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interdum pede apprehenso detinerent. Plin. ep. r22 § 6 in toga negotiisque versatur; multos advocatione, plures consilio iuvat. Flor. II 30= IV 12 § 32 of the Germans ut primum togas et saeviora armis iura viderunt, duce Arminio arma corripiunt. Lyd. de mag. III 8. Also worn in rhetorical exercises Hier. c. Rufin. 1 30 (11 486b) et quo magis stupeas, nunc cano et recalvo capite saepe mihi videor in somnis comatulus et sumpta toga ante rhetorem controversiolam declamare.

46 CAEDICIO one of the name ΧΙΙΙ 197. FUSCO perhaps the husband of a drunken wife XII 45; probably the advocate opposed to Caedicius, and the Fuscus for whom Martial hopes vII 28 5 6 sic fora mirentur, sic te palatia laudent | excolat et geminas plurima palma fores. MICTURIENTE VI 309. schol.

Pers. I 112. C. Titius a contemporary of Lucilius in Macr. Sat. III 16 § 15 dum eunt, nulla est in angiporto amphora, quam non impleant, quippe qui vesicam plenam vini habeant. § 16 veniunt in comitium, tristes iubent dicere. quorum negotium est dicunt, iudex testes poscit, ipsus it mictum. ubi redit, . . . vix prae vino sustinet palpebras.

PARATI 'when equipped for the fray we

part combat and fight in the law's dilatory lists.'


47 LENTAQUE FORI PUGNAMUS HARENA Mart. II 13 et iudex petit et petit patronus. | solvas censeo, Sexte, creditori. 65 lis te bis decimae numerantem frigora brumae conterit una tribus, Gargiliane, foris. | a miser et demens! viginti litigat annis quisquam, cui vinci, Gargiliane, licet?

PUGNAMUS VII 173 n. paneg. in Pis. 27-9 licet exercere togatae munera militiae, licet et sine sanguinis haustu | mitia legitimo sub iudice bella movere. Ov. Pont. IV 6 29 Marte forensi. cf. f. Iv 188. 48 BALTEUS a sword-belt (Serv. Aen. v 313) worn over the shoulder Aen. xii 941-2 umero cum apparuit alto | balteus et notis fulserunt cingula bullis. made of leather Varro 1. 1. Iv § 116 balteum quod cingulum e corio habebant bullatum balteum dictum. Prop. v=Iv 10 22. Also used as a purse Spartian. Hadr. 10 § 5 sine auro balteum sumeret. Vopisc. Aurelian. 7 § 6 stipendium in balteo, non in popina habeat. cf. Tac. h. 11 88.

49 AGENDI XIII 32 agentem.

50 Holyday' their means ne'er, without fruit, | are gall'd with the long trigger of a suit.'

RES ATTERITUR the property in dispute is worn away, 'wasted.' Plin. ep. v 10-11 § 3 perfectum opus absolutumque est nec iam splendescit lima, sed atteritur. Ix 33 § 10 confluebant omnes ad spectaculum magistratus, quorum adventu et mora modica res publica novis sumptibus atterebatur. SUFFLAMINE VIII 148 n. Sen. exc. contr. IV praef. § 7 tanta erat illi velocitas orationis, ut vitium fieret. itaque divus Augustus optime dixit 'Haterius noster sufflaminandus est. Herm. vis. IV 2.

51-60 Third privilege of soldiers, the castrense peculium II 189 n. A son, who was in manu patris, had no property of his own, strictly speaking: what he was allowed to enjoy as such (his peculium) was held on a precarious tenure, and might be taken from him by his father; but in the imperial times this law was relaxed in favour of soldiers. inst. II 12 pr. non tamen omnibus licet facere testamentum. statim enim hi, qui alieno iuri subiecti sunt, testamentum faciendi ius non habent, adeo quidem, ut, quamvis parentes eis permiserint, nihilo

magis iure testari possunt; exceptis his, quos antea enumeravimus, et praecipue militibus, qui in potestate parentum sunt, quibus de eo, quod in castris acquisierint, permissum est ex constitutionibus principum testamentum facere. cf. tit. 11. Puchta Institutionen 118 385 dates this privilege 'probably' from Augustus [cf. Ulp. fr. xx 10]: by it whatever a filius familias gains qua soldier, his kit, pay, prize-money, or from his comrades, he gains not for his father, but as his own absolute property, as though he were paterfamilias [dig. xiv 6 2]. He can carry on a suit against his father. dig. XLIX 17'de castrensi peculio' 2. Rein Privatr. 494. 788. E. C. Clark Roman law 122-4. 51 52 SOLIS TESTANDI MILITIBUS IUS VIVO PATRE DATUR Gaius II 106. Paull. sent. III. 4A 3. dig. XXIX 1'de testamento militis' 11 §§ 1 2. 17 § 3. 40 pr. a soldier's will in short-hand. XXXVI 1 1 § 6. xxxvII 1 3 § 5. XXXIX 5 7 § 6. Afterwards, by a fiction like that of the ius trium liberorum, civilians were by special grace admitted to share the privilege dig. xxxvII 6 1 § 15 quasi castrense peculium. inst. II 11 § 6 Schrader. cod. Iust. XII 30=31 a defence of the extended privilege. 52 53 PARTA LABORE MILITIAE dig.

