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discharge her cargo; and after having arrived here, I heard that my captain had sold the cargo for five carlinis (a carlini is equal to about 10 sous) less per bushel than the regular price.

[The interpreter stated the alleged loss to be about 2s. Id. of this country, per bushel.

Mr WILLIAMS.-Perhaps you have made a more profitable voyage here? (Order, order.)

When did you last see Gaetano Paturzo, the person who was mate on board your vessel ?

The SOLICITOR-GENERAL.-Paturzo was not the mate. He acted as pilot.

Mr WILLIAMS.-It is of no consequence. There is only one Paturzo who has given evidence. When did the witness see him ?—The last time I saw Gaetano Paturzo was here in London.

That is the place. I want the time? Two days ago.

Did you not see him yesterday ?-I have not seen him before I saw him here for 18 months.

I don't ask that question. I ask when you saw Paturzo last? The day, or the hour, or the minute?-Last night we supped together, and last night we slept together that is to say, in two rooms adjoining each other.

You did not breakfast with him this morning?-On the contrary, I have taken my coffee with him this morning.

That is not the contrary. Had you no talk together on the evidence which Paturzo gave yesterday ?—No.

Not any?-No; because Paturzo would not tell what he said; nor am I a person to state what I have to say.

Did you inquire of Paturzo what he, Paturzo, said?-No.

What then do you mean by saying that Paturzo would not tell you ?-Because I knew that he came here to speak a plain truth, as I have also come to this place to say a plain truth, on which I will take my oath.

That may be very well; but I want you to answer my question. What do you mean by saying that Paturzo would not tell you what he had mentioned here if you had not asked him to disclose it? -I have said that he would not tell it;


but I meant to say, that it cannot (this was afterwards explained, ought not) be told.

Did any body tell you not to speak with Paturzo about what he said here yesterday?-No; I told Paturzo not, by myself, of my own accord, without being prompted by any person.

By Earl GREY.-What were you paid by the Princess of Wales while she had your ship?-750 dollars per month, and all expences.

By Lord AUCKLAND.-You said you received 750 dollars a-month from the Princess; did that cover all the expences of the voyage?—I have got much to say on that point. The freight of 750 dollars was a very low-the lowest (possissimo) allowance. I agreed for 750 dollars amonth as a certainty; but when we take on board a royal personage, we trust more to uncertain than to certain profits. In these uncertain profits I was disappointed, and I made some applications, some de mands for compensation; and the English government thus came to know that I am what I am.

What was the expence per month of navigating the ship, paying all charges but harbour duties?-My crew consisted of 22 persons. The wages of these, allowing them, one with another, at 10 dollars a-month, make 220 dollars a-month. Then, provisions were very dear, in consequence of the year being sterile. Then the expence of wearing and tearing was great on this occasion; for, in consequence of having a royal personage on board, I was obliged to have the sails, the rigging, and all the ship, in tight order. The ship cost me 2000 dollars, and the insurance on that amount is at least 1 per cent; and, taking all these expences together, you will find that there could hardly remain any thing out of the 750 dollars amonth.

By the Marquis of LANSDOWN.-You have said you were disappointed of the profits you expected from taking the Princess of Wales in your ship. Did you make any application to the Princess, or to any other person acting for her, on the subject of that disappointment?-To her Royal Highness I did not. When she dismissed me from her service, I received


a certificate of character from her. I was dismissed in consequence of Bergami, who wished me to carry them to Venice, which I could not do. On our departure from Rhodes, the Princess, who always commanded what Bergami commanded, ordered us to go to Venice; but on leaving Candia the wind was from the north, and, remaining in that state, our water was going to be at an end; for I had also nine horses on board. Then I told them it was necessary we should land. They did not wish to go to the Morea, or to return to Candia, and therefore we were obliged to go to Sicily. Having lost sight of Sicily, we went to Naples; and Bergami, on landing, because he had promised 6000 dollars as a present, told me that there was no present for me, because I had not taken them to Venice. Then, when I came here, I presented a memorial through my own Ambassador, Count de Ludolph, to the British government; and I stated, that as I believed I served the British government, because I had the honour of wearing the English flag while the Princess was in my ship, I expected a present, but had not received any. In consequence of this application the English government knew that I was the gentleman who took the Princess and her suite on this voyage.

