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Diabetes, Climacteric in Women, 233.

Hyperpyrexia, Rheumatic, 349.

Diabetes. Influence of, on Gestation, Parturition and Hernia, Strangulated, Treated by Puncture, 368.

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Diabetes, Some Remarks on, 297.

Dilatation of Os Uteri by Tamponing, 344.
Diabetes, Treatment of, by Massage, 367.
Dry Heat and Steam as Disinfectants, 369.
Doses, Small, which are Effective, 369.


Hernia, Ether Spray in Reduction of, 377.
Hydrastis Canadensis in Uterine Hemorrhage, 379.


International Medical Congress, 22.

Intratracheal Injections, 38.

Influence of Fashion on Modern Changes in Treatment,

Isolating Medication, 39.

Intestinal Vertigo, 39.

Intestinal Obstruction, Treatment of, by Force-pump,

Eczema and some other Skin Diseases, New Local Intubation of the Larynx, 123.

Treatment for, 15.

Epididymitis, 22.

Embolism, Multiple, 42.

Escharotic, A Painless, 77.

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Fibro-Sarcoma of Median Nerve, 173.

Incontinence of Urine Caused by Obstruction in Nos-
trils, 139.

Incontinence of Urine in Children, Treatment of, 168.
Iodoform and Nitrate of Silver, Combination of, as a
Caustic, 169.

Intrapulmonary Injections of Carbolized Iodine in
Phthisis, 206.

Iodoform in Erysipelas, 247.

Ingluvin, 272.

Intravenous Injection of Salt Solutions, 345.
Itch, Prairie, 345.

Ice in Sick Room, 374.

International Medical Congress, 379, 381.


"Jaw Jerk," The, 79.


Fractures, Clinical Remarks on the Treatment of Kidneys, Diagnosis of Granular Degeneration of, 182.

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Huron Medical Association, 90.


Lobelia Inflata, Notes on Uses of, 18.

Laceration of Perineum, Prevention of, in Primiparæ,


Lewinin, the New Local Anaesthetic, 105.

Lumbago, Instantaneous Remedy for, 140.

Lithotomy, Suprapubic, 141.

Light, Influence of, on Bacillus Anthracis, 171.
Lactic Acid as a Caustic, 171.

Lesions of Nervous Centres, Cadaveric, 183.

Letter from Germany, 188, 252.

Lanolin as a Basis for Ointments, 270.

Lubricant for Speculum, 367.

Lithotomy, Suprapubic, 374.

Liquorice Powder, Suggested Alteration in Compound,



Malaria, Its Nature and Origin, 11.
Menthol, 14.

Montreal Medico-Chirurgical Society, 27, 51, 88, 156.
Miscellaneous, 32, 63, 95, 127, 158, 192, 224, 255, 296,
328, 359, 392.

Hammamelis Virginica in Prostatic Disease and in Multiple Embolism, 42.

Buccal Cancer, 115.

Hiccough, 116.

Hemorrhage into Ablominal Cavity during Menstru-

ation, Sudden Death from, 139.

Hydrastis Canadensis in Metrorrhagia, 145.
Hydrophobia, Prevention of, 146.

Hodgkin's Disease, Two Cases, 161.

Hæmoptysis, Treatment of Profuse, 171.

Heller's Test, A New Method of Performing, 172.
Hernia, New Method of Reducing, 242.

Hair, Removal of Superfluous, by Electrolysis, 271.
Hints in Practice, 306.

Hemorrhage, Post Partum, 317.

Secondary Puerperal, 329.
Headache, Treatment of Sick, 345.

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Membranous Croup and Diphtheria, On the Identity | Permanganate of Potash, 146.

of, 262.

Milk, Sour, in Atonic Dyspepsia, 273.
Medical Council of Great Britain, 280.
Mistakes in Prognosis, 345.
Malpractice, Suit for, 350, 384.
Medical Schools of Toronto, 350.

Malicious Prosecution for Malpractice, 357.
Myxoma in Larynx, 365.

Mother's Milk, Best Substitute for, 367.
Massage, Treatment of Diabetes by, 367.
Mushrooms as a Food Stuff, 380.
Medical School Dinners, 383.
Massage, 381.


Nitro-glycerine in Interstitial Nephritis, 13.
Nephrotomy for Total Suppression of Urine, 14.
Nutrient Suppositories, 37.

