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Apr. 22,1931
Gift of

413.25 Mrs. Edward Channing.

70, 116
Adams, John Quincy 31, 55, 86, 99
Adams, John, intercepted letter of 46;
letter on sectarianism
167, 394

Abyssinia-Dr. Rupple's travels in
mode of cutting steaks in

African colonization society
Africa-expedition to south
Agricultural prospects
Air power







British affairs.

-General directions. For things happening in Great Britain, France, &c. or the several states, see their own
proper heads; in congress, see congress, &e.
flour 374; specie arrives 416; loan not ta-
Almack's 57; amphitheatre 101; appoint-
ken 396, 413; Susquehannah bank of Balti-
ments 134; army 183; assizes 71; bank of
more, run on the 415; failures in 415; ho-
nors to Mr. Wirt
435 England, renewal of the charter of the 57,
Banks Bank of England, discounts of 71, 103; the issues of the 133; stamp duty
the 37, 133, 428; number of in U. S. 39; 71; blockade of Lisbon 9; Brougham, lord,
bank Ú. S. judge Johnson's eulogy on the reinark on the currency 71; philippic against
51: removal of deposites 33, 51, 81, 97; pre- the duke of Cumberland 200; Buckingham
sident's manifesto 73; U. S. directors' re- palace 71; chain bridge 118; chancery
forms 71; do. costs 168; cheap publications
port 77; do. do. memorial 277; Duane's ex-
Albright, Peter
position 236; directors, report of 248; ap- 118; cholera prevention bill 71; disappear-
Alexander, John
pointment of the 390; direction of do. 331; ance of the 134; reappearance 211,366; coal,
Alexandria, D. C. phenomenon 184; Missouri circular 97; contingent draughts importation of 8; coasting trade 7; Codring-
storm 266; prices 374, 396; Gazette 176 326; Mr. Taney's report on the removal of ton, C. B. 117; concerts 70; crops 9; de-
Algiers-capture of Massagran and Mus- the deposites 258; discounts 388, 395, 410, bates in parliament 44; Donna Maria 27, 71,
taganem 104; of the jealousy of the Eng-434; liberality of 389; insidious chargé 101, 134; duties 43, 103; East India compa-
170 against 390; condition of the 345, 364; diviny 9, 71, 173; executions 70, 133; expendi-
lish 149; retention by France
Alliance of nations, speculation concern- dend 331; power of the 362; pension fund tures 133; export of specie 242; factory la-
27 agency 331, 409, 416, 426; resolutions of bor bill 57, 88; forgeries 366; fruits 9; gam-
ing the
133 state legislatures on the deposite question, bling 8; Germanic confederacy 416; house
Alleghany river, source of the
of New-York 370; of New-Jersey 370; of of commons, alterations in the 44; heir to
Allen, lieut. Wm. H. monument to
Allens, Messrs. S. & M. 415, 434 Ohio 371; of Virginia 436; branches of the, the throne 8; imports and exports 7; Ire-
at Washington 166, 295; at Fayetteville land, outrages in 9; church temporalities 8,
Alabama-death of col. Owens 7, 37, 143, 145; at Nashville 166; at New York 97, 27, 53; fire in Dublin 57, 71; compensation
159, 160, 290; intruders on the Creek lands, 195; at Mobile 165, 373; at New Orleans to clergy 27, 57; grand jury bill 71; recall of
correspondence, &c. 61, 138, 139, 189; at- 165; at Savannah 295; at Charleston Anglesey 57, 102; successor of 134; disease
torney general's opinion 142; brigade orders 390; remonstrances of certain against 183; distress 416; Jews, disabilities of the
138; governor's proclamation 144; proceed- the reduction of discounts 434; orders of 9, 27, 89; king, speech of the 101; Lander's
ings in Lowndes county 123; do. in Macon the 434; incendiary paragraphs concern- expedition 37, 71, 101, 119; legislation 57;
county 160; St. Clair county court's deci-ing the 296, 395, 396; contingent checks libel 416; London, university 118; popula-
sion 123, 143; various paragraphs concern-
tion 378; railways 4; markets 44, 71, 133,
ing 129, 138, 143, 159, 160, 193; march of
212; manufactures 242; monopolies 67;
troops to 266; desertion of the soldier who
More, Miss Hannah, death of 134; navy,
shot Owens 290; Mobile 132; prosperity of
force of the 9, 168, 213; do. architecture
165; crops 133, 161, 162, 211; bank debtors
27; Mediterranean force 416; newspaper
373; vote on deposite question 389; Tus-
stamps 9; north western boundary 27;
cumbia rail road
O'Connell, Mr. 19, 27, 59, 183, 211, 366,
parliament 56, 101, 103, 416; Dr. Philpot's
speech 53; P. O. regulations 44; pugilist's
trial 52; princess Victoria 56; reforms 168;
rents 53; revenue 183; Russian influence
416; salaries 53; Scotch harvests 134; ship-
wrecks 101, 117, 169; slave emancipation
bill 9, 27, 56, 57, 58, 71; specie exported 71;
speech, a moving 53; stamp forgeries 71;
tithes 416; Thelluson's estate 44, 45; trade
with U. S. and Canada 44; do. with China
57, 102; watchword at N. O. 121; Welling-
ton's protest against the emancipation bill
102; Wellesley, marquis 103, 170; Wilber-
force, Mr. death of





Allens, Messrs. failure of the
Almacks, visit to
American generals
American Fur company
88, 118
American Colonization society 122, 182
American Institute, N. Y. 129, 153
American stocks, foreign holders of 178
American publishers
182, 217
Americans imprisoned at Leghorn 211
56, 87, 116, 182, 377
Anti-nullification and cecession, toasts


drank in Richmond 1808
Anti-temperance meeting 6; societies 8
Anti-slavery, meeting at New York 111;
do. society of New England