At Mr BROUGHAM's request, Theodore Majocchi was here called in and re-examined.

Does the witness recollect whether he was at Bristol in the course of the last year, or during the present?—No, I was not. Has he ever been at Glocester during that period?—Yes; I know Glocester very well.

Did you live there in the service of a gentleman named Hyatt ?-Yes, I did. Did you ever declare to any person there that the Princess of Wales was a most excellent woman?-Yes, I have said that she was a good woman.

Did you ever say to any person that her conduct was highly becoming?—I always said that she was a good woman (buona donna), but that she was surrounded by bad people (canaglia.)

Did you ever state that she was a prudent woman, and that you never observed any thing improper in her conduct ?-I cannot recollect at all, yes or no, whether I ever said so or not.

Did you ever state that she always be haved with the utmost propriety?—Thi I have never said.

Do you remember a gentleman ma William Hughes at Bristol or at cester?—I do not recollect him at 3m tol.

Do you recollect him at Glocester elsewhere?—I may have known him, bu I do not recollect the name.

Do you recollect him when you are ab that he was a clerk in the house of Men Turners, bankers, at Glocester ?-Na ! do not know any bankers of that name

Did you ever know or communice with the clerk of any banker at Gloster! Questo non mi ricordo.

Did you ever complain to any one fr Bergami kept back a part of the serv wages from them ?—Yes, I did; I rec lect that.

To whom did you so complain of Be gami ?—I cannot recollect precisely, it was in answer to somebody who a me why I left the Princess's service, and remember telling Mr Hyatt that Bergara wished to reduce my wages after a long voyage.

Did you ever say the same thing any person besides Mr Hyatt ?—Questi non mi ricordo.

Do you remember Mrs Adams, the me ther-in-law of Mr Hyatt?—Yes, I do.

Do you remember Mrs Hughes, the housekeeper of Mrs Adams?—I recollect the housekeeper, but do not know he


Had she a son in a banker's house?do not know whether he was in the house of any banker, or what was his situation, but I recollect his making a visit to the housekeeper.


you ever tell him any circumstances respecting Bergami, or respecting your own wages?—I cannot recollect precisely, yes or no.

Did you tell him that the Princess of Wales was an excellent and prudent wo man, and that you had never seen any thing improper or indecorous in her conduct?-Questo non mi ricordo.

You are not sure that you may not have said so?

The ATTORNEY-GENERAL was, we be lieve, about to object to this course of examination, but was interrupted by gene ral calls of " Go on."

id you ever state that the Princess of es had, as far as you had seen, always ucted herself most properly?-Quesin mi ricordo.

id you ever travel in a stage-coach 1 Glocester to Bristol, or from Gloceso any other place?--I have never traed in a stage coach from Glocester exto London.

id you never perform any other jourin a stage coach since your arrival in land?-No, I recollect no other. Did you ever state to any person, in a e coach, any thing with regard to the ortment of the Princess of Wales whilst A were in her service?-Questo non mi vrdo.

Did you say that she had always behawith great prudence ?-Questo non ricordo.

Did you represent her to be a much ined woman?-No: no more than I did terday.

Did you ever say to any person in Engd that you had been asked to give an count on oath respecting the conduct of Princess of Wales?-(With great emasis) No: in England I was never ked.

The question is not whether the witness is ever asked in England to give an acunt, but whether he ever said in Engnd that he had been asked ?—No an


Did you ever say to Mr Johnson that u had been applied to to become a witss against the Princess of Wales ?-I vear I do not know either the name or le thing mentioned.

Did you ever say to Mr Johnson, in the age-coach, "I have had great advanges offered to me if I will be a witness gainst the Princess," or words to that efect?-(With violent gesticulations.) I vill lay down my life there (pointing to he space within the bar) if such an offer was ever made to me.

Mr BROUGHAM.-This is not an answer; Let the question be explained to him.

