol. VII., Part. I., p. 219.

Discovery of the name of Antiochus the Great, in two of the edicts of Asoka, king of India. Journ. &c., Vol. VII., p. 156.

Note on Inscriptions at Udayagiri, and Khandgiri, in Cuttak, in the Lat characters. Journ. &c., Vol. VI., p. 1072.



PRINSEP, J.: On the coins and relics discovered by Chev. Ventura in the tope of Manikyala. Journ. As. Soc. Beng., Vol. III., pp. 313, 436.

See also on this Tope the paper of Cunningham.

Note on the Coins discovered by M. Court. Journ. &c., Vol. III., p. 562.

For additions and corrections see: Cunningham.

Essays on Indian Antiquities, historic, numismatic, and palæographic of the late, to which are added his "Useful Tables," illustrative of Indian History, Chronology, modern Coinages, Weights, Measures, &c. Edited, with notes and additional matter, by Ed. Thomas. Vols. I. and II. London, 1858.

RAJENDRALAL MITRA, BABU: Buddhism and Odinism, their similitude; illustrated by Extracts from Professor Holmboe's Memoir on the "Traces de Buddhisme en Norvége." Journ. As. Soc. Beng., Vol. XXVII., p. 46.

The Lalita-Vistara, or Memoirs of the life and doctrines of Sakya Sinha. Vol. V. of the Bibliotheca Indica, by Roer. See also the translation of Foucaux, and Lenz.

RÉMUSAT, ABEL: Note sur quelques épithétes descriptives de Bouddha. Journ. des Sav., 1819, p. 625.

Sur la succession des 33 premiers patriarches de la religion
de Bouddha. Journ. des Sav., 1821, p. 4.

Aperçu d'un Mémoire sur l'origine de la Hiérarchie Lamaique.
Journ. As., Vol. IV., 1824, p. 257.

Mélanges Asiatiques, ou Choix de morceaux de critique, et de mémoires relatifs aux religions, aux sciences, à l'histoire, et à la géographie des nations orientales. Vols. I. and II. Paris, 1825.

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