296, 305; fees to lawyers 296; memorials,
resolutions, &c. 298, 390, 391, 395, 396,
397, 436; Kendall's N. Y. 'correspondence
299; Manhattan 81, 98, 166, 296, 346, 433;
conduct of certain 166, 195; deposite banks
81, 97, 296, 389, 396; Girard bank 98; bank-
ing capital of Philadelphia 132; broken
banks 39, 309; Western bank of Philadel-
phia 182; new banks projected 295, 296,
372, 373; New York banks, condition of
certain 373, annual report 373, 439; run
upon Chemical bank 389; contract with the
new deposite 272; discount on notes 331,
373, 374; meetings on the deposite ques-
tion 371, 372, 387, 395, 397, 413, 414, 436;
the post note of the Metropolis 346; failure
of the Washington, N. J, 373; Susquehan-
nah bank of Baltimore, run on 415; District
of Columbia notes, transmission of to the
west 389; Planters' bank of Tennessee 389;
Union bank of Maryland 389; Mechanics'
bank of N. Y. and the pension agency 426;
Mr. Garland's remarks 395; delegations
sent to Washington 397, 436; the presi-
dent's views 376; see congress, &c.

[blocks in formation]

Atrocities, horrible account of certain 212 arrival of Gen. St. Cyr

Antommarchi, Dr.


Apples, large



65, 77, 131, 193

[blocks in formation]




Armstrong, S. T.

Barbour, judge


[blocks in formation]


Army, U. S.-dragoons 5; order concern-

Battle, trial by

[blocks in formation]

Bavarian monument


ing officers visiting Washington 94; list
promotions, &c. 191; troops sent to Ala-

Butler, Benj. F.

193, 266

Bayard, James A.

[blocks in formation]

Beauty and booty

121, 202




Armory at Malta


Belgium-prince born 9; affairs with Hol-

[blocks in formation]

Arson, case of


land 57, 117, 134, 135, 170, 183, 212, 242;

[blocks in formation]


Camel leopard


[blocks in formation]

Campbell, John W. death of


Bennett, J. G.




Benton, Mr.

[blocks in formation]

Bibles, distribution of


Bills on England, price of


Canals Ohio and Erie 8; Schuylkill 23;


Black Hawk

11, 94

66, 90, 114
170, 177

Blair, F. P.

Blair and Bennett, courtesies of
Bonaparte, Napoleon

[blocks in formation]

Pennsylvania 35, 181, 292; Lehigh 181;
26 Chesapeake and Delaware 52, 84, 377; N.
York 59, 60,148, 292; Chesapeake and Ohio
84, 199, 200, affray on the 366, 382, 399; De-
laware and Raritan 107; Morris 181; Dela-
ware 181; great project for a sloop canal
202; Delaware and Hudson

Attorney, gen. U. S.

Austria-loan 103; disavowal of inter-
ference in affairs of Portugal 134; fortresses
repaired 170; population of Vienna 378;
prince Esterhazy dies

Balloon ascensions
Ballard, captain


Baltimore-shock of an earthquake at 4;
Books, value of certain old
attempts at murder in 27, 193; convictions
Boston-institution for the blind 25;
148; sentences 169; celebration of the 12th
of September 33; attractions 113; working- ties paid at 51; the Lord's day 54; expendi-
men's nominations 49, 150; arrival of pas-tures 100; fire at 82; improvements 148, 165;
sengers 52; balloon ascensions 66, 90, 113, insurance capital 118; exportation of spe-
114; destruction of the planing machine 82; cie 169; mechanics' festival 169; reception
Conradt's carpet factory 83; inspections of of Mr. Clay, &c. 184; remarks of the Boston
flour 100; ship-building 130; catholic pro- Post 296; improvements 148; elections 180,
vincial council 152; visit of Mr. Clay 98; 292; rice mill 197; deposite meeting at 346,
Mr. Van Buren and Mr. McLane 177; phe- 372; deposite banks 389; distress in 390;
nomenon 184; advantages as a harbor 266; failures 415, 434; the Courier and the mo
execution of certain negroes 291; new bankney pressure
project 295; deposites, meeting at Fell's
Point 372; memorials 390, 395,396; price of Brackenridge, H. M. to L. McLane 221

Bouldin, Mr. death of


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Caucael, Enrico, death of


Chambers, Ezekiel F.


Chat bridge in Wales


Chancery court, costs in the British


Chauncey, cominodore




Chesapeake, the ship, and the Ganges
Check, an altered one
China-British regulating of trade 173
Chickens, mortality amongst
Charles X.