The interpreter here expressed a hope that their lordships would permit him to use any words, and to exercise his own discretion as to the form and manner of stating and endeavouring to make intelligible the questions to this witness.

The preceding question was again put.

I will lay down my life if I ever made any discourse about appearing as a witness, or about any oath.

Did you ever state to Mr Johnson, in a stage-coach, that you had been offered a sum of money, or a situation under government, if you would give evidence against the Princess of Wales?-How could I say so to him, when I did not know his name?

Did you ever say to Mr Johnson, in a stage-coach, that you had been offered a sum of money, or a place under government, for the evidence you were to give against the Princess ?-To you I will answer no more; you ask me things that never entered my head-things I never dreamt about.

By the LORD CHANCELLOR.-Had you ever any conversation in England with any person in a stage-coach about giving evidence?

Mr BROUGHAM submitted that that question ought not to be put at present: he asked

Had you ever any conversation with any body in a stage coach respecting her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales?-I never have spoken about the Princess of Wales in any diligence.

Did you ever speak about the affairs of the Princess of Wales in the course of any journey you had in England when travelling in a diligence?-Never about the affairs of the Princess of Wales. I never meddled with those discourses.

Did you ever at an inn, or in a diligence on a journey in England, say that you expected money or a place under government for giving evidence against her Royal Highness?-Never! Never! (with vehement action.)

By Lord ELLENBOROUGH..-When you spoke of her Royal Highness as a buona donna, a prudent woman, did you refer to her moral conduct as a woman, or to her behaviour to you as a mistress ?-When there was discourse respecting the Princess of Wales, I always said that she was a buona donna; because if I had said that she was a cattiva donna, a bad woman, they would have fought me-knocked me down.-(Laughter.)

FRANCISCO DI ROLLO [Served as cook to the Princess for several

years. Was hired by Bergami, whom he knew when in the service of General Pino. Made the voyage with the Princess. Saw her and Bergami sitting late one evening in the tent. Has seen him come out of it, but not early in the morning. The tent was sometimes closed in the middle of the day, the Princess and Bergami being within it. At the Villa Villani they used to come into the kitchen; the Princess cut a piece for herself, and then one which she gave to Bergami.

Do you recollect her going to Court any day?—I do.

Were you on that morning in Bergami's bed-room?-I was.

At what time in the morning?-About nine, or past nine.

Did the Princess get up at that time? -I do not know.

For what purpose did you go into Bergami's bed-room?-I was carrying a ruff for the neck, and a pair of gloves, to the dame d'honneur.

Did the door of the dame d'honneur's chamber open into Bergami's?-You entered the room of Bergami, and on the right was the door of the dame d'hon


Did Bergami's bed appear to have been slept in?-At the moment I was coming out of the room of the dame d'honneur I saw Bergami coming out of the Princess's bed-room, and he scolded me.

What dress was Bergami in at this time?-He had on his morning-gown of · striped silk, and he had his under smallclothes, drawers, stockings, and slippers. The EARL of LAUDERDALE.-When Bergami came out of the Princess's room, what did he say to the witness?—He said, "You scoundrel, what do you do here? Who has opened the door?"-I answered that I found it open. He then said, "Go away."

Lord Viscount FALMOUTH.-Witness has stated that Bergami looked over his accounts. Had he ever any quarrel with Bergami respecting those accounts? Yes, I have had some disputes.

When you left the service of the Princess, did she give you a good character? -No; because I did not ask for it.

Did you leave her service of your own accord, or were you discharged?—There

was some quarrel, up or down; and they said, "You may go;" and I went.

CAPTAIN SAMUEL GEORGE PECHELL Received the Princess on board the Clorinde at Civita Vecchia in March 1815.] Were you in the habit of dining with the Princess at the time she was on board the Clorinde?—I was. The Princess was entertained at my table.

Did Bergami wait at table?-Every


Did he wait as a menial servant, as any other servant?—He did.

[Captain P. afterwards received her Royal Highness on board at Messina, in Sicily, when the following incident took place.]

