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four hours. Mr. Furlong carries this letter, and

will bring the answer.

I am, Sir,


General, commanding, &c. &c.

Camp at Corbet-hill, half paft three o'clock, morn

ing, June 5, 1798.

General Orders iffued in confequence of the defeat at Rofs, and the maffacre at Scullabogue.

Ar a meeting of the general and several officers of the united army of the county of Wexford, the following refolutions were agreed upon:

Refolved, That the commander-in-chief shall fend guards to certain baronies, for the purpose of bringing in all men they fhall find loitering and delaying at home, or elsewhere; and if any refiftance be given to thofe guards, fo to be fent by the commanding officer's orders, it is our defire and orders, that such perfons fo giving refistance shall be liable to be put to death by the guards, who are to bear a commiffion for that purpofe; and all fuch perfons found to be fo loitering and delaying at home, when brought in by the guards, fhall be tried by a court-martial, appointed and chofen from among the commanders of all the different and be punished with death.



Refolved, that all officers fhall immediately repair to their respective quarters, and remain with their different corps, and not depart therefrom under pain of death, unless authorised to quit by written orders from the commander-in-chief for that purpose.

It is alfo ordered, that a guard fhall be kept in rear of the different armies, with orders to shoot all perfons who fhall fly or defert from any engagement; and that thefe orders fhall be taken notice of by all officers commanding fuch engagement.

All men refufing to obey their fuperior officers, to be tried by a court-martial, and punished according to their sentence.

It is alfo ordered, that all men who fhall attempt to leave their respective quarters when they have been halted by the commander-in-chief, shall suffer death, unless they fhall have leave from their officers for fo doing..

It is ordered by the commander-in-chief, that all perfons who have ftolen or taken away any horfe or horfes, fhall immediately bring in all fuch horfes to the camp, at head quarters; otherwise for horfe that fhall be seen or found in the any poffeffion of any perfon to whom he does not belong, that perfon fhall, on being convicted thereof, fuffer death:

And any goods that fhall have been plundered from any houfe, if not brought into head quarters, or returned immediately to the houses or owners, that all perfons fo plundering as aforefaid, fhall, on being convicted thercof, fuffer death.

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It is also refolved, that any perfon or perfons who fhall take upon them to kill or murder any perfon or prifoner, burn any houfe, or commit any plunder, without special written orders from the commander-in-chief, fhall fuffer death.

By order of

B. B. HARVEY, Commander-in-chief,

FRANCIS BREEN, Sec. and Adj.

Head-quarters, Carrick

burn camp, June 6,


For the fame purpose was iffued the following proclamation.


Countrymen and fellow-foldiers!


YOUR patriotic exertions in the cause of your country have hitherto exceeded your moft fanguine expectations, and in a fhort time muft ultimately be crowned with fuccefs. Liberty has raised her drooping head; thoufands daily flock to her ftandard: the voice of her children every where prevails. Let us then, in the moment of triumph, return thanks to the Almighty Ruler of the Universe, that a total stop has been put to those fanguinary measures which of late were but too often reforted to by the creatures of government, to keep the people in flavery.


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Nothing now, my countrymen, appears neceffary to fecure the conquefts you have fo bravely won, but an implicit obedience to the commands of your chiefs; for, through a want of proper fubordination and difcipline, all may be endangered.

At this eventful period, all Europe must admire, and pofterity will read with astonishment, the heroic acts achieved by people ftrangers to military tactics, and having few profeffional commanders: but what power can refift men fighting for liberty!

In the moment of triumph, my countrymen, let not your victories be tarnished with any wanton act of cruelty: many of those unfortunate men now in prison were not your enemies from principle; moft of them, compelled by neceffity, were obliged to oppofe you: neither let a difference in religious fentiments cause a difference among the people, Recur to the debates in the Irish house of lords of the 19th of February laft; you will there fee a patriotic and enlightened proteftant bishop, with manly eloquence, pleading for catholic emancipation and parliamentary reform, in oppofition to the haughty arguments of the lord chancellor, and the powerful opposition of his fellow-courtiers.

To promote a union of brotherhood and affection among our countrymen of all religious perfuafions, has been our principal object: we have fworn in the most folemn manner, have associated for this laudable purpose, and no power on earth fhall shake our refolution.

To my proteftant foldiers I feel much indebted for their gallant behaviour in the field, where they exhibited fignal proofs of bravery in the caufe.


Wexford, June 7, 1798.

These orders and proclamations were vain. The following is a letter from Bagenal Harvey to Mr. Francis Glafcott, who had written to him for his protection.


I RECEIVED your letter; but what to do for you I know not. I from my heart wish to protect all property: I can fcarce protect myfelf; and indeed my fituation is much to be pitied, and diftreffing to myself. I took my prefent fituation in hopes of doing good, and preventing mifchief, my truft is in Providence: I acted always an honeft difinterefted part; and had my advice been taken by thofe in power, the prefent mifchief would never have arifen. If I can retire to a private station again, I will immediately. Mr. Tottenham's refufing to speak to the gentleman I fent into Ross, who was madly shot by the foldiers, was very unfortunate: it has fet the people mad with rage, and there is no reftraining them. The perfon I fent in had private inftructions to propofe a


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