27, 236, 270, 432; remarks on presenting the, Foster, Mr. 334, 370; Frelinghuysen, Mr.
53 Providence memorial
430 228, 333, 346, 347, 407; his remarks on pre-
Calhoun, Mr. 229, 244, 245, 293, 347, 429;senting the Newark memorial 379; French
Cambreleng, Mr. 248, 333, 348, 349, 412,
245, 268, 310, 332
430, 432; canals, Chesapeake and Ohio 269, Galbraith, Mr. 430; Gamble, Mr. 370; Gil-
270, 293, 413; Portland and Louisville 292; mer, Mr. 413, 430; Gorham, Mr. 270, 293,
Carr, Mr. 270, 432; chaplains to the house 381, 432; Gordon, Mr. 293; government di-
235, 247; do. to the senate 245; Chambers, rectors' memorial, presentation of 269; mo-
Mr. of Pennsylvania 412; Chambers, Mr. tion to refer it to the committee of ways
of Md. 228, 310, 348, 404, 406, 407, 412, 429; and means 270; Graham, Mr. 431; Great
resolution calling for statements of the de- Taunton river 311; Grennell, Mr. 235, 334,
posite banks 407; remarks ou presenting | 382; Grundy, Mr. 228, 229, 244, 245, 247,
the Baltimore memonial 412; Chilton, Mr.
267, 269, 331, 333, 381, 406, 407, 408
235, 248, 271, 310, 348, 370, 382, 432; Chinn, Hall, Mr. of N. C. 381; Hannegan, Mr.
Mr. 370, 381; Choate, Mr. 269; Clay, Mr. of 270, 382; Hardin, Mr. 236, 293, 310, 370;
Ky. 228, 229, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, Harper, Mr. of Pa. 430; remarks on pre-
267, 268, 269, 293, 309, 310, 333, 346, 347, senting the cordwainers' memorial 430;
367, 406, 407, 411, 428, 429; his remarks on Hawes, Mr. 235, 270, 381; Heath, Mr. pre-
the death of J. S. Johnston 229; his amend sents the Baltimore memorial 431; Hen-
ment to Mr. Benton's resolution 245; his dricks, Mr. 429; Hill, Mr. 428; house of
call for the president's bank manifesto 245, representatives, organization of 229; elec-
246; his call for Mr. Crawford's correspon- tion of officers 231; Hubbard, Mr. 231, 236,
dence 268, 269, 310, 349, 369; his resolutions 382, 408; Hudson river, improvement of
concerning the dismissal of Mr. Duane, 335, 432; Huntington, Mr. 236, 370, 381, 430
and the insufficiency of Mr. Taney's rea- Indiana, resolutions in favor of certain
sons 349; his speech 349; Clay, Mr. of Ala-improvements in the Ohio river 432; lu-
bama, 247, 248, 310, 311, 348, 430; Clayton, dians and Indian affairs 348; call for in-
Mr. of Geo. 248, 270; Clayton, Mr. of Del. structions to certain agents 268; liabilities
268; clerk to the house 231, 311, 312, 333; of the U. S. to the several tribes, &c. 381,
coins, the relative value of the 293; coloni- 382; instructions to foreign ministers aud
zation society 369; committees, of the se- agents 370; int. improvements 270, 333, 432
nate 229, 244, 245, 247, 268, 269, 333, 378;
of conference 378, 379; do. of the house 236,
269,293, 294; Conner, Mr. 293; constitution
U. S. amendments of the 246, 293; contest-
ed elections, of Letcher and Moore 228,
229, 230, 231, 235, 236, 247; of Robbins and
Potter 228, 229, 244; Clark's compilation of
348; Cramer, Mr. 408; Crawford, Mr. call
for certain correspondence of 268, 309;
Cuba and Porto Rico, call for information
concerning the trade of 294; currency, res-
toration of metallic

Cholera-death of chickens by the 51; at
London 211; in Spain 114, 134, 170, 178,
212; in Great Britain 1, 71, 211, 366; at fla
gerstown 98; Lexington 1; Columbus 35,
51; Millersburg 98; Campeachy 1; Yucatan
1; Lisbon 9; Mexico 17, 84, 130; Cuba 35;
in Missouri 85; at New Orleans 54, 98, 114,
148; Autakapas 148; in Spain 114, 134, 170,
178, 212; at Paris
Christianity, McCauley's eulogy on 199
Clay, Henry 19, 82; his eastern tour, &c.
98, 99, 113, 114, 129, 145, 174, 177, 184, 193,
214, 226, 241, 305, 345
Clayton, A. S. on cotton seed oil 30, 33
Coal-Potomac trade 5, 200; imports into
London 8; mine discovered in Virginia 56;
English trade in 68; Pensylv'a 83, 181, 290
Cobbett, William

[blocks in formation]



Jarvis, Mr. 270; Johnson, Josiah S. ho-
nors to 228; Johnson, Mr. of Md. 294; John-
son, Mr. of Ky. 433; Jones, Mr. of Geo. 236,
270, 334, 348, 370, 433

Kane, Mr. 228, 242, 293, 333, 369; Kava-
nagh, Mr. 293; Kent, Mr. 228, 293, 333, 369;
proposition to amend the constitution 293;
Kentucky resolutions 429, 431; King, Mr.
of Ala. 228, 229, 292, 333, 369, 429, King,
Mr. of Geo. 310; King, Mr. of Pa. 430, 432;
Knight, Mr.



