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he saw William Turner-he also saw William Barker, and he said to each of them are you one, William,' and both of them said, 'yes'-he unlocked the door and went in, and the captain and another man followed him-he had left his gun on the bed tester-he brought it down, the captain demanded it from him, and he delivered it to him-the captain took it out of doors, and he went and stood close to the door, but he did not go out of the door, and the captain said, 'you must go along with us'-he said he would not go, they said he must go-he had better go that night than stop till morning—that if he stopped till morning, there was a great gang coming from Sheffield, and a great cloud out of the north, which would sweep all before ithe said he would not go that night, that if he must go, he would stay till the morning—and then the captain cocked his gun, and presented it at him, and swore he would shoot him if he did not go-then he said no, no, I will not stand out, I will go a little way, but it shall not be far-before the captain threatened to shoot him, some cried out, 'damn his eyes, smite his head off;' others cried, 'let him go,' and others said, 'never mind him;' then he says the captain said they were going to Nottingham, and must be there between eight and nine o'clock, that it would not be necessary to go further than Nottingham, for London would be taken before they got there-the witness said to George Weightman, are you one,' and he said, 'yes'—he said he thought it a very hard thing to take him from that lonely place, and to leave his wife behind-he said it is to go a little way, and you may turn back again'-he says he went, and they gave him a spike like one of those on the table-he asked them to let him carry his own gun, the captain said he should not, and they gave him a spike-he went about three hundred yards with them, and then George Weightman bid him give him the pike, and he did, and got home.

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Then, upon cross-examination, he says, he cannot swear to the person of the Prisoner; he said the person was called the Captain. From the other evidence you have heard there can be little doubt who the Captain was.

Elijah Hall the elder was the next witness; he lives at Southwingfield Park. On Monday night, the 9th of June, he got home from his mill about eleven o'clock; he says his house is about a quarter of a mile from Langleymill. About ten minutes after he got home, he heard some footsteps of men, as he supposed, coming up to the door; he was alarmed at that: they asked him if any men had been there that night for guns? He told them there had he said so in order to get shut of them. They asked him whether the men had taken any away? He said, 'Yes;' and on that they went away. About five minutes after this, perhaps, a number of armed men, armed with guns and pikes, came into his yard; there were between twenty and thirty of them. He asked them what they were doing there at that time of night? They said, 'We shall not hurt you, we want fire arms.' He told them that he had no fire arms for them; they were positive that he had, and said, he had better deliver them quietly to prevent the house from being fired, and to save his own life. He was at this time on the outside of the house; he had gone out into the yard after the first party left; the door was shut and fastened after he went out, and the people told him, on the outside, he had better open the door: he told them it was not in his power to do it, being on the outside like themselves. They then proceeded to attempt to force the door open; after attempting it in vain several times, they cried out,'Captain, how must it be?' Upon this a gun was given to them through the window, by some person in the house, and the door was opened from the inside after the Captain had ordered his men to fire at it. He does not know who said, Captain, how must it be?' When they had got the gun they demanded him to go along with them; he told them he should not go. Some one of the party said he has sons; the Captain said, "if he has sons we will have them.' After the gun was given them out of the window the Captain said, if they do not open the door, fire,' and then the door was opened; the same person gave this order who had spoken to me about my sons.' They said that they wanted a bigger loaf, and

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times altering; this they said before they went into the house then about a dozen other men went into the house, the Captain was among them, Isaac Ludlam the elder, Isaac Ludlam the younger, William Ludlam, William Barker, a person they called Manchester Turner, Thomas Turner, and John Walker. He did not then know the name of the Captain; but he afterwards found that Jeremiah Brandreth was his name: he looks at the Prisoner at the bar and says that he is the man. When they were in the house the Captain said he would blow his brains out if he did not get his sons up; he told him he would not; the Captain then said, Damn your blood,' and gave him two pushes with the muzzle of his gun; the witness still refused, and then he presented the muzzle of his gun at him, and said he would blow his brains out: he still said he should not call his sons, and the Captain levelled his gun to cock it. Thomas Turner said 'you shall not,' or, 'do not.' Several then cried out, 'We will fetch them out of bed ourselves. Then the Prisoner took a candle from some one of the family and lighted it at the fire, and proceeded up stairs; several of the men attended him. He says he heard a great noise up stairs, calling for his sons, and so on; at last they brought down his son Elijah. When they brought him down he was partly dressed: they took him away. The Prisoner searched the house, and he did not find any guns there, though there were some there; his son was absent about two or three hours, and returned before it was light. He says he asked the Captain where he was going? He said 'to Nottingham.' He asked him for what? He said he believed Nottingham was taken at that time-that there was a general rising throughout the country-it was their intention to wipe off the National Debt and begin afresh.

