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clared she would do as he desired, though the dean of Seville himself were to come that night to her house. She asked if he would take any supper. He answered, no; that all he desired was, that great care should be taken of his horse. He asked for the key of the chamber; and taking with him some large leathern purses or pouches, he entered the room, locked the door behind him, and also, as afterwards appeared, set two chairs against it.

Scarcely had the stranger shut him. self in his apartment, before the landlord, his hostler, and two of his neighbours, who happened to be there, assembled in council, and talked of the great beauty and gallant equipments of the new guest, unanimously deciding that they had never before seen anything so fine. They then proceeded to determine his age, and concluded that he was sixteen or seventeen. Finally, they employed all their gossiping ingenuity in conjecturing what it could be, that had occasioned him to swoon; but as they could not find it out, they were obliged to be content with admiring his face and figure. The neighbours went home, the host went to feed the stranger's horse, and the hostess to prepare supper in case other guests should arrive.

And it was not long before another traveller entered the inn, but little older than the first, and scarcely of inferior figure; and no sooner was the landlady acquainted with it, than, in her simplicity, she exclaimed, "Good heavens ! what is this? Are angels coming to lodge at my house to-night?"

"What makes you say so, my good lady?" asked the gentleman who had just stopped at the door.


"Oh, nothing at all, sir," answered the hostess; "only, sir, I say that you must not alight, for I have no bed to give you; for the two which I had to let, are both of them taken by a gentleman who is lodging in that chamber. He has paid for both of them, though he wants only one, that nobody else may enter the room; and it must be because he likes to be alone; though on my life, I don't know why he should; for neither his face nor his figure was made to be hidden, but for all the world to see him and bless him."

"Is he handsome, mistress?" inquired the gentleman.

"Is he!" said the landlady; "he is handsome, and handsome again."

Here, then,” said the gentleman, take my horse; for though I should sleep on the floor, I must see a man so

highly extolled; and giving his stirrups to a muleteer who attended him, he dismounted, and ordered supper to be got ready immediately.

While he was at table, there entered, as was not unusual at the inns in little country towns, an alguazil, whose office was to execute the warrants of the alcalde of the place. This worthy functionary, without much ceremony, sat down to table with the stranger gentleman while he was at supper, contriving, in the intervals between his different inquiries, short as they were, to swallow three tumblers of wine, besides picking the breast of a fowl and the leg of a partridge, which the gentleman gave him; for which good fare the alguazil paid with asking him the news of the capital, as also of the war in Flanders, and the descent of the Turk, not forgetting the occurrences in Transylvania. The gentleman supped, and said nothing; not having come from such a quarter as to be able to satisfy his questioner's curiosity.

The innkeeper, having now finished attending to the horse, came and set himself down to make a third in the conversation, and to taste his own wine, in as plentiful draughts as the alguazil; and after each swallow he turned his head over his left shoulder, and praised the goodness of the wine, exalting it to the clouds, according to the Spanish expression; though, says my author, he did not let it stay there long, lest it should get watered.

From one thing to another, they at length returned to the praises of the shut-up guest; and the host related the circumstances of his fainting, and of his retiring to his chamber without taking any refreshment. They talked of the bags which he carried, of the goodness of his horse, and of his handsome travelling-dress; all which seemed inconsistent with his going thus unattended. The description of all these particulars increased the stranger's desire to see him; and he told the innkeeper that if he would so contrive it that he should sleep in the empty bed, he would give him a gold escudo. But although the offer of the money was quite sufficient to dispose the worthy host to procure him the gratification he desired, the latter found it impossible to do so, as the door was fastened inside, and he could not venture to wake the youth who was sleeping within, seeing that he had paid for both the beds. In this difficulty, however, the ingenuity of the alguazil suggested an expedient :

"What must be done," said he, "is

this: I will call out at the door, that I am a peace-officer, and that, by order of the alcalde, I bring this gentleman to lodge at this inn to-night; and that there being no other bed at liberty, he must have that. To which the guest will answer, that he is unhandsomely treated, the bed being already taken, and that it is wrong to take it from him who has hired it. Our host will thus escape without blame, and this gentleman will obtain his wish."

They approved this stratagem of the alguazil's; and the gentleman on whose account it had been proposed, gave him four reals, in reward of his ingenuity. The plan was immediately put in execution; and the result was, that after testifying great chagrin at this unwelcome disturbance, the first occupier opened the door to the officer of police, and the second, asking pardon for the intrusion, which, he said, he could not avoid, went to take possession of the empty bed. But the other neither said a word in reply, nor even let him see his face: for as soon as ever he had opened the door he retreated to his bed, and turning his face to the wall, apparently fell asleep. His fellow-lodger went quietly to bed, expecting to gratify his curiosity when they should arise in the morning.