Adams, Mr. of Mass. 293, 348, 370, 381,
430,432; admission of persons on the floor
293; Allan, Mr. of Ky. 229, 230, 231, 270,
Lands, the public, concerning Mr. Clay's
413; Alabama and the U. S.-call for in-
Davis, Mr. of Mass. 236, 270, 294, 333, bill 229, 242, 244, 247; of the president's
structions to Indian agents 268; Mr. Lew-348, 349; speech on the removal of a clerk veto 242; the veto 285; price 244; grant to
is's resolution concerning the difference 311; Davis, Mr. of S. C. 334, 433; debates Alabama 244; do. to Missouri 245, 293; gra-
between 334, 4:29, 430; appointment of of the federal constitution, copies to be fur-duation, price of 270, 310; pre-emption
committees 229; appropriations 332, 348, nished 310; debates, in the senate, on the right 270; sales to actual settlers 270; set-
369, 370, 382, 412, 433; conference 369, 378, contested election of R. I. senator 228, 229;tlers on 292; abolition of auction sales
379; report of the 381, 382; amendments of on the president's veto on the public lands 270; certain to be brought into the market
the senate 369, 370; Archer, Mr. 236, 270, bill 229, 242; on the appointment of the com- 292; registering of patents 293; Lane, Mr.
381, 382, 408; eulogy on Mr. Bouldin 413; mittees 229, 244, 245; on Mr. Benton's re- of Ind. 235, 270, 370, 431; leaden statues,
army 275, 348, 432, 433; armory 381; Ash-solution relative to the U. S. bank 244, 245, importation of 294; Lee, Mr. N. J. 293;
ley, Mr. 248, 310; assay offices
332; on Mr. Clay's call for the president's Letcher, Mr. 229, 230, 231, 236, 247; Lewis,
bank manifesto 246, 267; on the secretary Mr. of Ala. 334, 430; Linn, Mr. 268, 292,
Baaks-Bank, U. S. secretary of the of the treasury's reasons for the removal of 293; list of members 227; Louisville and
treasury's reasons for removing the depo- the deposites 293, 310, 349, 400; on the se-
Portland canal 244, 292; Louisiana, Spanish
sites 236; Mr. Benton's call for information cretary's answer to Mr. Clay's call 309; on titles to land in 333; Lyon, Mr. L. 270, 432;
944; Mr. Clay's amendment to do. 245; his Mr. Benton's proposition to examine Mr. Lytle, Mr.
call for copy of president's bank manifesto Biddle 333; on the treasury tariff instruc-
245, 246; his resolutions calling for copies tions 346; on the presentation of the Boston
of Mr. Crawford's correspondence 268, memorial 367; on the presentation of va-
269, 310, 349, 369; his resolutions con- rious other memorials 423; on the presen-
cerning the dismissal of Mr. Duane, and tation of the New York resolutions 400; on
the insufficiency of Mr. Taney's reasons do. do. New York memorials 407, 411; on
349, Mr. Benton's amendment to do. 332, the U. S. bank's pension agency 406; in
333; Mr. Poindexter's resolutions to send the house of representatives, on the con-
for persons, &c. 405; the report of the di- tested election of Messrs. Letcher and
rectors of the 248; U. S. directors' memo- Moore 229, 236; on reference of the secre-
rial, presentation of the 269; reference 270; tary of the treasury's reasons for the remo-
the memorial 277; discounts of the 428; val of the public deposites 248, 313, 319; on
agent's correspondence with certain banks, the removal of Noah Fletcher by the clerk
call for the 268; pension fund and the 406, 311; on presenting the Providence memo-
408, 428, 429, 432, 437; memorials, resolu- rial in favor of the restoration of the depo-
tions, &c. presented concerning the remo- sites 430; on presenting the Moyamensing
val of the deposites, &c. 271, 310, 312, 333, resolutions 431; Denny, Mr. 381, 412; Deca-
369, 379, 380, 381, 406, 407, 408, 411, 412, tur, Susan 333; directors, U. S. bank, con-
413, 427, 428, 429, 430,431, 432; dishonored cerning the 367; discriminating duties in
notes 331; deposite banks, call for returns Spanish ports 294; District of Columbia 310,
from 407; Mr. Ewing's plan for a na- 335, 346; documents, rescinding former or-
tional bank 271. For the speeches, see der concerning 333; Duncan, Mr. 294;
the names of the gentlemen respectively. duties on hardware 292, on hinges 432
Barringer, Mr. 370; Barnitz, Mr. 293; Elections contested, Letcher and Moore
Barber, Mr. 413; Beardsley, Mr. 235, 236, 228, 229, 230 231, 236, 247; Robbins and
270, 319, 382, 408, 430; Bell, Mr. of Tenn. Potter 228, 229, 244; election of president
428; Bell, Mr. of N. H. 428; remarks on and vice-pres., amendment of the constitu-
presenting the Portsmouth petition 428; tion for the 246; Ellsworth, Mr. 231, 381; Naudain, Mr. 228; navy and naval, con-
Benton, Mr. 228, 229, 242, 244, 245, 246, Elliott's debates 348; "endless life," disco- struction of two vessels 270; appropria-
310, 331, 332, 348, 367, 411; Bibb, Mr. 228, verers of 432; Everett, Mr. of Mass. 294, tions 348, 349; newspapers for members
246, 411, 429; Binney, Mr. 248, 310, 333, 312, 370, 381; Everett, Mr. of Ver. 370, 235; New York chamber of commerce, me-
334, 335, 348, 412; Black, Mr. 292; Blair, 381; Ewing, Mr. of Ind. 270, 271, 367; Ew-morial of the 335; new members, supply
Mr. of S. C. 293; Bouldin, Mr. 370, 408; ing, Mr. of Ohio, 228, 310, 369; executive
death of 412, 413; Mr. Archer's eulogy on business 268, 293, 310, 347, 369, 379, 411
413; funeral honors to 413; Mr. Wise's re- Fletcher, Noah 311, 312, 333, 348; Foot,
marks on the death of 429; bounty lands, Mr. 270, 370, 430; force act, repeal of the
prayer of certain officers for 432; Brown, 229, 244, 245, 293; Forsyth, Mr. 245, 246,
Mr. 370, 428; Bruce, John 236; Buckner, 269, 293, 309, 333, 347, 369, 378, 379, 380,
Mr. 228; Bullard, Mr. 269, 335; Burges, Mr. i 406, 407, 412, 428, 429; fortifications 433;

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

Manufactures, hardware 379; hinges, &c.
432; Mangum, Mr. 228, 247, 269, 333, 346,
347, 411, 428, 429; Mann, Mr. of Pa. 293;
Mann, Mr. of N. Y. 370, 382, 431; Mardis,
Mr. 335; Marshall, Mr. 230, 235; marine
hospital, at Portland 335; Mason, Mr. 433;
McDuffie, Mr. 247, 248, 270, 271, 293, 294,
370, 432, 433; speech on removal of depo-
sites 319; McKay, Mr. 433; McKennan, Mr.
236, 270, 370; McKean, Mr. of Pennsylva-
nia, 244, 268, 310, 332, 379, 406, 411, 429;
MeKim, Mr. of Md. 248, 271, 370, 413;
McKinley, Mr. 248, 334, 408, 430; meet-
ing of congress 228; members, list of 227,
absent 230; Mercer, Mr. 270, 311; messages
of the president, on the public lands 229,
269; his veto 285; on the call for his bank
manifesto 247; the annual 231; on the pre-
sents from the emperor of Morocco 335; on
the U. S. bank's pension agency 406; me-
tallic currency 381; mint, United States
293, 349; Missouri, grant of land to 244, 245;
Moore, Mr. of Ala. 229, 243, 244, 268;
Moore, Mr. of Ky. contested election of
229, 230, 231, 236, 247; Moore, Mr. of Va.
349; Morris, Thomas 228, 347, 429; Muh-
lenburg, Mr.
236, 412, 432

of books for 408; N. Carolina memorial 428

Officers of the late war 432; Ohio, resolu-
tions on the deposite question of 347; im-
provement of the river 432; Owens, Har-
deman, inquiry as to the death of 430, 432

Paper money system, memorials against
412, 432; Patton, Mr. 247, 270, 431; pa-



Congress-state of parties in 21,182; list
of members 227; dictation to, by certain
editors 373. See congress.