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Elijah Hall, the younger, is next examined, he says" I was disturbed on the night of the 9th of June in my bed, I slept with my brother, there were several men came up into my room and demanded me to get out of my bed, they compelled me to get out of my bed and to go with them-I was unwilling to go but they compelled me to

go, they put a pike into my hand: we went first to Mr. Walker's, about two closes from my father's, where they got a gun and a pistol, the Prisoner commanded them; we went next to Mr. Bestwick's, we got a gun there, at these places the guns were given us by force; we went next to Samuel Hunt's, we got bread and cheese there, and Hunt himself and his man Daniel Hunt went with us; we then went to Mrs. Hepworth's, the Prisoner fired a gun there, I saw him fire it and it shot a man, I knew that man, Robert Walters, I saw him on the kitchen floor, he was Mrs. Hepworth's servant-when the man was shot I asked him how he could think of shooting the man, hẹ said he was not shot-I said, I was positive he was shothe said nothing more. We then went to Pentridge-laneend, where they got arms and men too; we next went to Pentridge, they made several attempts at different houses there for men and arms, whether they got any I do not know-I escaped from them. I heard several of the mob say that they were going to pull down the Parliament House and to break the laws the Prisoner was present when they said this, he was the Captain all the time.”

Isaac Walker, a Farmer at Southwingfield Park, in this county, says" On Monday night the 9th of June, I was disturbed about twenty minutes or half past eleven o'clock, I and my family were all in bed, I was disturbed by my dog barking and saw about forty persons in the yard, they were armed with pikes and guns, they were coming up towards the door, and they demanded a gun and a brace of pistols; I told them I had a gun but not a pistol, at length they got a gun and a pistol-I gave the pistol to the man they called the Captain."

Here closed the evidence on the first night of our meeting. Yesterday morning Mary Hepworth was called, she says" I occupy a farm in Southwingfield Park, on the 9th of June last, at night, one son, two daughters, two men-servants, and myself, were the family in the house." Gentlemen, you observe these persons are called being the persons whose houses were attacked according to the account given by the first witnesses. "My family were dis

turbed that night by a large number thundering at the door demanding my guns and servants, they were the voices of men; in consequence of that I got up and went down stairs and called out the door is not to be opened,' for I could not part with the men and guns; guns; they afterwards attacked the windows on both sides of the house, the kitchen-window towards the back of the house was broken, I did not see by whom, there were several voices; the shutters were forced into the middle of the room, and they broke the glass quite out and it fell both ways: myself, my son William, my daughter Emma, and two men-servants, Robert Fox and Robert Walters, were all in the kitchen-the people on the outside of the house said to my son William, we must have your guns and your men or we will blow your brains out;' after the window was broken they fired immediately, Robert Walters was shot dead almost instantly, he died in a few minutes after he received the wound; he was sitting down on a chair opposite the window as I thought to put on his boots, he was shot in the right side of the neck-they still went on demanding the guns."

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Gentlemen, though this atrocious murder appears in this case, it is not treason; it was impossible not to give this part of the transaction in evidence, and it would have been extremely improper if it had not been given in evidence, though the fact of the murder is not High Treason, but a different crime; yet if people pursue the object they are charged to have had in view by these atrocious means, you being charged to enquire what object they had, will perhaps more easily decide what was their real object; whether it was a temporary tumult with a view to nothing public or general against the Government, or whether it was really with a view to execute that purpose, which as it seems by the evidence the parties declared they meant. This murder is clearly proved beyond all doubt, but you are not to convict the party of High Treason because he was guilty of this murder; still, however, it is a circumstance to be taken into your consideration. She says, "When I saw the servant dead

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