The night was one of the long and dreary ones of December, which the cold and fatigue they have experienced in the day-time, inclines travellers to pass as much as possible in repose: but as its kindly influence did not visit the first occupant of the chamber, soon after midnight he began to sigh so deeply and bitterly, that the other guest was awakened from his slumber by the mournful and complaining tones of his fellow-lodger; and wondering at the violent sobs with which his heart seemed to be bursting, he listened attentively, in order, if possible, to catch the sense of what he seemed to be murmuring to himself. The room was dark, and the beds a good way apart; nevertheless, amongst other words which fell from his companion, his ear caught the following, uttered in a tone of sorrowful complaint: "Alas! unhappy that I am, whither is the irresistible force of my destiny carrying me? Whither am I journeying? or what issue do I hope, from this bewildering labyrinth in which I am involved? Alas! my few and inexperienced years, incapable of all prudent reflection! What is to be the end of this my secret peregrination? Alas! my despised honour! my ill-requited love!

-Alas! my honoured parents and relatives, that you should thus have been disgraced! Alas for me! again and again-that my desires should thus have carried me away! Oh words of falsehood, which so persuadsd me to answer you by my deeds!-But, wretched that I am, of what do I complain?-were they not my own hands which dealt the blow that overthrew my honour and the confidence reposed in me my by aged parents?-Oh perjured Marco Antonio -how is it possible that with the sweetness of the words with which you wooed me, can have been mingled the bitterness of neglect and desertion? Where art thou, unfeeling man ?-Whither hast thou fled, ungrateful one?-Oh, answer my call-wait, for I follow thee-support me, for I am falling- pay that which thou owest me — assist her to whom thou art so many ways bound!"

Here the mourner was silent, and appeared to be weeping; all which was listened to in perfect stillness by the other guest, who gathered from what he had heard, that the occupant of the other bed must certainly be a woman, which made him still more desirous of seeing her face. He had more than once come to the resolution of going to her bed-side, to gratify this curiosity; but when he was on the point of doing so, he heard her arise, and, opening the chamber door, call to the host to saddle her horse, for that she wished to depart. To which, after he had let her call him a good while, the worthy innkeeper answered by desiring the young gentleman (as he supposed her to be), to compose himself, for that it was hardly past midnight, and that the darkness was such, it would be downright rashness to set out at that hour. His guest thereupon desisted, and shutting the door again, threw herself upon the bed, fetching a deep sigh.

The other traveller thought that it would now be well to speak to her, and make her an offer of all the assistance in his power, to oblige her to reveal to him the particulars of her sorrowful story; and so he said to her-" Assuredly, sir, if the sighs and the words which I have heard from you, had not moved me to commiserate the ill fortune of which you complain, I must have been hardhearted indeed : if this compassion which I feel for you, and the purpose which I have formed of doing my utmost to assist you, if your misfortune admit of remedy,

if these, I say, merit any courtesy in return, I beg you to shew me that of

acquainting me unreservedly with the cause of your grief."

"Had it not deprived me of my senses," answered the stranger, "I must certainly have remembered that I was not alone in this chamber, and should have laid more restraint upon my sighs and wailings; but since my recollection deserted me when it was of so much importance to me to preserve it, I will do what you request; for the bitter recital of my misfortunes, by aggravating the bitterness of my pangs, may haply put an end to me at once. But first you must promise me, by the good faith which you have shewn in the offer you have made me, and by your honourable condition (for of such your words indicate you to be), that for anything you may hear in the course of my narration, you will not stir from your bed, nor ask me anything more than I shall choose to tell you; for if you do, the moment I perceive that you are approaching, I will take a sword which I have under my pillow, and stab myself to the heart."

The other, who, to gratify his curiosity, would have promised a thousand impossible things, answered that he would punctually observe the conditions proposed, confirming his assurance by repeated asseverations.

"With this assurance, then," said the mysterious stranger, "I will tell you the story of my life, which has never yet been related to any one, and so attend:

"You must know, sir, that I, who entered this inn (as you have doubtless been told), in male attire, am an unfortunate maiden,-such at least I could boast of being a week ago, and such I ceased to be through my own imprudence and folly-putting faith in the artful and enticing words of treacherous man. My name is Teodosia; my native place, one of the principal towns in this province of Andalusia, whose name I do not mention, because it is of less consequence to you to know it, than it is to me to keep it secret. My parents are noble, and may be said to be wealthy; they had one son and one daughter, the former for their honour and comfort, the latter for quite the reverse. They sent him to study at Salamanca, and me they kept at home, with all the care and privacy which their rank and their virtue dictated; at which I did not repine, but was constantly obedient to them, conforming my own will entirely to theirs, until my ill fate or my folly presented to my view the son of a neighbour of ours,

more wealthy than my parents, and of equal birth.