408, 412, 430, 432; senate, list of members vious question on the deposite question
227; organization of 228; election of off-432; on the reference of Mr. Taney's rea
cers 244, president pro tem. 228, 229, 244, sons to the committee of ways and mean
245; Shepley, Mr. 228, 347, 348, 369, 379, 433; on the resolution relative to the West
406; Silsbee, Mr. 369, 379; Singleton, Mr. Point academy 381; on the reference of the
Thomas D. 248; slavery 346, 380, 381; N. Y. memorial concerning the deposites
Smith, Mr. of Conn. 228, 369, Southard, Mr. 408; on the pension agency
244, 332, 333, 335, 346, 347; speaker of the
house 230, 231, 247, 269, 293, 311, 412; ad-
dress on taking the chair 231; speaker's
vote 247; reversal of a former decision 412;
appeals from the decision of the 312, 432;
points of order 431; decisions of the 432;
Speight, Mr. 270, 348, 382, 412; Sprague,
Mr. 229, 244, 245, 331, 346, 379, 380, 381,
406, 429; steamboat navigation, security of
269, 293; great projects for 333, Stevenson,
Mr. 230; Stewart, Mr. of Pa. 236, 269, 270,
334, 413; remarks on the Baltimore memo-
rial 413; Stoddert, Mr. 370; stocks, redemp
tion of certain 294, 333, 348; Sutherland,
Mr. 231, 270, 412, 430, 431; Swift, Mr. 228

Tallmadge, Mr. 228, 381, 404, 411, 429;
tariff 292, 432; treasury instructions 346,
347, 348, 349; hardware, modification of
duties on 379; materials for an iron steam-
boat 381; Tipton, Mr. 228; Tompkins, Mr.
431; tonnage, American and foreign 379;
trade with Cuba and Porto Rico 294; trea-
sury department, the treasurer's report
229, 236; the secretary's annual report 272;
his reasons for removing the deposites 258;
of the second report on do. 346; instruc-
tions to collectors 347, 348, 349; called for
copies of commissions of certain secreta-
ries 332; of the repeal of a certain act for
the collection of revenue 269; call for cer-
tain information connected with the remo-
val of the deposites 348; reply to do. 379;
Turner, Mr. 293; Tyler, Mr. 228, 269, 407,
429; remarks on presenting the Richmond


Vanderpool, Mr. 270, 381; Vance, Mr.
433; veto power of the president, Mr. Kent's
amendment 293; Kentucky resolutions on
the 431; vice president, address on taking
his seat 268; do, concerning order 310; va-
rious 346, 369; clearing the galleries 369;
Vinton, Mr.

Congress of northern nations 71, 134, 135,
169, 170, 184
Connecticut-Yale college commence-
ment 5, 194; Indian titles in 69; silk culture
116; phenomenon 200; reception of Mr.
Clay 214; death of Normand Smith 290;
factories, discharge of hands 373, 396, 434
Contingent draughts
Contracts, law of

296, 297, 305

Convicts, tabular statement of
Cooper, Mr. the novelist
Corn, strange freak of



118, 169

Coroner's juries, the laws regulating 24
Cotton-prices, &c. 2, 3, 17, 23, 69, 82,
98, 113, 133, 134, 165, 199; crops in U. §. 3,
33, 67, 133, 137, 148, 166, 182, 196; specula-
tion 33; supply in Great Britain, &c. 49,
69, 133, 199; profit of cultivating
Cotton seed oil
Counterfeiters detected, &c. 29, 59, 211
Cracow, republic of

Cranston, Mr. and Mr. Pearce

Crawford, Wm. H.

Creditors, U. S. payment of

Criminals, mistaken sympathy for
Crockett, David

Cuba, negro insurrection
Customs-fees to officers, &c.
intemperate officers of
Daniel, Peter V.

Dardanelles, defences of the
Davis, John

30, 40








34, 38; of


130, 177


99, 266

Deaths 8, 9, 35, 53, 56, 88, 96, 116, 134,
367, 394, 434; do. by a candle


Declaration of Independence, birth plac-
es, deaths, &e. of the signers of the 69
Delaware-Wilmington, invitation to
Mr. Clay 114, 174; reception of 216; whal-
ing company organized