The morning after I arrived at Messina Captain Briggs informed me that the Princess expressed some uneasiness at the the prospect of keeping her own table on board the Clorinde. I therefore desired Captain Briggs to say to the Princess, in my name, that I was ready to do every thing in my power to make her comfortable while she was on board the Clorinde, provided she would be pleased to make a sacrifice, which my duty as an officer compelled me to exact, by not insisting upon the admission of Bergami to my table; for that, although now admitted to the society of her Royal Highness, he had been a menial servant when she had last embarked on board the Clorinde. In the afternoon of the same day I saw Captain Briggs, who had said that he had had a conference with the Princess, as I had desired, and that, from the tenor of his conversation with her, he believed there would be no difficulty in my request being acceded to, but that her Royal Highness required a day to consider the subject. The Leviathan sailed on the following day, and on the morning after I visited the Princess, with a view to know her determination. The Princess declined seeing me herself, but desired Mr Hounam to inform me that my request would not be acceded to; and, in consequence, her Royal Highness provided her own table.

Where did the Princess dine while she was on board?-In her own cabin. Do you know who dined with her?I do not.

she did not dine at your table?—She did not.

CAPTAIN THOMAS BRIGGS [Took the Princess on board the Leviathan at Genoa in 1815.]

What disposition had you made of the cabins on board your vessel for the accommodation of the Princess before she came on board?-I had made such an arrangement as I thought would accommodate all parties.

With respect to the sleeping-rooms, where did you design the cabin of the Princess?—The after-part of the Leviathan was divided into two cabins, which I intended for the Princess; one as a sleeping-room, the other as a drawingroom. Before that there were two other small cabins in a line with each other, which I intended for the Countess Oldi and the two maid-servants; and I meant to put the men any where; some in the ward-room, some in my own cabin, as I might find most convenient, reserving a part of the cabin for myself.

Was that disposition altered when the Princess came on board?-Yes.

In what manner was the arrangement altered?-An alteration took place in the door of the cabin which I meant for the Countess Oldi, and Bergami was put into it.

What alteration took place in the door? -The two small cabins, which were to have contained the Countess Oldi and the maid-servants, had communication within each other. When the Princess came on board, she said that she desired Bergami's cabin to be changed to that which I had intended for the Countess Oldi. Originally, to have gone into that cabin you must have passed through the room intended for the maid-servants; but when this alteration took place, the door of communication between those two rooms was nailed up, and a door was opened from Bergami's room, which came out close to the room occupied by the Prin


So that, after the alteration, the door in the room appropriated to Bergami was near to the door of the cabin of the Princess?-It was.

Have you ever seen the Princess walking with Bergami?—I have,

In what way?-Arm in arm. That I think was at Messina. I did not think it at all uncommon. (Here the witness dropped his voice.)

Not uncommon, considering the terms they were upon, did you say?—I said not uncommon, because it happened occasionally.

Cross-examination.—Did you not know some difference existed between her Royal Highness and Captain Pechell about the stowing of some luggage?-On her Royal Highness's part I did. She said she had not been treated by Captain Pechell with the same degree of accommodation that I had afforded her.

By the EARL of LAUDERDALE.-What answer did the Queen give when you spoke to her in consequence of Captain Pechell's representation?-She said it was of no consequence; it was only to prevent the Captain from keeping two tables that Bergami dined with her at all. I left her under the impression that the matter would not be persevered in further, because I remarked to her how easy it was to send Bergami's dinner to a smaller cabin.

Did the witness see any improper familiarity between the Princess and Bergami?-No; I saw none,

Had you any reason to suspect any improper freedom or familiarity between them?-No.


Does the witnesss reside at Trieste ?Yes.

Does he keep an inn there?—Yes; I am the agent for the grande albergo at Trieste.

By the Earl of LIVERPOOL.-What do you mean by agent ?—I am acting for my Madame-my Donna.

The SOLICITOR-GENERAL proceeded: -Do you know an inn called the Black Eagle, at Trieste?—I do.

Who keeps it?-Vincenza Bartoloqui. Is that the name of the inn of which you are agent?—Yes; it is the grande albergo of the town.

Do you remember the Princess of Wales coming to that inn ?—I remember it much.

[The Princess of Wales came to the inn about four years ago, attended by Ber

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