XLIX 17 castrense peculium est, quod a parentibus vel cognatis in militia agenti donatum est vel quod ipse filius familias in militia adquisiit, quod, nisi militaret, adquisiturus non fuisset. nam quod erat et sine militia adquisiturus, id peculium eius castrense non est.

CORPORE CENSUS dig. Iv 2 20 corpus patrimonii. Dirksen manuale. 54 OMNE TENET CUIUS REGIMEN PATER DH. VIII 79 Ῥωμαίοις γὰρ οὐθὲν ἰδιόν ἐστι κτῆμα ζώντων ἔτι τῶν πατέρων, ἀλλὰ καὶ τὰ χρήματα καὶ τὰ σώματα τῶν παίδων ὅ τι βούλονται διατιθέναι τοῖς πατράσιν ἀποδέδοται. Sen. ben. VII 4 § 6 omnia patris sunt, quae in liberorum manu sunt: quis tamen nescit donare aliquid et filium patri? Suet. Tib. 15. Ulp. fr. xix 18 19. Gaius 11 86. 87 igitur [quod] liberi nostri, quos in potestate habemus, . mancipio accipiunt vel ex traditione nanciscuntur, sive quid stipulentur vel ex aliqualibet causa adquirant, id nobis adquiritur: ipse enim, qui in potestate nostra est, nihil suum habere potest; et ideo si heres institutus sit, nisi nostro iussu hereditatem adire non potest; et si iubentibus nobis adierit, hereditatem nobis adquirit proinde atque si nos ipsi heredes instituti essemus; et convenienter scilicet legatum per eos nobis adquiritur. ib. 89. III 163. Rein Privatr. 488-9.


54-56 CORANUM CAPTAT PATER from Hor. s. 11 5 55-69 where the father-in-law Nasica is bilked by the son-in-law Coranus 57 captatorque dabit risus Nasica Corano.

55 CASTRORUM AERA MERENTEM Ov. am. I 9 44 in castris aera merere. Hor. a. p. 345 hic meret aera liber Sosiis. often stipendia merere, or merere alone. See Non. p. 344 MERET militat... Lucil. lib. x1 [9 M] annos hic terra iam plures miles Hibera | nobiscum meret'... Varro rer. hum. lib. xx 'qui in ordine erat, is aes militare merebat.' Dirksen manuale. 56 CAPTAT XII 93 n. 98 n. FAVOR (fabor) Ruperti conj. for labor. Claud.

Mall. Theod. cons. 262-3 certusque merenti | stat favor.

57 PROVEHIT Plin. ep. x 13-8 dignitati ad quam me provexit indulgentia tua. Ix 14 in lucem famamque. cod. Th. in Dirksen manuale. Tac. e. g. h. 11 75 e gregario ad summa militiae provectum. III 44 milites a Vitellio provecti. vita Iuv. (above p. xi 15) provehebantur. 60 PHALERIS ET TORQUIBUS XI 103 n. Flor. 1 1=5 § 6 borrowed from the Etrus

cans. Polyb. vI 39 § 3 'to the foot-soldier who has laid an enemy low and spoile him, a goblet, to the horseman páλapa are given.' DH. x 37 L. Siccius Dentatus won 83 golden collars (σTреTTоl) for the neck and 25 páλapa èπionμa. cf. Gell. II 11 § 2. Ios. bell. VII 1 § 3. Sil. xv 254-6 tum merita aequantur donis ac praemia virtus | sanguine parta capit. phaleris hic pectora fulget, | hic torque aurato circumdat bellica colla. Tac. h. 11 89 militum phalerae torquesque splendebant. Capitolin. Maximin. 2 § 4. 3 § 5.