"The first time I beheld him, I felt nothing more than a certain satisfaction at having seen him; which was not at all surprising, for his face and figure, his manners and address, were admired and applauded by everybody, nor was he less distinguished for his good sense and politeness. But to what end am I praising my enemy, and enlarging the recital of my misfortune, or rather of my folly? I say, then, that he saw me a number of times, from a window which was opposite to one of mine; from whence, as it seemed to me, he sent me his heart through his eyes; and mine, with a different kind of pleasure from the first, grew fond of looking at him, and even forced me to believe that all which I read in his countenance and his gestures, was the purest truth.

"This communication by our eyes led him to find opportunities of speaking, in which the declaration of his passion served to inflame mine, and to confirm my belief in his sincerity. His suit was enforced by promises, vows, sighs, tears, and, as it seems to me, by everything by which a true lover can express a heartfelt passion; and to me, unhappy girl! quite inexperienced in such matters, every word was a cannon-shot, which threw down part of the fortress of my honour; every tear was a consuming flame to my modesty; every sigh was a furious wind that fanned the conflagration of my virtue, till then unassailed; and, finally, on his promising to become my husband, in spite of his parents, who had another marriage in view for him, all my reserve abandoned me, and, I know not how, I yielded myself entirely to him, unknown to my parents, and with no other witness of my infatuation but a page of Marco Antonio's-for that is my deceiver's name: and in two days after he had taken the possession of me which he desired, he disappeared from the town, without either his parents or any other person being able to tell or to imagine whither he was gone,

"What I then felt may be expressed by those who can: for my part, I have no power to describe it. I tore my hair, as if it had been to blame for my error; I struck my face, which seemed to me to have been the cause of my misfortune; I cursed my fate; I blamed my precipitation; I shed floods of tears; and was almost choaked by the sobs which burst from my agonizing heart; I complained in solitude to heaven; I strove

to imagine any step which might haply lead me to redress or to relief; and that which occurred to me was, to dress myself in man's attire, absent myself from my parents' house, and go in search of

this deceitful Eneas, this cruel and treacherous Vireno,* this betrayer of my affections and my just and well-grounded hopes; and so, without deeply considering the step I was about to take, an opportunity presenting itself of taking a travelling dress of my brother's, and a horse of my father's, one very dark night, I saddled it, and left my home, intending to go to Salamanca, whither, as had since been said, it was thought that Marco Antonio might have gone; for he, too, is a student, and a companion of my brother whom I have mentioned.

"I did not forget to bring away some money with me, to supply the exigencies of this my sudden journey. What I most fear is, that my parents will follow me, and discover me by the dress which I wear and the horse which I ride; and if this fear leaves me for a time, I am then haunted by that of my brother, who is at Salamanca; for it may well be supposed, that if he recognise me, my life will be in danger; since, though he should listen to my excuses, the smallest particle of his honour is enough to outweigh all that I can offer.

"Nevertheless, my chief determination is, though it be at the risk of my life, to seek my inhuman husband; for he cannot deny that he is my husband; without his being belied by the testimonial which he left in my hands, which is a diamond ring, with the incription-Marco Antonio is the husband of Teodosia. If I find him, I will know from him what he found in me that so soon inclined him to desert me and, finally, he shall either redeem his word and fulfil his promise, or I will take his life, shewing myself as prompt to revenge as I was ready to let myself be injured.

"This, sir, is the true and unhappy story which you desired to know, and which will be a sufficient apology for the sobs and exclamations that awakened you. What I would ask, is, since you cannot give me redress, that you would, at least, give me counsel how to shun the dangers to which I am exposed, allay my dread of being discovered, and take the most likely means to accomplish what I so much wish and need."

(Continued at page 90).


Tough Yarns; a Series of Naval Tales and Sketches to please all Hands. By the Old Sailor; author of "Green

wich Hospital "&c. Illustrated by George Cruikshank.

THE Old Sailor again! Who does not remember the humorous tales which appeared in the Literary Gazette some years ago, under the signature of the Old Sailor? These tales were then very popular, and they were, we believe, subsequently collected and republished, with some clever etchings by George Cruikshank. Here is another collection of quarter-deck and fo'castle yarns, illusstrated by the same humorous and original artist, who, if he does not acquire a fortune by the exercise of his talents, will leave behind him a reputation not likely to be eclipsed.