tents 294, Pearce, Mr. 236, 430; pensions
and pensioners 310, 370, 381, 408, 413;
pension agency in Alabama 244; pension
agency and the U. S. bank 406, 408, 428,
429; letter of Mr. Biddle 416; report of
majority of the committee 437; presen-
tation of the counter report 432; Mr.
Adam's call for information 432; Pennsyl-
vania legislature, resolutions in favor of
the Chesapeake and Ohio canal 270; Pey
ton, Mr. 270, 408; Pinckney, Mr. 248, 293,
294, 348, 431; Plummer, Mr. 247; Poindex
ter, Mr. 228, 229, 243, 244, 246, 268, 293,
333, 346, 347, 348, 367, 369, 378, 379, 406,
407, 429; resolution calling for causes of a
certain delay, &c. 378; resolutions on the
removal of the deposites, &c. 405, 407;
Polk, Mr. 231, 235, 236, 248, 270, 271, 310,
312, 333; speech of 313, 335, 369, 370, 381,
382, 412, 433; post office department, Mr.
Grundy's resolutions concerning 269; an-
nual reports 374, 375; restoring of certain
funds 270; Mr. Ewing's (of Ohio) call for
amount of borrowed money 310; account
of borrowed money 332; transmission of
books, &c. 333, 346; failures in the N. O.
mails 333; do. in the eastern 381; annual
reports 374; statement of postage received
381; Porter, Mr. 332, 333, 378, 408; Potter,
Mr. 228, 333, 346; Potomac bridge 335; pre-
sents from the emperor of Morocco 332,
335; to our foreign agents 346, 369; call for
certain instructions concerning 370; presi-
dent of the senate, pro tein. 228, 229, 244;
president of the senate 268, 292, 309, 310;
president and vice president, election of
the 246, 248; president's message, motion
of reference of to committees 247, 248; pre-
sident, the, his annual message to congress
231; reference to committees 236, 248; on
the public lands bill 229; committee there-
on 269; the veto 275; on the call for his
bank manifesto 247; on the presents of the
emperor of Morocco 332; on the U. S, bank
and the pension agency 406, 408; Preston,
Mt. 244, 346, 369, 379, 412, 428; previous
question, calls for 270, 348, 432; intimation
concerning the 408; public buildings, ap
propriations for the 293; public lands, Mr.
Clay's bill 229, 244; graduation of price 244,
270; concerning grant to Alabama 244;
price of 270; Mr. Poindexter's call for in-
formation 268; pre-emption rights 270; sales
to actual settlers 270; auction sales 270
Rail roads, Baltimore and Olio 348, 370,
381; Randolph, Mr. 413; relief to merchants
347, 348, 367, 411; Reed, Mr. of Mass. 381;
removal of the deposites 236, 247, 248, 268,
270, 271, 293, 294, 310, 331, 332, 333, 335,
346, 347, 348, 349, 367, 369, 370, 378, 379,
380, 381, 406, 407, 408, 429, 430, 432, 433;
memorials, resolutions, &c. presented for
and against the 271, 310, 312, 333, 369, 379,
380, 381, 406, 407, 408, 411, 412, 413, 427,
428, 429, 430, 431, 432; Mr. Clay's resolu-
tions 245, 246, 268, 269, 310, 349, 369, 407;
Mr. McDuffie's instructions 271, 335, 370,
432; Mr. Chilton's do. 271; Mr. Jones' do.
349; Mr. Webster's resolutions 332, 348; his
report 407, 418; Mr. Poindexter's resolu-
tions 405, 407; revenue, inquiry concerning
the 411; reports, of the treasury depart-
ment, on the removal of deposites 236, 258;
on the finances 272; on sugar cane 236; of
the treasurer, his annual 236; of the clerk
of the house, disbursements of the contin-
gent fund 236; of the secretary of war, his
annual 275; of the postmaster general, his
annual 374; statement of nett receipts for
a year 381; of the commissioner of public
buildings 293; of the secretary of the navy,
his annual 300, of Mr. Webster on the re-
moval of the deposites 418; of Mr. Polk on
the pension agency 437; Rhode Island sena-
tor, contested seat of 228, 229; Rives, Mr.
348, 367, 412; Robbins, Mr. 228, 229, 244;
Rockville road 294; rules of the house 231,
In the senate-On Mr. Robbins contested
236, 247, 270, 293; do. of the senate 245
election 228; on the appointment of com-
Sandy creek and Salmon river 311; mittees 245, 247; on Mr. Clay's call for a
Schley, Mr. 293, 370; secretaries of the copy of the president's bank manifesto 247; Baltimore 113; Ballard, capt. 177; banks
treasury, call for copies of commissions of on Mr. Benton's amendment to Mr. Clay's-bank U. S. of the charter of the 65, 113;
310; secretary of the treasury 229, 236; re- resolutions (deposite)
333 the condition, discounts, &c. of the 345,
port on the removal of the deposites 258; In the house of representatives-on the 410; the power of the 361, 362; the checks
his annual report on the finances 272; se reference of the government directors' me- of the branches of the 393; the pension
cretary of the navy, annual report 300; con- morial to committee of ways and means agency and the 409; of memorials concern-
tracts and purchases 348; secretary of war, | 270; on the reconsideration of the refering the 409; exchanges of the 114; creation
his annual report 275; contingent expenses ence of Mr. Taney's reasons to the com- of new 225; project for the abolition of 145;
348; Selden, Mr. 270, 294, 333, 335, 348,mittee of the whole 270; on taking the pre- circulations in the west 296; Benton's

Delaware breakwater
Democratic papers, certain extracts from

[blocks in formation]

Wabash river, improvement of the 429;
Waggaman, Mr. 268, 332; Wardwell, Mr.
231, 235, 311; Ward, Mr. 293; warehousing
system 412, 430; Watmough, Mr. 270, 412, Democracy and federalism
431; Wayne, Mr. 230, 247, 248, 382; Web- Deposites in U. S. bank-concerning the
ster, Mr. of Mass. 244, 245, 246, 247, 269, removal of 33, 51, 73, 81, 97; president's
293, 332, 346, 348, 367, 369, 378, 379, 381, reasons 73; U. S. directors' report 77; Mr.
406, 407, 408, 411, 428, 429; remarks con- Duane's exposition 236; opinion of certain
ceruing the U. S. directors 367; do. on pre-papers 373. See congress, &c.
senting the Boston resolutions 367; do. do.
New Bedford do. 378: reply to Mr. Wilkins
380; his speeches in reply to Mr. Wright
403, 407; do. do. to Mr. Tallmadge 405; his
motion concerning Mr. Clay's 2d resolu-
tion 407; his resolution inquiring into the
effect of the pressure on the revenue 411;
his report on the removal of the deposites
418; his comparative statement between
U. S. bank and bank of England 428; West
India and North American colonial trade
310, 331, 348, 379; West Point academy,
abolition of the 381; admission into 382;
White, Mr. of Tenn. 228; Whittlesey, Mr.
of Ohio 236, 293, 294, 348; White, Mr. C. P.
270, 293, 430; White, Mr. of Lou. 270, 293;
Williams, Mr. 231, 312; Wilde, Mr. 248,
293, 381, 382, 412, 432, 433; Wilkins, Mr.
310, 332, 346, 369, 406, 407, 408, 428, 429;
remarks on presenting the Pittsburgh me-
morial 380; Wirt, Mr. 429, 433; Wise, Mr.
247, 293, 381, 408, 413; his remarks on Mr.
Bouldin's death 429; Wright, Mr. Silas 228,
229, 244, 292, 332, 369, 381, 406, 407, 427,
428; his speech on presenting the resolu-
tions of the New York legislature 397; do.
do. the New York memorial

Yeas and Nays.