New Method of Introducing Medicine into the Sys-
tem, 40.

Naevus, Treatment of, by Sodium Ethylate, 40.
Neuromas, 70

Night Sweats, 78.

Nephritis, Treatment in Interstitial, 115.

Neuralgia, Soothing Application to, 170.

Neuritis, 184.

Neuralgia of the Breast, 318.


Ophthalmology in Vienna, 16.

Oertel's Treatment for Obesity and Fatty Heart, 23.
Overfeeding in Phthisis, 44.

Ontario Health Act, Amendment to, 51.

Obituaries, 60, 61, 124, 295, 327.

Ontario Medical Association, 84, 152, 181, 210, 215, 281.
Otorrhoea in Children, Acute, 169.

Ontario Medical Council, 179.

Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, 182.
Obstruction of the Bowels treated by Paracentesis
Cæci, 205.

Ontario Medical Council, Increased Territorial Repre-
sentation in, 214.

Ovariotomy, Some Details in, 229.

Prolapsus Ani, 147.

Physiology of Blood Corpuscle, Dr. Osler's Lectures

on, 150.

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Sal Alembroth, 130.

Ovarian Abscess, Rupture of, with Fatal Peritonitis, Stricture of Urethra, 133.


Ovariotomy, Revival of, 250.

Saccharine, an Intensely Sweet Substance from Coal-
Tar, 167.

Skin Disease, Causation of, 172.
Santonine, 175.

Oertel-Cure, A Rational Method of Treating Chlorosis, Summer Session, 181.


Ontario Medical Council Hall,
O'Dwyer on Tubage of Larynx, 366,

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Placental Period, Management of, 112.
Pasteur on Hydrophobia, 113.

Phimosis in Infancy, 131.

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Will it Protect from Vaccina? 204.
Salicylates, Administration of, 205.

Sulphurous Acid in Typhoid Fever, Livezey on, 205.
Strychnia in Dipsomania, 209.

Sucessful Candidates before Manitoba University, 214.

Syphilis, Treatment of, 246.

Specialties, Dr. Wigglesworth on, 338.

Surgical Injuries, Importance of Early Operation in,

Salicylic Treatment of Glycosuria, 345.

Syphilitic Coma, and Syphilitic Hemiplegia, 351.
Speculum, Lubricant for, 367.

Strangulated Hernia Treated by Puncture, 368.
Subperitoneal Laparotomy, 376.

Subperitoneal Lithotomy, 374.

Sleeping in the Woods, 380.


Typhoid Fever with Unusually High Temperature, 8.
Therapeutic Notes, 19, 46, 79, 117, 147, 176, 210, 247,
274, 318, 346, 380.

Perityphlitis Excited by Quince-seed in Vermiform Toronto Melical Society, 24, 57, 386.

Appendix, 132.

Papain in Dyspepsia, 143.

Tubercular Meningitis Cured by Iodoform, 45.
Toronto Board of Health, 50.

Pleurisy, A rare Form of.

Typhoid Fever, History of Epidemic of, 107.

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Toronto Island, 151.

Tumor of Brain, Removal of, 173.
Tetanus, Traumatic Subacute, 208.

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Tetanus Consecutive to Hypodermic Injection of Uterine Appendages, Removal of, 322.

Quinine, 209.

Terebene, 241.

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University Federation, 349.

Varicocele, Treatment of, 370.

Vomiting of Pregnancy, Treatment of, 371.
Vaccine Farm for Ontario, 23.

Viburnum Prunifolium in Abortion, Notes of, 104.
Varicocele and Hydrocele, Radical Treatment of, 134.
Vomiting of Pregnancy Relieved by Ether Irrigations
on Epigastrium, 137.
Vomiting, Obstinate, 170.
Vanderbilt Clinic, 174.

Vaccinations, Repeated, in Incubation Stage of Small-
pox, 247.

Vienna Lying-in Hospital, 312.
Vienna Medical School, 323.


Whooping Cough, Treatment of, 370.

Washington Meeting of American Public Health Asso-

ciation. 58.

Wound of Wrist with Division of Median and Ulnar
Nerves, Suture of Nerves and Recovery, 135.
Whither Are We Drifting? 220.

Wounds, A New Method of Closing Widely gaping,


Whooping-cough, Treatment of, 315.

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