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towards Leicester and Sussex; « your followers catch your own humour, and must bandy and brawl in my court, and in my very presence, like so many Matamoros.-Look you, sirs, he that speaks of drawing swords in any other quarrel than mine or England's, by mine honour I'll bracelet him with iron both on wrist and ancle ! » She then paused a minute, and resumed in a milder tone, « I must do justice betwixt the bold and mutinous knaves notwithstanding. My lord of Leicester, will you warrant with your honour,—that is, to the best of your belief, that your servant speaks truth in saying he hath married this Amy Robsart?


This was a home-thrust, and had nearly staggered Leicester. But he had now gone too far to recede, and answered, after a moment's hesitation, «To the best of my belief indeed on my certain knowledge-she is a wedded wife. »

« Gracious Madam,» said Tressilian, «< may I yet request to know, when and under what circumstances this alleged marriage.»


Out, sirrah, »> answered the Queen; «< alleged marriage! Have you not the word of this illustrious Earl to warrant the truth of what his servant says! But thou art a loser-think'st thyself such at least and thou shalt have indulgence we will look into the matter ourself more at leisure.-My Lord of Leicester, I trust you remember we mean to taste the good cheer of your Castle of Kenilworth on this week ensuing we will pray you to bid our good and


valued friend the Earl of Sussex to hold company with us there. »

If the noble Earl of Sussex,» said Leicester, bowing to his rival with the easiest and with the most graceful courtesy, « will so far honour my poor house, I will hold it an additional proof of the amicable regard it is your Grace's desire we should entertain towards each other. >>



Sussex was more embarrassed I should, said he, «< Madam, be but a clog on your gayer hours since my late severe illness. »

« And have you been indeed so very ill ? » said Elizabeth, looking on him with more attention than before; «< you are in faith strangely altered, and deeply am I grieved to see it. But be of good cheer-we will ourselves look after the health of so valued a servant, and to whom we owe so much. Masters shall order your diet; and that we ourselves may see that he is obeyed, you must attend us in this progress to Kenilworth. »

This was said so peremptorily and at the same time with so much kindness, that Sussex, however unwilling to become the guest of his rival, had no resource but to bow low to the Queen in obedience to her commands, and to express to Leicester, with blunt courtesy, though mingled with embarrassment, his acceptance of his invitation. As the Earls exchanged compliments on the occasion, the Queen said to her High Treasurer, «< Methinks, my lord, the countenances of these our two noble peers resemble that of the two famed classic streams, the one

so dark and sad, the other so fair and nobleMy old Master Ascham would have chid me for forgetting the author-It is Cæsar, as I think. -See what majestic calmness sits on the brow of the noble Leicester, while Sussex seems to greet him as if he did our will indeed, but not willingly.»

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The doubt of your Majesty's favour, « answered the Lord Treasurer, « may perchance occasion the difference, which does not does? - escape your Grace's eye. >>>

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« Such doubt were injurious to us, my lord, › replied the Queen. « We hold both to be near and dear to us, and will with impartiality employ both in honourable service for the weal of our kingdom. But we will break their farther conference at present. - My Lords of Sussex and Leicester, we have a word more with you. Tressilian and Varney are near your persons will see that they attend you at Kenilworth And as we will then have both Paris and Menelaus within our call, so we will have this same fair Helen also, whose fickleness has caused this broil. Varney, thy wife must be at Kenilworth, and forthcoming at my order. - My Lord of Leicester, we expect you will look to this. »


The Earl and his follower bowed low, and raised their heads, without daring to look at the Queen, or at each other; for both felt at the instant as if the nets and toils which their own falsehood had woven, were in the act of closing around them. The Queen, however, observed

not their confusion, but proceeded to say, « My Lords of Sussex and Leicester, we require your presence at the privy-council to be presently held, where matters of importance are to be debated. We will then take the water for our divertisement, and you, my lords, will attend us. And that reminds us of a circumstance. Do you, Sir Squire of the Soiled Cassock, (distinguishing Raleigh by a smile) fail not to obyou are to attend us on our progress. You shall be supplied with suitable means to reform your wardrobe. »

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And so terminated this celebrated audience, in which, as throughout her life, Elizabeth united the occasional caprice of her sex, with that sense and sound policy, in which neither man nor woman ever excelled her.


Well, then —our course is chosen-spread the sail-
Heave oft the lead, and mark the soundings well-
Look to the helm, good master-many a shoal
Marks this stern coast, and rocks, where sits the Syren,
Who, like ambition, lures men to their ruin.

The Shipwreck.

DURING the brief interval that intervened betwixt the dismissal of the audience and the sitting of the privy council, Leicester had time to reflect that he had that morning sealed his own fate. « It was impossible for him now,» he thought, «< after having, in the face of all that was honourable in England, pledged his truth (though in ambiguous phrase) for the statement of Varney, to contradict or disavow it, without exposing himself, not merely to the loss of courtfavour, but to the highest displeasure of the Queen, his deceived mistress, and to the scorn and contempt at once of his rival and of all his compeers. >> This certainty rushed at once on his mind, together with all the difficulties which he would necessarily be exposed to in preserving a secret, which seemed now equally essential to his safety, to his power, and to his honour. He was situated like one who walks upon

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