Dow, Lorenzo, death of
Dry rot, preventive of 28; concerning 34
Dry docks, cost of 54; portable 120
Duane, Mr. 38, 65, 81, 99, 178, 193, 205,
206; his exposition 236; his correspondence
271, 399; his 14th reason

Durant's ascensions

66, 90, 114

Duties and their operation on revenue 84
Dwight, Sereno E.


East Indies-Dutch power in danger 149;
new paper established 149; decrease of wa-
ter at Manilla 149; piracy 149; gov. Nicolay
arrives 149; fire at Santa Cruz 149; mis-
sionaries and Christians imprisoned, &c.
149; great failures in the


Editorial essays, notices, &c.
Address at the commencement of the
volume 1; African Colonization society
167; agricultural prospects 82; Alabama
controversy 123, 129, 145, 161, 176, 225, 241,
377; American stocks, foreign holders of
178; American Institute 129, 155; anti-sla-
very convention




306, 374


Ganges, trade of, and the ship Chesa-


Gaston, Mr.

amendment 330; of his speech 361; Ben-14; slavery, slave property, &c. 33, 180, 242; | state of France 117; rail road projects 8;
nett's expose 306; British emancipation snow 241, 266: South Carolina senator 226; revenue paid in 51; robbers 416; rupture
bill 66; jealousy of Algiers 149; Buchanan, stocks 225, 309, 364; steamboat explosions with Sweden 367; Spain, measures in fa-
James 17, 193; bulls and bears
209 130, 145, 177, 180, 209; strangers in N. York vor of the queen 212, 223; specie 101; taxes
Cabinet changes, &c. 26, 172, 150, 410, 17; suits for dainages against steamboat 9; troops for the Spanish frontier 226; M.
426; cash duties 146; Central America 210, owners 180; surplus revenue 130; Suther- Thier's examination of British factories
226; Clay, Henry 19, 82, 98, 99, 113, 114, land, Mr. 290; sugar manual
291 168; vine cultivation
129, 145, 161, 174, 177, 184, 193, 214, 225, Taney, Mr. appointment of 65, treasury Gale, a disastrous
226, 241, 305, 345; clerk U. S. H. R. 305; cir- depart. instructions 81, 147, 329, 345, 365; Gales & Seaton
culation of values 425; contents of the Re-dishonored draught 241; annual report 266 Gambling in stocks
gister 241, 265, 305, 329, 345, 361; contingent United States Telegraph 33; U. S. troops
checks, &c. 297, 305; Conradt's factory 83; detached to Alabama
congress session 161; contested elections
Virginia and the presidency 19; do. and
161; cotton supply, price, &c. 23, 33, 49; the deposites
crisis, remarks on the 393; Crockett, col.
David 20; currency, state of the 265
David, John 266; democracy and feder-
alism 166, 291; deposites, removal of the
33, 51, 65, 81, 97, 145, 206, 241, 393; banks
selected for 296; deferred articles 345; do-
cuments, the season of 225; Dow, Lorenzo
394; drought 17; dry rot 17, 34; Duane, Mr.
193, 205, 225, 426; Durant's ascension 66,
113, 114; duties, amount paid 51; effect of
84, 129


Water power of the U. S. 1; Webster's
speeches 50, 97, 361; various 345, 393, 409;
West Point academy 290; Western bank of
Phila. 161; West India trade 290; do. des-
tiny 394; Wethered's premium cloths 242;
Whittlesey, Mr. 290; Wirt, Wm. death of
425; wool 17, 52, workinginen 33, 49, 66;
Wright, Silas'
377, 393

Edwards, Henry W.


Edson, C. the living skeleton, death 116
Egypt-improvements of Mehemet Ali 9,
Eastern Argus 98; editorial miseries 290; 25, 242; retirement of Ibrahim 9; disturban:
electioneering of public officers 290; Eucyces in Hedjaz 72; revolt of a Turkish regi
clopædia Americana 6; European politics ment, &c. 367; crop of cotton 242; army
178; excitement at Baltimore 113; execu- Elins & Co.
Emmons, Dr.


Factories stopping work 17, 66; favored
banks 225; failures 393; fees to custom
house officers 34; figures, mistakes in 378;
foreign salaries 17; do. paupers 377; do.
holders of stocks 178; do. news 361, 425;
France, our affairs with 306; franking by
the president 409; free


Gales & Seaton, the attack on 241, 306;
gambling in stocks 17, 209; Girard's will
113; government, and what it is 209

Hack hire in N. Y. 21; home market 130
Internal improvements 3, 242, 290; in-
cendiary paragraphs 295; iron, price in
England 113; irregularities of the mail 17;
Irish church bill

Jackson, gen. and a third term 161
Louisville branch, dishonor of draughts
at the 241; legislatures, meetings of various
226; Letcher and Moore's case 20, 291

Maine polities 98; mails, the irregularity
of the 167, 210; manufactures, irou 4; stop-
ping of certain 66; British mode of destroy-
ing the American 394; Maryland legislative
drama 377; McDuffie, Mr. speech, &c. 49,
65, 289; his forty bale theory 50; McKean,
gen. 241, 266; McLean, judge 193; meeting
of congress 225; Mexican affairs 66; Mis
sissippi, constitution of 1; mine and thine,
the distinction between 51; miseries 290,
money market, pressure, &c. 17, 130, 146,
194, 265, 989, 297, 305, 309, 330, 345, 377,
387, 393, 425; Moore, T. P. 161; much ado
about nothing 385; murders, &c. 177, 193

Naval rank 291, national convention 19,
226, 266; New York, hackmen 21; canals
49; supply of water 196: safety banks 426;
stocks 309; N. Carolina improvements 200
O'Connell, Danl. and American slavery
3, 20; do. and the reporters 19; office seek
ers 256; Otis, H. G.