PHALERIS e before r as in camera, Camerina (cf. Roby 1 73 § 230 3). In 1858 phalerae were discovered at Lauersfort near Crefeld (O. Jahn die Lauersforter Phalerae. Bonn 1860 4to. A. Rein de phaleris in annali dell' inst. 1860 161-204). They are bosses of thin bronze, silver or gold, chased in relief, filled in with pitch, and worn as medals are now, on the breast, fastened to a belt by a back-piece of copper. On some stones soldiers appear wearing 9 phalerae on a network of thongs across the breast. In inscr. torquibus armillis phaleris donatus is common (Orelli and CIL ind. under 'officia militaria's.v. donis, e.g. CIL v 7495 L. Coelius Q. f. miles leg. VIIII. signifer ob virtutes palaris torquibus armillis don[atus]. Marquardt Staatsverw. 111 556-7. Becker-Marquardt III (2) 440-1. v (2) 267-8. Rich companion. Forc.).

TORQUIBUS worn over the breast; borrowed from the Gauls (S. Birch on the tore of the Celts in archæol. journ. II 368-3.80. III 27-38). We find ala bis torquata Orelli inscr. 516. Marquardt 1. c. Rich. Capitolin. Maximin. 2 § 4. 3 § 5. Tac. ann. II 9.

III 21.

BOILEAU l'art poëtique 11 155-165

Juvénal, élevé dans les cris de l'école,
poussa jusqu'à l'excès sa mordante hyperbole.
ses ouvrages, tout pleins d'affreuses vérités,
étincellent pourtant de sublimes beautés :
soit que sur un écrit arrivé de Caprée
il brise de Séjan la statue adorée ;

soit qu'il fasse au conseil courir les sénateurs,
d'un tyran soupçonneux pâles adulateurs;
ou que, poussant à bout la luxure latine,
aux portefaix de Rome il vende Messaline.

ses écrits pleins de feu partout brillent aux yeux.


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I p. 52 move up the numbers 355, 360, 365 one line.
70 XIV 24 25 punctuate carcer rusticus?
81 1. 91 punctuate stetit, ..corpore ductis
90 1 3 in Hor. ep. II 2 105 read patulas
94 1. 8 up read Privatalt.

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(Otto Jahn ed. 1851 has a complete index of words: so has Achaintre.
Ruperti has a very full one of phrases, which Lemaire further enlarged:
a very good index in Maittaire's handsome little volume.)

a capella iaculum torquere v 155. a dominis

exit xi 42. a matre rubentem vii 196. a
ministro ferienda xii 14. a ponte satelles
iv 116. a prima proxima x 126. a cornice
secundae 247. a Pyrra xv 30. ab aratro
fastiditus x 270. ab ipsis ilibus vis? v 135.
ab octava bibit i 49
abacus iii 204-5

Abdera, its great sons x 49. its dullards 50
abdomine tardus venter iv 107

abeant in ventres novalia xiv 149. -i 213
absit iv 130

abicit xv 17

ablative, mare percussum puero i 54. curentur
medicis maioribus aegri xiii 124. abl. abs.
where you might expect dat. i 70. abl. abs.
of the same person as the subject xiii 2 3.
abl. abs. of part. in rus xiv 59. adsiduo
lectore ruptae columnae i 13. iii 91. vii 64.
Plin. ep. iii 19§ 6 felicitas terrae in becillis
cultoribus fatigatur. abl. of difference
xiv 201. abl. of duration xi 53 p. 222. xi
72. Archigenē xiii 98

abollae maioris facinus iii 115. -a rapta iv 76
abstract for concrete i 34. iv 84. x 45. 120.
xi 45. cf. civitas (Caes. Nep.). custodiae
(prisoners or guards). divinitas, gentilitas.
humanitas. militia. necessitudines. paeda-
gogium. vicinitas. see cenatio, gestatio,


[blocks in formation]

L. B. 1693. Stat. s. v 3 194. ii 1 88. Au-
son. idyl. 4 20--23. Achilles )( Thersites
viii 269-271. his Vulcania arma 270. vicit
Pelea xiv 213-4. see Pelides

Acilius Glabrio the father iv 94 nowhere else
mentioned. M'. Acilius Glabrio the son iv
95. Henzen inscr. 6046. Fronto ad M. Caes.
v 22 p. 82 Naber materiam misi tibi: res
seria est, consul populi romani posita
praetexta manicam induit, leonem inter
iuvenes quinquatribus percussit populo
romano spectante. The answer is ibid. 23
quando id factum? et an Romae? num
illud dicis in Albano factum sub Do-
mitiano? The M'. Acilius Glabrio cos.
ordin. A. D. 124 was probably son of this
latter (Borghesi oeuvres v 520-1)
acoenonoetus vii 218

aconita i 158. viii 219. x 25
acta publica legenti vii 104
Actium viii 245

actors, men in women's parts iii 94-9. vi
324 seq. Tert. spect. 17. 23. Cypr. ep. 2.
Chrys. vii 475 Gaume. actors, their in-
fluence vii 87-93

[blocks in formation]
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