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he was called, or else my father, constantly kept guard, as it were, so that my cabin could not be approached by any but themselves. A negro woman was brought on board to attend on me, and I only went on deck at particular times when my father was with me, and then there were seldom more than one or two men about. I am sure I knew little more of what was going forward in the vessel than if I had been on shore, and it was many months before I discovered the true character of the cruiser. When I did, I was very much frightened, and not without reason, for presently after, occurred more than one fight between the crew of the Vulture, my father's vessel, and the crew of a ship he had attacked."

"The Vulture?" cried Arthur. "I have heard of a pirate-vessel by that name-but I interrupt you."

"The noise of the guns," she continued, " of the shrill winds in the sails and cordage-of the splitting of the masts of the giving and receiving of orders for firing— and of the loud, impatient tramp of my father's feet on the planks over my head-I can think I hear now. It was after the second of these dreadful conflicts, that an old missionary, who had travelled many thousands of miles to spread the knowledge of his belief, and had undergone great hardships, and passed through a numberless succession of dangers, was brought from the conquered ship, in which he had been been sailing across Lake Superior, and with several persons, whom I did not see, confined in the cruiser. This remarkable old man, during a heavy gale, heard my screams, and in the confusion of the time, was allowed to pass into my cabin, where I sat on the ground almost beside myself with fear. I think, Arthur, I never can forget that old man!-his composed,

ais collected manner, the solemnity of his remarks, and the hope, which even at such a moment, when an unexpected death appalled the stoutest-hearted, beamed in his eye. He soothed me, taught me, begged me to be resigned to my Maker's will, and repeated sublime verses from the worn Bible he carried with him, addressing me in the name of God. The Scriptures I had never before thought of, and his quotations from them affected me in such a manner as I cannot describe; it was as if, in the midst of the wild roar of the elements, I had seen a glorious angel, who, lifting me from the horrors of the deep, gave me assurance of safety, and bade me be in peace. The storm over, the old man still obtained access to me occasionally, and every time he came he taught me more of myself, the world, and eternity.

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"One day he was standing on the deck, looking over the edge of the vessel, and speaking to a fellow captive, when, by some false movement, as he all at once turned his head, he was precipitated into the lake; his last words were Friend-go hence;' and the sailor to whom he had been addressing himself when he was drowned, never forgot them; he left off his bad habits, and, after being the ridicule of the rest of the crew for some time, went on shore, parted from the Vulture finally, and from all belonging to it, and settled at the bay, which lies about forty miles from this valley, in an honest way of life as a fisherman.

"The Pirate's crew, some time after, mutinied against him, and against three men next in command, and set the holds on fire, after securing to themselves the boats, filled with the riches of the vessel; but my father, who had been partly aware of the stratagem, and had been taking mea

sures to prevent its success, immediately secured the principal offenders, whereupon the rest yielded without making any opposition. When the flames began to ascend he was horror-struck, but instantly manned the boats with those seamen who had adhered to him. These were for pushing off in haste, when I flew upon deck shrieking. There I saw the most horrible spectacle that you could imagine. The mutineers were left to perish in the fire they had kindled. They prayed, they cursed. Some struggling in mad desperation, got loose. One of these jumped into the lake; one ran up the rope-ladders and fell headlong from a mast; one darted up and down the deck amidst the eddying smoke ; two others grovelled on their knees, shouting to the men in the boats for mercy, but they would not listen to them; and the rest of the mutineers, who were still bound, with shocking oaths defied God and man.

"I can recall all this; I can see the rising flames, and hear the awful clamour, then around me; I can see the boats rising and sinking on the waves but a few yards off; and can distinguish my father standing in the centre of one, holding two pistols, and threatening to shoot the seamen with him, if they would not return to the edge of the sinking Vulture to save mé-but what occurred after that is all a blank-I felt dizzy, and instantly became insensible.

“The next day I found myself in a neat bed in a cot-¡ tage, tended by the good-natured wife of the fisherman who had formerly sailed among the pirates of the Vulture... He had been fishing at a long distance from the Ottawa, having crossed Lake Nipissing, and the French. River, to Lake Huron, when a small blaze, in the distant

norizon of Huron, informed him of a ship on fire. Jacques, for that was the fisherman's name, immediately went out to the assistance of the vessel, and had nearly reached it, when it went down stern-foremost, hissing and roaring, in one unbroken sheet of flame, until the waters closed above it.


Jacques was going to return, melancholy enough, to the shore, when he saw a drowning sailor clinging to a plank with one arm, and with the other, supporting the body of a senseless girl. From Jacques' description I think this sailor must have been Toby, the old mariner whom I have remembered ever since my infancy. How he had taken me from the burning ship I cannot tell; when last I saw him he was in one of the boats. A strong billow bore away the plank, and the sailor with it, a counter wave sweeping the figure he had held in a contrary direction, close by the fishing-boat. Jacques succeeded in rescuing me from the waters, sailed back to the shore, and gave me into the charge of his wife. By these kind persons I was conveyed with care on the water to the bay where they dwelt. I remained with them for several weeks, until my father found out my place of refuge, and would have induced me to trust myself again with him in another pirate vessel, which he had by some means obtained, but I could not-dismay seized me at the thought. He then said he must compel me; but still his manner was kind.”



Very kind!" muttered Arthur.

Greatly distressed, I consulted with the wife of Jacques. She advised me to hire myself in some farm, of the district under Pastor Wilson. The idea pleased me, and I set my mind upon it, but I had no fit clothing in

which to present myself for hire; the dress which I had on when the ship went down was all my stock, and that was spoiled. In this dilemma the fisherman's wife of fered, poor as she was, to divide her scanty wardrobe with me. I became then quite hopeful of my future prospects. Jacques, with unaffected good will, undertook to guide me through the woods to the most likely settlement, accompanied by his wife's father, who had some knowledge of the persons by whom I hoped to be hired.

"The next morning early, as I was dressing, thinking of my journey, anticipating, and preparing for, the questions that might be put to me when I should reach the farm, I overheard my father and his second mate speaking beneath the window. All without and within the house was so quiet, that I could easily hear their words. A serious alarm obliged them to prepare for flight from this part of America; one of the mutineers had been saved, and had given testimony against Captain Anderson, so that the lieutenant-governor of Upper Canada had set a price upon the Pirate's life."

"Then it is as I thought," said Arthur, "this is the same renegade whom my grandfather has long been commissioned to take prisoner. But proceed."

"I next heard my father express doubts of Jacques, notwithstanding the latter had made oath on board the Vulture never to impugn any of those individuals with whom he had been connected. My father then gave directions to his mate to remove me, by force if necessary, from the cottage to the ship. I staid to hear no more. Forgetting every thing but my new hopes and my former danger, I stole in great agitation down stairs, and passing out by a back door, ran along a road which led to

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