Emancipation of slaves

Encyclopædia Americana
England, bishop

Engineers, U. S. topographical
Europe, general views of


36, 85, 178


Gennessee river, source of the
found in 36, 200; small notes prohibited 69,
Georgia-major Camp killed 7; gold
release of missionaries 105; elections 115,
132, 149, 166; fire at Augusta 118; do. at
Milledgeville 227; sale of lots in Cherokee
132; naming of a town 132; internal im-
provements 199; organization of the legis
lature 182; proceedings in 196, 207; extract
inaugural address 219; resignation of G. M.
from governor's message 207; governor's.
Troup 209; election of successor 227; finan-
ces of 227; G. M. Troup nominated for the

[blocks in formation]


8, 183, 2






373, 374

[blocks in formation]





Europe, views of the affairs of
Evans, Oliver
Everett, Edward
Exchange on England 114, 309, 396, 415
Executions, increase of
Factory labor, Br. bill for regulating 88
Failures-Alexander & Co's of Calcutta
54; Philadelphia 309, 415; Hackensack bauk
309; New York 396, 414, 415; New Haven
396; at Cincinnati 415; New Bedford 415;
Wareham, Mass. 415; Boston

Falkland Islands-the affair of
Fancy fairs

Fasli, the ugly Bagdadian
Female labor-value of certain 56,83
Fibbleton, George, travels of
56, 71, 82, 118, 166, 211, 377
Fire from water
Fisheries cod
149, 211
Flying machines of the olden time 68
Flour-inspections 100; notice of Ty-
son's apparatus 116; home market 130, 374,
396, 415; trade of the Wabash
Florida-cotton crop


[blocks in formation]


Harris, Leavitt


Hard times-definition of



[blocks in formation]


Harper, Mr.


Hause, Ab. W. the counterfeiter


[blocks in formation]



Hayli-difficulty with France


[blocks in formation]

Forbes, rev. Mr. tined for libel
33, 211,226, 416
France and England's alliance
Franklin, Benjamin, letter to his sister
53; advice to chose a wife
Freak of nature

French affairs.


Free trade-project of a law for 35; Bri-
tish regulation as to vacuum par sugar 43;
Pauperism, its causes and effects 2; pay-in Bengal 291; leaden statues
ment of the 4 per cents. 145; Pennsylvania
politics 289; pension agency and the U. S. American charge 183; affair at Cartha
bank 394, 409; pet banks, forcing the notes gena 168, 366; Algiers 170, 183, 211; mutiny
of 225; Pinckney, Mr. H. L. 36; piper, the at 170; arrests 416; Austrian disavowal 134;
wandering 426; Philadelphia Sentinel 177; army 169,212, 226, 416; Ballard, capt. and
Pleasants and Randolph 197, 209; Poindex- officers dine with the king 170; Bujaiah,
ter, Mr. 361; Polish emigrants 183; do. af- capture of 242; Carlism in Paris 88, 170,
fairs 1; post office department 193, 330, 183; celebration of the three days 9; cham
361; robberies of, by post masters 377; prae-bers opening of the 427; tumult in 427; cor-
tical effects of business 52; press, essay on respondence with N. Granada 187; Clau
the organized 306; president's message 225; sel, M. 117; clergy 87; commerce 9; Ca-
products of the south 182; public execu- nosa arrested 117, 212; colonial statistics
tions 35; public officers, electioneering 409 101; coinage 101; Donna Maria's recogni-
Quaker trial
34 tion 72, 134; duchess de Berri 117, 169, 183;
Rail road accidents 70, 193; Randall duke of Orleans, intended visit 416; for-
Aquila, of lieut. Coke's notice of the monu- feiture of commissions 88; Hayti, nego-
ment of 50; Reed, Alexander 52; reforms tiations with 57; hair powder fashionable
291, 305; religious newspapers 17, 129, 135; 211; Henry 5th 183; king, tour of the 9, 71,
removal of the deposites 33, 81, 97, 266, 305, 117; return 134; policy of, towards Spain
377; revenue, prophecies concerning the 212; speech of 427; Leon, M. acquittal of
330; Rhode Island senator 161, 188; Rich- 71; ministers changes, &c. 134, 169; mar-
mond and the great meeting 305; Ritchie, shal Maison's returns 169; Napoleon's sta-
Mr. 65, 81, 161, 290, 296, 346; Rives, Mr. tue 9; remains of do. 54; newspapers, per-
50, 65; Roane, Mr. the toast of 50; Russian secutions of the 119, 242; obelisk, cost of
113 removal of the 169; Paris, excitement in
Salt manufactures 52; saving institutions 88; population of 134, 378; population and
and lottery offices 114; silk manufactures commerce of the colonies 101; quiescent

Hewes, Geo. R. T. of the ten party 25
Holland-state of negotiations 57, 117,
134, 170, 184, 212, 242, 367; the Doel over-

Hoosier-definition of the term
Hughes, Christopher-arrival
Hughes, Jeremiah









Human affections, instance of
Huntington, Mr. on exchanges
Hullum, Mr. great cotton crop of
Hurlick, the militia collector
Hydrophobia-case of
Idolatrous profanity
Imprisonment for debt

Illinois-dissatisfaction by post office
contractors in


India-priests and population
Indiana-J. B. Ray and his new paper
27; elections 55; bank project


Indians, &c.-Creek and Cherokee lands
8; recovery of certain murderers 10; re-
moval of the Winnebagoes 10, 100; return
of do. 149, speech of Whirling Thunder 10,
Black Hawk at home 11; reception 94;
council of the Seneca and Onandago na-
tions 11; enrollment of the Cherokees 60;
treating with 149, 266; removal of the Sacs
and Foxes 100; release of missionaries by
Georgia 105; title to lands in Connecticut

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