The etchings of George Cruikshank will be admired and prized at some future period; but they are not sufficiently valued now, notwithstanding the nonsensical "yarns" (as the Old Sailor would say) that we now and then hear about our patronage of the fine arts. We do not hesitate to say, that ninety-nine o. every hundred who purchase the works of George Cruikshank, look only to the humour of the subject, and do not deign to notice the minute and delicate work of the etching-needle, in which this artist has no equal at the present day. But to the tales in this neat little volume. There is a pleasing variety: they vary from "grave to gay," and although the rough, weather-beaten Greenwich pensioner is sometimes made to discourse with a little too much precision and attention to grammar, the narratives are exceedingly well told. This book is a great favourite, and we should not be surprised to hear that it has reached a second edition. What a capital volume for those who are about to make a voyage! From among the tales we are tempted to make the following; and from the vignettes, with which the little book abounds, the publisher has kindly permitted us to select the cuts introduced into this number. These speak for themselves, being a good sample of the artist's genius.

We begin with an account of the cutting out of the Hermione frigate from Porto Cabello-her crew had formerly

* The name of a personage in Spanish history mutinied, and sold her to the Spanish whose treachery was proverbial.


Recapture of the Hermione. As for these cutting-outs, why I've had a pretty good share on 'em in my time, seeing as how I've been with some of them there fire-eating chaps as would cut out the devil himself from under a heavy fire, if so be as his reverence warn't moored with chains. To my thinking, there's more to rouse the nat'ral spirit of man in boarding than in laying at long shots and hitting each other spitefully; for if a fellow does work an eyelet hole in your canvas where it arn't wanted, you have the chance of damaging some of his spars in return, and that's what I calls fair play. Bekase, messmates, setting a case as this here it's cut for cut, and d- all favours. Now at long shot you never can tell who hits you, and that's what I call a sort of incendiary act; but at close quarters you can always tell who lends you a rap, and you can pay him agin; and if he falls, then you can stand his friend and take care of him. But nevertheless, messmates, as many on you knows, that same cutting-out is sharp work for the eyes, as the monkey said when he hugged the cat, particularly when the boarding-nettings are triced up and the enemy are prepared for you; but there warn't a ship on the West Ingee station but would have gladly undertaken the recapture of the Harmoine, bekase the whole affair had been a disgraceful consarn, and had placed the cha-rackter of a British tar like a yankee schooner jammed betwixt two winds,-nobody knew which way she'd tend. Well, messmates, the job fell to the Surprise, 28, an old French 24, called the Unity when she was taken by the Inconstant, in the beginning of the year 96. Howsomever, messmates, she kept up both names, as it were; for never was there a ship with more unity among the men, and she surprised the Spaniards by the daring impudence they displayed. The Harmoine had made a run or two from San Domingo, and in September, 99, our admiral, ould Sir Hyde Parker, received intelligence that she was going to make another trip to Havannah, and the Surprise was sent to cruise off Cape Saint Romar to intercept her. The whole of the little frigate's complement was 197, men and boys, but there warn't so many as that on board, and with this force Captain Hamilton was to attack a ship carrying 44 guns, and haviug nearly 400 men; but they didn't calculate odds in them days. Well, d'ye see, she got upon her station about the middle of October,

and kept a sharp look-out, dodging off and on, but keeping at a fair distance, so that the prize might not be afraid of leaving port. Well, day after day they watched, but nothing hove in sight bigger than a land-crab; so what does the captain do, but being tired of waiting, he cuts out some vessels from under the island of Ainber, to keep the men from getting idle, and then runs off of Porto Cabello, and there sure enough lay the Harmoine all ataunt-o, every stick on end, sails bent, t'-gallant yards crossed, and a whacking large Spanish ensign and pennant flying;-but mark me, messmates, she was moored head and starn betwixt two heavy batteries, the smallest of which could have blowed the little frigate out of the water, and cut her up like junk.

"It was a beautiful evening, when the saucy Surprise stood close in to reckoniter;-there was a fine breeze and smooth water, and the craft worked like a top. They could see the sodgers at the batteries and the men on board the enemy all at their quarters, and the gun-boats were pulling out to take up convenient positions; though there warn't a man among 'em believed the ship could be taken, yet they knew dd well the Englishmen would try.

"Well, next day Captain Hamilton hove-to, just without range of shot, and challenged the Harmoine to come out; but she took no notice of it, and so the Surprise made sail, stood into the mouth of the harbour, and fired at her. The batteries opened their palaver; but the little ship hauled off without a shot touching her, and the lazy lubberly Spaniards, more than two to one in men and metal, didn't dare to show their yellow rag outside the port. So the ship's company, fore-and-aft, wondered what the captain would be at, and they grinned like so many cat-heads to think they couldn't get a fair slap at her. But the captain was up in the main-top with a round jacket on,-stretched out at full length with his glass resting on the topbrim, and most arnestly overhauling their consarns in-shore, so that an old woman couldn't stir out of doors, nor a rat move on the Harmoine's decks without his seeing it. The master was up in the fore-top upon the same lay, and they kept hailing each other about different consarns, till they made every thing out as plain as the grog-blossoms on Darby's nose there. Well, d'ye mind, they kept at this all day long, dodging about and in-and-out, like a dog in a fair, till the

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